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Index 145

Epo-ophoron, 72, 8283

Erector spinae muscles, 2, 7
Esophageal hiatus of diaphragm, 38,
44, 55, 58, 64, 66
Esophagus, 55, 62, 6566
compression of, 36, 43
Ethmoidal foramina, anterior, 110,
Ethmoidal sinuses, posterior, 120
Extensor carpi radialis longus
tendon, 16, 25
Extensor digitorum brevis muscle,
98, 107
Extensor digitorum longus muscle,
9293, 98, 104, 107
Extensor pollicis brevis muscle, 16, 25
Extensor retinaculum muscle,
inferior, 93, 104
Extradural space, 3, 8
Extraperitoneal cavity, 49, 61
Eyelids, lower, drooping, 124, 138
Facet joints, thoracic, 34, 42
Facial artery, 112, 113, 133
Facial expression, muscles of, 111,
Facial nerve, 111, 114, 125, 132, 134,
Facial skeleton, 109, 132
Facial veins, 124, 138139
Falciform ligament, 56, 57, 65, 66
Fallopian tubes. See Uterine tubes
Fascia lata, 88, 100101
Fat, in extradural space, 3, 9
Femoral artery, 90, 102
Femoral canal, 90, 102
Femoral nerve, 59, 66, 89, 90, 101102
Femoral sheath, 89, 101102
Femoral triangle, 89, 101
Femur, 87, 100
head of
blood supply to, 90, 102
ligament of, 94, 104
length of, 87, 100
neck of
blood supply to, 90, 102
fractures of, 87, 97, 100, 107
Fibula, 88, 93, 100, 104
neck of, 97, 107
Fibularis brevis muscle, 93, 104
Fibularis longus tendon, 96, 106
Fibular nerve, common, 92, 97,
103104, 107
Flexor carpi radialis muscle, 15, 25
Flexor digitorum brevis muscle, 98,
Flexor digitorum profundus muscle,
15, 25
Gluteus minimus muscle, 91, 97, 99,
102, 107
Gracilis muscle, 89, 101
Great toe, lateral deviation of, 96, 106
Gubernaculum, 49, 61
Gynecoid pelvis, 73, 83
Hair cells
inner, 129, 140
outer, 129, 140
Hallux valgus, 96, 106
Hamstring muscles, 91, 92, 101, 103
Hand, innervation of, 1617, 26
atria of, 32, 33, 42
interventricular septum of, 32, 42
location of, 32, 42
pain and, 44, 47
sympathetic stimulation in, 44,
valves of, 33, 42
ventricles of, 33, 42
Helicine arteries, 74, 84
Hemiazygous vein, 35, 36, 43
Hepatic artery
common, 53, 57, 63, 66
proper, 57, 66
Hepatic veins, 53, 63
Hepatoduodenal ligament, 53, 63
diaphragmatic, 55, 64
inguinal, direct, 48, 61
Hinge joints, 18, 27, 117, 135
Hip joint
blood supply to, 94, 104105
exion of, 97, 107
fractures of, 87, 100
hyperextension of, 94, 104
rotation of, 97, 107
Hoarseness, 125, 139
Horner syndrome, 124, 139
Humerus, 1819, 27
condyle of, 11, 23
Humpback (hunchback), 5, 8
Hypogastric nerve, pelvic, 68, 79
Hypogastric plexus, inferior, 68, 79
Hypoglossal nerve, 118, 124125,
135, 139
Hypomere, 20, 29
Hypothenar eminence, 17, 26
Ileocecal fold, inferior, 56, 65
Ileocolic artery, 52, 63
Ileum, innervation of, 51, 62
Iliac artery, internal, 6869, 76, 80,
Flexor hallucis longus muscle, 93,
Flexor pollicis brevis muscle, 17, 26
Flexor pollicis longus muscle, 15, 16,
25, 26
dorsiexion of, 93, 98, 104, 107
eversion of, 93, 104
inversion of, 93, 104
Foramen cecum, 114, 134
Foramen magnum, 109, 110, 132
Foramen ovale, 119, 136
Foramen rotundum, 110, 132
Foramen spinosum, 110, 132
Foramen transversarium, 121, 137
Foregut, ventral wall of, 38, 45
Fornix, vaginal, posterior, 70, 8081
Fourchette, 74, 84
of acromion, 18, 27
of femoral neck, 87, 97, 100, 107
Le Fort I, 124, 138
of scapula, 18, 27
temporal, 125, 139
tibial, 88, 100
Frenulum, of labia minora, 74, 84
Frontal bone, 109, 132
Frontal nerve, 112, 133
Frontal suture, 109, 132
of bladder, 78, 86
of uterus, 77, 86
Gallbladder, neck of, 53, 63
Gastric artery, left, 57, 66
Gastrocnemius muscle, 93, 104
Gastrocolic ligament, 57, 66
Gastroduodenal artery, 51, 62
Gastrohepatic ligament, 62
Gastrolienal ligament, 57, 66
Gastro-omental artery, left, 5051,
56, 62, 65
Geniculate ganglion, 120, 137
Genital swellings, 72, 83
Genital tubercle, 7273, 83
in male, 72, 83
Genitofemoral nerve, 59, 66
genital branch of, 49, 61
Genu valgum, 97, 106
Glans penis, 71, 74, 75, 82, 8485
Glenohumeral joint, 17, 18, 26, 27
Glenoid cavity, 11, 23
Glossopharyngeal nerve, 123, 138
Gluteal artery, superior, 75, 84
Gluteal nerve, superior, 68, 79, 91,
Gluteus maximus muscle, 9091, 102
Gluteus medius muscle, 91, 102
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