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Q2e Listening & Speaking 4: Audio Script Unit 3

Unit 3: Developmental Psychology NOTE-TAKING SKILL

Activity A., Page 53
The Q Classroom
M: In some cultures, many around the world
Activity B., Page 50
actually, the question about when a child
Teacher: The Unit 3 question is: “When does a
becomes an adult is easily answered because
child become an adult?” What do you think,
there is a special ceremony to celebrate it. It’s
Felix? How would you answer this question?
very interesting, really. For example, in Japan
Felix: I don’t think we become adults at an
there is a special national holiday every second
exact age, but I think you start becoming an
Monday in January called Seijin no Hi. In English,
adult when you have to take care of yourself—
this translates into the Coming of Age Day. On
pay your own rent, make your own meals, take
this day, many young men and women who
yourself to the doctor when you’re sick. Those
turned twenty years old that year dress in
are the things that make you grow up.
traditional clothes, participate in a ceremony at
Teacher: It sounds like you associate adulthood
a government office, and then attend parties
with economic independence.
with their friends. Unfortunately, fewer and
Felix: Yeah, I guess I do.
fewer young people are participating in this
Teacher: What about you, Sophy? When do you
holiday these days. One tradition that is still
think a child becomes an adult?
popular, however, is the Quinceañera. In
Sophy: I agree with Felix about it not being a
Mexico, girls have a Quinceañera to celebrate
specific age, but I think a lot of people don’t
their fifteenth birthday. They wear long, formal
really feel like adults until they get married and
dresses, attend church, and then celebrate with
have children of their own. That’s when you
a party where they dance with their fathers. So,
start to understand what life was like for your
as you can see, different cultures mark growing
parents, and the kinds of responsibilities they
up in very different ways.
had. That’s when you’re really an adult.
Teacher: What do you think, Yuna? Do you
LISTENING 1: Making the Right Decision
agree with Felix or Sophy?
Activity A., C., Page 54, 55
Yuna: No, not really. I think of myself as an
Grandmother: Hello?
adult even though my parents help me
Neils: Hi! Grandma?
financially and I’m not married. I manage my
Grandmother: Neils! How nice to hear from
own life. I make decisions.
you! It’s been so long since we’ve talked!
Teacher: Well, we have three completely
Neils: I know. I’m sorry I haven’t called lately.
different definitions! Where do you stand on
I’ve just been so busy.
this, Marcus? When does a child become an
Grandmother: Oh, well, I assumed you’d
forgotten your dear grandmother. So anyway,
Marcus: I think I’m with Yuna. When you’re in
what’s new? How’s school?
your early twenties, you’re an adult, even if you
Neils: Oh, where to start? Let’s see…well, you
still feel like a kid inside sometimes. Your body
know this is my last year of high school…and I
is done growing, your mind is developed, and
have some big exams coming up.
your life is your responsibility, whether you’re
Grandmother: Yes, it’s that time of year, isn’t
supporting a family or whether your family is
it? These exams are really important for your
supporting you.

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Q2e Listening & Speaking 4: Audio Script Unit 3

future, aren’t they? You must be feeling a lot of that was like a marker of our place compared
stress. with the other students in the school.
Neils: Yeah. Well, you know I’ve never been a Grandmother: So, what did you do?
very good student. Neils: It made me really sad, but I decided I had
Grandmother: Well, I know you’ve had a hard to quit the team. I just figured it wouldn’t be
time in some of your classes. morally right for me to lead the other players as
Neils: That’s an understatement! Anyway, you an example, but fail my exams and destroy my
also know that for the past year and a half, I future.
was spending a lot of time managing the Grandmother: That was a very mature decision,
football team at my school. Neils. I’m so proud of you! That you came to
Grandmother: Yes, of course! I know how much this understanding on your own, without your
you enjoy helping the coach and running the parents pushing you, is a milestone in your
team. Your father told me that the other development! It shows just how grown-up
players on the team really respect you, and that you’ve become.
you helped them transition into one of the Neils: It just seems that being an adult is a real
most successful teams in the district. contradiction. I’ve started to see that you have
Neils: Yeah, I really loved working with the all this freedom to make your own decisions
younger boys and helping them develop their when you are grown, but your freedom is
skills. I loved the fun initiation at the start of limited by having to be responsible and do the
the year, when we pushed the new members of right thing.
the team to run as far and fast as they could. Grandmother: Yes. It’s not always easy, but you
Even though we wanted to win our games, I did the right thing! So, now, how’s your
also really loved the carefree feeling of the studying going now that you have more time to
team. We all liked football and just wanted to spend on it?
play. Neils: Well…
Grandmother: Yes, I can see that you had a lot
of fun, but it took up a lot of your time, too. LISTENING SKILL: Making predictions
Neils: You got it! It took my attention away Activity B. Page 59
from my studies. In fact, I realized that being 1. Lecturer: Today’s topic is “Proper Behavior in
the leader of the football team really the Workplace.”
contributed to my poor grades in school. We’ll be discussing several issues, including how
Grandmother: Yes, I worried about that. How to deal with a workplace disagreement, why it’s
did you figure that out? important to be punctual, and how to dress
Neils: Hmm. It’s hard to pinpoint the exact appropriately in any work environment.
moment. I guess it was probably a few weeks 2. Rudolph: Adam, I can’t keep up with the
ago. I came home from practice and it was homework. I am just too tired after a long day
already late. I had a lot of studying to do for a at work.
test the next day. I tried to focus, but I was too Adam: I know what you mean. I took an online
tired and I kept falling asleep at my desk. business class last semester. It was tough
The next morning, I took the test and I knew I getting all the work done at night. I had to come
hadn’t done very well. I was really disappointed up with a plan.
in myself because it was an important test, one Rudolph: How did you do it?

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Q2e Listening & Speaking 4: Audio Script Unit 3

3. Yukio: I’m excited about going to study in parentification, we’re saying that the child is
London for a year, but I’m going to miss you a taking on some of the duties and
lot, Tara. responsibilities of a parent. A ten-year-old
Tara: I know. I’ll miss you, too. But… who’s making dinner every night, a 12-year-old
4. Maria: Oh, thanks for stopping by. I’m trying who’s in charge of getting her siblings ready for
to get all the employees together for a meeting. school every morning, a 16-year-old who picks
It’s been very slow lately and morale is pretty the younger kids up from school, or who goes
low, but I want to share some important news to the parent-teacher meetings for a sibling, all
with them. I just heard that our company won of these kids are parentified in a way.
the Williams contract! That means we have a lot However, some kids don’t just act as parents to
more business coming to us. their younger brothers or sisters. Some take
care of their mothers or fathers. They reverse
LISTENING 2: Growing Up Quickly roles with their own parents. When you have
Activity A., C., Page 61, 62 this role reversal, the parents are so sick that
Lecturer: Good morning. Today we’re going to they can no longer act in their parental role.
talk about the issues faced by children who The children cook for them, shop for groceries,
have to take on adult responsibilities before even dress their parents, bathe them, and put
they are 18. them to bed. The children make the important
First, let me tell you a story of a kid in this decisions. The needs of the parents become
situation. Let’s call him Bill. Bill’s father died more important than the needs of the child.
before he was born, and for a few years his In less extreme cases, kids have to take care of
mother was a single parent. Then his mom their parents or another family member, but
remarried and had another child. the parents are still in charge. So, for example,
Bill worked hard in school, but he struggled to if a mother has a major illness and is too weak
help his mother take care of his younger to get out of bed, the child may cook dinner or
brother. This is a common situation for children go to the grocery store, but the mother is still
like Bill. They are forced to act like adults for a the parent in the relationship. She is the one
wide variety of reasons. In Bill’s case, a young who makes decisions as a parent does.
sibling gave him adult responsibilities. In other Okay, so kids are forced to grow up quickly for a
situations, a parent is sick, so the child has to variety of reasons. Is this a good thing or a bad
take care of the sick parent. Sometimes, when thing? Well, it depends on the situation and on
parents divorce or one dies, a child takes on the child. As you might guess, the ones who
responsibilities such as cooking and cleaning. suffer the most are the kids who reverse roles
Or, in some immigrant families, a child may be with a parent. Because role reversal happens in
the only family member who speaks the new cases where the parents have the most
language, so he or she has to translate for the problems and are the least capable, their
parents at school or at the doctor’s office. children often feel more isolation. They may be
Although kids often want to help their families, embarrassed by the situation at home. They
too much responsibility can be a burden for may feel confusion about how regular kids or
them. They may feel they are giving up their teens are supposed to act. But many kids with
childhoods. An important term regarding these adult responsibilities, not just those where the
children is parentification. When we talk about roles are reversed, resent their responsibilities,

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Q2e Listening & Speaking 4: Audio Script Unit 3

and see their duties at home as barriers to a 2. I think it’s how much you can provide for
happy social life. They can’t go out and have yourself.
fun. They feel a lot of frustration, and they have 3. I think it’s when you get married.
a lot of stress. 4. I think you become an adult at 16.
So which kids do the best? Probably the young 5. The day that I’m an adult is the day that I can
care givers who take on responsibilities only for do whatever I want to do.
a short period of time and at an older age. 6. The age at which you become an adult varies.
Also, kids who feel supported by their families
or who get support from school or other adults SPEAKING SKILL: Giving a Presentation
usually do much better. And there can be Activity A. Page 71
positive effects for children with some adult Speaker: Uh, hi. Um, today my presentation is
responsibilities. These kids often care more about an important turning point in my life. Um,
about others. They get satisfaction from OK. So, a few years ago, I got my first job. I was
helping people. Many of these kids grow up to really, really excited because I was making my
become teachers, counselors, and health own money. I felt completely grown up.
professionals. In fact, remember that kid Bill I Uh, on the way home from work, I used to stop
told you about earlier? That was Bill Clinton, at stores and buy things I liked just because I
who later became president of the United could. Uh, I bought clothes and a new watch
States. and books. I really felt like an adult when I paid
with my own money.
GRAMMAR: Phrasal Verbs But this bad habit caught up to me. One day, in
Activity A., Page 68 the middle of the month, I realized that I had
1. I can always count on my brother to help me spent all my money already and I, uh, wouldn’t
with the chores. get paid again for another two weeks. I didn’t
2. I try to show up on time for school every day. even have enough money to buy myself lunch.
3. Once I tried to run away from home when I Uh, where was I? Oh yeah, uh, so I didn’t have
was a child. enough money. I had to ask my parents to give
4. Fortunately, I talked my son into cleaning the me some. They were happy to help, of course,
garage this weekend. but, umm, I sure didn’t feel very grown-up
5. I didn’t know what that word meant, so I had having to ask them. Since then, I have learned
to look it up. to budget my money better so my paycheck
6. I decided to drop in on my father to see how lasts all month. Umm, that’s it.
he was doing.

UNIT ASSIGNMENT: Consider the Ideas

PRONUNCIATION: Sentence Stress Activity A. Page 97
Example, Page 69 Speaker: Hello. I’m Tony, and today I’d like to
I became an adult when I got married and tell you about an important turning point in my
started a family. life. When I was 18 years old, I went to Europe
Activity A., Page 69 for a long vacation. I had a lot of interesting
1. When you become employed, you can call adventures, and I grew up a lot on that trip.
yourself an adult. However, one event sticks out in my mind as a

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Q2e Listening & Speaking 4: Audio Script Unit 3

moment in my life when I really left childhood

and entered adulthood. I was traveling in Russia
at the time. My father’s voice sounded so far
away on the phone when he called. I couldn’t
believe his news: my mother had a problem
with her brain, and the doctors didn’t know if
she was going to live.
I got on a plane the next day and hurried across
the planet hoping that my mom would still be
alive when I got back home. When I walked into
her hospital room, she recognized me, but
couldn’t talk. She got better, bit by bit, and, one
day, I was allowed to take her outside in the
hospital garden. As I pushed her wheelchair, I
realized that my mom would need me for a
while. I understood that even though traveling
was my dream, it was more important to stay
home and take care of my mom. I guess that I
learned that being an adult means putting other
people’s needs first. I think I grew up a little
more as my mom and I enjoyed the walks in the
hospital garden.

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