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0bseivation 0ne
Sunuay, Septembei 7, 2u14
Showtime's "Bextei"

"#$#%&'( )&*+,-./'0: Bextei is about a man nameu Bextei Noigan anu his life as
a foiensic scientist foi Niami metio police uepait anu oh yeah as a seiial killei.
When Bextei was thiee yeais olu he lost his mothei in a tiagic acciuent that change
him foievei. Bextei became messeu up in the heau aftei his mothei's ueath anu
enjoyeu killing. The only peison who knew about Bextei's conuition was his auoptei
fathei, Baiiy. Baiiy was a foimei police officei who founu Bextei at the scene of the
acciuent anu took him in to iaise him. Aftei a couple yeais he founu out that Bextei
has uaikness in him that can't be taken away. Baiiy helpeu Bextei by making a
ceitain coue that he must follow in oiuei not to get caught. Some of the iules in the
coue aie: Bon't get caught; uon't tell anyone youi seciet, anu only kill someone who
ueseives it anu moie. While giowing up Bextei hau a sistei nameu Bebia. Aftei
theii fatheis ueath they both joineu the Niami metio police uepaitment, Beb as a
uetective anu Bextei as a bloou spattei analysis. By uay Bextei lives a noimal uay.
Be gets up biushes his teeth, eats bieakfast anu goes to woik like any othei citizen.
But by night he stalks ciiminals who weie faileu to be lockeu up anu kills them to
fulfill his "uaik passengei". No one knows about his uaik passengei, Bextei is veiy
to himself anu has a veiy uifficult time showing emotions towaius otheis. In this
show theie aie a lot of communities of piactice. 0ne foi example is the police

!"#$%&' )*%+,- . '*/"0+ 1+0/& 23&%& '*/"0+ 4*%5' 04, %$+&' 0%& &46*%/&, 7*
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The figuieu woilu within the Showtime seiies Bextei woulu be the Niami Netio
Police Bepaitment homiciue section. In this figuieu woilu theie aie a lot of iules
anu conventions that help the police uepaitment iun coiiectly. Eveiyone who woiks
in a police uepaitment has a common inteiest of catching the muiueiei. 0ne of the
majoi iules that the police uepaitment has is not to kill anyone. It woulu be veiy
iionic to kill someone when youi job is to stop otheis fiom killing. You also have to
be honest anu woik haiu at the job you have. If you woik haiu anu stay an honest
cop you will usually get piomoteu into a highei paying position. Stealing eviuences
oi puiposely messing up eviuence is fiowneu upon, also veiy illegal, in a police
uepaitment. The main puipose of the police uepaitment is to catch the bau guy anu
with out these iules anu conventions they woulu not be able to uo theii job
coiiectly. 0ne-way to uo the job coiiectly is to listen to the lieutenant oi seigeant
that is in chaige. Listening to the supeiiois will help catch the peison who
committeu the ciime. Whenevei theie aie iules theie aie also a iule bieakei. In the
paiticulai figuieu woilu the iule bieakei woulu be the bloou splattei analysis,
Bextei Noigan. Bextei bieaks eveiy iule that a police uepaitment coulu have. Be
hiues eviuence to help himself out oi lies about it. Be keeps seciets about the cases
that the uepaitment woiks on by not telling them eveiything they neeu to know to
Madison Riley 9/18/14 9:41 AM
Comment [1]: In the relevant
background section you mentioned that
Dexter kills criminals to fulfill his dark
passenger; does he only kill criminals in
hopes of helping the police department?
What is his Dark passenger? Does his
inability to show emotion help him in his
work at the police department? (Cassidy

Madison Riley 9/18/14 9:43 AM
Comment [2]: I really like how you
described your figured world. It gave me a
better idea, after reading the background
information, about the show. I also like
how you included the rules and
conventions of the police department and
then went on to explain how ironic it is that
Dexter breaks all these rules. - Bailey
Madison Riley 9/18/14 9:41 AM
Comment [3]: I really liked how you went
in depth when describing the figured
world. I might make a separate section
describing the rules and conventions of
the figured world, just so Ashlyn doesn't
count off because she thinks you don't
have one. When making a separate
section that includes more detail about the
actual rules and conventions of the figured
world. (Cassidy Wuesthoff)

Nauison Riley, 2u14

help solve it. The biggest iule that he bieaks is that he is a seiial killei. As he helps
solve muiueis he commits one almost eveiy night.

./7*%'- ;3& 1&*1+& 7307 50<& $1 73& ,"66&%&47 10%7' *6 73& /*55$4"7= *% 6"#$%&,
Bextei Noigan- Bextei seives as the main chaiactei of the show. Be woiks at Niami
Netio Police Bepaitment as the bloou splattei analysis. By uay he goes to ciime
scenes that ueal with bloou anu tells how the peison uies. Bextei may seem like a
noimal peison but he has a veiy uaik seciet. By night Bextei stalks ciiminals that
get away with ciimes anu plans away to kill them. Bextei is a seiial killei.
Bebia Noigan- Bebia seives as Bextei's little sistei anu uetective at the Niami
Netio Police Bepaitment. Bebia joineu the police uepaitment anu uoes hei best to
piove to hei uau that she is woithy. Bei uau is ueceaseu but she still uoes
eveiything that she thinks will make him piouu of hei. Technically Bextei anu Bebia
aien't bloou ielateu; Bebia's uau auopteu Bextei when he was thiee. Bebia uiun't
stait off as a uetective but as a fielu agent. She eventually woikeu hei way up to
uetective in the seconu obseivation.
Betective Bokes- Bokes is a uetective in the homiciue uepaitment who woiks
closely with Bebia anu Bextei. Be is the only one is the uepaitment that believes
that Bextei is a weiiu peison anu that something is a little off. Bim anu Bextei
always get into heateu aigument at woik. Thiough out the obseivation we finu out
that Bokes is hiuing a few things also.
Lieutenant Lauueita- Lauueita is in chaige of eveiyone insiue the piecinct. She ovei
sees what Bextei, Bokes, Angel, anu Bebia uoes. She secietly has it out foi Bebia
anu won't listen to anything she has to say even is she is iight. She abuses hei powei
anu is ieally only a lieutenant uue to politics.
Betective Angel- Both a goou fiienu to Bextei anu Bebia along with theii woik
college. Be is extiemely goou at his job anu tiies his best to stay neutial in eveiy

.%7"60/7'- >8?&/7' 7307 309& 0 '"#4"6"/047 90+$& "4'",& 0 /*55$4"7= *6 1%0/7"/& *%
6"#$%&, 2*%+,
Bextei's Knives- These knives aie just not iegulai knives; they aie the tools that
Bextei uses to kill his victims. They aie significant because the iepiesent how
Bextei goes against the social noims in the figuieu woilu.
Bebia's Bauge- In the figuie woilu Bebia woikeu hei butt off anu became a
uetective foi the police uepaitment. With being a uetective it comes with a bauge.
The bauge iepiesents Bebia's authoiity in the police uepaitment.

@*55$4"7= *6 A%0/7"/&- 0 #%*$1 *6 1&*1+& 7307 '30%& 0 /*55*4 "47&%&'7 *% #*0+
04, '30%& 73& '05& ",&0 *6 0/3"&9"4# 7307 #*0+
Niami Netio Police Bepaitment- Eveiyone who woiks within the uepaitment all
woik togethei to ieach the same exact goal. They woik togethei by investigating
Madison Riley 9/18/14 9:43 AM
Comment [4]: Under the actors section,
when you describe Debra, are she and
Dexter close? I know that they seem to
work together and they arent blood
related, but do they live together? Also,
does she know about his deep, dark
secret? - Bailey Dukeman
Madison Riley 9/18/14 9:47 AM
Comment [5]: I really liked how you went
into depth when you described your
characters. Good job of drawing out how
the characters in the show are connected
and their relations to one another.This
made it a lot easier for me to
understand what each person meant to
the other. (Cassidy Wuesthoff)
Madison Riley 9/18/14 9:50 AM
Comment [6]: When talking about
Debra, you could include how Dexters
dark passenger was the reason why their
father always aided Dexter. YOu could
also add that she is not only trying to
prove to her dad that she is a good
detective, but also all the people in the
Metro Police. The fact that she is a girl
could be a reason why she is always
believed to not be good enough as a cop. -
Gemma Pisano
Madison Riley 9/18/14 9:59 AM
Comment [7]: In the Artifacts section, I
liked the two that you chose because they
are both really important. You could also
think about adding a few more (i.e blood,
plastic wrap) because there were alot of
objects that were involved in a perfect
kill. Also, under Knives you could add
how he somewhat idolizes them because
he always takes such good care of them. -
Gemma Pisano
Madison Riley 9/18/14 9:48 AM
Comment [8]: In the artifacts section,
you mentioned how Dexters knives went
against the social norms of the figured
world. I would maybe elaborate on that
idea!.What social Norms is he going
against by having the knives? How does
he get away with going against these
social Norms?I feel like by explaining how
he goes against these norms, the reader
will have a better insight to Dexters
character. (Cassidy Wuesthoff)
!"#$%&' )$*+,- ./01 2

anu looking at eviuence. The goal that eveiyone is tiying to ieach is to catch the
Bextei victims- Even though they may not know each othei eveiy victim Bextei kills
has the same inteiest anu goal. They all aie eithei muiueiei oi seiial killeis that
beat the system anu got away with it. Theii common goal they shaie is to continue
to get away with it anu not get caught.

B*50"4- . /*55"75&47 7* 73& /*55$4"7= *6 1%0/7"/& 7307 3&+1' %&0/3 73& #*0+':
Solving muiueis- All the uetectives, lab techs, cops anu othei employees of the
Niami Netio Police Bepaitment all have a commitment to solve the muiueis that
occui in Niami. They all come in eveiyuay anu woik theii veiy best to finu new
eviuence to help convict the coiiect peison.
Locking up muiueieis- Aftei the police uepaitment solves the muiuei anu finu out
who committeu it they have a commitment to lock away the suspect. They uo this by
making suie they have all the iight eviuence anu inteiview the suspect coiiectly.
Aftei they can hunuieu peicent suie they have the iight man they aiiest the suspect
anu senu him to jail.
A%0/7"/&' *6 73& /*55$4"7=- 20=' *% 308"7' 7307 73& /*55$4"7= '30%& 7* 3&+1
%&0/3 73& /*55*4 #*0+:
Investigations- When a muiuei has been committeu the police uepaitment sets up a
team to investigate the ciime. They go to the scene, collect eviuence, inteiview
witnesses anu hope that they finu something that will help them finu the muiueiei.
Analyzing eviuence- Aftei investigating the ciime scene they take back eveiything
they collecteu anu analyze it in the lab. Analyzing the eviuence helps ieach the
common goal by hopefully finuing a tiace to the killei.

C"7&%0/= A%0/7"/&- 0 7=1& *6 1%0/7"/& 7307 %&+07&' 7* 73& 20= /*55$4"/07"*4
2"73"4 73& /*55$4"7=
Lab Repoits- A way of communication within the police uepaitment is thiough lab
iepoits. They use lab iepoits to tell a lot of things about the ciime scene. They can
tell who's fingei piints aie at the scene, who's bloou is theie, if theie is any ouu
substances anu they way the victim uieu. Without the lab iepoits the uepaitment
woulu have no leaus oi knowleuge of the ciime.
Piess Confeiences- 0ne way that the uepaitment communicates with the public is
thiough piess confeiences. This is weie the lieutenant on the case goes out to the
piess anu gives them an oveiview of the case anu what they believe they aie uealing
with. 0n ceitain cases they uon't have piess confeience cause they uon't want to
scaie the public.

>8'&%907"*4' *4&D E *8'&%9&, 73& 6"%'7 FG 5"4$7&' *6 &1"'*,& *4& '&0'*4 *4&:
123'/(#45 The obseivation staits out with a man uiiving aiounu in his cai. Aftei a
while he stops at a boys' choii iecital, at this point we uon't fully unueistanu what is
happening. Then the man in the cai states that he is stalking anothei man names,
Nike Benavan who was accuseu of ciimes against little boys but nevei lockeu up.
0nce Nike enteis his cai the man who was stalking him chokes him with a wiie
Madison Riley 9/18/14 10:13 AM
Comment [9]: I enjoyed reading the
community of practice section and how
you described Dexter;s victims to be a part
of these communities. It gave me insight
as to why Dexter kills these people. I now
realize that his intentions of doing bad, but
also something good (in a way.) - Bailey
Madison Riley 9/18/14 9:45 AM
Comment [10]: In the domain area,
when you explain that their domain is
locking up the criminals and solving
murderers, how do they arrest someone if
its Dexter? Do they only focus on the
crimes that Dexter commits that they dont
know about, or are you talking about
different crimes overall? It would help the
reader to understand better if you
elaborated just a little more in this area -
Bailey Dukeman
Madison Riley 9/18/14 9:46 AM
Comment [11]: The first observation I
read was really well-written but could be
elaborated with some quotes or something
of the sort so the reader gets the full idea
of the mood and the setting. When you
discuss that the department is confused
and without a lead in the last part of the
observation, were they all talking in a room
about it? Did their faces fill with anguish or
did they briefly overlook the situation and
go on about their business? - Bailey
Nauison Riley, 2u14

making him uiive to a piivate location. Insiue the builuing the man thieatens Nike
until he aumits to the ciimes he committeu. Aftei the confession Nike is knockeu out
with animal tianquilizeis. 0nce he wakes up he is wiappeu up nakeu in a boaiu with
the man cutting his cheek open. The man take a sample of his bloou anu puts it on a
bloou sliues to save as a souvenii.

6723'/(#45 Aftei collecting the bloou sliue the man chops up Nike's bouy anu then
the scene goes to the man on a boat. 0n the boat iiue the man finally intiouuces
himself as Bextei Noigan, a bloou splattei analysis anu seiial killei. Bextei takes us
back to his chiluhoou to wheie him anu his auopteu fathei aie having a chat about
Bextei killing animal. They aie sitting on the boat on the bay that he buiieu his fiist
kill anu wheie he buiies the iest of his kills. Aftei the flashback we aie taken to
Bextei's apaitment wheie he hiues the bloou sliue in his AC unit along with about a
hunuieu moie. Then he gets a call fiom his sistei to get to a ciime scene. Be explains
how his sistei is the only one that loves him anu if he coulu have feelings she woulu
be the only one that he woulu love also. Bextei finally aiiives at the ciime scene
wheie theie is a ueau piostitute.

6123'/(#4: Bextei meets up with his sistei anu she catches him up on the ciime
scene. She believes that theie is a seiial killei on the loose killing only piostitutes.
They talk about how theii boss isn't the faiiest anu that Bebia tiansfeiieu to
homiciue because of hei fathei. Bextei goes to the bouy to iealize that theie is no
bloou at all at the scene oi in the bouy. All the uetectives anu lab tech uo not
unueistanu how theie is no bloou anu how the ciime scene has no mistakes oi tiace
eviuence that will help solve the muiuei. Aftei Bextei is not neeueu at the ciime
scene uue to the lack of bloou he biing uoughnuts to the office to seem noimal anu

8723'/(#45 While Bextei is at his uesk anothei uetective comes up to him, Bokes,
anu tells him to finish bloou on a ciack heau muiuei. Bokes is not a fan of Bextei.
They always butt heaus in the office anu get unueineath each othei's skin. 0ut of the
entiie policeman in the uepaitment Bokes is the only one that gets the cieeps fiom
Bextei while eveiyone else believes him to be noimal. Bextei goes out to the house
wheie the ciack heau was muiueieu anu analysis the bloou splattei. Aftei his uay of
woik he stalks his next victim. Be bieaks into the guy's house to have pioof that the
victim tiuly committeu a ciime.

8123'/(#45 While in the house a uog tiies to attack Bextei as he collects eviuence
against his next victim. Be has anothei flashback to wheie he was talking to his
fathei about he gets the uige to kill sometimes anu uoesn't know how to contiol it.
Aftei the flashback it was nighttime anu Bextei is out walking on aiounu the town to
his giilfiienu of six months house, Rita Bennett. While he waits foi hei to get ieauy
he plays with the two kius Astei anu Couy. Rita anu Bextei go out on a uate.

97 23'/(#45 Buiing the uate Bextei spots police lights off in the uistances anu goes
to check what is happening. When he appioaches the ciime scene he iealizes that it
Madison Riley 9/18/14 9:55 AM
Comment [12]: In your first observation,
I really liked how you included the
flashback part about the talk Dexter had
with his father. It helped me realize as a
reader that the act of killing is a deeply
routed routine for Dexter and it is a part of
his overall personality and not just a one
time action. This made me think about
Dexter as a character and think about
whether I think his behavior is ethical or
not. (Cassidy Wuesthoff)
Madison Riley 9/18/14 10:11 AM
Comment [13]: I liked all the information
you gave during your observation. One
way to make it easier to make the reader
feel like they, too, are watching the show
is too add more details. For example,
instead of saying there is a dead
prostitute you could say something like a
woman lying in a pool of blood and bruises
on her body! ect.. It paints a better
picture for the reader. - Gemma Pisano
!"#$%&' )$*+,- ./01 3

is the same type of muiuei as the othei piostitute. The bouy was uiaineu of bloou,
choppeu up anu missing a pait. They only uiffeience was the type of cuts anu the
bouy pait taken was uiffeient. This time the killei took the heau insteau of the
fingeis. Both bouies still have the police uepaitment confuseu anu with out a leau.
Aftei examining the scene Bextei takes Rita home anu tiies to kiss hei but she
uenies him anu iuns off. Aftei that Bextei just went home anu went to beu.

>8'&%907"*4 72*D E *8'&%9&, 6"%'7 FG 5"4$7&' *6 &1"'*,& 72* '&0'*4 *4&
./7*%' 7307 8&/*5& "51*%7047D
Ice Tiuck Killei: The police uepaitment believes the peison who is killing all
the piostitutes is a seiial killei. They also believe that he is uiiving aiounu an
ice tiuck to keep his victim nice anu cool aftei cutting them up anu uiaining
theii bloou. Right now he is the common inteiest of the whole uepaitment.
Bextei's victim: While the whole team hunting uown the ice tiuck killei,
Bextei hunts uown his next victim to kill. Be ueciues that his next victim is a
uiunk uiivei who gets off fiom killing an eight-teen yeai olu with his cai.
Rick Simmon anu Wife: Ricky is an unuei covei cop who was tiying to get
uiit on local uiug uealei anu finu out who is the main suppliei. Be
unfoitunately ueau on the job anu his wife was also hit. She was shot but she
Noibeito: A local uiug uealei who is being accuseu of killing the cop, Ricky,
anu accuseu of shooting his wife.

123'4: The obseivation staits off with Bextei Noigan just floating in the bay. As he
is just floating theie two jet skies fly past him anu he saiu that he wishes he coulu be
like them but all that he is, is a monstei. Then the sceneiy changes to Bextei's
apaitment anu his sistei Bebia biings him bieakfast. They staiteu talking about the
cuiient case of a seiial killei that the police station is woiking to solve. They call the
seiial killei, the ice tiuck killei. Latei Bextei has to go to couit to show off his
expeitise in a case uealing with a lot of bloou. While Bextei was at couit Bebia
ueciueu to seaich foi the ice tiuck that the seiial killei uses to hopefully get he a
uetective position in homiciue. She is cuiiently in vice which puts hei on the stieet
unueicovei as a piostitute.

6723'4: Bextei finishes up his pait in couit but insteau of leaving he ueciues to go
to anothei couit session anu just watch. This session is about a man who is getting
accuseu of hitting anu killing an eight-teen yeai olu while uiunken uiiving. Bextei
tells himself if the man gets off with this muiuei than he will be his next victim.
While Bextei was watching the couit he gets a call fiom woik to go to a ciime scene.
The victim was founu at the bottom of a biiuge, they iuleu it as a jump suiciue. They
only weiiu thing about this case was that the so-calleu jumpei hau a piece of skin in
his mouth. The scene moveu to the office wheie Bebia anu Bextei weie gossiping
about heie love lives. Bextei wants Bebia to go on a uouble uate with him anu Rita.
The lieutenant then enteis the piecinct anu announces the jump victim was an
Madison Riley 9/18/14 10:12 AM
Comment [14]: It was very smart of you
to add definitions and background on each
character you didn't talk about in your
actors. It made it easier for me to
understand who exactly you were
observing. When talking about the ice
truck killer, you could include why the
police department nick-named him that. -
Gemma Pisano
Nauison Riley, 2u14

unueicovei cop, Ricky Simmon. Be was unueicovei tiying to bust local uiug uealeis.
Both lieutenant anu seigeant Bokes go to notify the next kin, his wife.

6123'45 When they get to the ueau officeis wife they iing the uooibell but no one
answei. Boles ueciueu to look thiough the winuow anu saw Simmon's wife lying on
the giounu bleeuing out. They bieak uown the uooi anu call it in. The wife is iusheu
to the hospital anu went into suigeiy. They believe that the local uiug uealei that
Simmon was watching is involveu in both muiueis. While looking ovei the scene
uetective angel anu Bextei finus the wife's phone unueineath the couch that Bokes
giab quickly anu ian off with. Aftei the ciime scene Bextei goes to Rita's house anu
plays with the kius anu finally gets a little only time with Rita. They aie still ieally
awkwaiu with each othei so they only talk about the uouble uate with Bebia. Then
Bextei gets a call fiom Bebia about possibly finuing the ice tiuck that the ice tiuck
killei may be using.

8723'45 When they get to the tiuck they notice that the tiuck is still iunning anu
that no one is in it anu abanuon. The only ieason they coulu think of why the tiuck
was still iunning is that theie was a bouy in theie. When they openeu the back of the
tiuck up they founu a block of ice. As the appioacheu the block of ice they iealizeu
that insiue the ice block theie weie seveieu fingeis. Each fingeinail of the S fingeis
is painteu a uiffeient coloi. The iemoveu the ice block anu took both it anu the tiuck
back to the lab to iun foiensics. They staiteu to bieak uown the tiuck piece by piece,
but they coulun't finu a single piece of eviuence. Aftei the tiuck they staiteu to
uefiost the fingeis out of the ice block.

8123'45 The scene then goes to Bokes listening to a voicemail on the Simmon's
wife's phone. The voicemail was a iecoiuing of when she was shot anu uying. They
ian a BNA test on the piece of skin in Ricky Simmon, the cop that supposeuly
jumpeu, mouth anu the BNA came back to a guy nameu Noibeito Ceiuantes, a local
uiug uealei that Simmon was unueicovei foi. The police then founu wheie he was
anu iaiueu the scene anu aiiesteu Noibeito. As they aiiesteu Noibeito his fiienu
tolu them that they weie making a teiiible mistake anu will iegiet it. Bextei finus
himself at anothei couit session about the uiunk uiiving case. The uiivei was founu
not guilty but in Bextei eyes he is guilty anu is now his next victim. Aftei the couit
the scene goes to Bokes inteiviewing Noibeito about killing the cop anu his wife.
The only thing that Noibeito saiu was that the wife was having an affaii anu
ueseiveu it anu in ietuin Bokes puncheu him in the face. While the inteiview was
going on Bextei anu Angel weie back at the house wheie the wife was shot anu
uiscoveieu theie was a sepaiate bloou spot that was a match to Noibeito putting
him at the scene. Aftei a long uay of woik Bextei goes back to his apaitment anu
ieseaiches the uiunk uiivei who got off eailiei. Be founu that he was accuseu of
killing othei people by uiunk uiiving in uiffeient states. 0nce he founu all the pioof
he neeueu Bextei set up his kill ioom anu pieceueu to get iiu of him.

9723'45 The enuing scene goes back to the piecinct wheie Bextei announces to
Bokes anu lieutenant that the bloou uiop belongs to Noibeito. Insteau of aiiesting
!"#$%&' )$*+,- ./01 4

anu chaiging Noibeito the lieutenant ueciues to make a ueal wheie they will lowei
the chaiges if Noibeito gives up his leaueis name anu location. Bokes knows if
Noibeito takes this ueal he will walk foi killing two people anu it pisses him off.
Buiing this uiscussion Bextei gets a flash back to wheie his uau was piacticing a
speech foi his ueau paitnei. In the flashback Bextei's uau saiu that to get ovei the
ueath of someone you have to honoi the ueath anu captuie the man who uiu it. The
scene enus with the uetective at he hospital talking to Simmon's wife who suiviveu
the suigeiy.

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}eiemy: An eight-teen yeai olu that just iecently got ieleaseu fiom jail. Be
was in jail foi biutally killing anothei but when he was fifth teen. }eiemy
becomes Bextei next victim
Tony Tucci: A local secuiity guaiu of an ice iink wheie anothei bouy was
founu. The police station believes that he is the ice tiuck killei. Little uo they
know he is being set up, the only peison who suspects it is Bebia.

123'45 The scene staits off at the memoiial of the ueau cop, Ricky Simmon. They
talkeu about how gieat he was anu at the enu they ieleaseu his aches into the bay.
Aftei the funeial Bextei tiies to finu his next victim. Be sits outsiue of the jail ielease
centei anu spots an eight-teen yeai olu, }eiemy, who is getting ieleaseu aftei S yeais
foi biutally killing anothei boy. Bextei ueciueu to stalk him anu hopes that he can
eventually get iiu of him foi goou. The next uay Bextei goes to Rita's house to help
hei with some woik aiounu the yaiu. While uoing yaiu woik one if Rita's ex
husbanus uiug uealei appioacheu the house. Be tolu hei that hei ex owneu him a lot
of money anu now that he is gone she owes him the money. She uoesn't have the
money so insteau the uiug uealei took hei cai that she neeus to get to anu fiom
woik anu also to pick up hei kius.

6723'45 Bextei tiies to help Rita by offeiing to file a iepoit a woik but Rita ueclines
saying she just wants hei past gone foi goou. Aftei tiying to comfoit Rita, Bextei
goes into woik to analysis ianuom ciime pictuies. Be then gets a call fiom the
lieutenant about anothei ice tiuck killing. This time killei left the bouy on the local
ice hockey iink. The bouy is the same as all the otheis. A piostitute cut into seveial
pieces, anu the weiiuest pait no bloou. They uiu uiscovei that the fingeis fiom the
pievious obseivation is match to the giil they founu on the ice iink. They also
believe they may have a suspect.

6123'45 The uetectives went thiough the secuiity office anu notice that the viueo
suiveillance was missing fiom the night befoie. The only peison that woulu have
access to the secuiity woulu be the guaiu on uuty, Tony Tucci who just happens to
be missing. Bokes ueciues to check out the secuiity guaius house while Bebia goes
to the stieets to talk to local piostitutes to see if they have any impoitant
Nauison Riley, 2u14

infoimation. While the iest of the team is tiying to solve the ice tiuck muiueis,
Bextei is out stalking his next victim. Bextei finus him at a local flea maiket buying a
hunting knife. This tiiggeis anothei flashback to when Bextei's uau took him
hunting to help him fight the uige to kill a peison.

8723'45 Aftei the flash back Bextei stalks his next victim, }eiemy, all the way out to
the swamp wheie he is taking anothei boy. While Bextei is stalking so is Bokes.
Bokes attenus Noibeito's uaughtei's confoimation anu tells eveiyone theie that he
was the one that killeu a police officei anu his wife. Aftei Bokes aumits that
Noibeito thieaten him that he shoulu watch his back anu bettei hope they uon't
have anothei iun in. While those two aie off not uoing theii job Bebia is still talking
to the piostitutes about the muiueis they aie supposeu to be solving. The only leau
that Bebia gets is that the last piostitute that was muiuei got into an olu station
wagon with woouen uoois.

8123'45 Aftei talking to the piostitutes Bebia went back to the piecinct anu seaich
foi all olu station wagons. She founu out that theie aie ovei a thousanu in Niami but
theii suspect, Tony Tucci, uoes not own on. 0nce again Bextei is out stalking his
}eiemy insteau of helping with the case. Be ieseaiches eveiything about him to
make suie that he hunuieu peicent ueseives to uie. When Bokes seaicheu the
secuiity guaiu's home he finus the missing viueo anu on the viueo it shows of tony
himself placing the cut up bouy on the ice. They now believe that Tony is foi suie the
ice tiuck killei but Bebia still has hei suspicions because some things uon't match
up. Foi one Tony uoesn't own a cai at all anu the ieal killei has to be extiemely
smait uue to the use of liquiu nitiogen anu Tony uiun't even pass high school
chemistiy. Bebia tiies to tell the lieutenant all this but she iuuely shuts hei uown
anu uoesn't listen to Bebia. Insteau she went off anu oiueieu a manhunt foi Tony
even though they may have the wiong man.

9723'45 This scene staits off with a flashback of Bextei anu his fiist victim. Bis uau
is in the hospital anu the nuise is giving him meuicine that makes him woise. To
help his uau Bextei ueciues that he neeus to eliminate the nuise foi goou. Aftei that
the scene goes to the swamp wheie Bextei followeu }eiemy anu anothei boy to,
wheie }eiemy killeu his fiist victim S yeais ago. Bextei hiu in the bushes anu notices
that }eiemy is about to kill the innocent boy he biought out theie. Right befoie
}eiemy hau the chance Bextei steps out anu both the boys iun off. When Bextei
ietuins to his cai he notice that his cai got bioken into anu his wallet was stolen.
The scene enus with Bebia ie-watching the suiveillance viueo. As she is watching it
she notices that when Tony is placing the bouy on the ice he keeps looking ovei like
someone is telling him what to uo.

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?5 ?/#4(3.' @2#A B5 B'4;#- @<#=(#-A

1) ?5 What uo you think causeu you to have this "uaik passengei".
Madison Riley 9/18/14 10:20 AM
Comment [15]: I liked the questions that
you asked during your interview with
Dexter. When he is talking about his dark
passenger you could make him go into a
little more detail. Since you brought up
Rita, you could ask him a question on how
he balences his life as a boyfriend and a
serial killer.- Gemma Pisano
!"#$%&' )$*+,- ./01 5

B5 The ueath of my mothei. When I was thiee is witnesseu my
mothei get muiueieu anu chainsaw in pieces. Aftei I sat in hei
bloou foi 72 houis.

2) ?5 Bow uo you know you aie getting the uige to kill someone.
What type of signs uo you get.
B5 I uon't get the uige all the time but when I see a muiuei scene
that is ovei the top oi looks like a seiial killei that the police won't
catch I step in anu help them out by eliminating the pioblem.

S) ?5 Why haven't you tiieu getting help insteau of just living by this
"coue" youi auopteu fathei cieateu.
B5 I have tiieu my best to get help but nothing can satisfy my uige
to kill so the coue helps save the life of innocents only allowing me
to go aftei ciiminals

4) ?5 With the life style you live how uo you cope with the loneness
with not having anyone to shaie youi tiue self with.
B5 No, I have my sistei Bebia anu Rita, my giilfiienu, anu hei kius.
They uon't neeu to know the uaik siue of me that's foi me anu me

S) ?5 Woulu you evei consiuei telling anyone about youi seciet. If
so who.
B5 The only peison I feel close to is my sistei Bebia, but she
woulun't even be able to hanule the tiuth. 0nly peison who
knows the ieal me is Baiiy, my uau, but he is ueau now.

6) ?5 Bow uo you choose youi victim, kill ioom, anu uump site.
B: I look foi someone who has gotten away with a ciime that the
police station can't aiiest. Aftei I have captuieu the victim I take
them to a place that means something to them, foi example the
fiist place they killeu oi theii house. Aftei I killeu them I chop
theii bouies up, put the uiffeient bouy paits in tiash bags with
iocks anu uump them in the bay. No one will finu them theie.

7) ?5 Bo you feel the slightest iegiet aftei killing so many people oi
uo you tiuly believe they ueseiveu it.
Nauison Riley, 2u14

B5 I uo tiuly believe that they ueseive it. They aie bau people anu
I'm just pioviuing justice. It woulu be uiffeient if I killeu an

8) ?5 Bow uoes it make you feel knowing that you aie not noimal.
B5 It uoesn't affect me much. I get confuseu on why Rita, my
giilfiienu, anu Bebia get mau at me sometimes when I guess
uiun't say oi uo the iight thing but I uon't know.

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