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International Conference Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information Technology
Communication and Control, Environment and Management (HNICEM)
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE) !hili""ine #ection
$%&$' Novem(er %)$* Henry #y Hall, +e ,a #alle -niversity, Manila, !hili""ines
!a"er Title. (use style/ paper title)
0uthors Name1s (Author)
line $ de"t. name of organi2ation
line %/ name of organi2ation, acronyms acce"ta(le
line */ City, Country
line '/ e&mail address if desired
AbstractThis electronic document is a live template and
already defines the components of your paper [title, text, heads,
etc.] in its style sheet. *CRITICAL: Do Not Use Symbols, Special
Characters, or Math in Paper Title or Abstract. (Abstract)
ey!or"s#component$ %ormattin&$ style$ stylin&$ insert 'key
I. INT34+-CTI4N (Heading 1)
This tem"late, modified in M# 5ord %))6 and saved as a
75ord 86&%))* +ocument9 for the !C, "rovides authors :ith
most of the formatting s"ecifications needed for "re"aring
electronic versions of their "a"ers. 0ll standard "a"er
com"onents have (een s"ecified for three reasons/ ($) ease of
use :hen formatting individual "a"ers, (%) automatic
com"liance to electronic re;uirements that facilitate the
concurrent or later "roduction of electronic "roducts, and (*)
conformity of style throughout a conference "roceedings.
Margins, column :idths, line s"acing, and ty"e styles are (uilt&
in< e=am"les of the ty"e styles are "rovided throughout this
document and are identified in italic ty"e, :ithin "arentheses,
follo:ing the e=am"le. #ome com"onents, such as multi&
leveled e;uations, gra"hics, and ta(les are not "rescri(ed,
although the various ta(le te=t styles are "rovided. The
formatter :ill need to create these com"onents, incor"orating
the a""lica(le criteria that follo:.
II. E0#E 4> -#E
A. Selecting a Template (Heading 2)
>irst, confirm that you have the correct tem"late for your
"a"er si2e. This tem"late has (een tailored for out"ut on the
-#&letter "a"er si2e. If you are using 0'&si2ed "a"er, "lease
close this file and do:nload the file 7M#5?0'?format9.
B. aintaining the !ntegrity o" the Speci"ications
The tem"late is used to format your "a"er and style the
te=t. 0ll margins, column :idths, line s"aces, and te=t fonts are
"rescri(ed< "lease do not alter them. @ou may note
"eculiarities. >or e=am"le, the head margin in this tem"late
measures "ro"ortionately more than is customary. This
measurement and others are deli(erate, using s"ecifications
that antici"ate your "a"er as one "art of the entire "roceedings,
and not as an inde"endent document. !lease do not revise any
of the current designations.
III. !3E!03E @4-3 !0!E3 AE>43E #T@,INB
Aefore you (egin to format your "a"er, first :rite and save
the content as a se"arate te=t file. Cee" your te=t and gra"hic
files se"arate until after the te=t has (een formatted and styled.
+o not use hard ta(s, and limit use of hard returns to only one
return at the end of a "aragra"h. +o not add any Dind of
"agination any:here in the "a"er. +o not num(er te=t heads&
the tem"late :ill do that for you.
>inally, com"lete content and organi2ational editing (efore
formatting. !lease taDe note of the follo:ing items :hen
"roofreading s"elling and grammar/
A. Abbre#iations and Acronyms
+efine a((reviations and acronyms the first time they are
used in the te=t, even after they have (een defined in the
a(stract. 0((reviations such as IEEE, #I, MC#, CB#, sc, dc,
and rms do not have to (e defined. +o not use a((reviations in
the title or heads unless they are unavoida(le.
B. $nits
-se either #I (MC#) or CB# as "rimary units. (#I
units are encouraged.) English units may (e used as
secondary units (in "arentheses). 0n e=ce"tion :ould
(e the use of English units as identifiers in trade, such
as 7*.E&inch disD drive9.
0void com(ining #I and CB# units, such as current in
am"eres and magnetic field in oersteds. This often leads
to confusion (ecause e;uations do not (alance
dimensionally. If you must use mi=ed units, clearly state
the units for each ;uantity that you use in an e;uation.
+o not mi= com"lete s"ellings and a((reviations of
units/ 75(1m%9 or 7:e(ers "er s;uare meter9, not
7:e(ers1m%9. #"ell out units :hen they a""ear in te=t/
7. . . a fe: henries9, not 7. . . a fe: H9.
-se a 2ero (efore decimal "oints/ 7).%E9, not 7.%E9.
-se 7cm*9, not 7cc9. (bullet list)
%. &'uations
The e;uations are an e=ce"tion to the "rescri(ed
s"ecifications of this tem"late. @ou :ill need to determine
:hether or not your e;uation should (e ty"ed using either the
Times Ne: 3oman or the #ym(ol font ("lease no other font).
To create multileveled e;uations, it may (e necessary to treat
International Conference Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information Technology
Communication and Control, Environment and Management (HNICEM)
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE) !hili""ine #ection
$%&$' Novem(er %)$* Henry #y Hall, +e ,a #alle -niversity, Manila, !hili""ines
the e;uation as a gra"hic and insert it into the te=t after your
"a"er is styled.
Num(er e;uations consecutively. E;uation num(ers, :ithin
"arentheses, are to "osition flush right, as in ($), using a right
ta( sto". To maDe your e;uations more com"act, you may use
the solidus ( 1 ), the e=" function, or a""ro"riate e="onents.
Italici2e 3oman sym(ols for ;uantities and varia(les, (ut not
BreeD sym(ols. -se a long dash rather than a hy"hen for a
minus sign. !unctuate e;uations :ith commas or "eriods :hen
they are "art of a sentence, as in
a + b = (1)
Note that the e;uation is centered using a center ta( sto".
Ae sure that the sym(ols in your e;uation have (een defined
(efore or immediately follo:ing the e;uation. -se 7($)9, not
7E;. ($)9 or 7e;uation ($)9, e=ce"t at the (eginning of a
sentence/ 7E;uation ($) is . . .9
(. Some %ommon istakes
The :ord 7data9 is "lural, not singular.
The su(scri"t for the "ermea(ility of vacuum ), and
other common scientific constants, is 2ero :ith
su(scri"t formatting, not a lo:ercase letter 7o9.
In 0merican English, commas, semi&1colons, "eriods,
;uestion and e=clamation marDs are located :ithin
;uotation marDs only :hen a com"lete thought or name
is cited, such as a title or full ;uotation. 5hen ;uotation
marDs are used, instead of a (old or italic ty"eface, to
highlight a :ord or "hrase, "unctuation should a""ear
outside of the ;uotation marDs. 0 "arenthetical "hrase
or statement at the end of a sentence is "unctuated
outside of the closing "arenthesis (liDe this). (0
"arenthetical sentence is "unctuated :ithin the
0 gra"h :ithin a gra"h is an 7inset9, not an 7insert9.
The :ord alternatively is "referred to the :ord
7alternately9 (unless you really mean something that
+o not use the :ord 7essentially9 to mean
7a""ro=imately9 or 7effectively9.
In your "a"er title, if the :ords 7that uses9 can
accurately re"lace the :ord 7using9, ca"itali2e the 7u9<
if not, Dee" using lo:er&cased.
Ae a:are of the different meanings of the homo"hones
7affect9 and 7effect9, 7com"lement9 and 7com"liment9,
7discreet9 and 7discrete9, 7"rinci"al9 and 7"rinci"le9.
+o not confuse 7im"ly9 and 7infer9.
The "refi= 7non9 is not a :ord< it should (e Foined to
the :ord it modifies, usually :ithout a hy"hen.
There is no "eriod after the 7et9 in the ,atin
a((reviation 7et al.9.
The a((reviation 7i.e.9 means 7that is9, and the
a((reviation 7e.g.9 means 7for e=am"le9.
0n e=cellent style manual for science :riters is G6H.
0fter the te=t edit has (een com"leted, the "a"er is ready
for the tem"late. +u"licate the tem"late file (y using the #ave
0s command, and use the naming convention "rescri(ed (y
your conference for the name of your "a"er. In this ne:ly
created file, highlight all of the contents and im"ort your
"re"ared te=t file. @ou are no: ready to style your "a"er< use
the scroll do:n :indo: on the left of the M# 5ord >ormatting
A. Authors and A""iliations
The tem"late is designed so that author affiliations are not
re"eated each time for multi"le authors of the same affiliation.
!lease Dee" your affiliations as succinct as "ossi(le (for
e=am"le, do not differentiate among de"artments of the same
organi2ation). This tem"late :as designed for t:o affiliations.
1) )or author*s o" only one a""iliation (Heading +), To
change the default, adFust the tem"late as follo:s.
a) Selection (Heading -), Highlight all author and
affiliation lines.
b) %hange number o" columns, #elect the Columns icon
from the M# 5ord #tandard tool(ar and then select 7$
Column9 from the selection "alette.
c) (eletion, +elete the author and affiliation lines for
the second affiliation.
2) )or author*s o" more than two a""iliations, To change
the default, adFust the tem"late as follo:s.
a) Selection, Highlight all author and affiliation lines.
b) %hange number o" columns, #elect the 7Columns9
icon from the M# 5ord #tandard tool(ar and then select 7$
Column9 from the selection "alette.
c) Highlight author and a""iliation lines o" a""iliation 1
and copy this selection.
d) )ormatting, Insert one hard return immediately after
the last character of the last affiliation line. Then "aste do:n
the co"y of affiliation $. 3e"eat as necessary for each
additional affiliation.
e) .eassign number o" columns, !lace your cursor to
the right of the last character of the last affiliation line of an
even num(ered affiliation (e.g., if there are five affiliations,
"lace your cursor at end of fourth affiliation). +rag the cursor
u" to highlight all of the a(ove author and affiliation lines. Bo
to Column icon and select 7% Columns9. If you have an odd
num(er of affiliations, the final affiliation :ill (e centered on
the "age< all "revious :ill (e in t:o columns.
5e suggest that you use a te=t (o= to insert a gra"hic
(:hich is ideally a *)) d"i TI>> or E!# file, :ith all fonts
em(edded) (ecause, in an M#5 document, this method is
some:hat more sta(le than directly inserting a "icture.
To have non&visi(le rules on your frame, use the
M#5ord 7>ormat9 "ull&do:n menu, select Te=t Ao= J
Colors and ,ines to choose No >ill and No ,ine.
International Conference Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information Technology
Communication and Control, Environment and Management (HNICEM)
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE) !hili""ine #ection
$%&$' Novem(er %)$* Henry #y Hall, +e ,a #alle -niversity, Manila, !hili""ines
B. !denti"y the Headings
Headings, or heads, are organi2ational devices that guide
the reader through your "a"er. There are t:o ty"es/ com"onent
heads and te=t heads.
Com"onent heads identify the different com"onents of your
"a"er and are not to"ically su(ordinate to each other. E=am"les
include 0cDno:ledgments and 3eferences and, for these, the
correct style to use is 7Heading E9. -se 7figure ca"tion9 for
your >igure ca"tions, and 7ta(le head9 for your ta(le title. 3un&
in heads, such as 70(stract9, :ill re;uire you to a""ly a style
(in this case, italic) in addition to the style "rovided (y the dro"
do:n menu to differentiate the head from the te=t.
Te=t heads organi2e the to"ics on a relational, hierarchical
(asis. >or e=am"le, the "a"er title is the "rimary te=t head
(ecause all su(se;uent material relates and ela(orates on this
one to"ic. If there are t:o or more su(&to"ics, the ne=t level
head (u""ercase 3oman numerals) should (e used and,
conversely, if there are not at least t:o su(&to"ics, then no
su(heads should (e introduced. #tyles named 7Heading $9,
7Heading %9, 7Heading *9, and 7Heading '9 are "rescri(ed.
%. )igures and Tables
a) /ositioning )igures and Tables, !lace figures and
ta(les at the to" and (ottom of columns. 0void "lacing them in
the middle of columns. ,arge figures and ta(les may s"an
across (oth columns. >igure ca"tions should (e (elo: the
figures< ta(le heads should a""ear a(ove the ta(les. Insert
figures and ta(les after they are cited in the te=t. -se the
a((reviation 7>ig. $9, even at the (eginning of a sentence.
T0A,E I. T0A,E T@!E #T@,E#
Table !olumn ead
Table col)mn s)bhea" S)bhea" S)bhea"
co"y More ta(le co"y
a. #am"le of a Ta(le footnote. (Table "ootnote)
>ig. $. E=am"le of a figure ca"tion. ("igure caption)
>igure ,a(els/ -se K "oint Times Ne: 3oman for >igure
la(els. -se :ords rather than sym(ols or a((reviations :hen
:riting >igure a=is la(els to avoid confusing the reader. 0s an
e=am"le, :rite the ;uantity 7Magneti2ation9, or
7Magneti2ation, M9, not Fust 7M9. If including units in the
la(el, "resent them :ithin "arentheses. +o not la(el a=es only
:ith units. In the e=am"le, :rite 7Magneti2ation (01m)9 or
7Magneti2ation L0Gm($)HM9, not Fust 701m9. +o not la(el a=es
:ith a ratio of ;uantities and units. >or e=am"le, :rite
7Tem"erature (C)9, not 7Tem"erature1C9.
0CCN45,E+BMENT (Heading 0)
The "referred s"elling of the :ord 7acDno:ledgment9 in
0merica is :ithout an 7e9 after the 7g9. 0void the stilted
e="ression 7one of us (3. A. B.) thanDs ...9. Instead, try 73. A.
B. thanDs...9. !ut s"onsor acDno:ledgments in the unnum(ered
footnote on the first "age.
The tem"late :ill num(er citations consecutively :ithin
(racDets G$H. The sentence "unctuation follo:s the (racDet G%H.
3efer sim"ly to the reference num(er, as in G*HNdo not use
73ef. G*H9 or 7reference G*H9 e=ce"t at the (eginning of a
sentence/ 73eference G*H :as the first ...9
Num(er footnotes se"arately in su"erscri"ts. !lace the
actual footnote at the (ottom of the column in :hich it :as
cited. +o not "ut footnotes in the reference list. -se letters for
ta(le footnotes.
-nless there are si= authors or more give all authorsO
names< do not use 7et al.9. !a"ers that have not (een "u(lished,
even if they have (een su(mitted for "u(lication, should (e
cited as 7un"u(lished9 G'H. !a"ers that have (een acce"ted for
"u(lication should (e cited as 7in "ress9 GEH. Ca"itali2e only
the first :ord in a "a"er title, e=ce"t for "ro"er nouns and
element sym(ols.
>or "a"ers "u(lished in translation Fournals, "lease give the
English citation first, follo:ed (y the original foreign&language
citation G6H.
G$H B. Eason, A. No(le, and I. N. #neddon, 74n certain integrals of
,i"schit2&HanDel ty"e involving "roducts of Aessel functions,9 !hil.
Trans. 3oy. #oc. ,ondon, vol. 0%'6, "". E%8EE$, 0"ril $8EE.
G%H P. ClerD Ma=:ell, 0 Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, *rd ed., vol.
%. 4=ford/ Clarendon, $K8%, "".6K6*.
G*H I. #. Paco(s and C. !. Aean, 7>ine "articles, thin films and e=change
anisotro"y,9 in Magnetism, vol. III, B. T. 3ado and H. #uhl, Eds. Ne:
@orD/ 0cademic, $86*, "". %6$*E).
G'H C. Elissa, 7Title of "a"er if Dno:n,9 un"u(lished.
GEH 3. Nicole, 7Title of "a"er :ith only first :ord ca"itali2ed,9 P. Name
#tand. 0((rev., in "ress.
G6H @. @oro2u, M. Hirano, C. 4Da, and @. Taga:a, 7Electron s"ectrosco"y
studies on magneto&o"tical media and "lastic su(strate interface,9 IEEE
Transl. P. Magn. Pa"an, vol. %, "". 6')6'$, 0ugust $8K6 G+igests 8th
0nnual Conf. Magnetics Pa"an, ". *)$, $8K%H.

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