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This is boring, said Infernus.

We had been walking for ages, yet Infernus never seemed to tire of complaining.
Understandable, I said,conveying my thoughts to his, After all, youre only eight years old.
Just because I am eight doesnt mean Im a tiny hatchling. After all, dragons mature much faster
than you humans.
Finally, we arrive at an underground cave. *Inside it show statues of three of the elemental
dragons, carved in their respective colors. A burning sulfurous smell makes me aware of the
statues are stained in purple dots. I see a purple stone above the statues. Infernus growls at the
rock above us.*
Sorry. you probably dont understand whatevers going on. Well, Im Sai, and this is my buddy.
His name is Infernus, and yes, he is a dragon. *A pretty awesome looking dragon.he looks
majestic, with a crimson red color, scales a flash, too bright, and with a tinted smell of rotten
flesh, probably his last meal. His rumbling noise indicates hes hungry. Im glad hes my bond
because he could help me on my journey*. Sorry again, you dont understand. What do you
think were doing? Running for our lives, of course. But to understand what just happened, I
think, we ought to do a little rewinding, per say, 6 months back.
Im not a very patient person, so when school was almost over, I was counting the seconds.
thirty more seconds, come on, come on!, I screamed in my head. it was 3:04 and school was
almost over. Emphasis on almost.
Finally I said. Mr. Castle looked at me funny, but I didnt care, Finally, Its summer vacation!
My love of summer was so conspicuous, like it was leaking out of me. I ran out of class, got my
skateboard, and just flew to the beach, thinking these 2 months would be so relaxing.
I was never more wrong.
One the way, I got a text from my mom.
Change of plans.Youre coming home, STAT.
Looks like shes mad. Betcha Leah went to her friends house.
On my way home, I passed by my dream home. Its pretty awesome. *After all, it is a beach
house. Made of palm trees, its been boldened to give it a glazed look. its like a beach hut, if a
king lived there. it always gives a fresh smell, like it is yet inhabited*. Anyway, me and my family
live right across from it. Finally, I made it home, which is also pretty cool. *its got four candles
in every bedroom, with 15, and an additional four on the outside, connected by some strange
line, with each candle a different color:red green, brown, and blue*. I say hey mom. she replies
with a grunt.Wheres Leah?
At her friends house. Knew it.
I have to tell you two something, but its going to have to wait until Leah comes.
Great, now were going to have a discussion
Its Leah, Ill get it, I offered. As I walked to the door, I silently fumed at my sister for ruining the
first day of summer. Im used to it though. this isnt even the worst thing he has ever done. I
mean, hes my twin, and when people always compare us they say were alike, even if were not
identical. And that can really grate on a guy after a couple of years. Especially when its your
.the second my sister comes home, my mom immediately says you guys are going to summer

My face is blank. cold shock is etched over every inch of my face, giving my face a ghostly look.
My eyes are out wide, even for me. Same with Leah. She is just shaking. Mom, looking at our
faces, bursts, oh heavens, no, youre not in trouble, kids. Its just a place for you to learn
certain...skills. only Sai is going. Your father will explain everything, since I dont know how to
explain, myself.
hey guys, my father replied cheerfully. so let me explain this summer school to you. it is
located in scotland, and there are thousands of students from all over the world. Oh, and one
more thing. It is a school for mythical beasts and magic powers.
I stare at my dad, even more shocked then when Mom said Im going to summer school.
i know its a lot to take in, but there is a more realistic explanation for this, and theyll explain it
there, at Durnsryn
Mythical beasts and magic powers. I feel like in a Harry Potter movie or something.
1 week later
Were at the airport. I still cant get over what my dad just said.that shock will never
subside.Next thing you know, im gonna get taped glasses and a noseless snake villain. Errgh.
Leah seems to take it all pretty calmly, and thats kinda freaky. I mean , my sister over reacts to
everything. Back to reality, I see a plane, taking a running leap, then soaring to the sky. Ten
minutes later, we made it to our terminal, thirty minutes before boarding. The weirdest thing? I
felt like everyone was looking at us. Having nothing to do, I pulled out my iPad and started
reading a book. I might play a lot of sports, but mostly, Im a reader. In fact i would read every
day during breakfast, lunch, and dinner if Mom and Dad would let me. Talking about mom and
dad, they seem so cheerful. In fact, its looks as if they know some of them. Wait a minute;
theyre bringing a family over here. there are two kids sandwiched in between the adults. one of
thems an 13 year girl, and that other kid, he looks about my age, just like his sister; a bit
stocky, like a linebacker, though I doubt he could ever be one. he seems spoiled, but kept in
Sai, my mom saidthis is Newt, and hell be joining Durnsryn too.
Newt looked up, smiled, and said, Hey, there. whats your name?
Wow. guess I was wrong. Newt isnt at all shy.
Im Sai. I smile a little at his sister.and who might you be?
Im Hannah she replies, returning the grin. two seconds later, Leah strikes an immediate
conversation with Hannah. Smiling, I glance at Newt, who smiles and asks,you play soccer?
only a bit. last i played was last vacation, with my cousins in London, I replied simply.
Its been 3 hours since was boarded the plane. the sky turned dapples of red and orange, as the
fiery star set, leaving behind all shades of orange, and signaling the start of night.
3 more hours later.
finally! were in scotland, it seems to be a pretty nice place, but I think I prefer the sun in
California. Immediately after boarding a taxi, Mom asks the driver to head to a decent hotel,
then come back at 7:30. The hotel was pretty cool. *the inside if the resort is given the scent of a
sweet lotus. I see a downward ladder, indicating an underground. the floor is a smooth
sandstone, and I come to notice many birds, as well as rodents, but not the pest kind. the
kitchen is vast, yet the tables only have one chair. their are 70 rooms, two of which, near the
entrance, yield a porcelain throne. they all have comfortable bedrooms, leaving me curious as to
who the owner is. libraries are also there.* the next day, when he got back, Mom said to
drive to Achnahaird Beach.
why to Aknarad Beach, Mom?
Achnahaird,dear. And, I tell everything when we get there.
We made it a few seconds after Newt and his family. after exchanging a few pleasantries, the
Sun was already rising, and there was an island nearby, and I wondered if * I had a dragon(one
of the species with wings)I could utilize the wings, and approach it from a far distance, flying a
few meters above the water, in case of any dangers that lurk under the sea. before I enter the
island, though, I would chuck a few rocks to check for inhabitants* and Mom and Newts
mom(Ms. Rukin) *showed us the way to a cave with four colors, the same as the candles all
around my house. I also notice four dragons of the same colors. Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, I
thought, surprised at how I knew. I immediately noticed an oddly disfigured rock.* As soon as I
saw that, my mom then dusts it away, revealing a symbol like the gedwy ignasia in Eragon by
Christopher Paolini. Like I said, Im a bookworm, and a pretty good one, too. when Mom
presses it, it shakes revealing an entrance to a train station.
Yep. As if things couldnt get any weirder, all of sudden, a magic train station. All of a sudden,
this felt real, like a wake up call that my parents were telling the truth, that they werent just
going psycho. I dont think I mentioned this, but, yes, me and my family brought luggage, okay?
Great. Anyhow, me, Newt, Leah, and his sister, all boarded the same carriage. It was kind of
awkward, since no one talked the whole ride. Newt is just like me, a fraternal twin, which is
pretty coincidental and weird at the same time. Finally,
we made it to Durnsryn, and for once me and Leah agreed on the same thing when we saw the
castle-woah. Durnsryn must
have been made in the 1500s, but its still brand new. turrets lined the walls, a bridge shaped
like a harp was visible. I counted 8 towers in total, and the entire castle itself was surrounded by
a moat, giving the look of the castles in the movies. On the side their is a lake so big, its even
got a beach, one even better than Achnahaird. On the other side is a giant volcano, and next to
the castle is a floating island!! One word-Mind..Blown.(MB)
I know, technically that was two words but whatever.
Anyhow, as I crossed a bridge to the castle, I see these two huge oaken doors(MB) that open,
without a creak. perfectly balanced. thats some first rate engineering, I mutter quietly. Newt
says in a whisper, what?
the doors open and we see this tiny little guy. Hello children, I am Professor Dirgah, he replies
in a buff voice impossible for someone his size, and I will be your Beast Fighting Instructor
I was too busy laughing silently at the tiny mans buff voice, to comprehend what he said. only
then did i notice the even tinier man next to him, upon which I realized it was not a man, but a
fairy(MB, again) Dirgah
then said something else in his ridiculous voice, which I couldnt hear, but then everyone started
shuffling to the front , and me and Newt quickly followed suit.
Their we saw a man who looked exactly like gandalf, except, he was wearing the school
clothes(Did I forget to mention that?). He said in a low voice,welcome, students, i am Professor
Lancelot, yes, descended from Lancelot the knight, and yes, Camelot was a true story, but
enough of me. Now, my new pupils, we will learn about you. He then produced a scroll, and
said, students, when I say your name, come up here, and I will give you an element. Based off
that elements, I will then give you a compass, determining your Beast. Since you children do not
know what the heck we are telling you, let me explain. During the age of
camelot, humans were at war with beasts, Mythical Beasts of folklore. But then, a beast from
each element: Ronus, the Gargoyle of the Earth; Preyas, the kraken of the Sea, Stormcutter,
the Garuda of Flight, And Igneel, dragon of fire. These four were horrified of the bloodshed, and
met with the humans. Four other humans, who became the first bonders, or human bonded with
beast. these four stopped the bloodshed, and bonded many others, creating peace where there
was war, love where there was hate. Now, you have been given the Bond from your parents, a
rare gift that you now possess. And so, let the test begin
and so he went, listing names and sending them to teachers of other elements. but the real
surprise was when Abbot, Hannah, went to fire, and was called Cherufe. Amist of red vapor
was summoned, and a huge creature of magma and lava was summoned, as Professor
Wesley, the fire head, mentioned that it was only a teen, same age as hannah, and that her
name was Efura, everyone was still pretty freaked out. And on and on it went, until at last my
name was called, and I went to Lance, and he touched my forehead. all of a sudden, I was
given a burning feeling, and just as fast as it started, it was over. Fire,
Mr. Locsyr Mr.Wesley
seemed like a nice guy, so I was kind of glad he was my head of house. He gave me a compass
and said to spin it, and as I spinned it, a silhouette came. Mr. Wesley dropped his jaw and his
clipboard, making Lancelot turn over and stride to us. When he saw the outline, his eyes went
wide but then immediately closed. as everyone turned to see what was the big deal, Lancelot
gravely said,Congratulations, you are the Second person to ever have a dragon of Fire, and as
he waved his wand, a vapor appears, then a roar, making my ears hurt, and my heart burst(not
literally). Then, I saw a brilliant burst of flame, and I heard one last thing as the hall exploded-Be
brave, or be in flames.

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