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Issue 3 Date: September 19, 2014

September 22 1
Grade CLT

September 23 Kinder CLT

September 24 Staff Meeting
with Brenda Bailey on
Gifted Screenings
Bus Evacuation

September 25 Leadership
Team Meeting
-KICK Off Assembly
with PM assembly
-Fire Drill 2:00ish

September 26 5
Grade CLT
-Mrs. Hart in the

-Chuck-E-Cheese Night
-Possible School
Wide Picture day

September 29 4
Grade CLT

September 30 3
Grade CLT
-Back to School Night
5-6 K-2
6:30-7:30 3-5

October 1 2
Grade CLT

October 2 1
Grade CLT
- Data Day 3-5

October 3 Kinder CLT

Dates to Remember
1. I hope everyone saw the email from Dr. Walts. He has provided
us with a link to the article that he has been referring to when he
discusses homework. Please do take the time to read the article.
2. Please know that we will not have any specific PD on the 13
October here at Ellis. There are many ESOL and other content
specific trainings offered to staff. Please do reference the online
professional learning catalogue for options. Since it is a PD day,
it is expected that all staff will attend some professional growth
3. Crossroads for those that are not aware, Ellis partners with a
counseling program named Crossroads. There is a social worker
here every day to support students that qualify for services. Jen
OLooney is your point of contact for this program. If you think
you have a student that could benefit, please see Jen. You can
also talk with Adrienne as well.
Instructional Updates
A positive class climate is
filled with what has been
termed, academic optimism.
When the class physical and
emotional energy is high and
flush with hope and optimism
students try harder and enjoy
learning more.
Eric Jenson, Engaging Students with
Poverty in Mind

Issue 3 Date: September 19, 2014

Ellis has just completed its 10
year and we need
to celebrate. As a part of this celebration we will take a
whole school picture this month. We are working with
the year book company to come out and take the photo
next week. We will match the one taken in 2004! The idea
is to then hang them side by side! Please talk with your
Leadership representative for your team, as we will
discussing the options for the celebration during the

Adult Education Classes
As you know, I am thrilled that Ellis will be the
location for Adult Education Classes, but I know that
teachers are having to share their space to make this
happen. Please let me know if you have any concerns
with your room. The Adult Education staff has been very
cooperative and will work to make any accommodations
they need to. The classes are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays
and Thursdays only.

Operational Updates
Fire Drill
Thank you to the teachers in the Kindergarten hall for
unlocking your doors. I know this is hard habit to
remember, but we must practice this so that it is a routine
if there is every a real emergency.

Lesson Plans
Please dont forget to leave your lesson plans out
for Heather and me to review as we complete our walk-

PTO/Advisory Representatives
Team Leads, please dont forget that each team is to have a
representative at the PTO and Advisory team meetings. Please
refer to the committee sign-up sheet for details.

Team Leads, please ensure that your grade level is
represented on the required committees. This needs to be
completed ASAP.
3. I know that you all saw the email, but I want to say it again! CONGRATULATIONS on leaving Focus
School Status in the dust!!!! Each one of you contributed to this success! All the attention you gave to
students, the goal setting and individual support has shown in the scores. We are only going to keep moving

4. Dont forgetThank you for your attention at the staff meeting to the PGP process. These meetings
have to happen by November the 1
. Heather and I would like to have the emailed version of your PGP to us by the 17

of October. We will be meeting with staff the following week.

5. We have enough staff signed up for this class and it will happen!! Yeah We will be offering 15 hours of ESOL training to
staff this year here at Ellis. 12 hours will be offered during contract hours. Three hours will be offered after school on October 7
from 4 -7pm. The other hours will be
offered during PD days already on the Division Calendar. These classes will focus on Sheltered Instruction and co-teaching. You do not have to attend the October
class on co-teaching with ESOL students, but all staff will attend the other 12 hours of ESOL training. Please do email me, for planning purposes, if you would like to
attend the October day.

6. The CPR class will be the workday, November 3
. The class will begin at 3pm. I think that we have the 10
people minimum to have the class. Please be prepared to cover the cost for the class. Remember it is $15 for
the licensure credit and $45 for the full endorsement.

7. CLT update I want to let everyone know how much I appreciate your time and effort in regards to the
CLT process. It shows and I hope that you will be able to see the benefits very soon. Your openness and
willingness to share your thoughts and opinions is wonderful. I am learning so much about the standards
and have had so many eye opening moments. I hope you have as well.

Instructional Updates Cont

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