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Your contact info Invoice number (Leave blank to auto-numb
Buine name !"#!"#$1%
Buine email &ue 'ate
*en' to
&ecri+tion ,mount
Item 1 'a $ /$0$$ Err:508 Ye
'a' Err:508
*ubtotal Err:508
&icount t(+e ,mount
&icount /$0$$ Err:508
*1i++ing /$0$$asd
a a *1i++ing ta.able2 Ye asd
'f3er *ale ta. rate $0$$4 Err:508
Total sada
-erm 5 con'ition a' C1aracter remaining6 %$$$
Note to reci+ient C1aracter remaining6 %$$$
C1aracter remaining6 17$
Invoice 'ate 8
9eci+ient: email 8
Item name 8 ;uantit( 8 )nit +rice 8
<emo (Your reci+ient 3on:t ee t1i=
Click t1e +lu (>= to t1e left to a'' more info0 (To delete a tip, click the edge to select
it and press Delete.)
Click t1e +lu (>= to t1e left to a'' more info0 (To delete a tip, click the edge to select
it and press Delete.)
Pre t1e -ab ke( to a'' more
Pre t1e -ab ke( to a'' more
Page # of 3
?re@uentl( ,ke' ;uetion
-1i invoicing tem+late 3a built to be ue' 3it1 E.cel #$130
A1at if I 'onBt 1ave E.cel #$132
Can I ue t1i tool to manage invoice create' on Pa(Pal0com2
Co3 'o I a'' a logo to m( invoice2
Co3 'o I a'' or e'it m( buine information2
Co3 'o I a'' or e'it m( cutomer: billing or 1i++ing information2
-1e 3eb a++lication +anel 'ia++eare'0 Co3 'o I get it back2
A1en (ou 'o3nloa' t1e tem+late an a++lication 1oul' a++ear t1at enable (ou
to en' an' manage (our invoice0 If t1i a++lication 'oe not a++earD on t1e
Insert tabD in t1e Apps grou+D click Apps for Ofce0 *earc1 for PayPal
InvoicingD an' t1en inert it0
If (ou 1ave an ol'er verion of E.cel (ou can 'o3nloa' Pa(PalB E.cel Invoicing
,++lication for E.cel #$$E 5 E.cel #$1$0
Click t1i link to get t1e invoicing a''-in0
OrD (ou can tr( an OFce 3G7 +lan t1at inclu'e a 'ekto+ verion of E.cel #$13
free for one mont10
Click t1i link to tr( 1 mont1 for free0
Ye0 ,ll invoice t1at (ou create' uing t1e 3eb invoicing tool on Pa(Pal0com 3ill
a++ear on (our invoice management creen0 , blue HAH 3ill a++ear ne.t to t1e
invoice to in'icate it 3a create' on t1e 3eb0 -o vie3 or e'it t1ee invoice (ou
can click t1e View and Edit action0
-o a'' a logo to (our invoiceD go to t1e invoice logo +age in (our Pa(Pal account
an' a'' a logo0 -1i image 3ill be ue' in t1e invoice t1at i ent to (our
cutomer from E.cel0
Click t1i link to go to t1e invoice logo +age in (our Pa(Pal account0
Note: Your logo 3ill not be 'i+la(e' in t1e E.cel tem+lateD but 3ill be 'i+la(e' to (our
cutomer in t1e invoice t1at (ou en'0
Click t1e I>J ign to t1e left of t1e buine information to e.+an' t1e ection
an' enter more 'etail0
Click t1e I>J ign to t1e left of (our reci+ient: email a''re to 'i+la( t1e billing
an' 1i++ing ection0
Page 3 of 3
A1at 3ill m( cutomer receive 31en I ubmit t1e invoice2
A1at 1oul' I 'o if I till 1ave @uetion2
On t1e Insert tabD in t1e Apps grou+D click Apps for Ofce0 *earc1 for PayPal
InvoicingD an' t1en inert it0
A1en (ou en' t1e invoiceD (our cutomer 3ill receive an email t1at 1o3 t1e
ummar( of t1e invoice0 It 3ill alo inclu'e a button to View and Pay te
A1en (our cutomer click View and Pay Invoice! t1e( 3ill ee t1e 'etail of
t1e invoice an' a button to +a( online0
,''itional an3er can be foun' in t1e 3eb +anel un'er "ore in t1e #A$
If (ou 1ave unan3ere' @uetion or i'ea for im+rovement to t1e invoicing
toolD feel free to en' fee'back to6

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