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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

What do you know about Mark Twain ?

1. Mark Twains real name was:

a) Cement Johnson
b) Mark Smith
c) Samuel Clemens

5. The Celebrated Jumping Frog... was

published in:
a) 1870
b) 1865
c) 1875

2. He was born in :
a) Missouri
b) California
c) Montana

6. Mark Twainss first novel was:

a) The Innocents Abroad
b) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
c) The Mississipi River

3. He first work as a:
a) printer
b) steamboat pilot
c) writer

7) After getting married, he moved to :

a) Mississipi
b) Connecticut
c) Hannibal

4. He first used his pseudonym in :

a) 1874
b) 1863
c) 1870

8. He died in:
a) 1924
b) 1900
c) 1910


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Say if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE :


Tom and Huck found some money in a cave and it made them rich.


The Widow Douglas doesnt want to adopt Huck.


Huck joins in Jims Gang.


Huck goes to school.


Hucks father returns and takes him to a cabin.


Huck lives happily with his father.


Huck cuts a hole in the wall and runs away.


Huck hides in Jackson Island and everybody thinks he is dead.


In Jackson Island Huck meets Jim who is a runaway slave.


Jim ran away because he didnt like the Widow.


Huck goes to St. Petersburg disguised as a Duke.


Some days later, Jim and Huck get lost in the fog .


Jim thinks that Huck has abandoned him.


Huck and Jim meet a real King and a real Duke.


They decide to tie Jims hands and feet, pretending that they are

taking him back to his farm.


The King and the Duke love the theatre.


They stop in a town and do a play, which is a success.


The King and the Duke try to deceive three sisters, but Huck

tells them the truth.


Jim is taken as a prisioner to Mr. Phelps farm.


Huck pretends to be Tom Sawyer.


Huck and Tom meet at Mr Phelps farm.


Tom and Huck decide to save Jim because they want him to be
a free man.


Tom is shot in the arm .


A doctor helps him and brings him to Aunt Sallys house.


Aunt Polly arrives and tells the truth to Aunt Sally.


Finally, Jim is a free man.


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Chapter 2 / 3 Answer the following questions.

1. Where did Hucks father take him to ?


2. Why did Huck run away? Where to ?


3. What did he do to pretend he had been murdered?

4. Who did Huck find ? Was he glad ? Why ?
5. Why was Jim afraid of Huck ?


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Chapter 5 Answer the folowing questions.
1. Huck disguised himself in girls clothes. Why ? Where did he go?
2. While talking to the woman near St. Petersburg, Huck made some
mistakes. Point them out.
3. The woman writes to her sister to tell her what happened. Replace
the ( informal) USA words in bold print with equal GB words from
the box below.


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


Chapter 8 Answer the following questions.

1. Who did Huck and Jim meet?
2. Who claimed to be a Duke ?
3. What about the older man? What did he say he was ?
4. What did Huck soon realize ?

5. Huck also made up a fantastic story. Why do you think he did so ?


6. How did the King manage to get some money ?

Read the following extract from the song that Jim usually sings.
Ill get a job!
Ill earn money!
Ill have a family!
Ill be a FREE MAN !

As you can see, we use WILL to imagine the future. But we also use it in
different situations. Read the following extract from a song that the people
from town sing. They are very angry with the King. They want revenge!
They say all the horrible things they want to do to him threats . We
often use WILL when we threaten someone.
Ill kill him, Ill kill him!
Ill cut off his ears
Ill teach him to treat us like this
Ill boil him in oil
Ill become his worst fears
Well tar him, well feather him
Well beat him, well leather him.
Match the words from the song with the descriptions :

We also use WILL for offers and promises

Eg. The Judge will keep Hucks money in the bank. ( Offer)
It will be safe because he is the law. ( Promise)

Now decide if these sentences use WILL to imagine the future (F), to
threaten someone (T), to make an offer (O), or to make a promise (P) .

Huck Finn will finish school. _______

The Judge told him Your money will be safe._____
Tom said I will help you at school _______
Ifyou dont behave, Huck Finn, I will punish you !_______

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


Chapter 11 Answer the following questions.

1. Why did Huck want to go to the Phelpses farm ?
2. When Huck mets Tom, why was Tom afraid of him?
3. Who did Tom and Huck pretend to be ?
4. What is Hucks plan for Jims escape?

5. Name three things that Tom puts in Jims cabin.

6. What happens to Tom during the escape ?

7. Who brings Tom to the farm ?
8. What had happened to Hucks father ?

9. Read the newspaper article and complete it.


point out






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