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Pedro C. Benigno, Carlos P. Miguel, Pablo B. Lim,

Anna L. Morales and Mary J. Santos
Group 2 2F Pharmacy rganic Chemistry Laboratory
!his section contains a summary o" data, obser#ations and results obtained "rom the e$periment. !his section should
be brie" and concise. %past tense, passi#e #oice&
!his section introduces the e$periment
per"ormed. 't should be brie" and concise and
includes the ob(ecti#es o" the e$periment.
)uoted passages are introduced as they are cited
and should match the annotation number in the
*e"erence section
A. Compounds tested (or Samples used
+ame the compound,s %Classi"y.& or sample,s.
-----, -----, -----, -----, -----, -----,
-----, ----, -----
'" a certain sample is used or studied, describe
B. Pro!edure
'denti"y set.up used in this section i" one is
used. !he procedure is stated in the past tense
using a passi#e #oice. 't should be stated in a
brie" and concise manner. '" more than one
procedure are used, introduce them as in the
". T#tle
----------------------------. ---------
$. T#tle
----------------------------. ---------
!his section should present and e$plain results
and obser#ations obtained. 0o not start the
discussion /ith a table or "igure. Chemical
reactions should be e$plained /ith balanced
e1uations. !opics can be presented in separate
sub.sections as in Pro!edure. Figures and
tables should be numbered accordingly in order.
%#&ure ". !itle
Ta'le ". !itle
----------------------------. --------
------------------------. -------------
----------------------- 223.
243 ------------------------------------
223 ------------------------------------.
253 ------------------------------------
263 ------------------------------------.
273 ------------------------------------.
From boo8s
Shriner, *.L., 9ermann, C.:.F., Morrill, !.C.,
Curtin, 0.;. and Fuson, *.C. %4<<=&. The
Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds.
ed. +e/ ;or8, ?.S.@.A John Biley C Sons, 'nc.
From the internet %on.line&
0/ec8, @.C. Ethnobotanical Plants from Africa
Part 2.
tm 4,2<,D5
From scienti"ic (ournals
9odgson, J.M., Proud"oot, J.M., Cro"t, :.0.,
Puddey, '.B., Mori, !.@. and Beilin, L.J.
Comparison of the Effects of Blac and !reen Tea
on In "itro #ipoprotein O$idation in %uman
Serum. (. S!# %ood A&r#! >< %4<<<& 7E4.7EE.

aaaaaaaaaa '''''''' !!!!!!!!!
)u#del#nes* F*M@! "or the L@B*@!*; F*M@L *FP*!
4. Bond paper siGeA Letter, =.7 $ 44 in.
2. MarginA D.7 in. on all sides

5. Font styleA Herdana
6. Font siGeA "or title and section headingsA 44, bold, all capitaliGed
"or contentA 4D
"or "igure and table titlesA 4D, bold
"or abstract and table contentsA <
!ables %landscape& and "igures that cannot be acommodated can be printed on a separate page.
7. SpacingA See e$ample.
no space bet/een lines
single space bet/een sections
5 spaces "or paragraph indentionsI no indention "or abstract
E. rganiGationA 2 columns
(usti"ied alignment "or abstract and content o" each section
center alignment "or main title and names o" the authors
>. !he name o" the group member assigned %leader& to prepare the report is printed in bold letters.
See e$ample.
=. Pay attention to organiGation, grammar and sentence construction.
<. Be consistent in the organiGation o" the report %spacing, /hen to use capital and small letters, etc.&.
4D. Be consistent in the use o" chemical "ormulas and chemical names. Brite them correctly and properly.
44. Statements and e$planations should be brie" and concise.
42. !here should no hand.dra/n e1uations, "igures and tables directly on the report. 'ndicate the number
and titles o" "igures and tables as they are presented in the body. Parts o" a set.up should be labeled.
45. +umber o" pagesA minimum o" 5, ma$imum o" 7
46. 'ndicate the date /hen an item is retrie#ed "rom the internet. See e$ample.
47. +umber re"erences in alphabetical order regardless o" source. '" a passage is 1uoted "rom a certain
re"erence in the body, cite its re"erence %or annotation& number.
For e$ample, ------------------------------------ 273.

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