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The New Golden Age

Storm Moon
All material Storm Moon (2012)
Published by Nature Sirit Publi!ations
$indle edition 2012
Pre%iously ublished as &ons!ious 'i%ing in the New Golden Age
All rights reser%ed" No art o( this ubli!ation may be !oied) rerodu!ed or transmitted in
any (orm or by any means) without rior written ermission (rom the author or ublisher"
A Vision of the Future- The Priestess of Gaia
The New Spirituality
The Tribe o( the Phoeni*
The Great &ir!le
The Se%en &ore &on!ets
The Million &oloured +ainbow
The ,oy o( Physi!al -eing
.mbra!ing the /low
0ur Pla!e in the 1ni%erse
The Great Transition
2estern So!iety
The Ne*t Phase
0ther So!ieties
The Transition into .nlightenment
About The Author
Naked in the oods - A Guide to Spiritual Nudity
!ifefor"e #ar$oni"s - A New Vision of #u$an Cons"iousness
2e li%e at a i%otal time in human history) the old order o( greed and !orrution is ending
and we are entering a new golden age" This year is 2012 whi!h many belie%e mar#s the
end o( the world" 3t may be the end o( our !urrent order) but what !omes ne*t will be li#e
4ea%en on .arth by !omarison" This short boo# outlines the great transition into a new
golden age) last seen during early Atlantean times" This new so!iety) whi!h 3 !all the Tribe
o( the Phoeni*) will rise out o( the ashes o( the old order and bring us ba!# into !onta!t with
oursel%es) the .arth and ea!h other" 3n the boo# 'i(e(or!e 4armoni!s) this transition
ro!ess is des!ribed in greater detail) alongside some o( the metahysi!al and al!hemi!al
ro!esses that are o!!urring"
A Vision of the Future- The Priestess of Gaia
A tribal woman aroa!hes a blue e*traterrestrial !ra(t" She is a riestess" She is Gaia5s
reresentati%e and is about to meet a sirit being (rom a!ross the gala*y" 3n Aboriginal
Australian an!estral times this being would ha%e been !alled a 2ind6ina) a s#y god) who
wal#s down the Mil#y 2ay to hel and tea!h man#ind" She #nows this being as one o( her
sirit guides who brings mu!h lo%e and wisdom to the new .arth" 0%er the years she has
de%eloed her subtle senses enough to er!ei%e this !ra(t and the being inside"
These beings and their !ra(t ha%e been with humanity sin!e their genesis and always
wat!h o%er" 3n dense times) su!h as we are !urrently li%ing) su!h !ra(t are only seen as
brie( glimses by those momentarily sensiti%e to subtle energies" They are dis!ounted by
s!ientists and are regarded as a (ringe henomenon" They are des!ribed as 1/0s) (lying
sau!ers) balls o( light) (airies) sirits and ghosts" They e*ist on a le%el o( reality that (ew !an
e*erien!e during our !urrent order) but all will one day"
3n the time o( the riestess) eole will be able to see these subtle henomena as easily as
we see hysi!al stru!tures" They will intera!t on a le%el o( lo%e at a day to day le%el with
these beings" Some will de%elo their senses enough to board the !ra(t and be ta#en on
magni(i!ent 6ourneys a!ross the uni%erse" They will be able to ele%ate their !ellular and
thought %ibrations to su!h a le%el as to be!ome transarent to eole o( our !urrent time)
as i( ghosts" They will then see these beings and !ra(t as solid and intera!t with them
a!!ordingly" They will use their minds to !ontrol the !ra(t and tra%el in time and sa!e in the
subtle dimensions"
They may be %isiting us here e%en now) but only a (ew will ha%e the subtle sight to see
them" Most will er!ei%e only a (li!#er or a hint o( !olour out o( the !orners o( their eyes) or
erhas the (eeling o( a slight breath) or the gentlest o( tou!hes" Su!h beings are regarded
as angels in our time) but are really 6ust our des!endants and an!estors" Some eole
ali%e today may be able to e*ist at this le%el"
She is in harmony with nature and !onne!ts (ully to the natural (or!es" 2e li%e in dense
times) obsessed with time and rules and desensitisation" 2e eat hea%y (ood) listen to loud
musi!) are bombarded by images and bright !olours) and at the same time are insulated
(rom (eeling the sun on our s#in or the moss beneath our (eet" Tribal li%ing is not
retrograde) but the height o( subtlety"
Te!hnology (or our riestess is based on thought and dire!t mani(estation" She li%es a li(e
o( simle leasures and as su!h is e*tremely sensiti%e" She !an sense the ain o( a daisy
being i!#ed) she !an (eel e%ery blade o( grass beneath her (eet) e%ery drolet o( dew on
her s#in" .%erything in her world would seem li#e soa bubbles to us) but is more resilient
than the strongest o( our buildings" This meeting is one met with 6oy" 1nder a blan#et o(
stars she greets her guide and (riend" A(ter a brie( meditation !alling down the subtle
owers o( the nebulae and gala*ies) she is ready to board the blue !ra(t"
As she does so she (eels a rush o( air and a sense o( ea!e" -eing in the !ra(t is li#e being
in a bubble bath or lu*uriating on so(t sil# sheets" Ta#ing her time to meditate with the
!rystalline energies) she holds the #ey to her third eye" The !ra(t resonds by gently li(ting7
o(() li#e a (eather on the bree8e" 3t rises into sa!e and she loo#s down uon Gaia) her
home" The sunlight shines through the !ra(t) it is li#e being in a giant bubble"
4er energies are too subtle to be harmed by radiation or solar winds) but she does (eel the
gentle !aress o( the arti!le stream" The !ra(t mo%es swi(tly on) ast the Moon and dee
into sa!e" The energies rise in %ibration until the !ra(t seems to disaear totally" 3t has
entered a higher state) that o( the etheri! realm"
Together with her guide) she ilots the !ra(t through a sea o( energy" Tra%elling a!ross time
and sa!e until she rea!hes the shores o( a beauti(ul lanet" This lanet is in orbit around a
giant blue sun" She lands the !ra(t on a bea!h and slowly it !rystallises into more solid
(orm" Together they lea%e the !ra(t and use energy te!hni9ues to ground themsel%es and to
solidi(y their (orms"
This is not astral tra%el) but the ne*t le%el beyond" 3t is tra%el in mind) body and sirit" She
is totally resent and her hysi!al body !an solidi(y as mu!h as your body is solid now"
She wal#s along the sandy bea!h and rea!hes a settlement" There she meets other
hysi!al beings" They ta#e many (orms and are (rom a!ross the gala*y"
This may sound (antasti!al) but it has been done be(ore" 3n 'emurian times beings tra%elled
(rom the Pleiades to .arth in su!h a (ashion" -y Atlantean times they had begun to lose
this ability and by our time it seems li#e ure (antasy" -ut these abilities are be!oming
mani(est" There has always been a (ew who !ould do this" The di((eren!e is that in the time
o( our riestess) e%erybody !an"
The New Spirituality
As man#ind begins to see through the great de!etion and ta#e !ontrol o( his own destiny)
a new sirituality will emerge" This awa#ening is well underway and human so!iety is in
the ro!ess o( turning the !orner" All that is needed is a tiing oint in !olle!ti%e
!ons!iousness) one that we are %ery near" 0nly a small er!entage o( the world oulation
needs to be !ons!iously aware) as their !ons!iousness will resonate throughout the globe
and hel to ull man#ind out o( his siritual slumber" 3 belie%e the 2012 rohesy is really
about this tiing oint) the !riti!al mass o( !ons!iousness needed to irre%ersibly send
man#ind down an enlightened ath" My own %ision o( the new so!iety is !alled the Tribe o(
the Phoeni*"
The Tribe of the Phoeni
The Tribe o( the Phoeni* is the new so!iety whi!h will arise (rom the ashes o( the old" 3t will
!ombine the ri!hes o( tribal li%ing !lose to the earth and in tune with the sirit) with the
intelle!tual de%eloments o( the modern mind" Man#ind will redis!o%er the great gi(ts o(
sirit and li%e in harmony with all on the .arth" There will be a great re#indling o( ast
!onne!tions with beings (rom other worlds and other le%els o( reality" This new so!iety will
be both harmonious and !ohesi%e) whilst romoting indi%idual (reedom o( thought and
The Great Circle
The Tribe o( the Phoeni* is based on the great !ir!le o( interdeenden!e between
indi%iduals) the human ra!e and Gaia" The !entral hilosohy !an be summarised as
identi(ying with) ha%ing lo%e and rese!t (or) and (ostering !aring towards these three le%els
o( being:
3ndi%idual) so%ereign human beings) most imortantly onesel("
4umanity) all le%els o( so!ial organisation u to the human ra!e"
Gaia) as the lanetary !ons!iousness) the lanet itsel( and all li(e on .arth"
The Se!en Core Concepts
There are se%en !ore ideas that lead to this hilosohy) whi!h themsel%es were de%eloed
(rom the metahysi!al (ramewor# o( 'i(e(or!e harmoni!s" These !ore !on!ets are
summarised below:
The $ni!erse is enriched by our eperiences
3n the beginning the uni%erse slit itsel( into in(inite arts) all imbued with !ons!iousness)
so that it !ould enri!h and realise itsel(" This is the !ontinually bla8ing (ire that is ure 6oy"
This ro!ess o( realisation is the e%olution o( !ons!iousness"
There are #any le!els to reality
There is an in(inite number o( di((erent le%els o( reality) or dimensions) out there" 2e are
aware o( but a (ew and they are all as di((erent (rom ea!h other as hysi!al reality is to
dream reality" This adds great %ariety to the e*erien!e o( !ons!iousness enri!hment and
Physical reality is !ery precious
3t is %ery rare to be in this hysi!al reality whi!h has its own uni9ue enri!hment
oortunities" These gi(ts (rom the sour!e in!lude !ra(tsmanshi and indi%iduality"
%e are all cells in Gaia&s body
,ust as indi%idual !ells ma#e our body) we are all art o( a larger body #nown as lanet
.arth" The inorgani! ro!#s and minerals are li#e the bones and !onne!ti%e tissues; The
lants and mi!roorganisms are li#e the ma6or organs; The animals are li#e the ner%ous
system; humans are the gray matter o( the brain"
"u#anity is Gaia&s consciousness
As Gaia5s !erebral !orte*) humanity ro%ides Gaia5s mind and ersonality" She has been
aslee (or aeons and her %oi!e has only been heard in our !olle!ti%e un!ons!ious" Now
she is awa#ening and her %oi!e is be!oming !ons!ious to us" She will gently gain !ontrol o(
her mind in a similar way to meditation and indi%iduals will sontaneously realise higher
!ons!iousness" The oint at whi!h this haens is the !riti!al mass tal#ed o( in the
&elestine Prohe!y"
Gaia is part of a larger fa#ily
Gaia hersel( is but a !ell in a mu!h larger body) that o( our gala*y" As humans we ha%e
(riends and (amily) Gaia has sister lanets and (ather Sun" Gaia is a((e!ted by distant
gala*ies) star !lusters and nebulae in a similar way to whi!h we are a((e!ted by the
!onstellations and lanets" This will yield a new astrology and methods o( dee !onne!tion
with subtle energies"
Gaia opens the gateway to higher realities
3( we attune oursel%es to Gaia5s energy (ield) she will a!t li#e a giant antenna bringing in
siritual signals (rom other le%els o( reality" This will allow us to 6ourney and !ommuni!ate
with ad%an!ed beings and gain great siritual and ra!ti!al #nowledge" The last time on
.arth this haened was during the Golden Age o( Atlantis"
The 'illion Coloured (ainbow
A human being is a hub o( awareness) a di%ine sar# o( the 1ni%erse" 3ndi%idual
!ons!iousness is the means by whi!h the 1ni%erse sel(7a!tualises) grows and
understands" 4uman beings (un!tion on many le%els ranging (rom hysi!al to the highest
siritual realities" They are dynami! energy systems) intimately !onne!ted to the 1ni%erse
in a way that !hanging one art will ha%e rami(i!ations (or the whole" They do not ha%e
uni9ue) insearable !omonents) but share in a sea o( hysi!al and metahysi!al elements
that !ome together on a moment by moment basis to !reate li(e) e%er !hanging shae and
(lowing li#e water"
Ta#e the hysi!al matter that !onstitutes our bodies" .a!h atom has its own history and
has been around (or many times longer than our li(esan" Matter is rodu!ed in stars and
released in suerno%a e*losions" This matter then !ondenses into stars li#e our Sun and
lanets li#e our .arth" 2e only borrow the matter to ma#e our bodies" 2e are !ontinually
growing and regenerating) integrating new material into our bodies and e*!reting the old"
.%ery time we breathe we ta#e in billions o( new 0*ygen mole!ules and bind them to the
haemoglobin in our blood" 2e then breathe out billions o( 0*ygen atoms in the shae o(
&arbon <io*ide mole!ules) thus re!y!ling the elements within us" This haens with our
(ood as we !onstantly re!y!le and renew our bodies with new material" The body we ha%e
now is a !omletely di((erent one to the one we were born with" A!!ording to the theory o(
arti!le hysi!s) the atoms that !onstitute you now may ha%e been art o( somebody
!omletely di((erent in the ast"
This ro!ess o( renewal is not limited to the hysi!al" 2e are !onstantly intera!ting with our
en%ironment through our senses and our subtle energy bodies" These too are renewed"
0ur mind itsel( is a !ontinual ro!ess) li#e a burning !am(ire" 2hat it gi%es out relates to
the (uel that it burns" The (uel in!ludes ast memories) thoughts) sensory e*erien!es and
subtle energy intera!tions" 4ow many o( our thoughts are truly our own=
2e ta#e hysi!al (orm to e*erien!e searateness" Mu!h o( our reality and what we de(ine
as our sel%es is !reated by the (un!tioning o( the hysi!al body" The intelle!t is (ormed by
the higher (un!tioning o( our !erebral !orte*" <esire (or (ood) se*) se!urity is !reated by our
sur%i%al instin!ts in our retilian art o( our brains" Abo%e all) it is our senses intera!ting
with the 1ni%erse whi!h de(ines our e*isten!e) our belie(s and our sense o( sel(" 3n essen!e
it is the ro!ess o( er!etion that gi%es rise to !ons!iousness" /or e*amle) ta#e a tree) it
has a hysi!al (orm that re(le!ts sunlight in a !ertain way" This sunlight enters our eyes and
intera!ts with the !ells in our retinas whi!h in turn send a signal to the brain" 2e then
er!ei%e an image whi!h we interret as a tree) whi!h leads to a !as!ade o( thoughts)
emotions and 6udgements) an inner dialogue whi!h !reates !ons!iousness" This ro!ess is
me!hanisti! in nature and is a natural art o( a hysi!al e*isten!e" All li(e (orms) animals)
lants) eole) ta#e art in this ro!ess and the !omle*ity o( their ner%ous systems
di!tates how this ro!ess un(olds" This is not howe%er the !omlete story) as there is more
to li(e than the me!hanisti!"
&ons!iousness may be !reated by the ro!ess outlined abo%e) but who is !ons!ious= 3t is
the 1ni%erse itsel( that is !ons!ious through your eyes" This !ons!iousness is the real you)
it is your li(e(or!e) your sirit) your soul" This !ons!iousness is both one and undi%ided and
searate at the same time" This searate ase!t is what we !all our soul" 3t is searate in
the way a dro is searate (rom the o!ean) still art o( the o!ean and originally (rom the
o!ean) indeed will one day return to the o!ean" This searation is maintained by our own
sense o( sel() the stronger that is the more stable and de(inable is our soul"
.a!h thought) memory and er!etion we ha%e has a dee e((e!t on the sense o( sel( we
!reate) and has reer!ussions throughout our hysi!al and energeti! bodies" This then
e((e!ts how we thin# and a!t) whi!h radiates out in a rile attern to a((e!t those around
us) and the e%ents o( the !ountry) and the state o( our star system) and the 1ni%erse itsel("
.a!h tiny intera!tion layers one on to o( another to (orm an indes!ribably intri!ate web)
and ea!h mo%ement we ma#e and breath we ta#e daily is !hanging and rewea%ing this
2e !an !hoose how to de(ine oursel%es" 2e !an !hoose our own soul and !ontinually
!reate it) shae it and e*and it" 1n(ortunately as we are art o( a so!iety that !are(ully
!onditions us) our souls are !onstrained within its limitations" Ta#e the rainbow) we all #now
it has se%en !olours and !an oint them out easily" The rainbow is in (a!t a !ontinuous
se!trum o( light with limitless !olours" 2e !an !hoose to ha%e a se%en7!oloured rainbow
or a million7!oloured rainbow"
So!iety !onditions us !are(ully (rom birth" /irstly it ma#es us (eel guilty about our bodies
and natural desires" 3t ma#es us (eel dirty and de(iled" 2e learn we !an only gain
a!!etan!e by (ollowing rules and utting others) su!h as arents and tea!hers abo%e our
own intuiti%e #nowledge) and by denying our bodies" Many o( us when we get older ha%e
!reated destru!ti%e atterns) buried dee in our sy!hes" These atterns lead us on a ath
o( sel( debasement and hatred at a sub!ons!ious le%el" This guilt and shame leads us to
unish oursel%es" 2e !ontinually (ind oursel%es in negati%e situations) relationshis) money
and 6obs and !annot understand why" The atterns) or ruts) run on an endless loo as we
see# to sub!ons!iously unish oursel%es (or our er!ei%ed diaboli!al beha%iour"
A so!iety that li%es by these rules will e%entually deteriorate into greed and sel(ishness" As
our atterns lay out we do not see our di%ine sel%es and su((er (rom deression and
indulgen!e" 4edonism be!omes our new god" 2e e*ist merely to e*erien!e leasure) an
ironi! twist to the original use o( the senses" 3nstead o( growing and re(ining our senses to
more subtle) metahysi!al le%els) we re9uire more and more stimulation" 2e turn to !y!le
o( abuse) drugs) al!ohol) se* and (ood" 2e re9uire o%erload to (un!tion) !ontinual loud
musi!) garish suermar#ets and ornograhy"
This is what has haened to the western !i%ilisation" Guilt ridden and (eeling dee shame
about our bodies) we indulge our senses and be!ome insensiti%e to our (ellow humans)
animals and our lanet" 2e wage wars insired by greed) we (arm and torture animals and
destroy natural resour!es) insired by our insatiable aetites" 2e do not noti!e the
destru!tion) rain (orests) animals) human rights abuses) millions star%ing" 3( we stoed (or
one moment to distra!t oursel%es) we may hear the %oi!e o( our atterns" 3t would tell us
that we are greedy and disgusting and we try our best to ro%e it right"
These atterns are here merely to !ontrol us" They ha%e no substan!e and !an be wied
out" They are based on a lie and i( we on!e see the reality o( our li%es and our souls they
would !ease to be" 2e would again ta#e leasure in simle things and (eel a sense o( awe
and wonder at the night s#y" 2e would see our bodies as beauti(ul and wonder(ul temles
(or our souls" 2e would see our li(e as a !ontinually growing (ire o( 6oy) a (ore%er deeening
e*erien!e o( the 1ni%erse and as a di%ine sar# loo#ing (or understanding"
The )oy of Physical *eing
&'t is not the "ontent that is i$portant( it is the pro"ess)*
2hen we are born into a hysi!al body we learn how to hold a (orm" 2e !annot hold this
(orm (or long at (irst) so re9uire lots o( slee so our soul !an tra%el ba!# to the sirit realm"
As we learn to hold this (orm and be!ome a!!ustom to hysi!ality) we need less slee"
This is why babies slee (or most o( the time) whilst the aged !an sur%i%e on %ery little
The (orm we ta#e !an %ary wildly) it !an be anything hysi!al) a ro!#) a tree) a mountain) an
animal) a (ish) a bird or a swarm o( bees" .%erything in the hysi!al world is ali%e as su!h
and !ontains a soul that is learning" A soul !hooses to learn and may go ba!# and learn
other lessons) so don5t be surrised to (ind %ery old and ad%an!ed souls in the humblest o(
'earning is not as in the a!ademi! sense" All the #nowledge o( the 1ni%erse is a!!essible
to those who are ad%an!ed enough on the siritual lane" Nothing is lost at death)
Sha#eseare5s lays) .instein5s theories) Pi!asso5s masterie!es" All are !ontained in the
%ast energeti! store o( #nowledge and e*erien!e resent on the astral lanes" .%en i( the
.arth should be destroyed and e%ery hysi!al !rumb o( human #nowledge burned to
ashes) nothing is lost o( the e*erien!e and #nowledge) masterie!es and musings"
2hat is lost is (ar more %aluable" 2hat is lost is a rare and beauti(ul hysi!al realm) a
lanet 6ust the right si8e) 6ust the right distan!e (rom a suitable star) with 6ust the right
attributes (or li(e to e%ol%e" Souls o( !ourse o!!uy other hysi!al realms) the ro!#s on the
Moon) the dust7storms on Mars) the stars themsel%es) but they do not ha%e li(e" 'i(e) as
de(ined by s!ien!e) has !hara!teristi!s that ma#e learning (or souls mu!h ri!her" This is
due to the senses and the resen!e o( a hysi!al body that a!ts as a !rystallisation oint
(or !ons!iousness"
The learning tal#ed o( here is that o( e*erien!e) that o( solidity and %ulnerability that
!omes (rom ha%ing a hysi!al body" 3n the sirit realm a soul !an go where%er it li#es in
time and sa!e) it !an ta#e whate%er (orm it li#es (rom a ball o( energy) a !onstru!t o(
thought) through to humanoid and animal shaes) with e%ery ossible %ariation in between"
3t !an merge with other souls and the 1ni%erse) it !an e%en !hoose to diserse !omletely"
3t does not ha%e needs as does a hysi!al body) needs (or (ood) air) water) se!urity)
warmth" 3t is relati%ely indestru!tible and !an shae7shi(t endlessly to !reate its own reality"
3t !an !hange its en%ironment through thought) it !an e*erien!e le%els o( e!stasy and
oneness hysi!al beings !an only begin to dream o(" 3t is %ulnerable though) %ulnerable to
stagnation) to disersal and most o( all to !on(usion o%er a sense o( sel("
This sense o( a searate sel( is a hallmar# o( a hysi!al body" A body is an indeendent
agent that has many needs in order to sur%i%e" 3t oerates through its hysi!al senses and
be!omes grounded in the hysi!al en%ironment) whi!h it !annot !hange so easily" -eing in
a hysi!al body tea!hes a soul sel(hood" 3t tea!hes it boundaries) sel( and other) %ery hard
and de(ined boundaries" 3t tea!hes it searateness in thought and e*erien!e" 3t tea!hes it
to !reate a sel(7image) as a hysi!al being sees itsel( as its hysi!al li#eness) one that
stays with the being and !hanges as the body !hanges"
3t also tea!hes the soul how to !reate an inner (orm" This is the organisation o( thoughts)
emotions) ar!hetyes) metahysi!al elements and !onstru!ts that ma#e the sy!he o( the
soul" This is taught by the ro!ess o( a !hild growing u and learning about the world) itsel(
and its la!e in the s!heme o( things" A erson de%elos interests and a !areer) learns
what it is to be li#e to be a mother) (ather) son) daughter) lo%er) loner" 3t de(ines its inner
reality by its outer e*erien!es" This ro!ess !an be ain(ul) (ire burns) all hysi!al bodies
die) and are rone to diseases) hunger) thirst) and the emotional ain o( searation"
.9ually so) the ro!ess !an be e!stati!" Se* is an analogy o( sirit bonding) where two or
more sirits merge in a latoni! (ashion) to gi%e energy and lo%e" 0n the hysi!al lane se*
lets us !ome as !lose as we !an to another being) and tea!hes us our most intimate
boundaries) it tea!hes us how to relate to other beings) it also tea!hes the sadness o(
searation) anger and 6ealousy" 3t turns us uside7down and (or!es us to rede(ine
2e also learn about atien!e and !ra(tsmanshi" 3n the astral lane we !an ma#e what we
want) instantly and er(e!tly) a!!ording to our design" 0n the hysi!al lane we must learn
how to use our bodies in order to rodu!e things" 4umans are %ery adet at this) and this is
one o( the main reasons souls be!ome human" They !an learn mu!h about de(ining
themsel%es and holding a (orm in other modes o( hysi!al e*isten!e" They may learn about
the elements by being a lant or a stone) they may learn (ear and e!stasy through being an
animal" They may !hoose to learn these lessons be(ore) or a(ter a human in!arnation) or
not at all"
Many souls !hoose to return to the human realm time a(ter time to er(e!t !ra(tsmanshi"
This !an be in a !on%entional sense) su!h as a ainter or a !arenter) or !an be the
mastery o( writing a no%el) or intelle!tual ursuits) or it !an e%en be the mastery o( healing
or siritual ursuits) su!h as Tai &hi or training their %oi!e to sing in a !hoir"
The roblem is most eole do not #now why they are hysi!al" They do not remember
!hoosing to !ome here and they do not remember why they !ame" They then send a
great deal o( %aluable time and energy trying to (igure out the answers to these 9uestions"
Sometimes they gi%e u) sometimes they des!end into desair" Many don5t #now why they
are here and don5t e%en seem to !are) indulging in hedonisti! ursuits" All these eole will
learn something) as it is the hysi!al li(e ro!ess itsel( they ha%e !ome to e*erien!e"
'earning in a !on%entional sense does not aly) what matters is the s!hool o( li(e" 2hat
matters is !reating and e*anding a sense o( sel() be!oming adet) shaing %ital energy in
a slow and imer!etible ro!ess) li#e the a!tion o( water bu((ing 6agged ro!#s into smooth
Physi!al li(e is %aluable) %ery %aluable" 4uman li(e is %ery rare and e*tremely %aluable) li#e
(inding a diamond in the mud" There are !ountless souls in the 1ni%erse) there are
relati%ely (ew hysi!al lanes (or these souls to inhabit) most inhabit the astral lanes and
higher in energeti! (orm" This is a mirror to the hysi!al 1ni%erse) most is energy but there
is only a small amount o( matter" /or a lanet to !ontain li(e in any (orm is rare) but (or
intelligent li(e to e%ol%e is a mira!le"
3t is art o( the resonsibility o( humanity to grow and e%ol%e) to rea!h out (or the stars and
inhabit other lanets" This will in!rease the number o( human bodies (or souls to inhabit"
Man#ind also has a resonsibility to the lanet) the sirit o( Gaia) to a!t as her guardians
and wor# with her energies and the many other souls that li%e with her" 2e are the lu!#y
ones) as the human soul grou li%es !losely with the lanet .arth and human souls are
reeatedly born into human bodies) i( they so wish" There are great masses) trillions o(
souls) !ountless and more numerous than stars in the 1ni%erse) many ne%er get the
!han!e to be!ome hysi!al"
+#bracing the Flow
4umanity is undergoing a great transition) a trans(ormation into a new so!iety" This so!iety
will be tribally based and eole will li%e in small !ommunities) or %illages) in harmony with
nature" The seeds are already srouting as eole turn away (rom emty materialism and
!hea mass entertainment and 9uestion their e*isten!e"
As human !ons!iousness !onne!ts with Gaia there is a natural rogression to this new
state" Some !all it the +ainbow Tribe) some !all it Shambala) and yet others !all the
ro!ess the as!ension" 2or#s su!h as the &elestine Prohe!y des!ribe this in detail) and
there are other (ilms and boo#s) both (i!tion and non7(i!tion) a%ailable today whi!h oint to
the greater otential o( humanity and the wisdom o( our an!estors" 3t has been suggested
that only a small number o( eole) erhas e%en as low as >?) need to be wor#ing (rom
this osition o( higher !ons!iousness to !ause a !as!ade) and this grou o( eole
rea!hing the new !ons!iousness is what the &elestine Prohe!y re(ers to as a !riti!al
This !riti!al mass is %ery near and there is a tangible !hange in the energies" Peole are
getting together in grous and on the 3nternet in ways ne%er e*erien!ed be(ore"
Pre%iously ragmati! eole are oening u to !on!ets su!h as angels) the siritual
reality and the (a!t that you !reate your own reality"
0ne o( my sirit guides) An!had) is (rom this (uture so!iety and hels me to understand the
trans(ormation" Peole (eel a need to be !lose to the .arth) this is a natural need as it is
through the .arth that we !onne!t with sirit" 2e are to Gaia as our !ells are to us" 2e are
art o( a mu!h greater whole) a li%ing lanet with intelligen!e beyond our !omrehension"
As we !onne!t with her) we e*erien!e her ower and great lo%e" &onne!tion and harmony
with Gaia is the (irst stage in the !reation o( this new so!iety"
2e treat tribal !ultures as simle eole) but it is these tribes who hold the real #ey) it is
they who li%e in harmony with Gaia and treat her with rese!t" 0ur an!estors and the
nati%e tribes o( this world o(ten ha%e sy!hi! and siritual #nowledge whi!h is (ar beyond
that o( 2estern so!iety at this stage in our e%olution" This is a humbling) but liberating
message (or modern man) who has ride in his @high5 te!hnology and li(estyle"
As we e%ol%e to a tribal way o( li%ing) in harmony with Gaia and ea!h other) we will not be
li%ing in the dar# ages" 2e will learn the new s!ien!e and use the new te!hnology based
on thought and lo%e) (ar more ad%an!ed and sa(er than our !urrent te!hnology" 2e will
re!ei%e healing (ar more ower(ul than orthodo* medi!ine) we will ha%e unlimited
sustainable energy) we will ha%e nutritious (ood and e!ologi!al housing" 2e will use this
te!hnology to reair the e((e!ts o( lanetary abuse) restoring the o8one layer) sa(ely
disosing o( nu!lear waste and re(oresting the lungs o( the .arth"
This re%olution will allow eole to tra%el to la!es and in ways they ha%e ne%er dreamed"
3t will romote insiration and sel(7e*ression) !ommuni!ation with other realms o(
e*isten!e and a sense o( !onne!tedness and 6oy beyond our !urrent abilities to
2e will again be roud o( our bodies and be (ree and oen" 2e will deely and intimately
!onne!t with nature" 3t will be tribal li%ing with the te!hnology o( Atlantis" 2e must hold this
%ision) as we !reate what we intend" The more eole who do so) the stronger the !reati%e
(or!e" Many religions and !ultures tal# o( this la!e) and my guides re(er to it as @The Tribe
o( the Phoeni*5) as it rises (rom the ashes o( western so!iety"
.mbra!ing the (low is as simle as !onne!ting" &onne!ting through meditation A
6ourneying) through ritual) through !ommuning with li#e7minded eole" There is a wealth
o( siritually uli(ting material a%ailable to hel you on your 6ourney: stay !entred in light)
and learn what mo%es you) what sea#s to you" Together we !an ma#e this haen and be
!om(orted that there is higher intelligen!e behind us all the way) Gaia) sirit guides) our
an!estors) the 1ni%erse) God) the Goddess) Great Sirit B whate%er you wish to !all it" 2e
are in the ro!ess o( a great transition) one that is now ine%itable and ea!h one o( us has a
role to lay"
,ur Place in the $ni!erse
3n the beginning there was sour!e energy that wished to realise itsel(" 3t slit itsel( u into
in(inite arts ea!h imbued with !ons!iousness" These arts aggregated together at many
di((erent le%els rodu!ing many lanes o( reality" .a!h lane has its own uni9ue
!hara!teristi!s and allows the uni%erse to e*erien!e itsel( as a @!ontinually growing (ire
that is ure 6oy5" 0ne o( these lanes is the hysi!al lane to whi!h we are all (amiliar" To
be born as a human in the hysi!al lane is a rare ri%ilege) and this lane has many le%els
o( reality" This is best e*ressed as s!ale" At the smallest le%el is energy) then atoms)
mole!ules) !ells) organisms) the lanet) the solar system) the gala*y and on and on unto
the hysi!al uni%erse itsel(" .a!h le%el has its own set o( rules and !ons!iousness) and is a
world in itsel("
Man#ind is art o( the lane #nown as Gaia" 3( we %iew the lanet as an organism we will
see it has !ertain anatomi!al stru!tures" The stones) minerals and inorgani! material)
whi!h !omose the %ast ma6ority o( our lanet) are li#e the !onne!ti%e tissues) bone)
mus!le and !artilage" This gi%es stru!ture to the lanet" The mi!ro7organisms and lants)
whi!h !omrise the largest se!tion o( biologi!al li(e) are the ma6or organs) s#in) heart)
lungs) digesti%e tra!ts) et!" These gi%e the lanet li(e" The animals are as the ner%ous
system) whi!h allows it to resond to stimuli and de%elo a rudimentary !ons!iousness and
rudimentary (eelings" /inally) man#ind) whi!h only (orms a (ra!tion o( the li(e on the lanet)
is the grey matter) the !erebral !orte*" Man#ind ro%ides the higher (un!tioning) the
reasoning) the !ons!iousness) the ersonality o( Gaia" 3t is through us that the sirit o( Gaia
is mani(est" 3t has been through our !olle!ti%e un!ons!ious as she has been aslee) but
now she awa#ens and enters into our !olle!ti%e !ons!iousness" As indi%iduals and as a
so!iety we breathe her sirit" 0ur e*erien!es) our 6oys and sorrows are hers" ,ust as any
enlightened indi%idual will) Gaia will bring us into line) allowing us our ersonal (reedom
and en!ouraging us to li%e our bliss) but she will re%ent us (rom harming her) or oursel%es)
6ust as a mother would a !hild" The !hallenges (or li%ing a hysi!al e*isten!e are many) but
may be summarised by the (ollowing"
.*erien!ing indi%iduality and searateness"
4olding (orm (or long eriods o( time"
Mastery o%er the hysi!al elements and ultimately our own energy by li%ing an e*isten!e
!onditioned by hysi!al nature) i"e" the need (or (ood and shelter) the de%eloment o(
sur%i%al s#ills and ultimately !ra(tsmanshi"
This !ra(tsmanshi is our bliss) as ea!h o( us has a uni9ue talent to de%elo during our
li%es" This talent brings us great 6oy and satis(a!tion and enri!hes all o( humanity and Gaia
hersel(" /inding our talents and li%ing them is to gain mastery o( our li%es"
As Gaia awa#ens humanity awa#ens" 2e are entering a new era) an era o( !o7oeration)
o( lanetary resonsibility) o( indi%idual siritual de%eloment" 2e are resonsible (or
oursel%es) human#ind and the lanet" 2e will wor# together to (orm a new world7order) one
based on sirit and dire!ted by Gaia hersel(" As we !onne!t to her we bring her out o( her
slumber and she resonds by !onne!ting us to a mu!h bigger uni%erse" The lanets are
her brothers and sisters) the Sun her (ather" The Gala*y is her lo!al !ommunity and is (illed
with mu!h bigger) older and wiser beings than we ha%e e%er !on!ei%ed" As she awa#ens
we 6oin this Gala!ti! !ommunity) we gain the ability to !onne!t to the subtle energies o(
gala*ies) stars and nebulae and are in(luen!ed by more than 6ust the 8odia!" She a!ts li#e
a giant antenna bringing in signals (rom a!ross the lanes o( time and sa!e) a!ross the
lanes o( e*isten!e" The last time she was awa#e was during Atlantis) and in an energeti!
sense) Atlantis is rising on!e more"
The Great Transition
%estern Society
At the resent moment) 2estern so!iety has entered a state o( de!line" This may seem to
be wholly negati%e) but is in (a!t art o( a mu!h larger ro!ess" Many religions see this
stage as the terminal stage o( !ontemorary so!iety and !ite the so!ial de!line" This may
be so) but it is a ne!essary ste in human e%olution" The human e%olution 3 sea# o( here
is the human se!ies e%olution) although the indi%idual erson is a re(le!tion o( this" 3t !an
be seen (rom many di((erent le%els; as a great e%il that be9ueaths man#ind; as a sy!ho7
siritual disease o( the se!ies; as a ste in the e%olution o( the se!ies or as art o( a
dynami! whole whi!h is itsel( er(e!tion" The le%el deends uon your erse!ti%e) all are
%alid obser%ations) but the whole may be understood better by la!ing ea!h o( these
erse!ti%es into a higher (ramewor#" 3n this way you will get the !omlete i!ture in mu!h
the same way as many %iews o( a building allow a !omlete erse!ti%e o( its ar!hite!ture"
3 will des!ribe these (our erse!ti%es in turn so that a !omlete i!ture may be built u"
The best #nown o( these %iews is that o( Armageddon (rom the -ible) that is the (inal
destru!tion o( the human se!ies" 3n many religions this idea is also adoted) but there is
usually an es!ae !lause (or the (ollowers" 3( you ta#e a good loo# at !ontemorary so!iety
you !an see this to be true" There is in!reasing !rime) homelessness) drug abuse et!"
There is mu!h aathy and many eole lead shallow and meaningless li%es" There is
dissatis(a!tion with the !urrent world order but with no alternati%e dire!tion" 3t loo#s %ery
mu!h li#e Armageddon and nobody wishes to ta#e on the tas# o( renewal" The &hristian
%iew in +e%elations may be a %ery a!!urate des!rition o( the situation with CThe -eastC
!losing in (or world domination"
The ne*t %iew is that o( a sy!ho7siritual disease o( the human se!ies" This ta#es the
%iew that humanity is si!# and is in the terminal stages o( the illness" /rom this stage there
are three ossible out!omes;
<eath o( the se!ies; !ontinuation o( the !urrent situation without any !hange and
re!o%ery" 3llness !an be loo#ed uon as a ne!essary lesson whi!h needs to be learned" 3n
many indi%iduals) a serious disease has lead to li(e !hanging e*erien!es" These !an be
ma6or siritual understandings) su!h as in many Near <eath .*erien!es (N<.s) (-rin#ley)
1DDE) or 6ust a !hange in li(estyle" Perhas humanity as a whole has a lot to learn (rom
this disease" Perhas humanity will re7emerge a(ter re!o%ery as a highly siritual
The third %iew is that this situation is a ste in the e%olution o( the human se!ies" ,ust as
a !hild must learn about the world around him) sometimes with ain(ul results) so must the
se!ies" The story o( learning about the nature o( (ire by being burnt is at here" 3( this is a
ste in the e%olution o( man#ind) what is the lesson= 3s it a lesson at all= 3t !ould be the
analogy o( immunisation) a sort o( ne!essary ste" 3t !ould also build u on re%ious
lessons in the way a !urri!ulum does" 'i#e in s!ien!e) things are e*lained in simlisti!
terms and then aarently !ontradi!ted at a deeer le%el" 3n any !ase) this erse!ti%e
sees humanityCs !urrent situation as a stage in the e%olutionary ro!ess o( a se!ies"
The (inal le%el is that o( the integrated whole" 4ere there is no time) so the se!ies e*ists
at all le%els whi!h !ome together to (orm a synergy" This is the siritual identity o(
humanity and !ontains e%erything) all the hoes and dreams) all the a!9uired e*erien!e o(
the se!ies" 0( !ourse the se!ies is a re(le!tion o( e%ery member and e%ery member
re(le!ts the se!ies" So it is what it is to be human) or ut another way) the er(e!tion o(
the e%olution o( the !ons!iousness in human (orm"
This brings us to the ne*t stage" 4a%ing brie(ly outlined the (our erse!ti%es) with a
deliberate non7!omarisatory tone) we !an mo%e on to the meaning behind it" 3 will start o((
by !omaring the %iews to (orm a dynami! stru!ture) one in whi!h we !an build uon" As in
the rest o( 'i(e(or!e 4armoni!s) the indi%idual art re(le!ts the whole" 3t is ne!essary to
simli(y e%erything to distin!t stes) then the ro!ess !an be seen (lowing with !larity"
3( we e*amine the Armageddon %iew) we !an see it is li#e the tail end o( a disease) the
Chealing !risisC" 3t is not the last ste in the e%olutionary ro!ess) but a %ital art o( it" The
CbeastC re(erred to in &hristianity !ould be the disease o( modern so!iety" This disease is
no more than the lesson in the e%olutionary ro!ess and (rom the ultimate standoint) is
art o( er(e!tion" 3n other words man must own his shadow as he has to learn (rom it) it is
not C.%ilC) it is 6ust art o( the ro!ess" 3n this way the se!ies must also own its shadow" At
the (irst le%el human so!iety is as it is as a result o( its Ce%il a!tsC; at the se!ond le%el
humanity is diseased) the !ause o( the disease is not Ce%ilC but no7the7less unleasant"; at
the third le%el humanity is undergoing a learning ro!ess) there is no e%il or diseases) 6ust
lessons; at the (inal le%el there are no lessons) 6ust er(e!tion"
4a%ing an understanding o( the di((erent %iews) we !an now e*amine the !urrent human
redi!ament in more detail" 3t will be best to e*amine this in terms o( a disease and
e%olution) the other two %iews will not yield a rodu!ti%e analysis" This is be!ause they are
e*tremes" The (irst %iew will only show the su((ering in%ol%ed and not the !auses or
lessons" The (inal %iew is er(e!tion and (ully integrated) there are no lessons or su((ering
3( we %iew so!ieties redi!ament as a disease we need to #now three things; The !ause)
the e((e!ts) and the !ure (or out!ome)" 2e already #now what the e((e!ts are) su((ering)
aathy) disintegration et!" The !ause o( humanityCs !urrent redi!ament !ould be age old
greed" 3n the story o( The Garden o( .den) Adam ate the ale (rom the tree out o( greed"
This is the remise we will wor# (rom (or this %iewoint" Fou !an see how lust (or ower)
material wealth and te!hnology has led to manCs !urrent situation" 3( we assume that
be(ore this greed arose) there was harmony) the se!ies a!ted as a whole and there was
no (ighting or su((ering" Then the greed arose bringing slits as indi%iduals de%eloed
egos" They started (ighting one and other and e*loiting their resour!es"
This has lead to modern so!iety" There is no !ohesion it is a situation o( Ce%ery man (or
himsel(C" 0ur so!iety is built on the rules o( !on(li!t) we) as indi%iduals are !onditioned to
be greedy and !ometiti%e" 2e are 6udged on material wealth and ower" The ego rules
the roost" The world does indeed seem to ha%e gone mad) in6usti!e) arti(i!ial) de!aying"
This is the endoint o( ego !ons!iousness) whi!h was built out o( greed" So many o( man5s
endea%ours seem to be attemts to la!ate the su((ering he has got himsel( into" Thin# o(
it) all ma6or ad%an!es are a result o( an attemt to sto this su((ering" Things are in%ented
to Cma#e our li%es easierC) or to Cgi%e us something to do in our sare timeC" There you ha%e
it) an attemt to sto the su((ering and an attemt to hide (rom it" 2e su((er be!ause we
are searate) our egos) whi!h were 6ust inter(a!es between the inner and outer worlds now
demand la!ation" 2e sense we are in!omlete but do not #now what to do about it" The
se!ies is (ragmented and we (ear (or our li%es" This is what has !aused our !urrent
The !ure (or our redi!ament is to let go o( our greed and !ome together as a se!ies"
The su((ering is getting so great that we !annot la!ate it any longer" As the so!iety
(ragments) a new mo%ement emerges"
That mo%ement is that o( regret and !ontrition" 2e are sorry (or what we ha%e done and
wish to !hange) we wish to be whole again" This wish is what will dri%e the (ormation o( our
new so!iety" .%ery ma6or religion tells o( @the time o( re!#oningC) when all will be 6udged
and the good will be allowed entry into hea%en" This hea%en is on earth and is a!!essible
to all whom wish to be there" 3t is the !ure (or so!ietyCs greed) but those who are still
greedy will not be able to enter" This is not due to di%ine inter%ention) but rather that this
hea%en is a state o( mind) the !olle!ti%e se!ies !ons!iousness re!o%ering (rom its 10)000
year Cgreed related illnessC" Those who are still greedy bar themsel%es due to wishing to be
in !harge) they !annot submit their state o( mind" So (rom the erse!ti%e o( a disease it is
9uite simle" /irst e%erything was 0$) then there was greed) this lead to the sy!hosis
whi!h !an be !ured by gi%ing u the greed that !aused it" 3t is a bit li#e oisoning) this too
is re(le!ted in the story o( the Garden o( .den" 4ere Adam ate the oisoned ale (arising
o( greed)) this lead him to be !ast out o( hea%en and to be!ome mortal (arising o( ego
!ons!iousness)) a(ter he realised his nature was that o( God (sel( awareness)" 4e will
e%entually be!ome !ured by gi%ing u the greed" This is the disease erse!ti%e" Fou
may as#) 2hy= 2hat was the oint o( it all= Many eole thin# in this way about diseases"
<iseases !an be %iewed as lessons in an e%olutionary ro!ess" 3n the !on(ines o( ego
!ons!iousness it is imossible to see) but (rom a higher erse!ti%e it ma#es er(e!t
sense" 3t is to the e%olutionary erse!ti%e we now turn to (or a slightly di((erent a!!ount o(
the situation"
The third %iewoint is that o( humanities !urrent situation as one ste) or lesson) in its
sy!ho7siritual e%olution" 3 use the word lesson be!ause it is sy!ho7siritual) where the
main ase!t is !ons!iousness" There are other e%olutionary athways !urrently underway
(or the human se!ies" The best #nown o( these is biologi!al e%olution" The tas# at the
moment is to des!ribe the sy!ho7siritual e%olution ro!ess and how this e*lains manCs
!urrent situation"
3( we go ba!# to our Cgarden o( .denC analogy) Adam was not e%il) but merely e%ol%ing" The
serent was the mani(estation o( sel( awareness) or the idea o( be!oming sel( aware" The
tool (or ro%iding sel( awareness was !alled greed in the re%ious se!tion) this is a negati%e
attribute" 3n this se!tion we will see that greed is not the same as we were re%iously told"
Greed is the shi(t o( un7di((erentiated !ons!iousness into the indi%idualCs !ons!iousness" 3t
is the mo%ement o( the ego) the inter(a!e between inner and outer worlds) into the !entre o(
!ons!iousness" 3n other words it is the ro!ess o( be!oming sel( aware" 2ith sel(
awareness !omes a ri!e) inse!urity" This inse!urity mani(ests as a wish to be!ome one
with the !olle!ti%e !ons!iousness and is in oosition to the e%olution o( the ego" 0ne
(eels %ulnerable and !omensates by a!!ruing material ossessions and ower" This
%ulnerability is the su((ering mu!h tal#ed o(( in religious !ir!les) this gi%es rise to greed)
whi!h attemt to sal%e the su((ering" So there is the ro!ess o( the arising o( greed) or to
ut it another way) the shi(ting o( !ons!iousness into the ego"
4a%ing des!ribed the ro!ess) we must now turn to the 9uestion) why= To !on%entional
understanding the whole ro!ess was a big mista#e resulting in su((ering) greed) anger
(due not to being able to sal%e the su((ering) and delusion (due to losing the ability to see
things (rom another erse!ti%e)" The e%entual out!ome o( this ro!ess seems to be so!ial
de!line and e%entual Armageddon" /rom the standoint o( the e%olutionary erse!ti%e)
howe%er) this is not so" This e%olutionary erse!ti%e mirrors a human li(e" 3n the
beginning there was un7di((erentiated !ons!iousness) or the mind o( a young !hild" This
may be in harmony with the uni%erse) but needs to learn in order to e%ol%e" /or a !hild)
edu!ation is alied until he !an stand on his own (eet" Then the ego arises) this moti%ates
the !hild" 2ithout this ego there would be no moti%ation) there would be no need to e%ol%e"
This is the same (or the se!ies" The di((erentiation o( !ons!iousness had two ma6or
e((e!ts" 0ne) an e%olutionary ressure was established allowing the se!ies to go (orward"
Two) the !ons!iousness was (ragmented) allowing billions o( learning oortunities" The
e%olutionary ressure is su((ering and the learning oortunities are indi%idual li%es"
2ithout this the se!ies would stagnate and still be li#e a !hild" The 4" G" 2ells boo# CThe
Time Ma!hineC is rele%ant here" 3n this boo# the hero tra%els into the (uture) only to (ind) at
(irst glan!e) a 1toian so!iety" 0n (urther analysis) howe%er) things are %ery di((erent" The
so!iety has no boo#s and no dire!tion) when one o( its members drowns) no one hels"
This is what so!iety would be li#e without the ego stage) seemingly er(e!t) but a!tually
%ery rimiti%e and dire!tionless" So!iety is a!tually enri!hed by the ego !ons!iousness o(
its indi%idual members) this is absolutely ne!essary (or human e%olution"
The methods and reasons ha%e been des!ribed (or the !urrent state o( so!iety) now we
must turn to the ne*t hase) the integration o( ego !ons!iousness with the so!ial
!ons!iousness" So!iety and the human se!ies !ons!iousness ha%e been mu!h enri!hed
by the arising o( the ego !ons!iousness and the billions o( indi%idual e*erien!es" This
goes (ar beyond 6ust all the !ulture) art) musi!) s!ien!e) te!hnology and hilosohy that has
been !reated as a result o( this hase" The enri!hment is the synergy o( all human
e*erien!e" This o( !ourse !ontains its shadow ase!t) the Na8is are a good e*amle"
The shadow should not be destroyed) as it !ontains %aluable lessons" The shadow is one
o( the dri%ing (or!es to the ne*t hase" The !urrent world situation shows this to be so) as
it is the wish to !hange that !atalyses the ne*t hase" 2e ha%e rea!hed a terminal oint o(
aathy and disintegration) we are turning our ba!# on the old order" 3n e%olutionary terms)
the old order has done its 6ob and is no longer needed) it is time to mo%e on" There is o(
!ourse resistan!e to this !hange) as a result o( (earing the (uture" This resistan!e does in7
(a!t ser%e a urose" 3t is there to ensure a !omlete !hange7o%er to the new
!ons!iousness" 3t does this by bringing out all the doubts and (ears and allowing them to
be 9uen!hed" A total swit!h !an then be made to the new system" 3t ro%ides the ro!ess
e*tra momentum so that e%olution !an mo%e on un7hindered" 0nly on!e the li(e o( the old
system is totally e*hausted !an this be a!hie%ed) sleeing best a(ter a hard day5s wor# is a
good analogy" The dri%ing (or!e has now been des!ribed) now we need to #now the
ro!ess in%ol%ed in the !hange7o%er" /irst o( all we need to #now the nature o( the ne*t
hase) then lin# it with the old order) this will allow us to see the !hange7o%er ro!ess more
!learly" So it is the ne*t hase we must now e*amine"
The Net Phase
The ne*t hase (or humanity has been mu!h written and tal#ed about" Most ma6or
religions see a Chea%en on earthC) with the good rosering" 3t is not ossible to redi!t the
e*a!t nature o( the ne*t hase) but by loo#ing at what will a!tually haen) we will ha%e a
!learer i!ture" The ne*t hase is !hara!terised by the integration o( indi%idual ego
!ons!iousness with the se!ies !ons!iousness" The erse!ti%es o( indi%iduals will
!hange as they will be able to er!ei%e as both indi%iduals and as humanity" Attitudes will
!hange and the old order o( greed will no longer e*ist" Politi!al !orre!tness) whi!h
!hara!terises the old order will no longer e*ist" This is be!ause eole will li%e in harmony
and not disharmony) oliti!al !orre!tness is moti%ated through greed and !onditioning" To
ut it another way) eole will (un!tion at a deeer le%el and will not need any !ontri%ed
!onstru!ts" So!iety will be simle in this way) there will be growing en%ironmental
!onsideration) ma6or !hanges in the way we treat others and a return to nature" This
so!iety will not be a Garden o( .den) as mu!h e*loration and rogress shall be made" 3t
will build on the (ruits o( the old order and integrate them into a new (ramewor#" This
(ramewor#) o( whi!h 'i(e7(or!e 4armoni!s is art) in!ludes e%erything and sees e%erything
as di((erent erse!ti%es o( the whole" The entire !on!ets o( right and wrong)
6udgementalism) re6udi!e and se!tarianism will be rela!ed with toleran!e and mutual
interest" Peole will all ha%e the ability to o((er something and will not lead mundane and
meaningless li%es" They will be en!ouraged to de%elo their own talents and !reati%e
abilities" The old order o( rationality and !aitalism with its authoritarian in(le*ibility will be
gone and rela!ed with real !on!ern and hel" Politi!ians will not be needed) nor will
soldiers or oli!e" 3n other words eole will li%e hay and (ul(illing li%es" The siritual
ase!ts o( e*isten!e will be o( the utmost imortan!e" There will be many %aried siritual
traditions whi!h will arise) and rela!e) the old order dogmati! religions" Peole will be
se!ure in their own li%es and wish to hel the se!ies o( whi!h they are an ine*orable art"
A new age o( toleran!e and indi%idual (reedom will be !reated" 3t is ob%ious that it is
imossible to list all the !hanges here" 3nstead) 3 will dis!uss a number o( Cmar#erC
situations) whi!h will show the health o( a so!iety" These are; e9uality; law and order;
edu!ation; 4ealth&are and oliti!al ro!ess"
.9uality is a word whi!h is mu!h used in the !urrent situation" 3t is usually !losely
a9uatinted with the !on!et o( rights" 3n the old order) eole (ight (or) and (er%ently de(end
their CrightsC" 0n!e granted) they will ta#e them literally and use them as a (ul!rum to get
their own way" There are no real CrightsC as su!h) as no one is in anyway suerior to
others" +ights are another de%i!e born o( inse!urity" 3n the new order) rights will not be
needed" Peole will naturally) as they reintegrate with the se!ies !ons!iousness) beha%e
bene%olently to their (ellow man" +ights will not be needed) as others will not wish to
oress" 3n other words) true siritual (reedom and e9uality will be gained" Peole will
again show gratitude (or hel they on!e demanded as rights" So!iety will (low along in its
own dire!tion) whi!h will be the sum o( all the indi%iduals within it"
'aw and 0rder is a sub6e!t whi!h (ollows on naturally (rom what was said abo%e" The
emhasis will not be on !rime and unishment) but on rehabilitation and hel" Peole who
do wrong will be thought o( as siritually inse!ure" They will be treated as su!h and great
attemts will be made to reintegrate them into so!iety" The !urrent situation o( CPaying o(
one5s debts to so!ietyC will be!ome obsolete; (or one thing) so!iety is as CguiltyC as the
indi%idual" This has two ma6or !onnotations; one) eole will not be treated as !riminals
and only held as long as they need to be to e((e!t a re!o%ery" Two) %ery dangerous
indi%iduals will not be released into so!iety to re7o((end) 6ust be!ause they ha%e Cdone their
timeC" Treating !riminals as atients will greatly imro%e their esteem and at the same time
!ut down on !rime" 3t is not that the new order will be so(t on !rime; in (a!t it will be (reed
(rom all the red tae and stuidity !urrently e*erien!ed" There will be no need to
aortion blame and there(ore no need (or !ourts" +ather) the indi%idual5s siritual maturity
will be assessed" As this is not oression or unishment) there will be no in6usti!e as
.du!ation (lows naturally on (rom this" The ro!ess o( edu!ation will ha%e the main tas# o(
heling eole to be!ome siritually se!ure" 0( !ourse there will be !on%entional sub6e!ts
as well" A basi! understanding o( Cthe three +CsC) s!ien!e and the arts will be taught" The
tea!hing methods will be a lot di((erent" At the moment) tea!hing methods are wholly
intelle!tual and authoritarian" The new order tea!hing ro!ess will be holisti! in nature"
That is to say the wonder o( the sub6e!t will be shown so that eole !an let this insire
them to learn more" /or e*amle) hysi!s may be taught by (irst ta#ing the students on a
Cstar artyC" The emhasis will be on the romanti! wonder o( the uni%erse and will hel to
start an interest in the intelle!tual sub6e!t" The ma6or thrust will be to hel eole de%elo
their !reati%ity and (ind their li(e5s wor#" .%erybody has di((erent talents) and although an
attemt will be made to tea!h the basi! Csur%i%al a!#C ne!essary (or li%ing in the new order)
most o( the emhasis will be on ersonal de%eloment" /or e*amle) a young dan!er may
(orgo the (or!ed edu!ation and allowed to (ollow this ath" .du!ation will be a 6oy(ul
e*erien!e and one that will be treasured" 0ur young will be able to loo# (orward to mu!h
wonder) wisdom and hainess"
4ealth!are and medi!ine is the (ourth mar#er 3 ha%e !hosen" At the moment) !urrent
2estern medi!ine %iews the situation as a battle" There are diseases and !ures) and many
eole tal# o( illness as a battle" This is !hara!teristi! o( the old order) as it %iews
e%erything in this way" 3n the new order) medi!ine will be mu!h more holisti!" 3n (a!t) it is
the area o( 4ealth!are whi!h is most de%eloed with all the so !alled Calternati%e
treatmentsC" 3n the new order) there will be a di((erent attitude towards 4ealth!are" There
will be a thrust to #ee eole at otimal well7being using a number o( te!hni9ues" 3 will
not tal# about this too mu!h) as a great deal has already been written" The old in%asi%e
te!hni9ues will only be used as a last resort and will no longer be the main stream"
2estern medi!ine will be thought o( as C(ringeC medi!ine" .nergy medi!ine will be the main
tye o( medi!ine ra!tised" This will in!lude a!uun!ture) homeoathy) +ei#i) healing
martial arts) aromatheray) et!" There will be (ar more healers and less institutions) there
will howe%er be a good (ramewor# (or all these theraies to wor# within" There will be an
understanding o( the me!hanisms o( energy medi!ine and a mu!h more balan!ed %iew"
This will be due in art to the new s!ien!e) o( whi!h 'i(e(or!e 4armoni!s is an e*amle"
Peole will en6oy mu!h better health and many o( the !urrent) stress related diseases) su!h
as heart !onditions) will be %ery rare" The new li(estyle will be a (orm o( medi!ine in itsel("
Politi!al ro!ess is a des!rition that will not be entirely a!!urate (or the new order" Politi!s
is mainly about greed) ambition and ower" 3n essen!e it is an e*ression o( the inse!urity
o( the ego !ons!iousness" 3t is mainly a !harade) de%oid o( any real deth or meaning" As
!an be seen in the resent order) oliti!ians are (alse and only e*ound the Coliti!ally
!orre!tC %iew" This !auses mu!h disharmony and is a good e*amle o( the !urrent order"
3n the new order) there will be no oliti!ians" There will be elders) those who ha%e true
wisdom) and #eeers whose 6ob is to #ee the so!iety (lowing and maintain the (ramewor#"
These eole will not be oliti!ally moti%ated and will %iew their 6ob as a great
resonsibility" 3n a way they will be more li#e librarians or nurses than oliti!ians" They will
be !harged with the !are o( the so!ial (ramewor# and will ser%e so!iety with humility" Their
6ob will be %iewed as no di((erent (rom anyone else5s" The so!iety will be organised into
small units o( similar belie(s) !reed and (amily !onne!tions" These will (orm %illages rather
than towns and will ha%e e9ual standing within so!iety" The days o( mass s!ale !ontrol will
be o%er and a !ountry whi!h is !urrently homogeneous under one rule and system) will be
a ri!h taestry o( systems whi!h (low together to (orm the !ountry" The !ountries will then
(low together to (orm one united lanet" There will o( !ourse be elements o( (ramewor# all
the way to the lanetary le%el) but these will not be (or !ontrol) rather they will hel #nit all
the di((erent grous together" 4ere there will be #eeers who gather in(ormation (rom all
the grous and (ilter it through to all o( so!iety" The world will stand with a united urose)
due to e%erybody being in harmony with the human se!ies !ons!iousness" This will not
mean that it will not e%ol%e) rather it will a!t with unity and not e*end energy in
meaningless s9uabbles o%er ower and ossessions" The world will be a mu!h more
%aried and interesting la!e) as eole will not ha%e to !on(orm to !entral !ontrol" To use a
!omuting analogy) it will be more li#e a neural networ# rather than a !entral ro!essor"
So this (inal indi!ator) oliti!s) shows that the world will be a mu!h better la!e" -e(ore we
tal# about the !hangeo%er we must (irst turn our attention to the rest o( the world" So (ar
we ha%e been tal#ing about the Cold orderC) whi!h is western so!iety" This is the dominant
(or!e on the lanet) but there are many more so!ieties) many whi!h are more ad%an!ed
siritually than the western system" Many o( these are already (un!tioning within the new
order) but some need to e%ol%e" 3 will (irst des!ribe some o( these new order so!ieties and
then turn to the roblems o( other old7order so!ieties"
,ther Societies
2estern so!iety may be the dominant so!iety on this lanet) but there are many others" 3t
does not ne!essarily (ollow that the western so!iety is the most ad%an!ed" 3magine the
world i( the Na8is won the Se!ond 2orld 2ar) they would almost !ertainly be the biggest
and most ower(ul so!iety) but they would ha%e been one o( the most rimiti%e" /as!ism is
the endoint o( the old order) it was de(eated in the Se!ond 2orld 2ar) this !atalysed the
need (or !hange" 0ther so!ieties may not be as ad%an!ed te!hni!ally) but may be more
siritually ad%an!ed" /or e*amle) the Nati%e Ameri!an So!iety) was a highly siritual
tradition with a (ar more enlightened and natural aroa!h to that o( western so!iety"
Today) it hardly e*ists) and what does is in de!line and has been westernised" This
westernisation has ta#en la!e (or !enturies in many so!ieties" 3t is %ery easy to loo# at
A(ri!an Tribes) Australian Aboriginals) Nati%e Ameri!ans and similar so!ieties and thin# o(
them as rimiti%e" This is almost totally due to westernisation" /or e*amle) the Australian
Aboriginals were a %ery siritual and natural so!iety until they had western ideas thrust
uon them" The same is also true (or the Nati%e Ameri!ans" 3n both !ases the !ulture has
been dismissed as heathen and the ways thought o( as rimiti%e" The truth is that
westernisation) with its siritual inse!urities) has destroyed these so!ieties and le(t arti(i!ial)
emty !harades" As western so!iety wor#s at a shallow le%el) the real loss to these
so!ieties is not aarent" The reason these so!ieties ha%e de!lined) is that they ha%e had
their CsoulC remo%ed" The eole la!# dire!tion and do not wish to arti!iate in the western
!harade" 3n the !ase o( A(ri!an Tribes) these seemed to be doing (ine until western style
greed too# hold" 2hether this greed was due to western inter%ention) or haened in a
similar way it arose in the west) is un!ertain" The result is similar) with the e*!etion that
the !onse9uen!es are mu!h deeer" /amine) disease and death are a !ommon
o!!urren!e in these !ountries" This has one main !ause) greed" 3n the !ase o( A(ri!a)
there are !ountless !i%il wars and mob rule" A on!e (ertile land is no more !aable o(
ro%iding nourishment" Natural disasters are o(ten blamed) but these are only the
!atalysts" The siral is similar to the western situation) e*!et the land is not as (orgi%ing
and these !ountries la!# money in a western style global e!onomy" 3n other words) the
so!iety has been stried bare and all the ointers o( so!ial maturity are la!#ing (law and
order) edu!ation) 4ealth!are)" 3n the new world order) wealth will be e%enly distributed and
A(ri!a !an return to its (ormer glory" .a!h so!iety is di((erent and has di((erent things to
o((er" 3n the western so!iety) the intelle!t and te!hnology are mu!h ri8ed" 3n other
so!ieties) !reati%ity and mythology are more ri8ed" 3n the new world order these will be o(
e9ual imortan!e) as 'i(e(or!e 4armoni!s shows) there are many ways o( loo#ing at a
situation" The .astern so!ieties) su!h as &hina) 3ndia) ,aan) et!") ha%e a di((erent
hilosohy" These so!ieties ha%e their own obsta!les to o%er!ome"
The Transition into +nlighten#ent
There are two stages to the ego stage" 0ne tends towards order and is the &reati%e
Ase!t and the other tends towards disorder and is the <estru!ti%e Ase!t" The !reati%e
ase!t is a roerty o( the .*isten!e (or!e" The .*isten!e (or!e is at ma*imum disorder
and naturally tends towards ma*imum order" 3magine rain (alling into a uddle) or matter
!ondensing to (orm stars" The destru!ti%e ase!t is a roerty o( the +eality (or!e" The
+eality (or!e is at ma*imum order and naturally tends towards ma*imum disorder" 3magine
the e*anding uni%erse) or a tower made (rom laying !ards" 2hen de%eloing the ego
ase!t) both (or!es are brought into lay" The (ourth !ha#ra) the stage o( enlightenment is
di((erent" 4ere only the !reati%e side is to be de%eloed" 2e ha%e gone through the stage
o( enri!hment !hara!terised by the ego) now we must build on this and be!ome one with
the 1ni%ersal Mind" This is a %ery distin!t hase (rom the ba!#ground !ons!iousness
stage" 2e are still indi%idual) enri!hed by e*erien!e) but at one with the 1ni%erse"
The integrati%e ra!ti!e now !hanges its role a little" 3t now be!omes the ra!ti!e (or
e*ansion and o( in!reasing the %ibrational rate o( our li(e(or!e" 3t may be that we ha%e to
re7asses our rimary ra!ti!e (or this new situation" 3t is also imortant that all tra!es o(
negati%ity are let go) as these !an (orm a %ery ower(ul obsta!le to siritual ra!ti!e" 3t is
imortant to understand that your essen!e is bright and ure) always was and always will
Ashole) .dward (1DD0) The Sear!h (or .*tra7Terrestrial 3ntelligen!e" -land(ord Press)
'ondon" 3S-N 0G1HG2210I"
-ly) +obert (1DDJ) Sibling So!iety) <a &ao Press 3n!" 3S-N 0201>0J>J2
-rennan) ,"4" (1DD1) <is!o%er Astral Pro6e!tion) A9uarian Press" 3S-N 1KEEHK10GD
-rin#ley) <" (1DDE)" At Pea!e in the 'ight" 'ondon: Piat#us"
&ara) /" (1DD1)" The Tao o( Physi!s" 'ondon: 4arer&ollins"
&ara) /rit6o(" (1DKH) The Turning Point" /lamingo) 'ondon" 3S-N 000JE>01G1
&ara) /rit6o(" (1DDG) The 2eb o( 'i(e" /lamingo) 'ondon" 3S-N 000JE>GE1J
&arr7Gomm) Phili" (2010) A -rie( 4istory o( Na#edness) +ea#tion -oo#s" 3S-N
&ordell 2hita#er) $ay (1DD2) The +elu!tant Shaman) 4arer0ne" 3S-N 00J2E0D>HK
&ordell 2hita#er) $ay (200E) Sa!red 'in#: ,oining /ortunes with the 1n#nown) The 2ritersC
&olle!ti%e" 3S-N 1ED>1110K1
<ra#e) /ran# (1DD>) 3s Anyone 0ut there= Po!#et -oo#s) 'ondon" 3S-N 0JG1KE2DDI"
.moto) M" (200E)" The 4idden Messages in 2ater" Po!#et -oo#s: 1S"
.%ans72ent8) 2" (1DJ0)" The Tibetan -oo# o( the <ead" 'ondon: 0*(ord 1ni%ersity Press"
/rit8s!h) 4arald" (1DK>) Luar#s7 The Stu(( o( Matter" Penguin -oo#s) 'ondon" 3S-N
Gerber) +" (2001)" Mibrational Medi!ine" 1S: -ear and &omany"
3!#e) <a%id (2010) 4uman +a!e Get 0(( Four $nees: The 'ion Slees No More) <a%id 3!#e
-oo#s" 3S-N 0DEEDDGH1H
'iton) -ru!e (200E) The -iology o( -elie() &ygnus -oo#s" AS3N: -001A4HHEG
'u#) &harles" (1DKG)" &h5an and Nen Tea!hings: Se!ond Series" +ider -oo#s) &entury
Paerba!#s series) 'ondon" 3S-N 0G12J1G1**"
'u#) &harles" (1DKG)" &h5an and Nen Tea!hings: Third Series" +ider -oo#s) &entury
Paerba!#s series) 'ondon" 3S-N 0G12J1G21H
Good) Timothy (1DD1) Alien 'iaison" &entury) 'ondon" 3S-N 0G12J21D>J"
Good) Timothy (1DDH) Alien 1date" Arrow) 'ondon" 3S-N 00DD2EGJ10
4arner) Mi!hael" (1DD2) The 2ay o( the Shaman) 4arerSan/ran!is!o" 3S-N 00J2E0HGH1
4elliwell) Tanis" (1DDG) Summer with the 'ere!hauns) -lue <olhin Publishing" 3S-N
'u!e) ,"M" (1DD2) An 3ntrodu!tion To Gree# Philosohy" Thames and 4udson) 'ondon"
3S-N 0E002GJEE2"
Moon) Storm (2012) 'i(e(or!e 4armoni!s B A New Mision o( 4uman &ons!iousness" $indle
Moon) Storm" (2012) Na#ed in the 2oods B A Guide to Siritual Nudity" $indle .dition"
Moon) Storm" (2012) 'ady Nature 7 .n!hanted .n!ounters with the .arth Goddess" $indle
Peat) /" <a%id (1DD2) Suerstrings" Aba!us) 'ondon" 3S-N 0G>G>0EKH2
Pirsig) +" (200J)" 'ila" 1S: Alam -oo#s 'td"
Pirsig) +" (1DDD)" Nen and the Art o( Motor!y!le Maintenan!e" 1S: Mintage"
Poga!ni#) Mar#o" (2010) Nature Sirits and .lemental -eings) /indhorn Press 'td" 3S-N
Poga!ni#) Mar#o" (2001) The <aughter o( Gaia) /indhorn Press 'td" 3S-N 1KDD1G10>E
+ed(ield) ,ames" (2011) The Twel(th 3nsight) -antam Press" 3S-N 0EDH0JJDJ0
Storr) A" (1DKJ)" ,ung) Sele!ted 2ritings) 1S: /ontana Press"
Summer7+ain) Mary" (1DDH) Phoeni* +ising" $indle .dition
1llman) <" (1DKG)" 4omeoathy) S!ien!e and 4ealth (or the 21st &entury" 1S: North
Atl#anti! -oo#s"
2angul) Ten8in (+inh!he) (2002) 4ealing with /orm) .nergy and 'ight: The /i%e
.lements in Tibetan Shamanism) Tantra and <8og!hen) Snow 'ion Publi!ations" 3S-N
2angul) Ten8in (+inh!he) (2011) Awa#ening the Sa!red -ody) 4ay 4ouse 1$" 3S-N
2atson) '" (1DD0)" Suernature 2" Se%enoa#s) $ent: 4odder and Stoughton"
About The Author
3 am a bi7gendered shaman and wor# with both male and (emale energies) integrating them
into a greater whole" 3 wor# with nature energies) sa!red nudity and the didgeridoo to aid me
on my shamani! 6ourneys" 3 was originally a s!ientist but 9ui!#ly dis!o%ered that this !ould
not answer e%en the most basi! 9uestions about the nature o( !ons!iousness) so instead
turned to metahysi!s and sirituality (or answers" 3n my twenty year 9uest 3 ha%e studied a
number o( di((erent ra!ti!es in!luding Nen meditation) +ei#i) %arious (orms o( aganism and
Aboriginal Australian tea!hings" 3 ha%e de%eloed my own theory o( !ons!iousness and a
%ision o( the (uture o( man#ind" 3 belie%e there is hoe (or the lanet and the human se!ies
and that !olle!ti%ely our !ons!iousness is e%ol%ing towards a new era o( ea!e) !onne!tion
and understanding"
3 now write e*tensi%ely and lead wor#shos on my %ision o( the new so!iety7 The Tribe of the
Phoeni+ mo%ement) guided meditation) the healing didgeridoo and sa!red nudity" 3 wor# with
a number o( sirit guides and the -ritish goddess 'ady &o%entina"
/or more in(ormation about Storm and the Tribe o( the Phoeni* lease %isit the Tribe o( the
Phoeni* website: www"tribeo(thehoeni*"!o"u#
Na-ed in the %oods - A Guide to Spiritual Nudity
This boo# will be o( interest to anyone who wants to e*erien!e a dee and li(e7!hanging
!ommunion with mother earth) and the (reedom and 6oy o( #nowing and a!!eting our true
sel%es" 3t romotes our right to be (ree as we truly are) and en!ourages rese!t and lo%e (or
our beauti(ul bodies" This boo# is a 6ourney that begins with the symbolism o( !lothes and the
6oy o( being na#ed in nature) and rogresses through honouring our bodies to awa#ening our
subtle energy awareness) bringing us in to !ommunion with the sirit o( nature" Part one
deals with sa!red nudity (rom a ersonal erse!ti%e" Part two loo#s at the body as a temle
and why we should treasure the human (orm" 3n art three we learn how to !onne!t deely
with Gaia) mother earth hersel(" .lemental magi! is the sub6e!t o( art (our) in!luding a loo# at
how we are !ontrolled" Part (i%e loo#s at sensual 6ourneying) a (orm o( guided meditation) and
art si* introdu!es at grou rites and rituals" The (inal art loo#s at the tribal re%i%al and the
new era o( ea!e"
.ifeforce "ar#onics - A New Vision of "u#an Consciousness
2hat is !ons!iousness= A seemingly simle 9uestion whi!h led the author on a twenty year
9uest (or answers) through s!ien!e) metahysi!s and sirituality" This 6ourney e%entually
resulted in !onta!t with a 2and6ina) an Aboriginal Australian S#y God) !alled Nen!hi" 1nder
his guidan!e the metahysi!s o( !ons!iousness !alled 'i(e(or!e 4armoni!s was !reated" This
ro%ided a (ramewor# (or the rational understanding o( the emerging new reality" 3t was the
start o( the un(olding o( a %ision o( the (uture) the Great Transition) where man#ind will enter a
new Golden Age" This boo# is the !ulmination o( that ro!ess and is slit into two se!tions"
The (irst starts with the Great Transition (rom the age o( de!etion and !ontrol to the new
dawning sirituality" The se!ond se!tion resents the original Metahysi!s o( &ons!iousness
manus!rit (ully udated and re%ised (or the new millennium"

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