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AbstractThese instructions give you guidelines for

preparing papers for EECCIS Journal. This document

based on IEEE Transaction and Journal.. Use this
document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word
.! or later. "ther#ise$ use this document as an
instruction set. The electronic file of your paper #ill be
formatted further at EECCIS. %efine all symbols used in
the abstract. %o not cite references in the abstract. %o not
delete the blan& line immediately above the abstract' it
sets the footnote at the bottom of this column.
Index Terms(bout four &ey #ords or phrases in
alphabetical order$ separated by commas.
Abstrak)*+aper ini berisi petun,u& bagaimana
mempersiap&an paper yang diguna&an untu& Jurnal
EECCIS. -ile ini dapat diguna&an sebagai template ,i&a
penulisan mengguna&an Microsoft .ord .! atau yang
terbaru$ atau diguna&an sebagai panduan ,i&a
mengguna&an word processor yang lain.. %efinisi&an
semua simbol yang diguana&an dalam abstra&. Jangan
mencupli& referensi dalam abstra&. Jangan menghapus
baris &osong di atas abstra& &arena bagian ini a&an
diguna&an untu& mengatur header/footer.
Kata KunciSe&itar empat &ata &unci atau frasa
dalamurutan ab,ad yang terpisah oleh &oma.
HIS document is a template for Microsoft Word
versions 6.0 or later. If ou are readin! a paper
version of t"is document# please do$nload t"e
electronic file# from
"ttp%&&eeccis.'ra$i( so ou can use it
to prepare our manuscript.
)ut"ors re*uested to su'mit a full paper for
inclusion in ++CCIS ,ournal. It is e-pected t"at final
version of t"e paper is not e0ceed six double-column.
A4 pages# includin! fi!ures# ta'les and references.
Please do not number the pages. /lease send also CD
$it" our paper in doc and pdf format. /lease send t"e
full version of our paper to t"e follo$in! address%
EECCIS Journal Secretariat
+lectrical +n!ineerin! Department
Manuscript received Marc" 11# 1002. 34rite t"e date on $"ic" ou
su'mitted our paper for revie$.5 T"is $or6 $as supported in part '
+lectrical +n!ineerin! Department Universit of 7ra$i(aa. /aper titles
s"ould 'e $ritten in uppercase and lo$ercase letters# not all uppercase.
)void $ritin! lon! formulas $it" su'scripts in t"e title8 s"ort formulas
t"at identif t"e elements are fine 3e.!.# 9Nd:;e:795. Do not $rite
93Invited59 in t"e title. ;ull names of aut"ors are preferred in t"e aut"or
field# 'ut are not re*uired. /ut a space 'et$een aut"ors< initials.
;. ). )ut"or is $it" t"e +lectrical +n!ineerin! Departement of
Universitas 7ra$i(aa# Malan!# Indonesia 3correspondin! aut"or
provide p"one 0=>?.66@?>>8 email aut"orA'ra$i(
S. 7. )ut"or# ,r.# $as $it" Institut Tec"nolo! of 7andun!#
7andun!# Indonesia. He is no$ $it" t"e Department of /"sics#
Colorado State Universit# ;ort Collins# CO B0@1= US) 3e.mail%
aut"orAlamar. colostate.edu5.
T. C. )ut"or is $it" t"e +lectrical +n!ineerin! Departement of
Universitas 7ra$i(aa# Malan!# Indonesia 3correspondin! aut"or
provide p"one 0=>?.66@?>>8 email coaut"orA'ra$i(
7ra$i(aa Universit
,l. MT Harono ?62 Malan! 6@?>@ Indonesia
/"one% C61 =>? 26221@D ;a-% C61 =>? @@>?66
+.mail% adharul1bra#i,
If ou "ave electronic version of t"is file# ou can
automaticall use stle 3;ormatE Stles and
;ormattin!5. Replace t"is para!rap" $it" our te-t# and
t"en c"an!e t"e stle. ;or e-ample# t"is para!rap" uses
TEXT stle and ever "eadin! title uses I. HEADING 1
Style. /lease do not use spae or enter to fit para!rap"
or te-t on t"e pa!e# our laout editor $ill modif our
manuscript laout.
If ou donFt "ave electronic version# t"e follo$in!
stles and siGes must 'e used%
Title% t!tle stle# 1> pt# 'old# centred#
Name of )ut"or3s5% authors stle# ?? pt# centred.
footnote te-t stle% B pt.
Titles of eac" Section# Su'section# and
References% ?0 pt# Capital. /lease use head!ng
Main 'od te-t% ?0 pt# ri!"t and left (ustified.
)'stract% D pt# 'old# ri!"t and left (ustified
;i!ure captions% B pt# centred.
Ta'le captions% B pt# small caps# left.
References% B pt# ri!"t and left (ustified
o Heft . 10 mm#
o 7ottom . 10 mm#
o Outside . ?@ mm#
o Inside . 10 mm#
o Iutter : ?0 mm#
o /a!es : Multiple /a!e : Mirror
o Space 'et$een columns : @#? mm.
Use eit"er SI 3MJS5 or CIS as primar units. 3SI
units are stron!l encoura!ed.5 T"e SI unit for
ma!netic field stren!t" H is )&m.5.K )n e-ception is
$"en +n!lis" units are used as identifiers in trade#
suc" as L=M in dis6 drive.K )void com'inin! SI and
CIS units# suc" as current in amperes and ma!netic
field in oersteds. T"is often leads to confusion 'ecause
e*uations do not 'alance dimensionall. If ou must
use mi-ed units# clearl state t"e units for eac" *uantit
in an e*uation.
Jurnal EECCI !ol. III" #o. $" Juni %&&'
/reparation of /apers for ++CCIS ,OURN)H
3/etun(u6 /enulisan ,URN)H ++CCIS5
;irst ). )ut"or# Second 7. )ut"or# ,r.# and T"ird C. )ut"or
Har!e fi!ures and ta'les ma span 'ot" columns.
/lace fi!ure captions 'elo$ t"e fi!ures8 place ta'le
titles a'ove t"e ta'les. /lease do not include captions as
part of t"e fi!ures. Do not put captions in 9te-t 'o-es9
lin6ed to t"e fi!ures. Do not put 'orders around t"e
outside of our fi!ures.
;or paper in +n!lis"# use t"e a''reviation 9;i!.9
even at t"e 'e!innin! of a sentence. Do not a''reviate
9Ta'le.9. If paper is $riten in 7a"asa Indonesia# use
9Iam'ar. 9 and 9Ta'el9 as usual.
/"oto!rap"s and !rescale fi!ures s"ould 'e
prepared $it" 110 dpi resolution and saved $it" no
compression# B 'its per pi-el 3!rescale5. Colour
fi!ures s"ould 'e prepared $it" >00 dpi resolution and
saved $it" no compression# B 'its per pi-el 3palette or
1@6 colour5 minimum.
Ta'les and fi!ures s"ould 'e centered. /lace ta'le
captions a'ove t"e ta'les 3Ta'le I5 and fi!ure captions
'elo$ t"e fi!ures 3;i!ures ? and 15. Use Table T!tle
Style for ta'le caption and use "!gure #apt!ons Style
for fi!ure. ;i!ures and ta'les ma span across 'ot"
columns 3;i!.?5. Ta'les are num'ered $it" Roman
numerals 3Table T!tle style#B pt# centered5.
A. $ath
Num'er e*uations consecutivel $it" e*uation
num'ers in parent"eses flus" $it" t"e ri!"t mar!in# as
in 3?5. If ou are usin! Word% use eit"er t"e Microsoft
+*uation +ditor or t"e $athType add.on
3"ttp%&&$$$.mat"tpe.com5 for e*uations in our paper
3Insert E O'(ect E Create Ne$ E Microsoft +*uation or
Mat"Tpe +*uation5. L;loat over te-tK s"ould not 'e
+-pressions and e*uations must 'e centred. T"e
need to 'e num'ered as follo$s%
U O R I 3?5
References $it"in t"e te-t $ill "ave t"e num'er of
t"e e*uation $it"in curved parent"esis# as in t"e case
of 3?5. Naria'les $ill 'e in Italics# constants in Normal#
and matrices in 7old.
I 3 U = 315
. 5 3 5 3 5 E E 3 e-p
5P 1 3 & Q 5 # 3
0 1 ?
0 1

d r & r & ' '
r d dr r "
! ! (

). *n!ts
Use eit"er SI 3MJS5 or CIS as primar units. 3SI
units are stron!l encoura!ed.5 +n!lis" units ma 'e
used as secondar units 3in parent"eses5. This applies
to papers in data storage. ;or e-ample# $rite L?@
3?00 I'&in
5.K )n e-ception is $"en +n!lis"
units are used as identifiers in trade# suc" as L=M in
dis6 drive.K )void com'inin! SI and CIS units# suc"
as current in amperes and ma!netic field in oersteds.
T"is often leads to confusion 'ecause e*uations do not
'alance dimensionall. If ou must use mi-ed units#
clearl state t"e units for eac" *uantit in an e*uation.
T"e SI unit for ma!netic field stren!t" H is )&m.
Jurnal EECCI !ol. III" #o. $" Juni %&&'

6 )&mm
;i!. 1. Tor*ue c"aracteristics versus rotor position and different current
densit of e-citin! current% 6&6 stator&rotor

;i!. ?. SRM !eometr $it" ;+M mes"% 6&6 stator&rotor
T)7H+ I
Sm'ol Ruantit
Conversion from Iaussian and
ma!netic flu- ? M- ?0
4' O ?0
) ma!netic flu-
ma!netic induction
? I ?0
T O ?0
H ma!netic field
? Oe ?0
&3>5 )&m
m ma!netic moment ? er!&I O ? emu
O ?0
$ ma!netiGation ? er!&3IScm
5 O ? emu&cm
? I ?0
&3>5 )&m

? er!&3IS!5 O ? emu&! ?
( ma!netic dipole
? er!&I O ? emu
> ?0
& ma!netic
? er!&3IScm
5 O ? emu&cm
> ?0
% suscepti'ilit ? >

mass suscepti'ilit ? cm
&! > ?0
permea'ilit ? > ?0
O > ?0
relative permea'ilit r
+% W ener! densit ? er!&cm
N% D dema!netiGin! factor ? ?&3>5
No vertical lines in ta'le. Statements t"at serve as captions for t"e
entire ta'le do not need footnote letters.
Iaussian units are t"e same as c!s emu for ma!netostatics8 M- O
ma-$ell# I O !auss# Oe O oersted8 4' O $e'er# N O volt# s O second# T
O tesla# m O meter# ) O ampere# , O (oule# 6! O 6ilo!ram# H O "enr.
Ho$ever# if ou $is" to use units of T# eit"er refer to
ma!netic flu- densit ) or ma!netic field stren!t"
sm'oliGed as T0H. Use t"e center dot to separate
compound units# e.!.# L)Sm
Num'er citations consecutivel in s*uare 'rac6ets
Q?P. T"e sentence punctuation follo$s t"e 'rac6ets Q1P.
Multiple references Q1P# Q=P are eac" num'ered $it"
separate 'rac6ets Q?P.Q=P. 4"en citin! a section in a
'oo6# please !ive t"e relevant pa!e num'ers Q1P. In
sentences# refer simpl to t"e reference num'er# as in
Q=P. Do not use 9Ref. Q=P9 or 9reference Q=P9 e-cept at
t"e 'e!innin! of a sentence% 9Reference Q=P s"o$s ... .9
T"e Reference list must appear num'ered in s*uare
'rac6ets in t"e last 3non num'ered5 section and s"ould
"ave t"e follo$in! structure%
Title of t"e $or6 or article
,ournal# conference# 'oo6 or t"esis# in italics
/u'lis"er# in t"e case of 'oo6s
/a!e num'ers if necessar 3e-ample% pp.=1.=65
/lace and date of pu'lication 3$it" 'oo6s and
t"eses# t"e ear of pu'lication is sufficient5.
T"e preferred spellin! of t"e $ord
Lac6no$led!mentK in )merican +n!lis" is $it"out an
LeK after t"e L!.K Use t"e sin!ular "eadin! even if ou
"ave man ac6no$led!ments. )void e-pressions suc"
as LOne of us 3S.7.).5 $ould li6e to t"an6 ... .K
Instead# $rite L;. ). )ut"or t"an6s ... .K Sponsor and
financial support ac&no#ledgments are placed in
the unnumbered footnote on the first page.
Q?P I. O. Uoun!# LSnt"etic structure of industrial plastics 37oo6
stle $it" paper title and editor5#K in Plast!s# 1nd ed. vol. =# ,.
/eters# +d. Ne$ Uor6% McIra$.Hill# ?D6># pp. ?@:6>.
Q1P 4..J. C"en# ,!near Net+or-s and Systems 37oo6 stle5.
7elmont# C)% 4ads$ort"# ?DD=# pp. ?1=:?=@.
Q=P H. /oor# An Introdut!on to S!gnal Detet!on and Est!mat!on.
Ne$ Uor6% Sprin!er.Nerla!# ?DB@# c". >.
Q>P 7. Smit"# L)n approac" to !rap"s of linear forms 3Unpu'lis"ed
$or6 stle5#K unpu'lis"ed.
Q@P IEEE #r!ter!a .or #lass IE Eletr! Systems 3Standards stle5%
I+++ Standard =0B# ?D6D.
Q6P ,etter Symbols .or /uant!t!es# )NSI Standard U?0.@.?D6B.
Q2P R. +. Has6ell and C. T. Case# LTransient si!nal propa!ation in
lossless isotropic plasmas 3Report stle5#K US); Cam'rid!e Res.
Ha'.# Cam'rid!e# M) Rep. )RCRH.66.1=> 3II5# ?DD># vol. 1.
QBP +. +. Re'er# R. H. Mic"ell# and C. ,. Carter# LO-!en a'sorption in
t"e +art"Fs atmosp"ere#K )erospace Corp.# Hos )n!eles# C)#
Tec". Rep. TR.0100 3>10.>65.=# Nov. ?DBB.
QDP 3Hand'oo6 stle5 Transm!ss!on Systems .or #ommun!at!ons%
=rd ed.# 4estern +lectric Co.# 4inston.Salem# NC# ?DB@# pp. >>:
Q?0P $otorola Sem!ondutor Data $anual% Motorola
Semiconductor /roducts Inc.# /"oeni-# )V# ?DBD.
Q??P 37asic 7oo6&Mono!rap" Online Sources5 ,. J. )ut"or. 3ear#
mont"# da5. T!tle 3edition5 QTpe of mediumP. Nolume3issue5.
)vaila'le% "ttp%&&$$$.3URH5
Q?1P ,. ,ones. 3?DD?# Ma ?05. Net$or6s 31nd ed.5 QOnlineP. )vaila'le%
Q?=P 3,ournal Online Sources stle5 J. )ut"or. 3ear# mont"5. Title.
&ournal QTpe of mediumP. Nolume3issue5# pa!in! if !iven.
)vaila'le% "ttp%&&$$$.3URH5
Q?>P R. ,. Nidmar. 3?DD1# )u!ust5. On t"e use of atmosp"eric plasmas
as electroma!netic reflectors. IEEE Trans. Plasma S!. QOnlineP.
01123. pp. B26WBB0. )vaila'le%
-irst (. (uthor 3MF26:SMFB?:;FB25 and t"e ot"er aut"ors ma
include 'io!rap"ies at t"e end of re!ular papers. 7io!rap"ies are often
not included in conference.related papers. T"e first para!rap" ma
contain a place and&or date of 'irt" 3list place# t"en date5. Ne-t# t"e
aut"orFs educational 'ac6!round is listed. T"e de!rees s"ould 'e listed
$it" tpe of de!ree in $"at field# $"ic" institution# cit# state or countr#
and ear de!ree $as earned. T"e aut"orFs ma(or field of stud s"ould 'e
T"e second para!rap" uses t"e pronoun of t"e person 3"e or s"e5 and
not t"e aut"orFs last name. It lists militar and $or6 e-perience#
includin! summer and fello$s"ip (o's. ,o' titles are capitaliGed. T"e
current (o' must "ave a location8 previous positions ma 'e listed
$it"out one. Information concernin! previous pu'lications ma 'e
included. Tr not to list more t"an t"ree 'oo6s or pu'lis"ed articles. T"e
format for listin! pu'lis"ers of a 'oo6 $it"in t"e 'io!rap" is% title of
'oo6 3cit# state% pu'lis"er name# ear5 similar to a reference. Current
and previous researc" interests ends t"e para!rap".
T"e t"ird para!rap" 'e!ins $it" t"e aut"orFs title and last name 3e.!.#
Dr. Smit"# /rof. ,ones# Mr. Ja(or# Ms. Hunter5. If a p"oto!rap" is
provided# t"e 'io!rap" $ill 'e indented around it. T"e p"oto!rap" is
placed at t"e top left of t"e 'io!rap". /ersonal "o''ies $ill 'e deleted
from t"e 'io!rap".
Jurnal EECCI !ol. III" #o. $" Juni %&&'

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