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The World Bank Group

The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. Phone: (202) 473-6291

INTERNATINA! "INAN#E #RPRATIN W$%h&n'ton( ).#. 20433 "$*: 202 473 +7+8
INTERNATINA! ,AN- "R RE#NSTR.#TIN AN) )E/E!P0ENT ..S.A. E-1$&2: 3o1r$n45or236$n7.or'
2007 Questionnaire on Starting a Business
Doing Business in the Philippines
Dear Contributor,
Thank you for your cooperation with the Doing Business in the Philippines project. On behalf of the
World Bank and IFC, it is a pleasure to introduce you to our sub national study on business start-up
reulation. The sur!ey will solicit your !iews and the !iews of other e"perts in the field of business start-
up in the #hilippines on aspects of reulatory re$uire%ents to open a do%estically-owned li%ited liability
co%pany. We belie!e that your e"perience and knowlede in this area can pro!ide us with an accurate
and objecti!e picture of the practice of co%pany incorporation in your city.
#lease answer the two part sur!ey on the followin paes. The first section asks you to re!iew the
su%%ary of procedures to start a business in &anila City and asks you to co%pare it with your city.
#lease indicate whether each specific procedure is re$uired in your city and the ti%e and cost that it
entails. The second section asks you to describe any ad%inistrati!e or leal chanes that ha!e taken place
in recent years which affected the procedures, ti%e and cost to start up a li%ited liability co%pany.
#lease address any $uestions reardin this sur!ey to 'yl!ia 'olf, tel. ( )*) +,- ,+,), fa" ( )*) +./
,.,-, e-%ail0 ssolf1worldbank.or or 2driana 3icentini, tel. ( )*) +./ *-+,, e-%ail0
a!icentini1worldbank.or. If you ha!e any $uestions, do not hesitate to contact us.
One o!pleted, please return the "uestionnaire #ithin $ business da%s, to &S' ()(C* &'
+)(D,C-O at the )sian ,nstitute o. &anage!ent /),&0, 1ugenio +ope2 3oundation Bldg',
4oseph 5' &&iking Ca!pus, 627 Paseo de 5o8as, &akati Cit% 6290, Philippines' Tel: ;972 <=2
>066 e8t' 206<, 3a8: ;972 7$6 =6<2 to <7, or 1?!ail: nlandiho@ai!'edu'
Thank you aain for your in!aluable contribution to the World Bank4s work.

'yl!ia 'olf 2driana 3icentini
ssolf1worldbank.or a!icentini1worldbank.or
tel. ( )*) +,- ,+,) tel. ( )*) +./ *-+,
The World Bank Group

CO(T5,BATO5BS G1(15)+ ,(3O5&)T,O(
Would %ou like this
in.or!ation publishedCD
*es (o
Title /&r', &s', et'0 5&s.6
(a!e 53illa6 7first8i!en9 5:oresa6 7last8fa%ily9
Position 52sst. :i!ision Chief, Business Bureau6
3ir! 5;ocal <o!ern%ent of :a!ao City6
&ailing )ddress
5 6 7street and nu%ber9
5:a!ao City6 7city9
5#hilippines6 7country9 5 6 7=ip8postal code9
Phone 5 6
3a8 5 6
1?&ail 5 6
Website 5 6
D(ote: Please list all respondents #ho partiipated in o!pleting this surEe%' Anless %ou indiate other#ise,
#e #ill list %ou and %our .ir! as a Doing Business ontributor in our report and on our #ebsite' The
in.or!ation published #ill be li!ited to %our na!e, %our .ir!Bs na!e and /i. appliable0 %our .ir!Bs #ebsite'
1(A&15)TO5BS ,(3O5&)T,O(
(a!e 5&s. >ancy &. ;andicho6
Phone 5?/) -@) +*(( local )*(-6
1?&ail 5nlandicho1ai%.edu6
- ) A Doing Business in Philippines
The World Bank Group

When o!pleting the surEe%, please pa% attention to the .ollo#ing assu!ptions'
The business:
- Is a do%estic li%ited liability co%pany 7stok orporation9.
- Operates in :a!ao City
- Bas , owners, none of who% is a leal entity.
- Bas a start-up capital of (* ti%es inco%e per capita, paid in cash0 ASD 6>,200 or P-P 72<,997'6
- #erfor%s eneral industrial or co%%ercial acti!ities, such as the production or sale of products
or ser!ices to the public. It does not perfor% acti!ities of forein trade and does not handle products
subject to a special ta" rei%e, for e"a%ple, li$uor or tobacco. The business is not usin hea!ily
pollutin production processes.
- ;eases the co%%ercial plant and offices and is not a proprietor of real estate.
- :oes not $ualify for in!est%ent incenti!es or any special benefits.
- Bas up to ,* e%ployees ( %onth after the co%%ence%ent of operations, all of the% nationals.
- Bas a turno!er of at least (** ti%es inco%e per capita0 ASD 6>2,000 or P-P 7,2<9,976'0
- Bas a co%pany deed (* paes lon.
2 proedure is defined as any interaction of the co%pany founder with e"ternal parties 7for e"a%ple,
o!ern%ent aencies, lawyers, auditors, or notaries9. Interactions between co%pany founders or co%pany
officers and e%ployees are not considered separate procedures. Both pre- and post-incorporation
procedures that are officially re$uired for an entrepreneur to leally operate a business are recorded.
Costs only include official fees and ta"es. Bribes are e"cluded. If possible, the rele!ant fee schedule or
calculation for%ula should be indicated 7for e"a%ple, as a percentae of the co%pany4s capital9.
#rofessional fees 7notaries, lawyers or accountants9 are only included if the co%pany is re$uired to use
such ser!ices.
Ti!e is recorded in calendar days and captures the %edian duration of each procedure. The ti%e span for
each procedure starts with the first filin of the application or de%and, and ends once the co%pany has
recei!ed the final docu%ent, such as the co%pany reistration certificate or ta" nu%ber 7that is, it
includes, for e"a%ple, the ti%e to %ake an appoint%ent with the notary or any waitin ti%e once the
docu%ents are filed9. It is assu%ed that the entrepreneur has had no prior contact with any of the
- / A Doing Business in Philippines
The World Bank Group

,' Business 1ntr% Proedures in DaEao Cit%
#lease use this list of the reulatory re$uire%ents and %andatory procedures to incorporate a li%ited
liability co%pany in &anila Cit% as a basis for identifyin the procedures re$uired in your city.
'o%e procedures %ay be si%ilar but ha!e a differin ti%e, cost and aency associated with the%.
#lease indicate these differences in the space pro!ided.
'o%e procedures %ay not be re$uired for your city. #lease indicate these procedures and pro!ide
an e"planation for the difference.
>ote that there are ) additional $uestions related to these procedures at the end of the list.
Proedure 6' Obtain bank erti.iate o. deposit o. the paid?in apital
Ti%e0 ( day
Cost0 >o chare
Co%%ent0 Fees !ary fro% bank to bank. 'o%e banks in &anila do not chare any fee, so%e banks
chare up to #B# (*, for each certificate.
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete 5 6 and Cost to co%plete 5 6 in
:a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5Enu%erator4s Co%%ent0 The respondent has no idea on the ti%e and cost since this procedure is
under a pri!ate co%pany.6
Proedure 2' Obtain Co!!unit% Ta8 Certi.iate /CTC0
Ti%e0 ( day
Cost0 #B# ,***
Co%%ent0 The CTC of the juridical entity is a prere$uisite to obtain the Baranay Clearance. The
basic Co%%unity Ta" depends on whether juridical entity is a corporation, partnership or
association 7#B# ,** or lower9F 2dditional Co%%unity Ta" 7which shall not e"ceed #B#
(*,***9 depends on the assessed !alue of real property owned in the #hilippines by the
co%pany 7#B# ) for e!ery #B# ,,***9 and ross receipts includin di!idends8earnins
deri!ed fro% business in the #hilippines durin the precedin year 7#B# @ for e!ery #B#
,,***9. The applicant only needs to supply its na%e and other personal circu%stances in
securin the CTC.
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
Ti%e A Des
Cost A >o
- + A Doing Business in Philippines
The World Bank Group

If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete 5 6 and Cost to co%plete
5#B#,**.**6 in :a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5 6
Proedure 7' Feri.% the aEailabilit% o. the o!pan% na!e #ith the Seurities and 18hange
Co!!ission /S1C0
Ti%e0 ( day
Cost0 #B# +*
Co%%ent0 Corporate na%e !erification can be done on-line. 3erification is free but reser!ation of the
na%e, once appro!ed by the 'EC, costs #B# +*.
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete 5 6 and Cost to co%plete 5 6 in
:a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5Enu%eratorGs Co%%ent0 The respondent has no idea on the ti%e and cost since this procedure is
under a >ational <o!ern%ent 2ency.6
Proedure >' 5egister inorporation #ith the S1C
Ti%e0 / days
Cost0 #B# +* reser!ation fee of co%pany na%e 7/* days9 H filin fee for articles of
incorporation0 (8, of (I of the authori=ed capital stock, no less than #B# (,***, plus ;eal
Jesearch fee of (I of filin fee, no less than #B# (* H #B# )(* bylaws fee H #B# (,* -
stock and transfer book reistration fee H #B# ., - %e%bership book reistration fee
Co%%ent0 Je$uired reistration docu%ents0 corporate na%e !erification slip, articles of
incorporation and bylaws, treasurerGs affida!it, state%ent of assets and liabilities, bank
certificate of deposit, authority to !erify bank account, ta" account nu%ber of
incorporators, reistration data sheet definin personal infor%ation reardin directors,
officers, stockholders etc, and written undertakin to co%ply with the reportin
re$uire%ents of the 'EC.
The 'EC pro!ides online reistration throuh 'EC-iJeister, the web-based Co%pany
Jeistration 'yste% and the possibility to reser!e a co%pany na%e. For%s for reistration
%ay be downloaded fro% the 'EC website. One can search and research co%pany na%e
and reister the co%pany with the 'EC on-line but pay%ent %ust be %ade at the 'EC
itself. 'a%e day pay%ent is not possible. 2t this point the co%pany obtains Te%porary
- , A Doing Business in Philippines
The World Bank Group

Identification >u%ber 7TI>F in the past the co%pany had to obtain it fro% Je!enue
:istrict Office. To obtain the TI> the co%pany needs to ha!e KBaranayK clearance,
%ayorGs per%it, and a copy of 'EC reistration certificate 7issued by the 'EC as part of this
sa%e procedure9. Other docu%ents %ay be re$uired, e.. ho%eowner4s clearance, contract
of lease.
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete 5 6 and Cost to co%plete 5 6 in
:a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5Enu%eratorGs Co%%ent0 The respondent has no idea on the ti%e and cost since this procedure is
under a >ational <o!ern%ent 2ency.
2s per the online calculator of the 'ecurities and E"chane Co%%ission 7'EC9 www.sec.o!.ph for
the appro"i%ate reistration fee for a stock corporation with a start-up capital of #B#.)-,??/.(*, the
esti%ated cost for the business assu%ption is e$ual to #B#),+,(.@*. The for%ula of which is as
follows0 #B#(,+,..//, filin fee 7(8, of (I of the authori=ed capital stock or the subscription price of
the subscribed capital stock whiche!er is hiher but not less than #(,***.**9 H #B#(+.,. leal
research fee 7;JF9 7e$ui!alent to (I of filin fee but not less than #(*.**9 H #B#,(*.** articles and
by-laws H #B#+.*.** 'tock and Transfer Book 7'TB97re$uired for new corporationsF fee includes
reistration of the 'TB9.6
Proedure $' )ppl% .or a Baranga% /distrit0 learane
Ti%e0 ) days
Cost0 #B# -**
Co%%ent0 >o city or %unicipality %ay issue any license or per%it for any business or acti!ity unless
a clearance is first obtained fro% the baranay where such business or acti!ity is located or
conducted. 'o%e baranays collect a fee for the issuance of a baranay clearance. The fee
is based on the area 7si=e in s$. %eters9 of the place of business and the location of the
place of business.
The fee chared by the baranay depends on the paid-up capital of the corporation and the
land area it occupiesL#B# ,** %ini%u% plus #B# /** for the baranay clearance plate.
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete 5(6 and Cost to co%plete 5#B#),.** A
#B#,*.**6 in :a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
- ? A Doing Business in Philippines
The World Bank Group

Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5 6
Proedure 9' Obtain !a%orGs per!itH!uniipal liense to operate at the +iensing Setion o. the
Ti%e0 (( days
Cost0 The fees !ary dependin on the local o!ern%ent unit 7city8%unicipality9 issuin the
%ayorGs per%it 7#B# /**, sanitary per%it fee H *.)I of capital for license fee H #B#
)***, per%it fee for businesses enaed in retail H #B# (,,** arbae collection fee H
#B# /?*, occupational ta" H #B# .*,, occupational police clearance8health clearance H
#B# .,*, plu%bin inspection fee H #B# (**, electrical inspection fee H #B# (** buildin
per%it fee H #B# (** sin board per%it fee9
Co%%ent0 Je$uired docu%ents0 acco%plished application for business per%its and licenses in
duplicate copies with sketch of location of buildin at the backF certification issued by the
corporate secretary to the effect that the co%pany has been duly authori=ed to enaed in
the businessF a%ount of paid-up capitalF certificate of reistrationF receipts of pay%ent of
due feesF lease contractF Baranay Clearance8#er%itF co%prehensi!e eneral liability
insurance 7which is usually based on the area si=e of the office space9, co%%unity ta"
certificate 7which is usually based on the paid-up capital9.
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete I6>J and Cost to co%plete I/see
o!putation belo#0J in :a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5e"uired Dou!ents: 'EC 2rticles of IncorporationF Cedula of the Corporation 7if business
application is sub%itted after Muly /*, there4s no need to present the cedula9F Baranay ClearanceF If it
is the liaison officer who shall conduct the processin of the papers for the co%pany, an authori=ation
letter fro% the owner of the co%pany shall be presented at the Business Bureau alon with a
speci%en sinature of the owner.
Step?B%?Step Proedure /.or o!putation o. T,&10:
(. 2t the Business Bureau A #er%its and ;icense :i!ision. A( day
a. <et application for%.
b. <i!e acco%plished application for% and re$uire%ents to the licensin officer for
c. The paper shall then be forwarded to the Jecords 'ection for !erification of the data.
That is, if the entrepreneur has no pendin business per%it filed beforehand.
- . A Doing Business in Philippines
The World Bank Group

d. The officer-in-chare shall affi" his8her sinature in the application for%.
e. The application for% shall then be forwarded to the Electronic :ata #rocessin 7E:#9
Nnit to enerate the co%puteri=ed application for% 7printout of the assessed fees9.
). >otari=e the 2pplication For%. A ( day
/. #roceed to City Enineer4s Office for assess%ent of fees and inspection. A ) days
+. #roceed to City Bealth Office for 'anitary #er%it Fee and inspection. A ) days
,. #roceed to City #lannin for ;ocational Clearance and inspection. A / days
?. #roceed to CE>JO for En!iron%ental Clearance. Inspection will depend on the specific location
of the business. A ( day
.. 2t the City Treasurer, present application for% with the fees. The fees will be encoded in
electronic for%at. The entrepreneur shall et the Ta" Order of #ay%ent 7TO#9 and proceed at the
cashier to pay the fees. A ( day
-. #roceed to the Bureau of Fire for inspection. A ) days
@. <o back to the Business Bureau to et &ayor4s #er%it. A ( day
1sti!ated Proessing Ti!e0 In actuality, with co%plete re$uire%ents, it would only take the
entrepreneur / days 7processin at B#;O only, e"cludin other offices9 to et the &ayor4s #er%it
fro% :a!ao City.
Cost Co!putation' The supportin City Ordinances can be found in the )**, Je!enue Code of the
City of :a!ao. The business assu%ption is considered as a Os%allP type of business in :a!ao City.

Ite%s Fee
(. Fi"ed Ta" (,***.**
). Initial #ay%ent /?+.//
/. <arbae Fee ),***.**
+. Enineerin Fee (,***.**
,. ;ocational Clearance Fee 7for co%%ercial
?. Bealth8'anitary Fee :epends on the location of the
business establish%ent
.. CE>JO :epends on the location of the
business establish%ent
-. Fire 'afety (*I of reulatory fees
@. Business #late (,*.**
(*. >otari=ation of the Business 2pplication For% ,*.**
2re there additional clearances re$uired in :a!ao City to obtain the %unicipal licenseC Des
If Des, please list the% here0
- - A Doing Business in Philippines
The World Bank Group

(. 5Clearance fro% the City Enineer4s Office6 Ti%e to co%plete 5)6 and cost to co%plete
5#B#(,***.**6. Ti%e and Cost included in the abo!e co%putation. Npon presentin business
application, the establish%ent will be inspected.
). 5CE>JO Clearance6 Ti%e to co%plete 5(6 and cost to co%plete 5 6. 5Enu%erator4s
Co%%ent0 Cost cannot be deter%ined since they need to know the e"act location of the business
establish%ent before they can pro!ide an esti%ate.6
/. 5Bealth8'anitary #er%it fro% the City Bealth Office6 Ti%e to co%plete 5)6 and cost to co%plete
5 6. 5Enu%erator4s Co%%ent0 Cost cannot be deter%ined since they need to know the e"act
location of the business establish%ent before they can pro!ide an esti%ate.6
+. 5;ocational Clearance fro% the City #lannin Office6 Ti%e to co%plete 5/6 and cost to co%plete
5#B#//*.**6. Cost included in the abo!e co%putation. The o!erall plan of the business
establish%ent should be sub%itted for the processin of the locational clearance. The inspection
depends on the location of the business establish%ent.
Feel free to use this space for any co%%ents related to clearances0 5 6
Proedure 7' 5eeiEe inspetion .ro! the &a%orGs
Ti%e0 , days 7included in pre!ious procedure9
Cost0 >o chare
Co%%ent0 The &ayor4s Office conducts an inspection to !erify that the business will conduct the
acti!ity it has stated in the application. There is no need to set an appoint%ent for this
inspection and the cost of it is no%inalF the inspection enerally occurs in the first , days
after the application for the per%it has been sub%itted.
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete 5 6 and Cost to co%plete 5 6 in
:a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5 6
Proedure <' Bu% speial books o. aount at bookstore
Ti%e0 ( day
Cost0 #B# +**
Co%%ent0 'pecial books of account are re$uired for the purpose of reisterin 32T. The books of
account are sold at bookstores nationwide. One set of journals consistin of four books,
na%ely, the cash receipts account, disburse%ents account, leder and the eneral journal,
%ay cost about #B# +**.
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
- @ A Doing Business in Philippines
The World Bank Group

If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete 5 6 and Cost to co%plete 5 6 in
:a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5Enu%erator4s Co%%ent0 The respondent has no idea on the ti%e and cost since this procedure is
under a pri!ate co%pany.6
Proedure =' Seure a ta8 identi.iation nu!berK 5egister .or F)T at the Bureau o. ,nternal
5eEenue /B,50
Ti%e0 ) days
Cost0 #B# ,** 7reistration fee9 H #B# (, 7certification fee9 and #B# (, 7docu%entary sta%p
ta", in loose for% to be attached to For% )/*/9
Co%%ent0 2fter the ta"payer obtains the TI>, the co%pany is re$uired to pay the annual reistration
fee of #B# ,** at any duly accredited bank by usin the pay%ent for% 7BIJ For% *?*,9.
In #hilippines, there is a co%%unity ta", a local ta", 32T, and inco%e ta". When a
co%pany reisters as a ta"payer, it %ust indicate in the application for reistration the
types of ta"es it e"pects to be liable for, includin 32T. The 2uthority to #rint
Jeceipt8In!oices %ust be secured by the printer before the sales in!oices8receipts %ay be
printed. #hilippine law does not re$uire a co%pany to ha!e its official in!oice for%s
printed at desinated print shops. If a co%pany has secured an 2uthority to #rint Jeceipts
and In!oices, it can ask any authori=ed printin co%pany to print its official in!oice for%s.
Bowe!er, if a co%pany wants to print its own in!oice for%s 7i.e., it uses its co%puters to
print loose-leaf in!oice for%s9, the co%pany %ust obtain a special per%it fro% the BIJ for
this purpose.
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete 5 6 and Cost to co%plete 5 6 in
:a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5Enu%eratorGs Co%%ent0 The respondent has no idea on the ti%e and cost since this procedure is
under a >ational <o!ern%ent 2ency.6
Proedure 60' Pa%!ent o. Dou!entar% Sta!p Ta8es
Ti%e0 ( day
Cost0 >o chare
Co%%ent0 'ection (.+ of the >ational Internal Je!enue Code, as a%ended, re$uires the pay%ent of
docu%entary sta%p ta"es on the oriinal issuance of shares of stock at the rate of #B# ) on
- (* A Doing Business in Philippines
The World Bank Group

each #B# )** or a fractional part thereof, of the par !alue of such shares of stock, within ,
days after the close of the %onth when the reistration certificate is issued by the 'EC or
the shares are issued by the corporation.
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete 5 6 and Cost to co%plete 5 6 in
:a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5Enu%eratorGs Co%%ent0 The respondent has no idea on the ti%e and cost since this procedure is
under a >ational <o!ern%ent 2ency.6
Proedure 66' Obtain the )uthorit% to Print 5eeiptH,nEoies #ith the B,5
Ti%e0 ( day
Cost0 Included in procedure @
Co%%ent0 The 2uthority to #rint Jeceipt8In!oices %ust be secured by the printer before the sales
in!oices8receipts %ay be printed. #hilippine law does not re$uire a co%pany to ha!e its
official in!oice for%s printed at desinated print shops. If a co%pany has secured an
2uthority to #rint Jeceipts and In!oices, it can ask any authori=ed printin co%pany to
print its official in!oice for%s. Bowe!er, if a co%pany wants to print its own in!oice for%s
7i.e., it uses its co%puters to print loose-leaf in!oice for%s9, the co%pany %ust obtain a
special per%it fro% the BIJ for this purpose.
>ew ta"payers %ust sub%it the followin to the Je!enue :istrict Office or concerned
office under the ;are Ta"payer 'er!ice ha!in jurisdiction o!er the ta"payerGs Bead
7a9 :uly acco%plished BIJ For% (@*? - 2pplication for 2uthority to #rint Jeceipts and
b9 Mob order
c9 Final and clear sa%ple of receipts and in!oices 7%achine printed9
d9 #hotocopy of the followin0
2pplication for Jeistration 7BIJ For% >o. (@*( or (@*/98 TJN for% or photocopy of
TI> card
#roof of pay%ent of 2nnual Jeistration Fee 7BIJ For% >o. *?*,9
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete 5 6 and Cost to co%plete 5 6 in
:a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
- (( A Doing Business in Philippines
The World Bank Group

Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5Enu%eratorGs Co%%ent0 The respondent has no idea on the ti%e and cost since this procedure is
under a >ational <o!ern%ent 2ency.6
Proedure 62' Print reeipts and inEoies at the print shops
Ti%e0 (+ days
Cost0 #B# +,*** 7between #B# /,*** and #B# ,,***9
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete 5 6 and Cost to co%plete 5 6 in
:a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5Enu%erator4s Co%%ent0 The respondent has no idea on the ti%e and cost since this procedure is
under a pri!ate co%pany.6
Proedure 67' Sub!it reeipts and inEoies to the B,5 .or approEal, haEe reeiptsHinEoies and
books o. aounts sta!ped b% B,5
Ti%e0 ( day
Cost0 >o chare
Co%%ent0 In practice, the books of accounts are presented for sta%pin riht after the application is
filed. Books can be obtained fro% BIJ. To reister books of account and in!oices, present
the followin docu%ents0 all the re$uired books of accounts, 32T reistration certificate,
'EC reistration certificate and BIJ For% W-,.
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete 5 6 and Cost to co%plete 5 6 in
:a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5Enu%eratorGs Co%%ent0 The respondent has no idea on the ti%e and cost since this procedure is
under a >ational <o!ern%ent 2ency.6
- () A Doing Business in Philippines
The World Bank Group

Proedure 6>' 5egister #ith the Soial Seurit% S%ste! /SSS0
Ti%e0 ( week
Cost0 >o chare
Co%%ent0 To enroll for %e%bership with the ''' the docu%entary re$uire%ents are the followin0
(. ;ist of E%ployees, specifyin their birth dates, positions, %onthly salary and date of
e%ploy%entF and
). 2rticles of Incorporation, By-;aws and Certificate of Jeistration with the 'ecurities Q
E"chane Co%%ission 7'EC9 or the Certificate of Jeistration with the :epart%ent of
Trade and Industry 7:TI9.
Npon sub%ission of the re$uisite docu%ents, the e%ployees shall undero a se%inar,
which shall be scheduled within one 7(9 week. 2t the end of the se%inar, the Certificate of
&e%bership shall then be released.
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete 5 6 and Cost to co%plete 5 6 in
:a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5Enu%eratorGs Co%%ent0 The respondent has no idea on the ti%e and cost since this procedure is
under a >ational <o!ern%ent 2ency.6
Proedure 6$' 5egister #ith the Philippines -ealth ,nsurane Co!pan% /P-,C0
Ti%e0 ( week
Cost0 >o chare
Co%%ent0 Npon enroll%ent with the ''', reistration with #BIC %ay be undertaken. ;ist of
E%ployees shall likewise be sub%itted to the #BIC.
Is this procedure re$uired in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If Des, are the ti%e and cost noted here the sa%e in :a!ao CityC Des >o
If >o, what is your esti%ate of the a!erae Ti%e to co%plete 5 6 and Cost to co%plete 5 6 in
:a!ao CityC
If this procedure is >OT re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the procedure that you would place
here0 5 6
#lease esti%ate0 Ti%e to co%plete0 5 6 Cost to co%plete0 5 6
Feel free to use this space to %ake any additional co%%ents about this procedure in :a!ao City0
5Enu%eratorGs Co%%ent0 The respondent has no idea on the ti%e and cost since this procedure is
under a >ational <o!ern%ent 2ency.6
- (/ A Doing Business in Philippines
The World Bank Group

If additional procedures are re$uired in :a!ao City, please describe the%, in the spaces below. If you
need additional space, please add a separate sheet0
Proedure 69' (otari2ation o. the Business )ppliation 3or! /inluded in Proedure 90
Ti%e0 5(6
Cost0 5#B#,*.**6
Co%%ent0 5The business per%it application for% should be notari=ed first before the processin of
the &ayor4s #er%it.6
#lease specify if any of the pre!ious procedures can be done in parallel, that is, there is no need to wait
for one procedure to be co%pleted until the ne"t one can be started 7e.. #rocedures ), / and procedures -,
@90 5>one6
,,' 5e.or!s
(. Between 2pril )**? and now, were any ad%inistrati!e or leal chanes i%ple%ented in :a!ao City
that affected the re$uire%ents and process to establish a do%estic li%ited liability co%panyC
Des >o
If your answer is Des, please describe these chanes in the table below 7please include the date of the
chane or refor%, %ajor characteristics, objecti!es, rele!ant reulation, if applicable90
18a!ples .or re.or!s and si!pli.iations *es (o
&ini%u% capital re$uire%ent chaned.
#rocedures were added or cut.
Co%pany ;aw or Co%%ercial Code was re!ised.

If yes please
5 6
Jeistry co%puteri=ed or re-orani=ed.
Jeistration chaned fro% judicial to ad%inistrati!e process.
'ubstanti!e re!iew of applications was eli%inated.
>ew sinle access point or one-stop shop 7e.. BO''9.
Jeistration can be co%pleted online.
>ew e"pedited ser!ice.
>ew statutory ti%e li%its.
R'ilence-is-consent4 rule was introduced 7authori=ation
auto%atically appro!ed after certain ti%e li%it9.

If yes please
5 6
on and
:ocu%entation re$uire%ents were si%plified, reduced or
#ublication re$uire%ents 7in official a=ette or daily
newspaper9 chaned.

If yes please
5 6
- (+ A Doing Business in Philippines
The World Bank Group

Ta" reistration was si%plified.
'inle identification nu%ber 7for ta", statistical and other
reistration purposes9 was introduced.

If yes please
5 6
security or
Je$uire%ents were strea%lined or reistration si%plified.
If yes please
5 6
Please e8plain ho# the aboEe re.or!s haEe i!pated the ti!e, osts and proedures .or doing
business in this it%'
5 6
). 2re you aware of any planned 7future9 chanes to the laws and reulations on establishin a
do%estic li%ited liability co%pany in :a!ao CityC
Des >o
If your answer is Des, please briefly describe0 (9 the e"pected date of the refor%, )9 the oal of the
refor%, and /9 its %ajor characteristics 7solutions it pro!ides to achie!e the oal90 5 6
/. In your opinion, is the process to open a business in :a!ao City %ore or less efficient today co%pared
with a year a oC
#lease describe the rationale for your selection
'a%e 5 6
&ore efficient 5Co%puteri=ation on the processin of docu%ents.6
;ess efficient 5 6
+. If you were to ad!ise the o!ern%ent on how to refor% business start-up, what would be your %ain
suestion and whyC 5BIJ should not be too strict in the processin of docu%ents.6
Thank %ou .or o!pleting the surEe%L
We appreciate your contribution to the :oin Business project.
The results will appear in Doing Business and on our website http088www.doinbusiness.or.
Dour work will be ratefully acknowleded in both.
The :oin Business project co!ers (* topics of business reulation fro% start-up to closin. #lease let us
know whether you would like to contribute to any of the followin topic7s9 in addition to startin a
business or whether you would like to reco%%end one of your colleaues or a local e"pert.
- (, A Doing Business in Philippines

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