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Dat ing College Women

By Marius Panzarella
2003, All Rights Reserved


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Since a good portion of my readers are interested in dating college women,
Ive decided to write a new bonus report on the art and craft of dating while in
college. This report will show you how you can apply the various techniques
youve learned from my main book in a college setting. Please note that this report
is mainly for picking up college women outside the bar setting. A report on the art
of successful bar pickups will be released next.
Before I go on, I would like to personally thank my past students Kevin C.
and Bill S. for their contributions. I would also like to thank the ladies I have
Why College Women
There are many reasons why college campuses rock. I dare say college is the
biggest hunting ground in North America even bigger than every single
pickup bar combined. I say this because college campuses are just jam-packed with
young and eager college students with butter legs. (Easy to spread.)
A recent survey
has shown that 63 percent of college girls are looking to
find a future husband while in school. This is not surprising, as in todays society
college is the transition between adolescent hood and adulthood. They are
stepping into a whole new world, and just old enough to start thinking about the
big M word.
Of course, many of them are probably thinking, Hey! Look! Im
surrounded by all these guysso if I want to meet that some special
someonethis is going to be the best time! (And that someone could be you!)
Furthermore, there are many college girls who enjoy hooking up with
guys for casual sex. Most college women have had intercourse by the time they
graduate. At least 40 percent have had at least one hookup with strangers, which

Source: Hooking Up, Hanging Out and Hoping for Mr. Right, Institute for American Values
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means anything from kissing to a full one-night stand. And at least 10 percent
have reported to have hooked up at least six times.
So what does this tell you? College campuses are filled with young, gorgeous
and intelligent women who are waiting to be picked up, either for a long term
relationship or for a quick hookup.
Where To Find College Women
For Current College Students:
If youre a college student, consider yourself in luck. You probably know
where to find women already since they must be all around you. However, here
are a few suggestions:
1) Classes: This is an obvious one. There can be anywhere from 100-600
students in big freshman lecture classes. Sit at different locations and youre
going to meet a lot of new friends.
2) Clubs: Got a hobby? Join a club and youre going to meet women with
similar interests.
3) Dance Classes: This is my personal favorite. You walk into a dance class
and guess what? The ladies are going to outnumber you 20 to 1. Guess
whos going to be getting all the attention? And of course, dancers usually
have good bodies
4) The College Pub/ Coffee Shop/ Lounge: Most college one-night stands
in college start in the pubso you really dont want to miss out on this one.
5) Parties: This is a great one. College students throw the most parties in the
world. They can just never get drunk enough. Go to a party or two. There
will bound to be a single chick or two.
6) International House: If you want to date a foreign student or two, see if
there is an international house at your school!
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For Non College Students:
If youre not a college student, dont lose hope. There are still many ways you can
meet college students.
1) Back to School: Ever thought about going back to school? Even just for a
class or two? More and more adults are going back to school to get the
degree they never finished or the course they never took. I know quite a few
men who went back to school and ended up meeting their special someone.
2) Coffee Shops, Clubs and Pubs: College students need to relax as well.
And guess where they go? Clubs and pubs near the campus. Go to the
coffee shop by the bookstore near your college campusI am sure you will
run into a few college students. Go to a club Friday nightI am certain you
will be overrun by college girls. And of coursea lot of college students
need to work, so if you look around you will notice a lot of woman working
at coffee shops or restaurants, etc
Remember that if you make friends with just a few college students, you may get
introduced to more people their age!
The Art of Hanging Out
Times have changed. The old times of showing up at the door with roses
and chocolate is gone. College students do not date in the old-fashioned sense
anymore. Nowadays, college students hang out.
I will now introduce you to the art of getting college women to hang out
with you.
When you first meet a woman, you should use the silent pickup line youve
learned from my book. Make good eye contact. Dont look away. Then
compliment her on something. (Read my section about complimenting women in
my book.)
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Now, start talking. Dont hit on her. Just look like youre just looking to
make friends with her. (Open her up.) College girls like nice guys. (By this, I
dont mean guys who kick their assesbut guys who dont grope them or stare at
their boobs at first sight) If this is after a class, try walking with her to the next
class or whatever. If its close to lunchtime tell her youre going to get food and see
if she wants to come. Or for a coffee, etc. The trick is to make it spontaneous. Her
response will much positive than if you just walked up to her and say Hey wanna
go for a coffee next Wednesday at 2:30? since youve already been talking with
her. She will have less of a reason to say no. After all, you just want to hang out
with her, not date her so whats the big problem?
Get her phone number ASAP. In the age of cell phones, this is EASY.
While youre talking, pull out your cell casually and ask her to give you a call.
There. You have her number! That didnt take too long, did it? (Heres a dirty
trick: Youre not sure if your phone is workinglike if the ringer is on or off so
you ask a chick to give you a call. Bingo! You have her number!)
More Hanging Out
Good. You are friends with her now. So what do you do? You hang out
with her more. Try to hang out later and later in the day, until youre having dining
with her and stuff.
Most colleges have a theatre program and movie nights. So take her to a
play or movie. A good band is in town? If she likes the same music, go!
Remember, all of the techniques in my main book still apply to college
dating. You want to flirt with her and tease her from date one. I wont bother
going into all of the details on seducing women in general since you should have
read my book already. (If you havent, you should read the main book first before
you go on!)
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Keep Advancing
If she has been receptive of your advances until now, good job. Youre half
way there, soldier! Now you want to double the flirting and teasing and let her
know youre interested in more than just her minds. Keep advancing unless she
rejects you. If the girl is interested in you, by this time she should be have all the
He loves me, he loves me not jazz going on in her head. You dont want to stop
now. Its time to reel the fish in, and when you do, you have to reel her in fast and
Most college couples have the are we together? talk before they officially
go out as guy and gal. If the time is right and she is falling for you, its time to have
it now. If you havent kissed her yet, do it ASAP and use it as a base to anchor the
talk. Once youve had the talk, it set. You officially have a college girlfriend!

Since this report is still a work in progress, if you have any questions,
suggestions or comments, please email your feedback to me at I would love to hear from ya!

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