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The description of preparations

As our plan to join one oI DAAD Program, Study Visit Ior Groups oI Foreign
Students to Germany, we`ve already Iinish some preparation and hope that it will be success.
We would like to tell our preparations as Iollow :
Firstly, the two oI our member joined a schoolarship socialization that held by our
institution. At that time, Mr.ArinaIril as the speaker. He explained about some
program that DAAD have. From that explaination, they are interested in one oI the
program which is called Visit Ior Groups oI Foreign Students.
AIter having a discussion, both oI them decided to make a group that consist oI
chemical engineering students. At that time we decleared our team as Iraternity team.
Three days we spent to decide who will be our accompanying lecturer. And the choice
is goes to Mrs Anerasary Meidinariasty. The reason why we choosed her is because
she had an experience study abroad, also she can speak english Iluently.
For the next day, we recalled Mr.ArinaIril to come to our institution and explained
more detail about that program. Mr.ArinaIril seems very glad to us and appreciated
our passion to join this study visit program.
Getting more inIormation Irom Mr.ArinaIril and some advise Irom our accompanying
lecture, we decided the topic oI our proposal. The topic is about the development oI
biomass energy Irom aquatic water as renewable and Iriendly energy source.
To discuss that topic we made a group in Facebook, so that we can share all the things
that related to the topic easyly.
While making proposal, we looked Ior LoA Irom the proIesor in some universities in
Germany. And as the recommandation Irom Mr.ArinaIril we sent an email to
ProI.Dr.-Ing.Magnus Jaeger.
ProI Dr.-Ing.Magnus Jaeger accepted and welcomed us to visit their universities.
Their emails are attached.
Beside that, we also asked Mr.Mulawarman about interst places which we can visit.
He told that there are a brikett and solar pannel industries in Amberg Weiden. In Iact,
those industries close to ProI.Dr.-Ing Magnus Jaeger, so that we asked ProI.Dr.-Ing
Magnus Jaeger to help us to contact with those industries. And Iinaly, we are accepted
to visit them.
Beside that, we also have some plans with Germany students to do, such as Prom
night, arts perIormance, etc. Through this activities we would like to share about
Indonesian Culture.
Some oI our member had learn about German Laguage, so it will be make us easier to
understand Germany and its culture. And we also googling some inIormation about
We hope that what we have done will make our plans to visit Germany successIully.

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