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Nama : Dewantari Kris Wardani

NIM. : 10613028
Omega 3 fis !i"s "in#ed t! $r!state %an%er ris#
Eating a lot of oily fish or consuming omega supplements may not be good for a man's
health. New research reveals that ma"es wit ig &"!!d %!n%entrati!ns !f !mega'3 fatt(
a%ids are at a iger ris# !f de)e"!$ing $r!state %an%er.
The finding comes from a large prospective study published in the Journal of the National
Cancer Institute.
A 71 percent increased risk of highgradeprostate cancer and a !" percent increase for all
prostate cancers were associated with high concentrations of E#A$ %&A$ and %#A.
These results are consistent with a '(11 study carried out by the same research team which
found that high concentrations of %&A more than doubled the risk of highgrade prostate
The researchers were shocked to find that higher blood levels of omega" fatty acids$ usually
promoted as good for the heart$ were associated with a higher risk of aggressive prostate
The consistency of these findings could mean that )these fatty acids are involved in prostate
tumorigenesis and recommendations to increase longchain omega" fatty acid intake$ in
particular through supplementation$ should consider its potential risks.)
The paper's senior author and member of the *red &utch #ublic &ealth +ciences %ivision$
Alan ,ristal$ %r.#.&$ said- *we+)e s!wn !n%e again tat ,se !f n,triti!na" s,$$"ements
ma( &e armf,".*
Theodore .rasky$ #h.%.$ a research assistant professor at The /hio +tate 0niversity
1omprehensive 1ancer 1ente$ added$ )2hat's important is that we have been able to replicate
our findings from '(11 and we have confirmed that marine omega" fatty acids play a role in
prostate cancer occurrence. 3t's important to note$ however$ that these results do not address
the 4uestion of whether omega"'s play a detrimental role in prostate cancer prognosis.)
%r. 3ain *rame$ director of research at #rostate 1ancer 0,$ says men reading about the results
of this research should not panic about their omega" intake. %r. *rame says- )/mega "$ such
as is found in oily fish$ has been the focus of a large amount of research in recent years$ the
ma5ority of which points to it having wideranging health benefits when eaten as part of a
balanced diet...)
)6uch larger and more comple7 studies will need to take place before we will fully
understand how the risks of a diet high in /mega " balance against those benefits.)
%r. *rame adds-
"Therefore, we would not encourage any man to change their diet as a result of this study, but
to speak to their doctor if they have any concerns about prostate cancer."
%r. ,ristal's study compared the blood level concentrations of omega" fatty acids in 8"!
men who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer with samples from 1$"9" men from the
+elenium and :itamin E 1ancer #revention Trial ;+E<E1T=.
-e "!west ris# gr!,$ f!r de)e"!$ing $r!state %an%er ad a 3.2 $er%ent &"!!d "e)e"
%!n%entrati!n !f !mega'3 fatt( a%ids. %!m$ared t! /.0 $er%ent in te ig ris# gr!,$.
The results may come as a surprise to some$ considering the number of positive health
benefits that are associated with omega" fatty acids.
3t remains uncertain why high concentrations of these fatty acids are associated with a
heightened risk of prostate cancer.
>esearchers say it is possible that omega" fatty acids are harmful because of they convert
into compounds that can damage cells and %NA.
3n conclusion$ the finding suggests that high levels of omega" fatty acids can increase a
man's risk of developing prostate cancer.
2ritten by ?oseph Nord4vist
12343N- 4IM153.
1. ;= - eating a lot of oily fish or consuming omega supplements may not be good for a
man@s health.
;A= - eating a lot of only or consuming omega supplements may be good for a man@s
;B= - may eating a lot of oily fish or consuming omega supplements be good for man@s
'. ;A= - new research reaveals that males with high blood concentrations of omega "
fatty acids are at a higher risk of developing prostate cancer.
;= - new research doesn@t reaveals that males with high blood concentrations of
omega " fatty acids are at a higher risk of developing prostate cancer.
;B= - does new research reaveals that males with high blood concentrations of omega
" fatty acids are at a higher risk of developing prostate cancerB
". ;A= - the finding comes from a large pospective study published in the 5ournal of the
national cancer institude.
;= - the finding doesn@t come from a large pospective study published in the 5ournal of
the national cancer institude.
;B= - does the finding come from a large pospective study published in the 5ournal of
the national cancer institude.
!. ;A= - it remains uncertain why high concentrations of these fatty acids are associated
with a heightened risk of prostate cancer.
;= - it doesn@t remain uncertain why high concentrations of these fatty acids are
associated with a heightened risk of prostate cancer.
;B= - does it remain uncertain why high concentrations of these fatty acids are
associated with a heightened risk of prostate cancer.
C. ;A= - the finding suggests that high levels of omega " fatty acids can developing
prostate cancer.
;= - the finding doesn@t suggests that high levels of omega " fatty acids can
developing prostate cancer.
;B= - does the finding suggests that high levels of omega " fatty acids can developing
prostate cancerB
12343N- 12OG2344I63.
D. ;A= - much larger and more comple7 studies will need to take place before we will
fully undersand how the risk of a diet high in omega " balance against those benefits.
;= - mush large and more comple7 studies won@t need to take place before we will
fully undersand how the risk of a diet high in omega " balance against those benefits.
;B= - will much large and more comple7 studies won@t need to take place before we
will fully undersand how the risk of a diet high in omega " balance against those

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