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Formatting your paper

Use MS Word or compatibles only. Use Normal style only and do not use any templates. Do not use
.docx. Use A4 size pages and set your margins at 2.5 cm all round. Limit te lengt o! your title to "#$
"2 %ords& according to A'A ad(ice.
State clearly %eter your submission is Research, Professional Practice or a Workshop.
Paper title in sentence case Arial 16 bold
Author/s (Arial 12 pt)
Institution (Times New Roman 11, italics
)mail addresses
*+! te autors are !rom di!!erent institutions& tey sould be listed separately,
'lace your abstract ere ... no more tan 25# %ords - in .imes Ne% /oman "#& indented ".#
cm le!t and rigt margins& le!t aligned. .itle& autor details& abstract and 0ey%ords are te only
parts o! your paper %ic %ill appear in te 1orum2s printed 'rogram 3oo0let.
4ey%ords5 6ne line o! 0ey or !ocus terms by %ic your paper can be identi!ied by users o!
online searc engines.
First level heading in Arial 12 bold
3ody o! your paper - use .imes Ne% /oman "" point& le!t aligned& single spaced. 3lan0 lines be!ore
and a!ter eadings are to be sized te same as text& i.e.& .imes Ne% /oman "" point.
1or paragraping& use a single blan0 line bet%een eac paragrap& and no indents. Do not use Spacing
efore or Spacing !fter your paragraps.
Second level heading in Arial 10 bold
'ut a blan0 line be!ore and a!ter te second le(el eading.
Third le"el heading in Times New Roman 11 point italic
Do not include a blan0 line a!ter a tird le(el eading. Use bulleted or numbered lists in pre!erence to
tird le(el eadings %ere possible.
*.is is a 7uotation, Use .imes Ne% /oman "# point& le!t aligned& single spaced& indented ".# cm
le!t and rigt& not italicised& %itout 7uotation mar0s& one blan0 line be!ore and a!ter. +ndents may
be (aried sligtly !rom ".# cm to impro(e te !it. /e!erencing !or te 7uotation may be gi(en in
te running text immediately be!ore te 7uotation& or may be appended to te end o! te 7uotation.
8ery sort 7uotations using only a !e% %ords sould be gi(en %it 7uotation mar0s in your
running text& %ilst only longer 7uotations using a line or more sould be !ormatted as 7uotations
.is is a bulleted list5
.imes Ne% /oman "" point
le!t aligned& single spaced
no indents except a anging indent #.5 cm. +ndentation may be (aried sligtly to impro(e te !it.
.is is an ordered list5
". .imes Ne% /oman "" point
2. le!t aligned& single spaced
;. no indents except a anging indent #.5 cm. +ndentation may be (aried sligtly to impro(e te !it.
4. select only !rom tese 0inds o! ordering5 ".& 2.& -< i.& ii.& -< a.& b.& - Do not use any oter 0ind.
Do not use page brea0s or sections brea0s. =ere necessary or desirable& use se(eral carriage returns
to obtain a page brea0.
Figure 1: Sample of a figure (title is below the figure, centred, bold)
1igures must be placed in teir correct locations in your running text. All !igures sould be included in
your =ord !ile& and not in separate grapics or dra%ing pac0ages. Labelling %itin te !igure sould
be consistent %it te !onts used in te text o! your paper& i.e.& .imes Ne% /oman. Number your
!igures se7uentially& 1igure "& 1igure 2& etc. Do not use (ariations suc as 1igure "a& "b.
Table 1: A sample table (title is above the table, centred, bold)
Location .ables must be placed in teir correct locations in your running text.
Use .imes Ne% /oman and oter body text speci!ications !or all text %itin a
table. ?ou may use ""& "# or e(en @ point as re7uired to !it te %idt o! columns.
1or eadings %itin tables use sentence case& %it bold and centering optional.
Aentre eac table and select appropriate %idts !or te table and !or eac column.
+n columns o! numbers& use centre or decimal point alignment.
+! your table re7uires explanatory text %ic doesn2t !it easily into your running
text& place it at te bottom o! te table& in a smaller !ont size& !ormatted to te same
%idt as te table.
6ter !eatures
Aell bac0ground colouring or sading may be used& but note te 'roceedings
editors may use a standard bac0ground colour !or te !irst ro% or oter elements o!
a table.
'lease use A'A re!erencing. Use .imes Ne% /oman "" point& le!t aligned& anging indent #.5 cm&
%it no blan0 lines. =ere(er possible& insert U/Ls or D6+s !or re!erences. Date o! (ie%ing may be
omitted !or Bournal and proceedings U/Ls considered to be o! ig reliability. .e !ollo%ing list
pro(ides examples o! re!erencing !or te main 0inds o! publications.
3unney& D. C .erry& L. 92#"":. )mployability s0ills in te Master o! 'ro!essional Accounting5 6ne
scool2s Bourney. +n #e"eloping student skills for the ne$t decade. 'roceedings o! te 2#t Annual
.eacing Learning 1orum& "$2 1ebruary 2#"". 'ert5 )dit Ao%an Uni(ersity.!Dtl!2#""Dre!ereedDbunney.tml *(ie%ed E Fune 2#"",.
Doerty& +. 92#"#a:. Sta!! de(elopment %or0sops !or teacing %it =eb 2.# tools. +n A. D. Maddux&
D. >ibson C 3. Dodge 9)ds.:& /esearc igligts in in!ormation tecnology and teacer
education 2#"# 9pp. G"$H#:. Aesapea0e& 8A5 S+.).Dunn& L.& Morgan& A.& 62/eilly& M.& C 'arry&
S. 92##4:. The student assessment hand%ook. London5 /outledge 1almer.
Iealy& A. C Mc4ay& M. 92###:. Nursing stress5 .e e!!ects o! coping strategies and Bob satis!action in
a sample o! Australian nurses. &ournal of !d"anced Nursing& ;"9;:& GE"$GEE. D6+5 "#."#4GDB.";G5$
4earsley& >. 92##4:. '$plorations in learning ( instruction) The theor* into practice data%ase.
ttp5DDtip.psycology.orgD *(ie%ed E April 2#"#,.
.aplin& /. I.& Lo%& L. I. C 3ro%n& A. M. 92#"":. Students2 satis!action and (aluation o! %eb$based
lecture recording tecnologies. Australasian Fournal o! )ducational .ecnology& 2H92:& "H5$"@".

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