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Greenfields Primary School

Termly Overview
Year 2 - Autumn 2014

Spellings: these will be given out each Monday and then tested on the following Monday.
Maths: and English :a homework task will be set each Friday and needs to be handed in
by the following Friday. The task may be paper-based, or on I am Learning.
Reading: children should be reading at least three times per week at home and this
should be recorded in their planner. Please refer to the Reading Focuses in the planner
for ideas for questions you could ask during home reading.
As writers, we will be looking at a range of
stories about Knights and Princesses. We will
explore the features of them and write our
own. We will also explore non -fiction texts
and produce information reports about
Queen Elizabeth.
We will also exploring Bonfire Night poetry
and using similar formats to create our own
There will be a continued effort to practise
the children's letter formation and are
working towards the children being able to
join their letters correctly.
This term in Maths we will be focusing on pace
value and partitioning. This will then be applied
to addition and subtraction problems. We will
also be learning about the inverse relationship
between + and -, as well as using the < and > sym-
bols. We will continue to develop skills in count-
ing; estimating and counting up to 100 objects,
including counting in twos, fives and tens.

Pupils will also be using lists, tables and diagrams,
as well as recording data in block graphs. They
will be comparing and measuring weight, length
and capacities using standard units m, cm, kg and
litre. We will also be reading units on scales,
such as measuring scales and interpreting the
divisions between them.
As scientists we will be exploring forces and movement. We will be looking at pushes and
pulls and gravity. The children will explore friction and investigate the effects of different
surfaces on moving objects.

In our following unit, we will learn about electricity and will start by identifying mains and
battery powered equipment. Then we will find out about how to create a simple circuit to
light a bulb and will investigate what is needed to make a circuit work.

As geographers, we shall be looking at mapping the 4 countries in the United Kingdom including major
cities. The children will be comparing Shrewsbury to different towns around the world. We will also
be mapping places that the Queen has lived or visits to link with our topic.
In History we will be learning about Queen Elizabeth and the Royal family. We will compare the
reign of Queen Elizabeth with a Queen from the past, Queen Victoria. Later, we will be learning
about British celebrations from the past and those in our living memory, such as the Queens Corona-
tion and the Royal Wedding. We will also be finding out about why we celebrate Bonfire Night, by
learning about Guy Fawkes.

We use ICT across the curriculum on a daily
basis. We will become more confident at
presenting our work on word-processor and
will look how to safely use the internet.

The children will continue to have sessions
with Crossbar.

In Art we will be learning about sculptures
using natural materials, in the style of Andy
Goldsworthy. We will create our own natural
sculptures, as well as working with clay.
In our DT we will be working in groups to
design and make castles. We will explore a
range of joining techniques.

In our PSHE work we will be exploring the
idea of changeability. we will be thinking
about how we can start the year posi-
tively and think about how we can believe
in our own ability more.
We are also looking at people who help us
in the community.

This term the children will exploring ba-
sic questions and answers in French les-
sons with Mrs Rose. Also they will be
learning the names of toy s in French .
In Music, the children will be investigat-
ing long and short notes and in groups, will
compose a royal piece of music.
Remember to visit our class blogs - do
leave us a comment!
If youre unsure of how to do this,
please see the school website:
Speak to your teacher if
you have forgotten your log-
on details!

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