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Ar You Guilty f Having a Fnnl Affair n Your Bun?

A fnnl ffr in bun is analogous t a marital ffr. Althugh a fnnl ffr

uull does nt include ul-rhng, th person hvng th fnnl ffr m b gult
f 'fnnl sins'. Th is a whr the ndvdul makes hm-hrlf mnmll vlbl,
tm- nd/r mn-w.
Cmrd t a mrtl ffr, rdmtn from a financial affair fortunately less dffult.
Or t really? In either , thr r common mt one gult of mkng, tht nd t
be rectified.
Emtn: A wth a marital ffr, n bun t can b tempting to allow n' emotions to
b n control. Whn ur business is bmng, your grd n ld u t make ht
decisions. Conversely, when faced wth a dlnng mrkt, you m llw fr t overcome
ur financial sensibilities. Rmmndtn: Mntn an even kl b rvntng ur
mtn from dictating your bun fnnl dn. Smlrl, whn th going gt
rough n ur relationship, avoid ung n emotional 'uk fx' (ffr) t fl bttr.
In the 1990s, bun wnr tk t fr granted tht thr would b a gnru rvnu
nr each year. Lkw, th rn who decides t ngg n n ffr is tmt ()h
n mntn th ttu quo with thr u wth n repercussions fr hvng n xtrmrtl
ffr. Few l have an ffr wthut bng discovered. Otmm alone is ldm the
r for u fr bun r n ffr. Rmmndtn: If u mntn ur business
expectations fr grwth and mlmnt trtg fr u, u n bttr ur tn n
your ndutr. Lkw, maintaining expectations fr grwth n your marriage nd
mlmntng strategies fr success wll bttr tn your mrrg t ud.
Throwing money t th rblm: Mngng a bun nturll requires nvtng mn n
umnt, supplies t. And n personal things r lw fun t accumulate. Hwvr, a
bigger hu nd t, expensive vacations, nd bttr clothes nd jwlr seldom lv
mrtl u. Rmmndtn: Cndr consulting a bun or relationship adviser t
hl u tr ur business r marriage n a hlthr and mr sustainable drtn.
Risk Exposure: Wth vr bun venture, it is important t recognize th possibilities of
u, whl also ndrng the rk. In an xtrmrtl ffr, thr n nhrnt rk th
ffr wll b dvrd. Yt, thr is ltrntvl a blt tht t wll g undttd.
Recommendation: Bth in bun and n ur personal life, vd tkng mr rk thn
u n rnbl afford t take n the nd. Consider ur 'risk tolerance' rt f ur
bun nd rnl strategy.
Emergency Strategy: In business, maintaining n dut 'fnnl uhn' t survive n
downturn trm jut ln mrt. Rmmndtn: Cndr umultng nd ttng
d n mrgn fund tht will lt a mnmum f x to twelve mnth. Hvng a
substantial uhn a difficult feat f ur mn trtd n a h string nd h hit a
bum n th road. Likewise, if u decide t hv an ffr, what your mrgn trtg
f th ffr dvrd thr at work r by your u?

Rfung Prfnl Gudn: Whn ur business acumen, knwldg, skills, talent nd
creativity need an overdue bt, your business wll tgnt r crumble. If you ntnu t
do th m thing vr and vr expecting dffrnt rult, your hn fr ubunt
u wll b dmd. You wll end up at a major crossroads, wth a n of dblf nd
bewilderment. Th self-questioning, lf-blmng and other blmng wll nu, whh wll
detract u frm fndng ur nxt t. Lkw, wth your marriage, u r t a
rrd, but whthr to save the relationship f possible, r ut ur l and mv n-
nl t discover u brng your baggage wth you. Recommendation: Seeking th expertise
of a qualified business nultnt d nt mn u r unqualified t manage ur
bun. An affair a flhrd solution t mtnl u tht nd t be resolved within
nlf, with ur u and within the relationship. Enggng a professional t hl gud
you th k t fndng lutn fr th nhrnt u tht nd t b rlvd. If th
rn't resolved in the urrnt rltnh, th wll b rrd nt the nxt rltnh.
Avoid allowing ur rd to gt n th way f your business r your rnl lf. Pride is a
r fr httng a deadend, stagnation or lackluster grwth. Prfnl or rnl
guidance is mn well nt. Otherwise, t uld be th "deadliest" fnnl n f ll n
your bun r marriage.
Th mmnt the frt mmnt of th rest f ur lf. Ar u willing t do wht t takes t
lm your hn and u?
There is n hm n asking fr tn to create hn and u. If you hv read
th books, tkn workshops, had psychic readings, taken prescriptions and OTC drugs etc.
and still truggl; u mght hv mtnl blk rvntng u from mvng nt what
ur hn nd desires.

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