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As the order organizes the war and revolution

Anthony Sutton
The book you now hold in your hands is unique. It is dedicated to the most terri
ble secret of the twentieth century because of wars and revolutions devour tens
of millions of lives of our ancestors and contemporaries. She does not simply de
scribe historical events, analyzes the sources, indicating the reasons for world
drama. It exposes the hidden mechanism of our destruction.
Author of the book American economist and political scientist Anthony Sutton. Hi
s curriculum vitae with a list of the most important works published in I960-198
0-ies, the reader will find on the cover of the brochure. For publication as Sut
ton is not yet available to the Russian people, we briefly retell their basic co
All printed works of Anthony Sutton, number more than 20, can be divided into se
veral groups. The first group of books elaborates common issues of economic and
social systems and their interaction and counteraction. From the beginning, rese
arch scientist interested in the mechanisms of power, the hidden causes of polit
ical and military conflict. The title of this series of works speak for themselv
es: "technological treason", "Diamond communication", "gold vs paper", "the war
for gold", "Energy crisis", organized by "war and revolution". The struggle for
the latest technology, for the possession of power sources, for real security pa
per money here is what are the motives of those in power.
The second group of books are studies of the SOVIET UNION. It is above all a fun
damental three-"Western and Soviet economic development (volume 1: 1917-1930, vo
l. 2: 1930-1945, vol. 3: 1945-1965), as well as Wall Street and the Bolshevik re
volution. These works fall within the frame of "sovetologii", a section of polit
ical science in the West, that thoroughly examines all the mpleks the problems a
ssociated with the emergence, development and the collapse of the Soviet State.
The most striking facts contained in the monograph on the financing of the Bolsh
evik revolution. Based on documentary sources, Anthony Sutton details the Americ
an and Canadian epic Trotsky, privezego in Russia a whole army of professional re
volutionaries. Reveals the secret role of Changing in the kidnapping of Russian
gold stocks. Examples of it shows, through which banks and how the implemented s
upport for the Bolsheviks. Opened the secret side of the American Red Cross miss
ion. Carefully analyzed the mechanisms "of economic assistance, initially to def
end the strategic interests of the United States in Russia. Sutton's book "Wall
Street and the Bolshevik revolution" confirms the theory antirusskogo conspiracy
of Jewish bankers and politicians-internationalists. Its most valuable material
s and conclusions formed the basis of the third chapter of research "As the orde
r organizes the war and revolution."
Trilogy on economic assistance to the Soviet Union is not as effective, as is a
summary of data on industrial and commercial contacts between the two countries.
However, this seemingly mundane texture is the main instrument of influence of
the United States. Forming the young State's economy, with its own technology an
d macroeconomic models, American businessmen were able to steer the development
of Soviet Russia in the right direction and they charge it throughout its histor
y. Thus m can be considered proven that the pro-American lobby not have appeared
in our economy today, not with the beginning of perestroika. It existed origina
lly, for itself and contributed to the SOVIET UNION.
United States effects on development of Toolbox of European States Anthony Sutto
n traced to the example of the Third Reich. Germany, the first half of the 20th
century devoted to the study of Wall Street and Hitler's rise to power. The auth
or is interested not so much the actual Nazi regime, with its occult ideology an
d the ups and downs of the internal political struggle, as a mechanism of econom
ic support for Hitler's regime. After a careful study of the classified document
s and private evidence Sutton comes to the sensacionnomu conclusion that interna
tional banks have played a key role not only in promoting Hitler to Reich Chance
llor and President of Germany, but also in the economic security of the Reich wa
r machine. The outbreak of World War I, it was advantageous to the biggest indus
trialists and financiers to United States: Morgan, Rockefeller, Kuhn, Lamont, co
mpanies are General Electric, Standard oil, Ford, Leib and company, banks, Chase
Manhattan, and Nnl city and others. They knowingly pushed Europe and America to wa
r fighting, knowing that this will bring them a windfall.
The highest corridors of power in the United States and the security issues are
devoted to three books Sutton: Wall Street and Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Trilat
eral Commission in Washington "and" national suicide: military aid to the Soviet
Union, forming the next thematic group. The book of the era of Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, the American President from 1933 onwards, four times elected to this
post, shows how his "new deal" paradoxically combined populist rhetoric, the fig
ht with free competition and protect the interests of Wall Street, along with th
eir own. Study on the activities of the Tripartite Commission on the next revolu
tion in the process of strengthening the authority of the international structur
es, osedlavih the White House. Sutton proved that nadpravitel'stvenna the Commissi
on from the outset the dictates its will to Washington. This will not always coi
ncide with the interests of ordinary Americans. A typical example is the militar
y assistance provided by the Soviet Union in the year 1973.
After all these rigorous explorations, sometimes resembling a detective investig
ation, the author has accumulated quite a number of issues of principle. Why did
the bankers on Wall Street and supported at the same time the SOVIET UNION, and
Nazi Germany? Why are they still loved and Hitler and Stalin? Why public policy
is a blatant lie, and real historical facts are carefully hidden from the publi
c? The answer to these questions is Anthony Sutton found quite suddenly when he
accidentally fell into the hands of the sheet with a list of members of a secret
organization. The activities of this organization, hereinafter referred to as t
he order, Sutton has devoted the most famous series of books. The series consist
s of four chapters: "Introduction to the order of", "As the order controls educa
tion", "how the order organizes the war and revolution" and "the secret cult of
the order".
"Introduction to the order of" begins with a puzzle: is it possible in principle
to explain world events through a conspiracy theory? An affirmative answer lead
s the author to the study of the history of the order. He gathers all the known
facts about him, trying to determine who is a member of the secret society, what
are its goals and activities. It turns out that members of the order are the ri
chest American families: the Rockefellers, Dvidsony, Pjny, Harrimany and others, u
nder the control of key industries and large companies. Gradually expanding its
sphere of influence in the institutions of power in the White House, in the medi
a, political and public organizations, the judiciary and in the Church, the orde
r began to establish their own foundations and think tanks, its research, adviso
ry and power structures. Their rapid growth and progress in the higher corridors
of power, including the Council of State on international relations, had led to
"the formation of transnational structures: the Trilateral Commission, the Bild
erberg Club, the Atlantic Council and others, where the order originally took pl
ace. It is clear that such organizations are created not only to have fun. Their
main goal is the widespread protection of their own interests, control over the
power and preventive measures in order to avoid any danger to the well-being an
d prosperity of the members of the order. Not to be unfounded, the author gives
some concrete examples of concerted action by the Freemasons.
By the way, Anthony Sutton does not use the usual for us the word "Masons". Mayb
e because the concept is too broad and vague, and the history of the relationshi
p is quite certain people and events associated with the American reality. One o
f the characteristics of a secret society, an aborted assassination Sutton, is i
ts peculiar cult "skull and bones". Therefore, the last book in the series was c
alled "the secret cult of the order. We will not here go into details of detecti
ve investigation in the hope that sooner or later you will receive the full vers
ion of the book. Let's just note that the cult of the black Roger "in Order of d
epth 21 in, has a clear influence of Satanism. Symbolic rituals and rules borrow
ed from various Masonic sources, in particular by the Illuminati, is described b
y the author based on the secret orders of the past and of the current century.
Christian Sutton could not disturb the fact that Satanism is spread in American
society is already starting from school. In the book "how to Order controls educ
ation" he detailed ways of influence on the youth of secret societies, and more
on the public funds of ideology. Sutton traces the continuity Of the Masonic sys
tem of education, draws its svzen structure with international cultural organizat
ions UNESCO type, and also indicates the penetration Of all the pores of the Ame
rican education system, including even the Church.
A study by Anthony Sutton as the order organizes the war and revolution "appeare
d in the third series, but it certainly can be considered final. It summarizes t
he data of all the previous books and gives answers to the key questions of mode
rn times. First of all Sutton explains the methodology of his study. What in pre
vious books he mentioned in passing, by the way, here is the focus. A dialectica
l approach to the historical process. Hegel's dialectic, the author uses when an
alyzing the strategies and tactics of organized conflict. " As a subject-the Org
anizer Of political mechanisms are, as objects of impact European countries, Rus
sia and Germany. Sutton shows that financing the Bolshevik revolution and the So
viet economy was a strategic "thesis." "Antithesis" was to support the Nazis. Cl
ash of the two opposites, or rather their dialectical vzaimounictoenie during the
second world war, led to the "synthesis", winning the "third force", uregulirov
avej conflict with beneficial effects for themselves. Sutton believes that the pr
imary purpose of such collisions is to establish a "new world order", where the
order would play a leading role. This is the schema inferred from the 15 studies
and confirmed by incontrovertible facts, graphically depicted on page 33. It is
important to note also that the theory of "managed conflict", has long been kno
wn by politicians as the Roman principle of divide et impera (divide and rule),
after the end of the world war had been the order of m have repeatedly: in China
, Angola, in the Middle East. Nowadays it is used in the former Yugoslavia and o
n the ruins of the SOVIET UNION.
Why we have chosen to publish in English is the latest book by Anthony Sutton? B
ecause this book is about us. The Russian people have become the main victims Of
collusion. As a result of this conspiracy Russia lost more than 100 million peo
ple. Only in the war with Nazi Germany, the USSR, the masons incident had been d
ecimated in the ground of about 26 million of our fathers and grandfathers. And
how many Russians do not appeared? How many babies killed in the womb of mothers
from fear to give birth in the current difficult circumstances? Eliminated whol
e classes and estates. Nation decapitated and brought to the slave State. We tal
k all the time that most Jews have suffered in the 20th century. After the war,
the Zionists with their brothers from Wall Street built a prosperous State of Is
rael, and where is Russia? Still, any attempt to organized resistance to genocid
e of the Russian people is the official authorities as "fascism" and "Nazism". I
s this not a further mockery of the US?
Resentment can overwhelm Russian man at the opening of such facts. Nor can it an
d not ask yourself: How did before no one knew this terrible truth? Surely she w
as known only to a secret circle of the order? No, knew. Many people in the West
knew about the Russian tragedy. Moreover, they are not silent, they talked abou
t it publicly, writing in the press, in their commemorative certificates and res
earch. Only for whom?
Only in very recent years before we reach the truth about the scale became the R
ussian disaster. Someone was really interested in it, we either did not hear or
know as little as possible and as late as possible. To the West was known to all
, and we are nothing. A curious pattern, isn't it?
In the United States alone of America today, there are more than two hundred cen
tres specializing in Russia. This is academic institutions with an extensive sci
entific structure, private foundations, established by the Americans and the Whi
te Russians, public organizations of religious and educational character, the an
alysis and treat all groups when security services and all kinds of firms, it is
, finally, a network of university chairs, specified with the independent status
and leading research. From this powerful intelligent system left hundreds of bo
oks, dozens of special magazines and thousands of articles on the history of Rus
sia, its economy, political power, the outstanding Russian scientists and states
men. Hundreds of "experts", "students", "kremlenologov" and other experts whose
daily sea of our literature, mostly, of course, nehudoestvennogo content. Are stu
died, analyzed, translated into a mountain of material that after necessary proc
essing form what has long been called the sovetologiceskoj school. When we have
banned literature of the White movement, in the West have opened funds almost ev
ery figure. When the Soviet censorship removed from shared use all sources, in a
ddition to Orthodox Marxist-Leninist, West left the writings of all the represse
d Vladimir Ilyich, companions and some basic research about it. When, after the
end of the second world war in Russia all "anti-communist elements" were "neutra
lized" in the United States appeared vlasovskie editions and archives. And so in
everything that we do for the ideological critics and fight in the West for a c
omprehensive scientific study.
It can hardly be argued that all the works of the students of perfectly objectiv
e and that they give full answers to all questions. Most of them had originally
applied. However, it is impossible not to acknowledge that the Soviet politics,
stuck in mifotvorcestve, having lagged behind overseas. For obvious reasons, the
most important such works about Russia 20th century came out in Europe and in t
he United States.
A large part of these works belong to the fate of our compatriots, stranded abro
ad: the leaders of the White movement, Krasnov and Denikin Vrangel, philosophers,
Berdevu and Fedotov Illyina, historians Zen'kovskomu and Pukarevu Solonevicu and
writers, Solzhenitsyn. Some of the Russian thinkers, such as Sorokin or Nabokov,
provided to the Western lives, have set up their own schools.
Immigrant labours has gradually seeped from the West country, book for book, and
here absorbed in to holes, under pain of arrest kserokop have become concentrat
ed, were passed from hand to hand. In recent years, the Patriots are not easily
managed to pen a lot of exile literature. But not all of the migr heritage of mode
rn Russian is available to the public: not even the novels of General Krasnov, a
lmost entirely not mastered the terms "fascist" literature, not even such genera
lized studies as "Russia in the twentieth century" Izmest'eva and "Novopokolency
" Pryanishnikov.
There is no doubt that Western kremlinology relied and continues to build on the
works of the people of Russia. The book of John Billington, Richard Pipes, Walt
er Laker as simply did not take place would be like if they did not own the Russ
ian literature. Lately, though, the Americans are trying to maintain their indep
endent research. The new emigrants, type Sinyavsky or they shall subject the Yan
ova special tasks, whether on Radio Liberty, the Publishing House of "Sowing" or
Russian branches of Rotary clubs ".
Anthony Sutton study clearly fall out of this series. They are by design and spi
rit much closer to the known writings of Douglas Reed, Henry Ford and l. Kay. Ex
posing the secrets of international conspiracy, Sutton objectively defends Russi
an interests.
You cannot, for example, do not see the difference between the assessment of the
key events of the 20TH century by Walter Sutton and Laker as, President of the
International Research Council at the Center for strategic and international stu
dies, a well-known expert on German and Russian "fascism". In the books "Russia
and Germany: Hitler's mentors" and "Black hundred", published in English by the
famous millionaire George Soros internationalist, He tries to convince the reade
r that the emergence of Nazism were guilty were Russians. Sutton proves the oppo
site: Hitler had nurtured the West to wage war against the Soviet Union. Strictl
y documented arguments Sutton strike a powerful blow and dubious speculations Re
zuna, GRU defector in the CIA, shamelessly using the alias last name of our nati
onal hero-Generalissimo Suvorov. Rezun's series of books, abandoned from the Wes
t to Russia, develops its own hypothesis that Stalin used Hitler as a battering
ram against Western Europe, it is in the "Icebreaker", and in the documentary no
vel "Day-m", describing the beginning of the second world war, to manipulate the
facts to accuse the Russians of aggressive plans and impose on us the blame for
the tragedy, from which we have suffered more.
Since 1992, the documentary compendium Yu.l. Diakova and T.s. Butuevoj with brig
ht, but in the sense of failure as "Fascist sword kovals in the USSR", modern pub
lic met with sensational stories about secret collaboration of the Red Army and
the Reichswehr in 1922-1933 respectively. Documents stored for 50 years under a
signature stamp "top secret", confirming the fact of the Soviet-German military
cooperation, but they are not about the "conspiracy" of Stalin with Hitler, and
the cooperation of the RED ARMY with the army of the Weimar Republic. It turns o
ut, in the territory of the SOVIET UNION in the Treaty of Versailles were built
and operated in secret Soviet-German factories, airfields, tanks and aviation sc
hools. Asset of military Exchange program was executed. After Hitler came to pow
er in 1933, these relations have dramatically decreased. By 1935, they disappear
ed, and strengthened Reichswehr, Wehrmacht, transformed into the turned in their
contacts in the Northwest of the country. The key to solving the mystery of the
physical destruction of the entire high command of the RED ARMY, who studied in
Germany, and the officer corps, in one way or another associated with the secre
t programme, should be sought in connection with these events.
Western strategists were quick to take advantage of the contradictions arising b
etween the Nazis and the Bolsheviks. When Germany started to act more aggressive
ly in Europe and Japan in the East, the policy of England, France and the United
States, formally declaring a policy of "non-interference", became de facto cond
one militarism and provoke a world war.
Stalin told Fandral international instigators. "The policy of non-interference,
he wrote in March, 1939, is the underlying desire, desire not to hurl the aggres
sors do their dirty business, do not disturb, say, Japan, vputat's in a war with
China, and even better with the Soviet Union, not Germany, say, to get caught up
in European Affairs, vputat's in a war with the Soviet Union, to give all partic
ipants the war bogged down deep in TINA war, encourage them in this secretgive t
hem to relax and drain each other, and then, when they weaken enough to perform
on stage with fresh forces to speak, of course, "for peace", and dictate a weake
ned West and war conditions. And cheap and cute! ".
Less visionary Stalin was against the German National Socialists. Molotov-Ribben
trop Pact "concluded with a view to the avoidance of war between Germany and Rus
sia, eventually was used by Hitler to their own advantage. By securing its own b
orders in the areas adjacent to the SOVIET UNION, the Nazis seized the greater p
art of Europe first, and then, having in the rear of the traditional allies and
disposed of opponents, treacherously attacked our country. There can be no doubt
that the aggressive, aggressive, imperialist war in fact Germany was directed m
ainly against the Russians and Slavs, and against the osedlavego of "Judeo-Bolshe
vism" in particular. This was a war for new living space, which the Germans had
originally sought in the East. International backstage skillfully orchestrates "
of Hitler 's" as a trump card, managing to push its main opponents, the Soviet U
nion and the Third Reich, the bloody, vzaimoistrebitel'noj massacre.
Special sound book Sutton is that it goes to 50-year anniversary of the Russian
victory over Nazi army. It was a "Pyrrhic victory" because the price is the deat
h of almost a whole generation of people. It was not just a war against the Germ
ans, this was a war against the Germans "until the last Russian". In connection
with the anniversary in the media launched an unprecedented propaganda campaign,
which aims to speak, pot, obscure the true causes of the war. Judging from the
world of RA Maju and plenty of sponsors at this political show is all the same o
verseas Director. One of the paradoxes of this Jubilee was that former allies in
the anti-Hitler coalition was an interpretation of the role of Stalin, after wh
ich it was forced to withdraw retroactively from Yalta by Churchill and Roosevel
t, as confirmed in a contemporary sculptures. This fake spectacle not bother loc
al agents of mondialistskoj policy. Yegor gaidar and Iouri Afanassiev made in pr
int with special articles, which explained a confused public that victory for th
e United States in World War II this is our victory, but Stalin deserves only ce
nsure because it was more "fascist" than Hitler.
Any facts you can interpretirov the and so, and that way. Any objective contradi
ctions can be interpreted differently and turn in their favor. However, you cann
ot hide the obvious. "Anti-fascists" Luker and Rezun, and their local supporters
, like Gaidar with Afanasieff, deliberately silent on the role of international
banks in the unleashing of the war, and Sutton, who is not suspected in prorussk
ih attitudes, believes that role crucial. In recent years, Russia also began to
appear publications which tells about the springs of power, of Masonic organizat
ions and international Government but a "new world order". Basically this book r
esearchers, writing in the first half of our century: Alexei Shmakov, Alexander
Selninova, Arthur Skull-Spiridovica, Nikolai Markov on 2, Vasily Ivanov, Grigoriy
Klimov. Malotiranymi, polupodpol'nymi publications, or even in the Xero-and phot
ocopies, but they reach inquisitive minds. Started coming out and works by conte
mporary authors, who took over the older generation and continue to expose the e
nemy designs. Many already know the publication Nicholas yakovleva, Fatte Shipuno
va, Anatoli Kuzmich, Aleksandr Ivanov, Oleg Platonov, Alexander Dugina, Igor Dya
kova. In the recently released book "secret force in Russian history the Academic
ian Runners gathered and commented on all the important documents proving the ex
istence of the international antirusskogo conspiracy.
The mystery of the 20th century, gradually expands to the Russian people. This g
ives us hope for the possibility of our revival. We don't need conspiracies, sec
ret rulers and their agents-guards. We need truth and freedom.
The history of the order can be understood only in the light of Hegel's dialecti
c. Simply put, we argue that conflict creates a story.
It follows that the controlled conflicts can manipulate history. For example, wh
en the Tripartite Commission is discussing another managed conflict, elaborated
in the literature, it implies that conflict with clear, ambitious objectives, no
t for arbitrary management circumstances.
Dialectic raises this tripartite Commission conflict in the order above. In Hege
l, every Act (thesis) is resistance (antithesis). The conflict between the two a
cts (points) leads to the synthesis.
The synthesis, which searches for the Establishment, called the new world order.
No managed conflict of this new world order will not. Random acts of individual
s in society will not lead to the synthesis. It is programmed, you must create i
t. And it is formed by using a managed, carefully designed conflict. That is why
international bankers supported both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union and Nort
h Viet Nam and North Korea, the worst enemies of the United States. Clash of war
ring sides gave each other not only instant profit. Even more important was the
fact that the world has moved closer to the world
The Government. This process continues today.
We apologize for the poor quality of some important documents included in the bo
ok. This is the best copy that exist today. Amazing that they survived. For exam
ple, letters between the "Patriarch" of Amos Pincotom (Club d. 95) and the "Patr
iarch" by William Kent (Club d. 85) probably would have been destroyed if the St
ate of New York did not use these documents for investigation of subversive acti
vities in the United States.
But even where it is difficult to accurately determine the content, the fact tha
t even the otryvocnogo text proves something important: the reality of calculate
d attempts to "Patriarchs" together to achieve their own goals. The diverse natu
re of the conflicts mentioned in the letters "Patriarchs" and m could be explain
ed only in terms of Hegel's dialectic.
Therefore, the existence of the letters to us is as important as their content.
The existence of irrefutable documents jointly planned action, that is, the exis
tence of a conspiracy.
Anthony c. Sutton, April, 1984.
In the first volume of the series "Introduction to Order" describes in general t
erms the nature and purpose of the order.
Our hypothesis is that the United States is controlled by an elite secret societ
y, was supported by documentary evidence: this society does exist, it is members
hip and recognition in this is not voluntary. After the publication of the first
volume of the Yale University Library, which was the main part of the document,
refused further access to researchers in securities "Trust Russell" (the offici
al name of the order).
We also argued in the first volume, the actions of the order should be considere
d and explained from the point of view the dialectical process of Hegel. Another
philosophy of these actions cannot be explained, so the order can not be called
right or left, secular or religious, Marxist or capitalist. The order and its o
bjectives are fully both in the pairs of concepts.
In Hegel's philosophy of right "political conflict and political" left ", or, in
Hegel, of thesis and antithesis, is essential for the progress of history and t
he historical changes. The conflict between thesis and antithesis is leads to th
e synthesis of a new historical situation.
Description of the history of the world in the West and in Marxist countries onl
y consists of the description and analysis of the political limits of "right" or
"left". For example, historical work, published in the West, looks at communism
and socialism through the eyes of a financial capitalism, or Marxism. Historica
l same work created in the Soviet Union, looks to the West only Marxist eyes. Ho
wever, there is another kind of historical analysis, which never (as far as we c
an tell) not used; namely: application of gegel'nskoj logic to determine whether
the elites who control state, dialectical process to create in advance of a plan
ned historical synthesis.
In modern historical writings can be found only a faint glimpses of this method.
The most evident is in the book of the late Carroll's Kvingli "tragedy and hope
", which we quote below. Few politicians on the periphery of the ruling elites a
llows himself a little bit to understand society. So, for example, President Woo
drow Wilson made a frank statement: "some of the biggest figures of the United S
tates in the field of Commerce and manufacture are aware that there is such a fo
rce, organized, it is difficult to clearly completed, penetrating, that it is be
tter to talk in low voices when they condemn it."
Who it is, or what is this strength? And how is it used?
We argue that the current situation in the world intentionally created this ruli
ng elite through the manipulation of "right" and "left-wing" elements. We argue
that the most powerful of these world elites within 100 years established as "ri
ght" and "left" elements to create the ultimate new world order.
Without a doubt, the American establishment uses so-called "managed conflict" fo
r their own purposes. The practice of managed crises openly acknowledged, for ex
ample, in documents of the Tripartite Commission. Moreover, it is indisputable t
hat decisions about war and peace are taken by individuals from among the elite,
but not many. There are no polls or referendums. In this book we see some major
conflict resolution adopted by individuals from among the members of the order,
as well as how to deliberately create "right-left" situation, dovodivies then to
conflicts in order to achieve a synthesis.
Later we'll put these decisions and actions with the elite, and specifically wit
h the order.
How does the dialectical process
Over the past two hundred years, with the advent of Kant in German philosophy, w
e can define two conflicting systems of philosophy, as well as opposing the idea
of the State, society and culture. In the United States, the British Commonweal
th and French philosophy is based on the identity and rights of the individual.
While in Germany since Kant, Fichte and Hegel through until 1945 year of philoso
phy was the universal brotherhood, negation of individualism and the absolute re
jection of classical liberal thought oh West in all its aspects. German idealism
was a philosophical basis for the works of Karl Marx and left-wing gegel'ncev, a
nd Bismarck, Hitler and the gegel'ncev right. It's a paradox, but it is a fact. T
he most revolutionary German movement stem from the same source. And Marx, and H
itler's philosophical roots in Hegel.
Of the Hegelian system of political thought, alien to much of the Western societ
y, such absurdities as, for example, look at the State as a "movement of God thr
ough history". It is argued that the State is God. The only duty is to serve God
through service to the State. What state is the absolute reason. That a citizen
can find freedom only honoring State and obeying him. But, as we noted in our w
orks "As Order controls education, gegel'nskie ridiculousness thoroughly infiltrat
ed in American education, under pressure from a number of major organizations su
ch as the National Association but education and culture.
This system of gegel'nskoj philosophy that all historical events are the result o
f a conflict between the opposing forces. Any idea or idea can be considered the
following thesis. This inevitably causes the opposite effect (antithesis). The
final result will be neither and nor the other, and the synthesis of the two con
flicting forces.
Karl Marx's "Capital" was capitalism as a thesis, and communism as an antithesis
. But that has been completely ignored by historians, including other Marxists i
s that any clash between these forces can not lead either to the capitalist nor
Communist society. It will lead to the synthesis of these conflicting forces. Th
is is the logic of Hegel. Moreover, this synthesis will reflect the concept of t
he State as God, where identity is subordinated to him completely.
What to gegel'ncev is the function of Parliament or Congress? These institutions
should exist simply to identity could feel that their opinion is of any value, a
nd the Government has been able to take advantage of occasional manifestations o
f any wisdom "peasant". In the words of Hegel, "due to this participation, perso
nal freedom and vanity, personality with his public opinion may seem noticeably
effective and can feel satisfied that they mean something."
The war, organized by conflict, according to Hegel, there is only the visible ou
tcome of the clash of ideas. As John Dewey, the furious fan of Hegel, in the mod
ern education system, "war is the most effective preacher of vanity in almost al
l destination interests, she cums with the selfishness personality, a pusher of
her and her family at all for the sake of defending the disposition to life and
property" (John Dewey, "German philosophy and politics, p. 197).
Of course, this bellicose statement Dewey falls for the convenience of the Natio
nal Association for education, which now is occupied by the "peace movement". Ov
erlooked at a time when the movement is helping gegel'nskim tips.
Hegelian doctrine is more of the divine right of the divine right of Kings. Stat
e for Hegel and gegel'ncev is God on Earth: "the movement of God in history is th
e existence of States. In the power of reason, manifested as will. Any State, wh
atever it might be, is involved in the approval of the divine essence. The State
is not the handiwork. Only the mind can create it "(" philosophy of law ").
For Hegel, the identity of nothing. She has no rights. Her morality is only foll
owing the leader. For an ambitious person rule is saying Senator Mansfield: "To
succeed, we must move on." With avnite it is with the spirit and letter of the U
nited States Constitution: "We the people, give the State some authority, and al
l other power leave people". According to the Constitution of the United States,
the Church is separated from the State, which denies Hegel, that "the State is
God on Earth". But compare that with the prerequisite of the order in the United
States, the "group" in England, the Illuminati in Germany and the political Bur
eau in Russia. For the selected state above all else, and the self-appointed gro
up of elite that controls the State, is truly as God on Earth.
J. Morgan uses the dialectical process
The concept of Hegel clearly is beyond the understanding of modern writers of te
xtbooks. None of the known theoretical textbooks on history or politics would no
t consider the possibility of using the dialectic of Hegel in American politics.
However, it is noted by Professor Carroll Kvingli in the book "Tragedy and hope
", which includes the documents of the Council on foreign relations. Kvingli not
only describes how the banker j. p. Morgan used right and left as tools for pol
itical manipulation of society, but also opens the eyes Fomam Unbelievers: "Unfo
rtunately we are not able to cover this big here and an unknown story, but it mu
st be remembered that what we are talking about is only part of a much larger" (
"Tragedy and hope", p. 945).
This is "much greater" partly opens the book. First briefly to note, as j.p. Mor
gan used a dialectical process as a means of political control in the financial
purposes. The only institution of higher education, which was 2-3 years of Morga
n in the mid-1850 's, was the Motherentered University in Germany, who was a cen
ter of activity gegel'ncev.
We have no information about Morgan in a sort of secret society, or in the "Konk
nejpanten" reveal student society. However, the influence of the German gegel'nst
va clearly emerges in the approach of j. p. Morgan to political parties as Morga
n used them all.
Kvingli writes: "the join between Wall Street and left a bright example is Mike
straight, actually are the continuation of associations between the Bank of Morg
an and left. For Morgan, all political parties were simply organizations that sh
ould have been used and the company maintained contact with all the camps. Sam M
organ, Dwight Morrow and other partners were allied with the Republicans; Russel
l c. Leffingwell has teamed up with the Democrats; Grayson Murphy with the extre
me right, and Thomas w. Lamont with left. Morgan pays attention to libraries, mu
seums, art in General, and it demonstrates a complete inability to distinguish t
he loyalty to the United States from loyalty to England. He is engaged in charit
able work among the poor, it supports various, sometimes conflicting, political
endeavour. This approach to internal policy has come from the founder of the fir
m of George Peabody (1795-1869). It is thanks to this original shape used tax-ex
empt groups. Used to control these political games. This can be observed in diff
erent parts of America to this day (so called the Peabody museums and libraries)
... "
Kvingli did not know about the relationship between Morgan and other financiers
of New York and the order. He published a valuable expose of the English establi
shment, known as the "group". As we know from the personal correspondence of Kvi
ngli, he suspected more than published, but a similar expose of the American eli
te was not in his plans. In his work "the Anglo-American establishment" no names
Him, Bush, Acheson, Whitney, even the name of the Stimson Center.
Therefore, we can, without leaving the scope of validity of the study, follow th
at passage from "tragedy and hope" mention of the order. Then this passage will
become clearer. Although Morgan was not a member of the order, some of the partn
ers include, and after the death of Morgan, the firm became known as Morgan Stan
ley and co ". "Stanley" is Harold Stanley (in Order from 1908 onwards).
At the time Of impact was through Morgan Henry p. Davison, whose son, J.p. Davis
on, Jr., joined the order in the year 1920. Senior Morgan firm took in Davison,
Thomas Lomonta and Uil'rda straight. These people were involved in the establishm
ent of left-wing dialectic Morgan, which included the Communist Party of the Uni
ted States (with Julian Hammer headed it, the Hammer, whose son Armand headed th
e company "Occidental Petroleum")
Morgan's partner, Thomas Korcan was adopted in 1904 in year Order. But rather, m
embers of the order can be found not among the partners in the network of compan
ies-subsidiaries controlled by Morgan. In such companies, as "guarantor of trust
" and "Bankers Trust, outwardly quite remote from the financial center, j. p. Mo
Practice support order "right-wing" and "left-wing" continues to this day. In 19
84, for example, Averell Harriman (member of the order of the year 1913) is the
oldest of the statesman of the Democratic Party, and George Bush (in the order f
rom the year 1948) Vice President Republican and leader of the wrongly called "m
oderate" wing of the Republican Party (in fact an extremist). In the Center we h
ave a so-called "independent" by John Anderson, who actually gets from the elite
major financial support.
Creation of wars and revolutions
The manipulation of the "right" and "left" even stronger internationally, where
the "left" and "right-wing" political structures artificially created and destro
yed in the struggle for world fusion.
In school textbooks, war and revolution are portrayed as a more or less random r
esults of collision of conflicting forces. The transition from political negotia
tions to physical conflict occurs, according to these books, after a gallant att
empt to avoid war. Unfortunately, this is nonsense. Wars are always created inte
ntionally. Created by specific people.
In Western textbooks, there are huge gaps. For example, after the second World W
ar tribunals set up to investigate Nazi war criminals, carefully concealed any m
aterial on Western aid to Hitler. In the same way the Western books on the econo
mic development of the Soviet Union down any description of economic and financi
al assistance provided by the revolution of 1917 and the subsequent development
of this revolution by Western firms and banks.
Revolution always appear spontaneous acts of politically or economically oppress
ed against the samoderavnogo of the State. In Western textbooks you find evidence
that revolutions need funding, the source of funding, in many cases, this is Wa
ll Street.
Therefore, it can be argued that our Western history just around the distorted,
subjected to harsh censorship and generally useless, as the history of Nazi Germ
any, the Soviet Union or Communist China. No w padna it will not subsidize resear
ch on these topics. Few Western scholars generally survive if those topics will
be engaged. And, of course, no large Publisher will easily work in which such is
sues are discussed.
In fact there are mostly unwritten story, which tells of the events, quite diffe
rent from described our sterile textbooks. It tells the story of the deliberate
creation of wars, revolutions to change financing conscious Governments and on t
he use of conflict for the establishment of a new world order.
Further, the memorandum number two, we will describe the operational tools that
are applied to create two revolutions and world conflict. In the memorandum of t
he three and four, we examine the thesis and antithesis in important historical
episode, namely, in the formation and education of owls tskogo Union (thesis) an
d Nazi Germany (antithesis).
In the memorandum of the five we explore the dialectical conflict in the past fe
w decades on the example of today's Angola and China. We show that the purpose o
f the order is to create a new synthesis, a new world order on the gegelevskomu
model, where the Government built in the absolute, but a single person has the a
bility to become free in full and blind obedience to the total State.
Our first task is to refute the widespread view that the Communists and the capi
talist elite irreconcilable enemies. This Marxist axiom fake that fooled for dec
ades as scientists and researchers.
To illustrate the alleged as follows. We take the report of revolutionaries in t
he United States, compiled by London's Scotland Yard in the year 1919. While Lon
don politicians followed the Bolshevik revolution and tried to identify those wh
o supports it in the West. When it came to people with long beards and even long
er coats, no problems. These people looked like revolutionaries, so they had to
be revolutionaries. But when it was respectable of bankers in black suits, Scotl
and Yard was unable to rise above their level of thinking and to recognize that
the bankers can also be revolutionaries. Listen to what is said in the excerpt f
rom the intelligence report of Scotland Yard (copy is stored in the United State
s State Department, no. 316-22-656): "Martin is a very well known figure. It is
associated with "the guardian trust company. Amazing that such a solid and influ
ential Association has to do with the Bolshevik group. "
Scotland Yard has received accurate information about the close relationship wit
h the Guardian Council trust in New York, but the English couldn't believe it an
d stopped studying this version.
Even today the FBI thinks also. For example, David Rockefeller met regularly wit
h a KGB agent in the United States. Weekly joint lunches where, seemingly, on. B
ut the FBI can't bring himself to look at David Rockefeller as a potential Sovie
t agent. If, however, any Joe Smith from Hoboken (New York State) met each week
with a KGB agent, be sure the FBI would take his mark. And, of course, our home
in United States are totally Marxists impossible, incomprehensible. Anyone in th
e head may not come to the capitalist supported communism.
Organizations such as Scotland Yard and the FBI, as well as almost all scientist
s who rely in their work, researchers have a major drawback: they are notable ve
rifiable historical facts with the already established stereotypes. They convinc
e themselves that they already have objective judgement on the issue even before
this problem will.
Key facts for the understanding of contemporary history are the following: elite
has a close working relationship with both Marxists and the Nazis. It only rema
ins to install personalities and motivations. The usual response is to simply dr
op the those facts. But, on the other hand, only some issues of national securit
y require that we recognize the existence of these unwanted relations as our way
of life does not suffer further damage.
In this memorandum, we will present the concept that the history of the world si
nce about 1917 year reflects intentionally created conflict, which is a new synt
hesis, a new world order.
Global operation began virtually up to 1917 year. In later volumes, we take a lo
ok at the Spanish-American war and the Anglo-Boer War, 1899. The first was organ
ized by the order, that is, the elite of the United States, and the second is th
e "group", that is, the English elite (with some assistance, United States). We
would be right to call them first and second gegel'nskoj war, but that's another
story. For now we'll stick to Hitler's rise to power in Germany and the formatio
n of a Marxist state in the Soviet Union. The clash of these two powers or polit
ical systems and has become the main cause of the second world war.
After the world arena has changed. Since 1945, against each other were the Unite
d States and the Soviet Union. The first dialectical confrontation led to the fo
unding of the UN, that there is a basic step towards a world government.
The second is the creation of the Trilateral Commission, the regional groupings
and, in more sophisticated terms, attempts to lead to a merger of the United Sta
tes and the Soviet Union.
In the introduction to the order of "we have established the existence of this s
ecret society. Now we will show how the order has created and developed two glob
al lever to create gegel'nskogo of the conflict.
In 1917, the operational funds to support this global battle were:
and the Guarantor) trust company in New York that the company reported in the re
port of the Scotland Yard in 1919, and
b) "Brown Brothers Harriman, a New York private bankers. Until 1933, the Brown B
rothers, Harriman "consisted of two firms:" W.a. Harriman Company "and" Brown Br
others ". Many members of the order were the two firms, but one person stands ab
ove all others as the key figure in the order of: w. Averell Harriman (member of
the order from 1913 onwards).
The name William Harriman Averella [About 100 of the documents, dated from 1920
's, can be found in the United States State Department no. 861.6364-6461.] appea
rs on the background of world political events more often than any other Member
of the order. This may be due to the fact that Harriman is a man of extraordinar
y activity. Born in 1891 year, when Yale University in 1913, he still deserves a
mention in the press in the 1980 's. In June 1983, the Marriage was a private m
eeting with Yuri Andropovym in Moscow, and in December of the same year, at the
age of 92, he broke his right leg while swimming in the sea off Barbados. What w
e have here are saying about Averelle we should note his truly remarkable energy
and Dale oletie.
However, in the official biographies Of Him, "skull and bones" or "the Russell t
rust, are not mentioned. Like other members of the order, carefully concealed hi
s membership Harriman in it from the public. We still do not know whether this w
as ever the FBI. Although such knowledge is necessary when checking the details
of the biography of the person occupying government posts. Maybe the FBI just no
t examined require background checks specifically him.
To understand Averella, Harriman, us should return to his father Edward x. Garri
manu, "Baron-thief" of the 19th century. Biography of Edward Harriman obviously
took the rent. " It was written by George Kennan (published in 1922, Mifflinom H
autonom), who worked in the State Department by Dean Acesone. The author of the
famous (some say "shameful") document 68, issued by the National Security Counci
l, was none other than George Kennan.
Edward Harriman started working at 14 years, having little education, but he mar
ried Mary Averell, the daughter of a New York banker and President of the railwa
y company. In 22 years, Harriman bought a seat on the New York Stock Exchange an
d been lucky enough or agile in the campaign for the "Union Pacific" after the c
ollapse of the 1893 season.
Even the ubiquitous "Dictionary of American biography notes that Harriman was re
sponsible for drug trafficking in combination (case of the 1904 Northern securit
y"). His dubious financial activities earned him 60 million dollars. This led to
an investigation by the Interstate Commerce Commission. " In this investigation
Harriman is mentioned as an example of how the railroad can be exhausting for t
he enrichment of the campaign ".
Harriman printed securities with a nominal value of 80 million dollars to expand
the scope of its capture of the railways. This scam was undertaken through the
campaign "Kuhn, Loeb and co.", which means the simplest thing: 60 million Harrim
an put himself in the Pocket.
In short, Edward h. Harriman was simply a thief, a fraud and a criminal, because
criminal deception with the transformation of 60 million dollars from scratch t
o cash is a crime. Harriman escaped prison, safely donate money to politicians a
nd political parties. Biographer George Kennan describes how Harriman was in 190
4 at the request of President Theodore Roosevelt in getting 250 thousand dollars
for the Republican National Committee. (J. Kennan, ibid., p. 192).
These funds were transferred to the Committee and counsel Him judge Robert Scott
Lovettom. The latter was also the General Counsel of the campaign "Union Pacifi
c Rail Road, which is the last Garrimanom. Son of Judge Robert Abercrombie Lovet
t Lovetta (member of the order of the 1918 years) enrolled at Yale University an
d, together with his two sons, Roland and Averellom, Harriman, was accepted into
the order. Robert Abercrombie Lovett again appeared on the scene in the 1950 's
, the Defence Minister, a partner in the campaign, Brown Brothers Harriman, "has
emerged as a key figure: he through President Harry Truman recalled Gen. Dougla
s MacArthur from Korea. The family itself is not very significant. Lovett But in
conjunction with the family Garrimanov is power.
In any case, 250 thousand dollars is hardly changed their opinion of Theodore Ro
osevelt on Garrimane. Two years after this gift in a letter to Senator ermanu Roo
sevelt characterizes Him as "deeply corrupt," as "undesirable citizens" and as "
an enemy of the Republic."
Another characteristic of father Averella, Harriman is contained in the summary
dictionary of national biographies (p. 402): "Cocky, an influential, cold and ru
thless, he is not spared neither friend nor enemy if they threw its plans."
We will not bear the sins of the father to his sons, but we need to bear this in
mind while exploring the career of sons of Harriman, Averella and Roland. We ha
ve every right to suspect the worst.
Outwardly life marriage was completely different from his father. Here's the off
icial statement of a long career Averella, Harriman:
Married three times:
(1) 1915 Kitty Lanier Lawrence
(2) Mary Norton Whitney in 1930
(3) Pamela Churchill Hayward in 1971.
Preparatory School in the Grottone, then Yale University. Admitted to the order
of the year 1913.
Started to work in his father's company "Union Pacific Railroad".
In 1917, he founded the shipbuilding company "merchant Shipbuilding Corporation,
sold all of the shares of the company in 1925,.
In 1917, the Director of the "guarantor of trust. Family deposits reach third. T
hey were invested in the campaign, j. p. Morgan in 1912 year.
In 1920 founded the W.a. Harriman company, in which his brother Roland was Vice
In 1923, formed a manganese company in Georgia.
In 1933, the W.a. Harriman has merged with Brown Brothers and company was formed
"Brown Brothers, Harriman."
1934 year: Special Assistant to the administrator of the "Act of national reviva
l" of Roosevelt. 1941 year: Minister for Great Britain at the head of the lend-l
ease operations for England and Russia. 1941 year: Ambassador in the Soviet Unio
n. 1946 year: Ambassador in the UK. the year 1946: Minister of trade. the year 1
948: United States representative to NATO on defense.
1950 year: Special Assistant to President Truman.
year: United States representative to NATO on defense. 1951: the Director of the
Agency's "mutual security". 1955: the Governor of the State of New York.
1961 year: Ambassador on general issues. year: 1961 Assistant Secretary but the
far East. 1963 year: Deputy Secretary of State on matters of general policy.
the year 1968: United States representative on the Parisian "peaceful" negotiati
ons on Vietnam.
1974 year: the head of the special group of the Democratic Party on foreign poli
1975: the limited partner of Brown Brothers, Harriman. "
In 1983, the visit of Yuri Andropov in Moscow.
You would think that with such a long global experience Harriman acquired deep k
nowledge, understanding, a sense of peace. But in the reality of his works we ca
n assume only that he or rather stupid, or one of the few people on Earth, leavi
ng the most misleading impressions. Here is an example. Article written by
Averellom Garrimanom and published in the journal "the onion" October 3, 1967, u
nder the title "from Stalin to O.kosygin: myths and reality", States:
1. "in the early twenties, my firm has credit in the financing of trade with Rus
sia. Like others, we found that the new Government very carefully in meeting its
financial obligations ".
In fact, the Tips were expropriated of the concession 20 's, including Garrimanu
owned, and usually without compensation. Harriman was deceived By its manganese
company in Georgia, and then persuaded to take as compensation to 3 billion dol
lars in Soviet banknotes (see on page 60-61). This Soviet "compensation" in fact
has put Him in the position of the person giving the first American loan to Rus
sia, the United States in violation of the law against such loans.
But here's what said Harriman, John b. Stetsonu, Jr. of the Department of State
(861.637 Harriman): "Mr Harriman says that they are going to lose about 3 billio
n dollars, which they will write off as an experiment." And this is a very neat
calls the "Harriman meeting its financial obligations".
2. "Russia's greatest concern is the myth that America is" Government "made up o
f representatives from Wall Street and industrialists interested in the continua
tion of the cold war and the arms race, in order to maintain the" capitalist "ec
onomy. Anyone who is familiar with American politics, knows this is nonsense. "
Unfortunately, the Russians are right mainly with regard to the political aspect
s of this. Making such a statement, Harriman, not only confirms speculations abo
ut the Russians, but deceiving the audience of readers of "the onion", saying th
at they (capitalists) actually involved in the management of political affairs.
Compare this statement with the acts of the order and you will see how sophistic
ated works wit Him, not so much differing from Him-senior.
From the above, Harriman official biography suggests that, given the decades of
political kitchen, Harriman was well aware of the dependence of Western technolo
gy to the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union cannot develop its economy without
them. As Stalin said,
Garrimanu in 1944 year. Here is an excerpt from the report of Ambassador Harrima
n in Moscow State from June 30, 1944 year:
"Stalin paid tribute to the assistance given by the United States of Soviet indu
stry before and during the war. He said that about two-thirds of all industrial
enterprises in the Soviet Union were built with the help of the United States or
by their technical assistance "(the original report in the United States Depart
ment of State, file 033.1161).
Stalin could have added that the remaining third of the Soviet industry was buil
t by the English, German, French, Italian, Finnish, Czech and Japanese companies
. In short, the Harriman at least once in the year 1944 had accurate information
that the West was built in the Soviet Union. Now look at the official biography
of Him with a chain of assignments in NATO Joint Security Agency, State Departm
ent, foreign offices, and so on. At these posts Harriman actively fought for the
reinforcement of military power of the United States. But when the Soviet Union
was the enemy in 1947, we had no need to build massive defence spending. We jus
t might deprive him of technologies. Soviet technology, and Harriman knew that S
oviet technology was not. Moreover, Harriman was in the forefront of those who a
dvocated the slogan "more trade" with the Soviet Union, and the trade was a mean
s of technology transfer. In other words, Harriman simultaneously held two contr
adictory policies:
and the establishment of Soviet power) by exporting our technology and
b) creating Western defence against that power.
Isn't this dialectic of Hegel? Thesis versus antithesis, then conflict, resultin
g in a new synthesis. In subsequent memoranda, we show how the Brotherhood Power
, Harriman managed this program, creating the conflict.
Moreover, Harriman is sensitive when questioning the "Holiness" of its position,
expressed in the phrase: "I am always right when it comes to Councils".
A memorable incident happened back in 1971, when Edward (Teddy) Vajntal' attende
d a dinner party with Garrimanom, and he delivered his usual phrase: "I first wa
rned of the Soviet threat..."
Vajntal' broke off of it. When gathering material for his book Vajntal' found in
the national archives which mention Him such documents reproduced below us. In
particular, the Department of State telegram quoted from Vajntal' February 12, 1
944 year of Marriage to Roosevelt. Vajntal' said: "you have claimed that convinc
ed the intention of Councils not to install a Communist Government in Poland".
Then the 79-year-old Harriman has jumped from the dinner table and zamahal his f
ists on 70 years of Vajntal. Harriman cried out: "If you type something like that
in his book, I will break your jaw."
Say, thrilled the host barely raznl both, but after the correspondent of the Wash
ington Post learned details of the quarrel (see. The Washington Post of March 17
, 1971 onwards, Cheshire) Meksajna material.
This company was founded in 1864 in New York. Over the next hundred years bankin
g firm expanded rapidly, absorbing other banks and trusts; in 1910, it merged wi
th the Morton trust company, in 1912-m standard trust company, and in 1929-m wit
h the National Merchant Bank. Firm J. P. Morgan efficiently oversaw the "guarant
or of trust" with the year 1912 when Mrs Edward Harriman (mother of Roland and A
verella) sold its part of shares out of a total of 8000 to 20000, which you had
to pay a j. p. Morgan. In 1954, the "guarantor of trust" has become the most imp
ortant supervised Bank firm j. p. Morgan, and since 1954, has merged the firm be
came known as "Morgan Garan and company.
The initial capital for the "guarantor of the trust came from the Whitney family
, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts and Garrimanov (all of them are presented in the ord
er). All were also Board members of the families of the company "guarantor of tr
ust throughout the period under review. Harry Payne Whitney (member of the order
of the year 1894) inherited two State company "standard oil" from family Pejnov
and Whitney. G.p. Whitney was Director of the "guarantor of trust", like his fa
ther, William c. Whitney (in Order from 1863 onwards). Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt
(member of the order of the year 1899) represented seven Vanderbilts before he d
rowned in the shipwreck Lusitania in 1915 "year. (His sister Gertrude was marrie
d to the said Harry Payne Whitney). The strength of the order can be judged on a
strange case where Gwynn Vanderbil'd sat down in New York on "Luzitani" before i
ts fatal flight. Before departing the "Lusitania" was taken on board the telegra
m, in which Vanderbilt officially warned about the need to postpone the trip, bu
t he did not receive a telegram. And sank with the vessel.
Investment Garrimanov in the Guardian trust "were presented by Averellom Garrima
nom and Percy Rockefeller Rockefeller family investments (member of the order fr
om 1900 onwards).
In short, the order was closely associated with the guardian trust and Morgan Gu
arantor "before 1912, when Mrs. Edward Harriman sold its shares in j. p. Morgan.
After the transfer of those shares remained in the Council of Averell Harriman
company "guarantor of trust. The following members of the order were also part o
f the "Guardian trust company and its directors were:
Harold Stanley (member of the order of the year 1908), born in 1885, the son of
William Stanley, inventor, associated with the company General Electric. Stanley
was preparing to Yale University for the elite Hotchkiss school, Lakeville, Con
necticut. An outstanding athlete, Stanley graduated from Yale in 1908, and was a
ccepted into the order.
After Yale, joined the National Bank of Albany, and then, between 1913 and 1915,
the year was, along with j. g. White, known for producing the first five-year p
lan for the Soviet Union. In 1915, Stanley became the Vice President of the "gua
rantor of trust. From 1921 to 1928 he was President of the company, and then a p
artner in the firm of j. p. Morgan, replacing William Morrow. From 1935 to 1941,
he was President of Morgan Stanley and co., then until 1955, limited liability
partner until his death in 1963 year.
In short, a member of the order was Vice President and then President of Garanti
Trust. Company from 1915 to 1928 years-years of the Bolshevik revolution and th
e rise of Hitler to power in Germany.
Joseph r. Their (member of the order of the 1902 year). "The guarantor company w
as regulated by the Trust Company, and Guaranteed by the President of the first
and was Joseph Rockwell Their (in the order from the year 1902), he was also one
of the directors of" Guaranteed trust.
Percy Rockefeller (member of the order of the year 1900), born in 1878, the son
of William d. Rockefeller (brother of John d. Rockefeller). Inherited a portion
of the company "standard oil". Percy was the Director of the "Garanti trust from
1915 to 1930 's.
As the order relates to the "Guardian Trust Company and the Brown Brothers, Harr
Garanti Trust Company
Harold Stanley (in Order from 1908 ?.)
W. Murray Crane (1904)
Harry p. Whitney (1894)
W. Averell Harriman (1913)
Knight Woolley (1917)
Frank p. Shepard (1917)
Joseph p. Their (1902)
Thomas Cochrane (1894)
Percy Rockefeller (1900)
Partners after World War 2
George h. Chittenden (1939)
William Redmond Cross (1941)
Henry p. Davison, Jr. (1920)
Thomas Rodd (1935)
Clement d. Gyle station (1939)
Daniel p. Davison (1949)
"Brown Brothers, Harriman (formerly W.a. Harriman")
W. Averell Harriman (1913)
E. Roland Harriman (1917)
llerdi s. James (1917)
Ray Morris (1901)
Prescott Sheldon Bush (1917)
Knight Woolley (1917)
Mortimer Seabury (1909)
Robert a. Lovett (1918)
Partners after World War 2
Eugene b. Stenson, Jr. (1934)
Walter h. Brown (1945)
Stephen w. Chords (1921)
John Beckwith Medden (1941)
Grejd k. Kostikn (1929)
Partner with the order Matthew s. Brs (Mason 32)
This is another quick lever of the order, private banking firm. Prior to 1933, t
his lever was firm U.l. Harriman company ", and" Brown Brothers "remained in the
shadows. After 1933, the joint firm continued to cause "Harriman company.
In the book "an introduction to the order of" we have provided details on the co
nsolidation of these companies. There is, however, one aspect on which we would
like to highlight: the exclusive role of graduating from Yale University in 1917
, the firm Brown Brothers, Harriman and the events described in the memorandum o
f the three and four. It is about the next five in order in 1917 year (total was
taken 15 people):
Knight Woolley was the "guarantor of trust" from 1919 to 1920 in the Harriman co
mpany from 1927 to 1931 ??., then in the Brown Brothers, Harriman from 1933 onwa
rds. Woolley was also the Director of the Federal Reserve Bank.
Frank p. Shepard has also joined the "guarantor of trust" in 1919, and was its V
ice President from 1920 to 1934, as that is when Soviet Russia and evolved, and
the Nazi party of Adolf Hitler. From 1934 onwards Shepard was in the Bankers Tru
st Company, then part of the Group of banks Morgan.
Ellery Sedgwick, James was a partner at Brown Brothers, Harriman. "
And, finally, two interesting personality: Edward Roland Noel Harriman and Presc
ott Sheldon Bush, father of George Herbert Walker Bush, the current Vice Preside
nt of the United States.
In the period between World War I and 1 and mid 1930 's "fake face" of the order
of the company "guarantor of trust", and "Brown Brothers, Harriman, was Matthew
s. Brs.
Brush was neither a graduate of Yale University, a member of the order, but afte
r an accidental meeting in the 1890 's, his talents were the order used. Brush b
ecame a member of the order of the franc-masons, 32 degree freemason and Inferno
, but as far as we can tell, was not more closely linked to the Centre of power.
Braz was born in Stiluotere, Minnesota, in 1877, and graduated from the Armurski
j Institute of technology. By chance, his first occupation in the 1890 's, was a
clerk in Chicago, Franklin Mcveigh company. Member of the order since 1862, Fra
nklin McVeigh was a member of the Ministry of Finance of the United States, and
then Secretary of the Treasury (1909-1913) was President of William Tufte (membe
r of the order of the 1878 g.)
The face of Mcveigh, unlike his brother, not so easy to define, in 1913, he resi
gned from the Ministry of finance and gave up his post as tutor at the Universit
y of Chicago. In 1919, he was involved in the non-payment of monies "Trust Russe
ll." We have a copy of the notice for payment of debts, sent in 1919, the Presid
ent of New York life, "and the Treasurer of the order of Otto Bonnardom (member
of the order of the 1876) in McVeigh's address. In the notification, the latter
offered to pay its debt.
While McVeigh's trail fades after 1913, the former had at one time a clerk Matth
ew Brush continues to thrive. After he has held several positions in railway com
panies, it becomes in 1918, Vice President of the American International Corpora
tion, and in 1923, its President. He also was Chairman of the kvitajbl Office bui
lding, also known as 120, Broadway.(see page 51).
Moreover, the brush was President of Barnsdall and manganese company in Georgia
(we'll see how important these positions, the following memorandum).
In the meantime, we wanted to show how two banking houses are controlled by memb
ers of the order. Established by a member of the order of e. More Toga, both com
panies were founded by members of the order. The company "Brown Brothers" was ac
quired only in 1933 year.
Now consider the evidence that these two banking firms were means to create wars
and revolutions.
The book, published in 1974, we have provided key evidence that Wall Street has
supported the Bolshevik revolution. Mostly, money, arms and uniforms, as well as
diplomatic support in London and Washington. In the book "Wall Street and the B
olshevik revolution" also supported the idea, the Kvingli, the financial capital
of Morgan and other paid all parties from left to right and, consequently, affe
ct them.
The memorandum continued and frequent the same story, but now links the order of
evidence that Wall Street in the past.
Below we reproduce the Wall Street map of the area and the list of firms it loca
ted. These firms were also associated with the Bolshevik revolution and funded H
itler. Now we can establish a truly overwhelming influence Of these firms.
Firms involved in 1917, with the order and 120 Broadway building located in or n
120 Broadway, as Edward x. Harriman (before his death)
59, Broadway W.a. Harriman Co.
120 Broadway, is an American multinational corporation
23, Wall Street the firm j. p. Morgan.
120 Broadway, is the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
120 Broadway, bankers ' Club (upstairs)
120 Broadway, Thomas d. Thacher ("Simpson, Thacher and Bartlett ')
14, Wall Street-as William Boyce Thompson
120 Broadway, Guggenheim exploration,
15, Broadway-Stentson, Jennings and Russell
120 Broadway, Martin of Weinberg & Posner (the first Soviet Ambassador ")
110, 40-I Street the Soviet Bureau
60, Amos Pinchot Office-Broadway
120 Broadway, is Stone and Webster
120 Broadway General Electric,
120 Broadway, Sinklear, Gulf Corporation
Revolutionary activity focused in the Ekvitajbl Trust building, 120 Broadway. It
was the address of E.h. Harriman. American International Corporation was locate
d in the same building. Club, where Wall Street bankers met over lunch, was at t
he top of the building. It is in this plush, upholstered Club, William Boyce Tho
mpson outlined plans for Wall Street involvement in the Russian revolution of 19
17 year. The company "Guarantor Securitys" was here. A "guarantor of trust was n
ext at 140 Broadway (building seen to the left of the home 120).
120 Broadway, custodian of Securities
140 Broadway, is the guardian trust company
233 Broadway, was an Anglo-Russian Chamber of Commerce
Individual members of the order in building 120, Broadway:
George Webster Adams (in 1904, with the order.)
Allen Wallace Ames (c 1918 g.)
Philip Lyndon Dodge (1907 with g.)
The order is for assisting the Soviet army
We have a copy of the memorandum, written by a member of the order, where are th
e intentions Of the Bolshevik revolution, 1917. The memorandum was written by Th
omas d. Tcerom (member of the order from 1904 onwards), a partner in the Wall Str
eet law firm of Simpson Thacher, and Bar-Lett ". Address Tcera was 120, Broadway.
Today, the law firm, which is now the Betteri Plaza, owns the largest building
on Wall Street, and its partner is former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance ("Scrol
l and Key").
In 1917, Thacher was in Russia with the Mission of the Red Cross, William Boyce
Tomisa. Following consultations in New York Tcera was sent to London for talks wi
th Lord Nortkliffom of the Bolshevik revolution, and then to Paris for talks wit
h French Government Avenue.
Memorandum Tcera not only insists on the recognition of the existing hard-the Sov
iet Government, which in 1918 was controlled only a very small part of Russia, b
ut also require military assistance Soviet army and implementation of interventi
on to prevent the infiltration of Japanese in Siberia until the Bolsheviks did n
ot prevail.
Here are the main points of the memorandum of Tcera:
Firstly, the ...allies must prevent the Japanese intervention in Siberia. Second
ly, should be given full assistance to the Soviet Government in its attempts to
organize the voluntary revolutionary army. Third, the Federal Government must pr
ovide moral support to the Russian people in their efforts to develop its own po
litical system, free from the influence of any foreign power to ... Fourthly, th
e Nord, until the open conflict between the German and Soviet Governments, there
will be a peaceful commercial penetration of German firms in Russia, because th
ere is no gap in the relations between Germany and Russia, will probably be impo
ssible to completely prevent such commercial activity. Therefore, steps should b
e taken to prevent, to the extent possible, export grain and raw materials from
Russia to Germany ". (For the full text of the document is stored in the 316.13.
698 United States Department of State).
The reader should pay particular attention to, inter alia, to the second phrase:
"Secondly, full support should be provided to the Soviet Government in its atte
mpts to organize the volunteer Revolutionary Army". The assistance described in
my book, "national suicide: military aid to the Soviet Union."
It was a hidden policy adopted in the highest circles, in absolute secrecy, the
United States and, to some extent, the "group" (particularly by Milner) in the U
K. Apparently, negotiations with the French Government Tcera much success did not
When President Woodrow Wilson of the United States sent troops to hold the Trans
-Siberian railway, he personally gave secret instructions to General William c.
Mr. graves. We have not identified those instructions (although we know that the
y exist), but a thorough examination of the available archives shows that Americ
an intervention had little in common with rail transport activities, as alleged
by the Tips, George Kennan and other writers.
Tips were so grateful for American help in a revolution that in 1920, when the l
ast American troops departed from Vladivostok, the Bolsheviks gave them a friend
ly send-off.
That's what reported February 15, 1920, the New York Times:
Vladivostok, February 1 (associated press). Today is the second day of the city
notes the full release of Kolchak parades, street rallies and speeches. Red flag
s fluttering over government buildings, many business establishments and homes.
There is a pronounced pro-American sentiment. Before the American headquarters o
f the revolutionary leaders climbed the stairs in front of the building, and in
his speeches called Americans true friends that at the critical moment saved an
existing movement. People insist on holding a joint policy of non-intervention d
uring the occupation of the city and for the peaceful resolution of the situatio
n. "
Typically, messages that are inconsistent with the lines of establishment, or ra
dio networks broadcasts had been jammed, or copyists in major newspapers (small
newspaper, unfortunately, are the New York Times). The same message was unchange
In fact, the United States has captured the Trans-Siberian Highway and held it u
ntil the tips are not mature enough to control it. English and French military m
ission in Siberia noted unusual activity by the United States Army.
With regard to assistance to the Soviet army, the State Department has data that
the Bolsheviks were supplied weapons and equipment. And in 1919, when the the T
rotsky publicly with anti-US speeches, he also requested Ambassador Francis to s
end u.s. military inspection teams to train the new Army. (See my book "national
suicide", Aldington House, New York, 1974, as well as Wall Street and the Bolsh
evik revolution ", ibid., 1974).
The order stands for Tips in the United States
And yet it is in Washington and London, the order has provided real help tips. O
rder managed not only to prevent military actions against the Bolsheviks, but mu
ddy the waters in politics, despite the official ban, it has become possible to
deliver from the United States to Russia for vital raw materials and products, a
nd ultimately even loans.
Of the following documents can be seen as members of the order were able to supp
ort Soviet ambitions in the United States. While the Department of Justice would
send to Russia's so-called "red" inside the United States Government had a much
more powerful force to support rising barely afloat at the feet of the Soviet U
The enclosed letter (see page 59) directed by Amos Pincotom (member of the order
of the 1897 onwards). His brother conservative George Pinchot, was also a membe
r of the order, from 1889 onwards. Amos Pinchot, a founder of the American Civil
Liberties Union, he actively helped the Soviets in the early days of the Bolshe
vik revolution. Letter shows this help. It was sent to a certain year, November
22, 1918 Fyodorovich Santeri just a year after the revolution of 1917 year. In t
he letter, Pinchot says "He warmly sympathetic views Fyodorovich and the work it
Who is this Fyodorovich? It was another name of Alexander Nyberg, the Soviet rep
resentative in the United States. Nyberg has worked in the Soviet Bureau, which
at first was camouflaged by the Finnish News Bureau "together with Ludwig Marten
s, S.a.k. first Soviet representative and former Vice President of Weinberg and
Posner". The New York Office of this company was located at: 120, Broadway! Assi
stant Nyberg was Kenneth Durant, an American newsman, who then told the TASS NEW
S AGENCY in the United States and at one time served as aide-de-camp to "Colonel
" William House, the mysterious man Wilson administration. The Director of the T
rade Department of the Soviet Bureau was "Comrade Evans Clark". Later Clark beca
me Executive Director of the influential 20th century company Foundation, and it
, in turn, we find a member of the order in this case Charles Phelps Taft (in Or
der from 1918 onwards), a nephew of President and Chief Justice William Howard T
aft. Later becomes evident that considerable role played in the gegelizacii Amer
ican education by working with the order in the "XX century Foundation, Clark Ev
The following document (page 61) is devoted to a brief biography of Clark Evans
of "Tovarishch" published by the Soviet Bureau in 1919 was appointed and his ass
istant to the Director of the trading Department Bureau with the task of establi
shing trade relations with the United States. Note the Association at Harvard an
d Princeton.
The Bureau information on Soviet Russia 299 Broadway, Suite 1812.
Statement of 19 April
"Comrade Evans Clark resigned his post of Director of the Research Bureau of the
Socialist l'dersaniceskoj delegations in New York and was appointed Assistant Di
rector of the Trade Department of the Office of the representative of the Russia
n Socialist Federal Soviet Republic with headquarters in" Uorldz Tau building at
110 West 40 Street,.
Guy Clark was a member of the Socialist Party in 1911 and was active in the labo
r movement in the United States. He graduated from Amherst College, the Universi
ty of Kolambsku and at Harvard Law School. He was an instructor in the University
of Priistonskom and was one of the organizers of the intercollegiate socialist
society, of which he was the first President. Comrade Clarke will assist someone
Geller in the establishment of trade relations between the United States and So
viet Russia. " (Copy of # 1500 from the archives of the "Lusk Committee", New Yo
The trade was vital to the survival of the Soviet Union in 1919 year all Russian
factories and vehicles stopped. There was neither material nor a skilled labour
By Evans Clark requested the order. May 29, 1919, Amos Pinchot wrote to his coll
eague, a member of the Schull and Bonzes, and strong Republican William Kentu on
lifting the blockade of the Councils. William Kent (member of the order of the
year 1887) was a member of the United States Tariff Commission and, in turn, wro
te to Senator Lenrutu to interview the "Professor" Clark Evans. (Albert Kent, hi
s father, was a member of the order of 1853, and married the daughter of Thomas
Tcera, Member of the order from 1835 onwards).
In a Word, two members of the order of Pinchot and Kent have joined together and
presented the unsuspecting Senator known Bolshevik leader. Neither a member of
the order did not say Senator Lenrutu of Clark to the Soviet Bureau.
As the order developed a backward Soviet Union
In the period between 1917 and 1921 years Councils have expanded their control i
n Russia's Siberia and the Caucasus. As we have noted, the United States impleme
nted the intervention in Siberia along the Trans-Siberian railway. In versions o
f George Kennan and Tips about United States intervention, stated that she was a
nti-Soviet. In fact there was nothing of the sort. United States placed troops j
ust to not let to the backbone of the Japanese, but not Tips. When the Americans
went through Vladivostok, Soviet authorities staged a noisy farewell to u.s. tr
oops. But it's still one untold story, which is not in the textbooks.
Before the Boards was the next challenge: rebuilding broken Russian factories. T
his required raw materials, technically skilled manpower and working capital. A
key role in the Russian Caucasus oil fields were rebuilt. They were a major part
of the natural resources of Russia. The most important field in Baku has been d
eveloped in the 1870 's. In 1900, it gave more crude oil than the United States,
and in 1901, more than half of the crude oil produced in the world. Oilfields o
f the Caucasus survived the revolution and intervention without much structural
damage and have become an important factor in restoring the Soviet economy, prod
ucing about 20 percent of the value of total exports, and this was the single la
rgest source of foreign currency.
Bolsheviks seized the Caucasus in 1920-1921, but by 1923, the drilling of oil we
lls almost ceased. For the first year of Soviet rule "of ...No new refinery has
not give oil-(United States Department of State, 316-137-221), and even two year
s after Soviet occupation was not discovered new oil fields. In addition to this
, a deepening of the old wells almost stopped. As a result, they entered the wat
er, and the flow of crude oil turned into a non-usable mix oil and water. Object
ive indicators show a dilapidated oil field maintenance, operation and performan
ce. Statistics gives a picture of total collapse after the arrival of the Soviet
s. In 1900, Russia was the world's largest producer and exporter of crude oil. T
o maintain this level of production in only one Baku needed to drill nearly 50,0
00 feet per month. By early 1921, the monthly drilling fell to about 370 feet (t
his is 0.7% from the level of year 1900), while 162 oil rigs were in operation.
Then the President of azneft (Soviet of Kazakh oil) recovery programme put forward
in Serebrovskiy article in Pravda. The 1923 year planned to increase oil drilli
ng up to 35,000 yards per year (245.000 feet). This would require 35 Turbo drill
(drilling 77.000 feet) and 157 drill hammers (drilling of 130,000 feet). Serebr
ovskiy emphasized that "Ingushetia has turboburami and that Russian industry cou
ld not supply them. And drilling through turbodrills was essential for the succe
ssful implementation of the plan.
He further wrote: "it is in the US capital will support us. The American company
international Barnsdall Corporation submitted a plan ... Lack of equipment does
not allow us to increase the production of oil industry in Baku alone. The Amer
ican firm ... will supply equipment, will begin drilling at oil fields and oil d
eep pumps in technical terms... " (Pravda, September 21, 1922 onwards).
Over the next few years the company together with the company Serebrovskim "Lucy
Manufkcuring" and other firms, izgotavlivasimi equipment for foreign oil, perform
ed programme as set forth in the "Truth". Equipment of the United States was imp
orted in huge quantities. The program was introduced turbobureni, a drilling Brig
ade azneft familiar with their operational problems, oil production was reorganize
d by drilling deep wells with application of electric pumps.
The first concession was signed in October 1921, and again in September 1922, tw
o agreements have been signed. There is no doubt that the Barnsdall "actually wo
rked on these agreements. Pravda reported that a group of American oil workers i
n the oil fields, and for a couple of months before the United States Consulate
in Constantinople sent that company spokesman Philip Cetburn in the Caucasus pro
ceeded on the way from Russia. In the United States State Department archives co
ntained interesting excerpt from remarks Rykova in October 1922 year: one relati
vely bright spot in Russia's oil industry, and this is largely due to the fact t
hat few American workers have arrived in the city to oversee their work. (United
States Department of State, mikrokopi 316.107.1167).
Who or what was behind by Barnsdall Corporation?
The Chairman of this company was the Matthew s. Brs, which we had previously iden
tified as "shill" order. The company owned the "Garanti trust", "Li", "Harriman
Co. and W.a. Harry-man", and "International Barnsdall Corporation at 75% owned B
arnsdall Corporation company, and 25%" h.-Maison Dei ".
The interests of the "guarantor of trust were presented to Eugene b. Stetsonom (
a.k.a. Vice President guarantor of trust"), whose son Eugene b. Stetson Jr. was
admitted to the order in 1934 year. Whether the interests of the "Htinson" were p
resented, Frdric Uintropom Allen (member of the order from 1900 onwards). In short
, the order of the controlled company Barnsdall Corporation.
The second is potentially the largest source of foreign currency in the Councils
of the 1920 's were large deposits of manganese in Russia. In 1913, the Tsarist
Russia supplied 52 0 world exports of manganese, about 76% of which, or one mill
ion tons mined from deposits of Mechanics in the Caucasus. Mining in 1920 year w
as equal to zero, and by 1924, she moved around only to 320,000 tons/year. The m
ain problem was the fact that the primitive equipment, considered extremely inad
equate even by pre-war standards, seriously hampered the further development ".
Ciaturskie deposit, located on the high plateau and at a decent distance from Ba
tum, developed a primitive way, ore was hauled on donkeys from the mountains to
the railways. Along the way, changed track width and manganese accounted for ove
rburden between the place of loading and the port. Already at the port of ore ca
rried buckets. It was a slow and costly process. Tips purchased modern equipment
for its deposits of manganese and its transportation, have received foreign
currency and finally smashed into pieces on foreign policy loans to the Soviet U
nion in a series of business arrangements with the Company and "Harriman U.a. gu
arantor of trust. (The reader may refer in this regard to the more than 300-page
-border documentation in the Department of State United States 316-138-12/331, a
nd also in the archive of the German Foreign Ministry full text of contract "was
published by the Supreme Council of education" under the name "the concession a
greement between the Government of the USSR and the W.a. Harriman & co. in New Y
ork." Moscow, 1925 year).
July 12, 1925 year the agreement was signed. It included a concession for the ex
ploitation of ciaturskih manganese deposits and extensive application of modern
methods of production and transportation.
(the State Department's letter to the Ambassador of United States in London 861.
"November 14, 1924 year.
Dear Mr Atherton!
Please accept my thanks for your letter of October 30, 1924, with tenderloin fro
m the newspaper the times from 28 October, containing the report of the Prime Mi
nister's speech, which referred to the granting of concessions to the Americans
on the manganese ore in Russia and provides a confidential memorandum on the nat
ure of the concession.
I thank you for your courtesy and care about this case. You sent first memorandu
m contains information gathered by the Department's concession, in addition to t
he one that appeared in the press.
Sincerely Ivan Young
Ray Atertonu, skvajru, Secretary of the Embassy of the United States in London ".
The concession agreement with Garrimanom on the mechanization of the mines and t
he conversion of the manual process of extraction in mechanical was spent 4 mill
ion dollars. Gornoobogatitel'na factory were built, as well as the loading silo i
n Poti with a capacity of 2 million tons; railway system was constructed along w
ith a tram to transport manganese ore. Costs are estimated at approximately two
million 2 to the railway system and one million to the mechanization of the mine
The Chairman of Georgia's Manganese Company, Harriman company i.e., acting on th
is part of Russia, was none other than the "shill" Of Matthew s. Brs.
The order is too strong to let the State Department investigation
As the order carried out their plans of development of Russia, the State Departm
ent could do nothing. The bureaucrats sitting in Washington's diplomatic corps a
s a bunch of hypnotized hares.
First, in the 1920 's, the provision of loans to the Soviet Union was a serious
violation of the United States. At the time, u.s. citizens can come to Russia at
their own risk, was neither diplomatic relations nor the Government support or
commercial activities. The mood of society and the Government of the United Stat
es was overwhelmingly negative with respect to the advice, not least because of
the numerous atrocities committed in the name of revolution.
Secondly, the syndicate "Harriman Garanti" that represents the order of not info
rming the State Department about its plans. As you can see from the letter quote
d from Washington in the United States Embassy in London, the first information
about the manganese deposits, Harriman was received from across the ocean, and t
he Embassy has taken its message of the London newspaper.
In other words, Averell Harriman trailed the illegal project, bypassing the Unit
ed States Government. If it's not irresponsible behaviour, then what is it calle
d? And this was a man who later was to become the United States Ambassador in Ru
Letter from the State Department in London (at p. 67) is quite common in this re
gard: "you sent first memorandum contains information gathered by the Department
's concession, in addition to the one that appeared in the press."
About a month later received a letter from the Department of Commerce to confirm
information about the concession and give more information on this subject. Obv
iously not bothered to inform, Harriman and the Ministry of trade.
"The Department of Commerce. Bureau of foreign and domestic trade. Washington, J
anuary 23, 1925 year.
The distinguished Uilburgu j., Assistant Secretary of State, Karoo Washington di
plomatic corps.
Dear Mr Carr!
We have a copy of the despatches No. 2565 Secretary from Mr F.V.B. Coleman in Ri
ga, Latvia, for a conversation with Mr. Fridlenderom but about Russia.
On page 7 of this communication a paragraph which reads as follows: "Megraf is t
he agent of Imperial and foreign corporation, which represents the investment Ga
rrima-on, Stesa and his own in ciatursku margancevc concession. From the report of M
r. Friedlander suggests that they pooled their capital and represent a United Fr
ont. "
The question of ciaturskoj manganese concessions is of great interest to the Ame
rican mining and its control by the American company will have a significant imp
act on the steel industry United States. That is why we are interested in gettin
g the best information on this subject, as far as possible, and therefore ask th
at you possibly got for us to confirm the above message. We would like to know a
little more about the credibility of Mr. Friedlander and on any other available
facts in the case.
Very ikrenne your R. S. Miller ".
(a copy of the letter 861.637/5 and its translation)
"The Department of State Sector of East European Affairs, January 29, 1925 dear
Mr Carr!
The attached letter from an officer of the Trade Department of Mr. Miller 's, th
ere are some very specific reasons for why I think it is very inappropriate to S
tate Department began an investigation in respect of that manganese concessions.
If you wish, I will be happy to explain to you the reasons verbally.
Ivan E. Young.
Now we come to a truly wonderful time. Government of the United States has not b
een informed or Garrimanom by W.a. Guardian trust to invest 4 million dollars fo
r the development of Soviet deposits of manganese. However, this was clearly an
illegal move that had obvious strategic implications for the United States. Coul
d not get this information from the Government of United States and anywhere els
e; at that time there was no CIA. Economic intelligence was involved in the Stat
e Department. It is also clear that Government officials were interested in obta
ining information, as it should have been.
Truly amazing that the Government of the United States was not in a position to
We just reproduced the memorandum sent by Ivan e. Young of the sector on the Eas
t European Affairs Assistant Secretary of Karoo. Note that this memorandum is th
e State Department's Summit. Young, in particular the spine, writes: ". ...There
are some very specific reasons for why I think it is very inappropriate to Stat
e Department began an investigation in respect of that manganese concession. "
And Assistant Secretary Carr casually writes at the bottom: "I yield to your jud
gment about it" (presumably after the oral exchange of views).
A clear impression that with some behind the scenes force should not get involve
The order establishes its own law
Order controlled all non-strategic positions in relation to the Soviet Union. It
appears nothing has eluded his attention. For example, the anglorusska Chamber o
f Commerce was established in 1920, in order to develop trade with Russia, what
is desperately needed to restore inactive industry Tips. A key post in the Chamb
er, as President of its Executive Committee, held by Samuel r. Rooms (in the ord
er from 1885 onwards), Vice-President of the "guarantor of trust and a former me
mber of the Mission in Russia in 1917 Ruta year. Ruth lihu, Chairman of the missi
on, was, of course, the personal lawyer William Collins Whitney (member of the o
rder of the year 1863), one of the key figures of the order.
(Translation of a document from October 13, 1922, 861.516/140.).
"Max will take part of the Garanti Mey Trust Company of New York. To date, Mr Ma
x Mei was appointed Director of the foreign Department of the Moscow bank.
The paper gives the following information about the new Bank: "there is a Board
consisting of five members and five active Board of Directors. Among these we no
te Mr Schlesinger, former head of the Moscow Merchant Bank, Mr Kalakina, head of
the Bank, and Mr Junker Ternov-sky is the former Chief of the Siberian Bank. Mis
ter Max Mei was appointed Director of the foreign Department of the Bank. Accord
ing to Mr Aschberg Bursaries, Russian Bank through the Bank of Mr Aberga in Stock
holm "konomigolbaget" will be in close contact with the German and u.s. financial
institutions ".
Newspaper "Svenska Dagbladet" from October 17 announced that the aforementioned
Mr. ejnmanu managed to obtain the consent of Gustav rofessora Kassel to act as Ad
viser to the Russian State Bank, which, as you can see, has a representative in
the administration of the new trade Bank of Moscow and has the right to control
its activities. In particular, quoted Professor Kassel:
"The fact that Russia has opened the Bank for purely banking matters, is a great
step forward, and it seems to me that this Bank was founded in order to do some
thing in order to create new economic life in Russia. What Russia needs is the B
ank to create internal and external trade. If between Russia and other countries
will be any business, you must be a bank to deal with. Other countries must sup
port this step forward, and when they asked my advice, I stated that he was read
y to provide this support. I am not a proponent of negative policy and I believe
that we should use every opportunity to assist in the positive reconstruction.
The big question is: how to get the monetary circulation in Russia in its normal
state. This issue will require careful study. To solve it, I have extreme inter
est in this work. It would be foolish to leave Russia with its own resources and
their own destiny. " A matter of honour, Sir. Your obedient servant
Ira Morris.
The letter from the Anglo-Russian Chamber of Commerce, Bertrona, above quoted, i
t raised the question: "when the Federal Government banned the sale of Russian l
S. r. Burton (member of the order of the year 1884), President of the American-R
ussian Chamber of Commerce.
"The American-Russian Chamber of Commerce. The Department Of State. Russian sect
or. Washington, dipkorpus.
Lord, could we answer the following questions?
1. When it is below listed banks in Russia were seized by the Soviet Government:
The International Bank of Commerce, Petrograd
Russian Foreign Trade Bank, Petrograd
Volga-Kama commercial bank, Petrograd
Azov-Don commercial bank, pet fences.
2. when the Federal Government banned the sale of Russian loans?
We will be very grateful for any help you can provide in this matter.
Sincerely, the American Chamber of Commerce, Secretary (signature) ".
This means that in 1921, the order was well aware that "credits" to the Soviet U
nion were illegal, and stadijno a truly legitimate only after the coming to powe
r of President Roosevelt in 1933 year. However, legally or not, for the 18 month
s prior to that letter, "Guarantor Bertrona trust has deployed more than trade i
n Russian loans. "Guaranteed trust signed a banking agreement with the Soviets a
nd appointed Vice President of Garanti trust Max Mey to the Soviet, Director of
the foreign bank (" Ruskombank ", see document signed by Ira Morris).
In General, the Government of United States uverlo its own public that Tips it's
vile murderers, while the Department of Justice sent her "red" back to Russia un
til all policy (almost without exception) assured the American public that the U
nited States will have no dealings with the Soviets, until this thread lies unde
r the of the dupes of people behind the scenes of the company "Garanti trust act
ually was head of the Soviet Bank! And Soviet revolutionaries welcomed u.s. troo
ps for assistance in defending the revolution.
That is why, dear readers, the Government needs to be monitored. That's why even
after 50 years after some event independent researchers (not podhalimam) is alm
ost impossible to get declassified key documents.
"Simpson, Thacher and Bartlett,
120 Broadway, New York, July 21, 1927 year
Dear Oldsu, the Assistant Secretary of State R. E., Washington, dipkorpus.
Sir! The State Bank of the USSR even though, but our data, all of its capital be
longs to the Ministry of Finance (people's Commissariat of Finance) of the Sovie
t Government, itself not a part of the Soviet system, and is the legal reality t
hat is included in November 1921, by the Soviet Government. State Bank, the SSA
has the right to initiate proceedings, as well as pursue a judicial order in Sov
iet courts as an individual.
The Bank has already invested large sums of money in various United States banks
. In view of the increasing trade between our countries and the USSR, as well as
the desire to expand the trade of the USSR, State Bank would like to increase t
heir investments in the banks of SCHOOL. Before allowing the Gosbanku to increas
e their contributions to the desired size, we would like to if you still support
us, get your opinion, affirming the traditional attitude of our Government to s
uch deposits. Practically, if we properly understand your views, then it seems t
o us that the obstacles to increased deposits of State Bank does not, despite it
s non-recognition of the SOVIET Government.
With great respect, your
"Simpson, Thacher and Bartlett".
Law firms of the
Law firms New York establishment, some of whom are members of the order, founded
in the closest connection with the banks, and in particular with those companie
s "instruments" of the revolution, already mentioned.
Take, for example, the firm of Simpson, Thacher and Bartlett ", however in 1920-
ies at 120, Broadway. It was founded by Thomas Tcerom (member of the order from 1
871 onwards) in the year 1884. His son, Thomas Day Thacher (member of the order
of the year 1904) worked in family law firm after graduating from Yale Universit
y and entry into the order. The younger Thomas Thacher went to work for the Henr
y l. Simpson (member of the order of the year 1888), a very active member of the
order. Around this time, wrote a statement Of Thatcher on the Bolshevik revolut
ion, became friends with Felix Frankferterom and Raymond Robins. According to th
e documentation, as Franferter and Robin have provided substantial assistance to
Another link between the revolution 1917 year and company, Simpson, Thacher and
Bartlett, is the daughter of Thomas Anthony Tcera (in the order from 1885 onwards
), which entered into a marriage with William Kent (in the order from 1887 onwar
ds). Last we associate with a member of the order of Thomas Pincotom in the ligh
t of its action in the dipkorpuse of Washington during the intervention in Russi
In addition, a member of the order of Samuel Rooms participated in the 1917 year
mission Ruta in Russia. And yet Thomas Thacher (member of the order of the 1904
) was a member of the Mission of the Red Cross with Allan Uordvellom, the son of
Thomas Uordvella, the Treasurer of standard oil and a partner in the law firm o
f Wall Street "Stetson, Jennings & Russell" (because this company with the order
will be: are described in the next volume). Eugene Stetson Jr., for example, th
e order from 1934 onwards.
"Simpson, Thacher and Bartlett" was represented by the State Bank of the USSR to
the United States and were the machinery that made the order to inform Us about
activities that might otherwise be blocked even low level bureaucrats carrying
out the instructions of the Government. For example, in 1927, Simpson, Thacher a
nd Bartlett told the United States Government on the continuing and significant
increase in Tips of their investments in the United States. The increase was pre
paring to pump huge sums into a few select United States firms to build the firs
t Soviet five-year plan.
A careful reading of this letter can be clearly seen its purpose: it puts words
into the mouths of the State Department, that is, how would stress that what is
being done and will be done, how would the United States Government was neither.
Pay attention, for example, the last paragraph: "it seems to us that there can
be no reason which would prevent the gosbanku increase their contributions, rega
rdless of whether the USSR recognizes our Government."
That policy said American citizens
All these activities to build the power of the boards mentioned in the archives
of the Committee of State and Caresses, carefully concealed from the American pe
ople. What else can be said, the mountain of lies from beginning to end.
In order to show the degree of falsehood, we reprint below page chapter "Russia"
from "an excerpt from the statement by the distinguished Frank b. Kellogg, Secr
etary of State, called" external relations ", published by the Republican Nation
al Committee No. 5 for the year 1928.
"Over the past four years, the Government of the United States took the position
that the relations with the Soviet Government is useless and unreasonable until
the Bolshevik leaders tenacity t and operate in practice in the field of intern
ational relations in a way that excludes the possibility of the establishment of
diplomatic relations on the basis of universally accepted principles. Governmen
t of the United States is convinced that the relationship on a regular basis bet
ween friendly countries, cannot be installed with a real government, which is an
instrument panel that is to overthrow the existing political, economic and soci
al order in the world and its relationship to other countries, respectively.
On the experience of the various European Governments to recognize the Soviet re
gime and entered into a relationship with him, is the ultimate wisdom of the pol
icy, which consistently adhere to the United States, recognition of the Soviet r
egime had not led to any cessation of interference in the internal affairs of th
e Bolshevik leaders recognize their country; has not led to the adoption of othe
r key commitments in international relations. Some European States, engaging in
a discussion with representatives of the Soviet regime, tried to reach a solutio
n to disputes on the basis of generally accepted international practice. Such co
nferences and discussions were completely sterile. No State has made payment of
debts left over from Russia under previous Governments, or compensation for conf
iscated property to its citizens. In fact, there is every reason to believe that
giving recognition and negotiation was the only support the current rulers of R
ussia in their policies of seizure and confiscation, as well as their hopes, tha
t you can install a working basis, adopted by other Nations, that they may conti
nue the war with the existing political and social order in other countries
Today's events show that Moscow is continuing to press for a major goal of world
revolution and this has manifested itself in a way that makes it impossible to
establish normal relations with the Soviet Government. The current rulers of Rus
sia, trying to steer its development in the political, economic and social ways
in a manner that is effective, "azoj world revolution", continues through the Co
mmunist international and other organizations with headquarters in Moscow, withi
n the boundaries of other countries, including the United States, extensive and
well-planned operation, with the ultimate aim to overturn the existing order in
such countries.
The mass of information on the activities carried out in the United States vario
us Bolshevik organizations under the direction and control of Moscow, was presen
ted by the Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on foreign relations in January
1924 year.
Among the misinformation disseminated by the Secretary of Kellogom, there is the
following: ". ...Government of the United States took the position that it woul
d be futile and unwise to enter into a relationship with the Soviet Government "
In fact, in the United States, this time using the hidden support of the Governm
ent, participated in the planning of the first five-year plan in Russia. America
n firms have been active in this regard.
Construction of the Soviet "dialectical leverage continued throughout the 1930 '
s, right up to World War 2. In 1941, a. Harriman was appointed administrator of
lend-lease to ensure the flow of technologies and products in the United States,
the Soviet Union. Study on lend-lease documents shows that United States law wa
s violated. The law provided only for military equipment. And indeed also in hug
e quantities supplied industrial equipment and currency printing fees in which T
ips could freely print United States dollars.
After the 2nd world war United States kept the Tips at the level of modern techn
ology. About the story a lot and was written in detail.
In short, the creation of the Soviet Union comes from the order. The survival of
the Soviet Union comes from the order. Development of the Soviet Union comes fr
om the order. But the most important thing is that the policy covered up this st
ory to the American people ...
Now let us turn to the financing of the Nazi party in Germany.
The Marxist version of Hegel's dialectic is considering financial capitalism as
a theory, and Marxist revolution as antithesis. The apparent mystery of this sit
uation is the nature of a Marxist, presumably in the developing of the collision
of these opposites, that is as a result of the collision of financial capitalis
m and the revolutionary Marxism.
Withering away of the State regulation of leninskoye on stage of synthesis is ab
surd. In fact, as evidenced by all the modern Marxist state, the State becomes t
he most powerful. The immediate task of "revolution" is to transfer all powers t
o the State, and the modern Marxist States are permanently lives in fear that th
e Government in fact can slip out of the hands of the State in the hands of the
We believe that global forces can be seen differently, although from the point o
f view of Hegel's dialectic. If Marxism is the thesis and antithesis of national
socialism, then it is possible that the synthesis of a gegel'nskim of the new wo
rld order, the synthesis of the Marxism with national socialism. Moreover, on th
e status of those who finance the clash of opposites and manages them, can conti
nue to control the synthesis.
If we can show that the order was encouraged and developed by both parties a rev
olutionary Marxism and national socialism, while maintaining some control over t
he nature and degree of the conflict, then it turns out that the order would be
able to determine the development of the new world order and its nature.
Where the Nazis were taking funds for the revolution?
In the book "Wall Street and the rise of Hitler" we described several financial
channel between Wall Street and the Nazi party. Further book was published "secr
et Hitler's assistants, who was banned for a long time. In other books also stre
ssed the financial link Fritz Thyssen with Hitler. After the split of Thyssen wi
th Hitler himself Thiessen wrote a book I paid Hitler. " We are now able to comb
ine the evidence in these books with other materials and our documentation on th
e order.
In the minutes of the Supervisory Board of Germany contained United States postw
ar intelligence interviews with prominent Nazis. They reaffirm that the main sou
rce of funds for Hitler was Fritz Thyssen and his "Bank fr Handle und Schiff", fo
rmerly known as "Von Haight Bank". This information is the same as the evidence
in the books of Wall Street and the coming of Hitler and Hitler's helpers "Secre
t until the specific names of parties and the names of banks, that is, Thyssen,
Harriman," guarantor of trust "," Haight ", Carter's Background, and so on.
The document reproduced below escaped censorship because the United States in th
e Office of the Director of intelligence did not know about the relationship bet
ween Fritz and capital Tissenom Harriman in New York. Most of the documents on t
he relationship Uollstrita with Hitler was removed from the records of United St
ates control Council. Anyway, we reproduce here the intelligence report, which e
stablishes the Fritz Thyssen and his bank (No. eg/IU/1 dated September 4, 1945 o
nwards), and page 13 questioning of Fritz Thyssen, entitled "support for the Naz
i party" (it is not available due to low-quality photocopies. Editor's note, tra
The Thyssen?
Fritz Thyssen was the German steel magnate, who linked himself with the Nazi mov
ement in the early 20 's. During the interrogation, code-named "Project Dastbin"
in 1945, Thiessen said that in 1923, during the evacuation of French nationals
from the Ruhr approached by General Ludendorff. Shortly after this meeting, Hitl
er presented and Thyssen museums, through General Ludendorff gave the Nazis the
September 4, 1945
For limited use.
American Council on integrated monitoring (Germany). The Office of the Director
of the Agency's field intelligence information, the technical department.
Reconnaissance report # EPH/IU/1
Report No. 1, parts 1 and 2 of the study Dr. Fritz Thyssen.
Attn: Mailing special list.
1. the report consists of two parts.
a) three statements, prepared and signed by the Tissenom, together with his inte
Thyssen's relationship with the Nazi party
The second statement on the issue
Interview the Thyssen with Goer January 29, 1941 Goda.
b) Notes on the various issues of the verbatim records of his interrogation.
Real estate and personal data
Financial resources
Movement during the war
The position before the beginning of the war
Checking through the Gestapo
Financial support for the Nazi party
Protection of their support for the Nazi party
A landmark meeting in Dsseldorf in 1932 g.
The book, "I paid Hitler
Opposition to the Nazi party
Resistance in the Ruhr in 1923,
Young's Plan
Plants Of Hermann Gring.
2. the report, drawn up on the basis of questioning Thyssen Mr Clifford Higom Coun
cil on integrated control of United States in Germany, Finance Division. Dastbin
, 13, 20 and July 23, 1945 year.
The Intelligence Director has signed Walter k. vink the Chief of the economic and
financial Department of FIAT.
In 1930-31, to Emil Kirdorf called Tissenu and then sent the Rudolf Hess for neg
otiations on further ensuring the foundations of the Nazi party. This time 250,0
00 loan formalized Thiessen on the Bank of the foor Hendel en ipvaart n.v. (the D
utch name of the Bank, called Tissenom in the enclosed document) to: 18 Zjblaak i
n Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Thyssen was the former head of United Steel Mills, the German steel trust, funde
d by Dillop, Reed (New York) and has played a crucial role in the parish of Hitl
er's rise to power, the Nazi party as a liberal and influencing his fellow indus
trialists, the adhered to it in support of the Fuhrer. In reward for his efforts
was the Thyssen osypan political and economic benefits in the Third Reich and e
njoyed almost unlimited power and prestige under the Nazi regime until its dispa
rities with Hitler in 1939, due to the latter's decisions to invade Poland and t
o accelerate the start of World War 2.
The incident and subsequent publication of Thyssen "I paid Hitler" just like his
father, August Thyssen. In 1918, due to the similar statement made by Thyssen-s
enior, despite the fact that he was known as a strong supporter of pangermanizma
, managed to convince the allies that the responsibility for the German aggressi
on must be attributed only to the Kaiser and German industrialists should not bl
ame BJ for the support they provided to the Gogencollernam. Obviously, succumbin
g to the influence of August Thyssen and his supporters, the allies tried to reb
uild German industry after World War 1. As a result, Tissenu was allowed to main
tain a vast industrial empire and pass it safely to their heirs and successors.
It is against this background that in 1926, Fritz Thyssen was under the control
of family ownership after the death of his father. A new German steel Baron is k
nown all over the Reich's public denials of the French during their occupation o
f the Ruhr in 1923 year. Like Hitler, Thiessen was the Treaty of Versailles the
"Covenant of shame, that should reset the fatherland could climb again." This st
ory is described in the book "the secret of Hitler's helpers".
Thiessen went on the same road as his father, supported by significant Wall Stre
et loans for the construction of German industry. August Thyssen has teamed up w
ith Gugenburtom, Kirdorfom and senior Major for the development of vsepemedkogo
Union (vsegermanskoj League), which was a logical basis for the expansionist pol
icies of Kaiser.
His son became an active member of the "steel helmet", and then with the help of
Hering joined the Nazi party. And finally, after the crisis of 1931, led German
industry to the brink of bankruptcy, he openly threw himself into the arms of n
ational socialism. In the following two years, Thiessen had used all their capit
al and their influence to bring Hitler to power. In 1932 he arranged a meeting a
t the Club's famous industrialists Dsseldorf, which Hitler wrote to leading busin
essmen Ruhr and Rhine region.
At the end of his speech, Hitler Thyssen shouted: "Heil Hitler!", Mister, and ot
hers enthusiastically applauded. By the time of the German presidential election
of the same year, Thyssen-Bornemisza collected from industrial cartels donation
s to fund the election campaign of Hitler. Report that in 1932, only he spent 30
00000 marks on the Nazis.
Union Banking Relationship "
This flow of funds through banks of Madrid. Bank for trade and navigation mentio
ned in the intelligence report as the source of the CILIA, was controlled by the
Bank, August Thyssen, founded in 1918, KH. I. Kouvenhovenom and d. s. utte, part
ners with crucial votes. In short, it was a banking operation personally, backed
up by financial capital Thyssen a. Harriman in New York. Thyssen said its initi
al inquiry: "I chose the Dutch Bank, as it did not want to mix with the German b
anks in my situation because I've felt the best option to do business with the D
utch Bank, and I believed that I would be a little harder to keep the Nazis in t
heir hands."
In the book "Hitler's helpers" Secret source of the United States is identified
with the word "von Heydt Museum", and "Bank von Heydt Museum" earlier meant Bank
of Madrid. Moreover, the Dutch Bank under the name Thyssen is Banking foor Hend
el en ipvart n.v., controlled the Union Banking Corporation in New York.
The Garrimany had a financial capital corporation, and e. Roland Harriman (membe
r of the order of the 1917 year), brother Averella, was its Director. Union Bank
ing Corporation in New York City was a joint venture between Thyssen-Harriman, w
hose directors were: 1932
E. Roland Harriman (member of the order of the 1917) was the Vice President of t
he W.a. Harriman and co., New York;
H.j. Kouvenhoven (Nazi) is a Nazi banker, partner with the casting vote of Augus
t Thyssen and Bank foor Hendel en invart n.v. (bank transfers funds Thyssen);
Knight Woolley (member of the order of the 1917) was the Director of the "guaran
tor of trust", New York;
Cornelius Livense Union Bznking Corporation, President and Director of the Dutch
-American Investment Corp.;.
Ellery Sedik James (member of the order of the 1917 year) partner of Brown Brothe
rs and co., New York;
Johann Groger (Nazi) Director of "invart" and Yong Hendel United Steel Mills (opera
tion Tissema with article);
J. l. Gvinter, Director of the Union Banking Corporation;
Prescott Sheldon Bush (member of the order of the 1917 year) is a partner of Bro
wn Brothers, Harriman. " The father of United States Vice President Bush.
Eight directors Union banking "is a truly interesting group. See for yourself:
Four directors of "Union Bznking" are members of the order. All taken in Order a
t Yale in 1917 year. All one release. All were members of the same cell (Club) d
E.r. Harriman was the brother of Ab RELLA, Harriman and Vice President of the W.
a. Harriman Komiani ".
"Guaranteed trust was introduced by Knight Woolley. Two directors of the Corpora
tion and Kouvenhoven exhibition in Groninger were Nazi Thyssen Dutch bank direct
ors. The Bank itself was an intermediary between "Guaranteed trust and Hitler.
Ellery c. James and Prescott s. Bush were partners in "Brown Brothers", then "Br
own Brothers, Harriman." Therefore, the Bank's Board of directors from eight Thy
ssen in New York we can set the six who is either the Nazis or the members of th
e order. The private bank formerly known as "Von Heydt Museum Bank and Sharpe in
the book" Secret Hitler's aides calls von Hejdta mediator between "Guaranteed t
rust in New York and Hitler in the period 1930-1933 period. Note that Sharpe wro
te in 1933, when it was still known only to persons related to the investigative
firm. Of the tens of thousands of banks in the year 1933 Sharpe calls those fun
ding the Hitler affirmed decades later as a result of the ascent to the surface
evidence of that.
In short, when we combine the information interrogation books, Sharpe's 1945 "se
cret Hitler's helpers, we find that the main channel of financial assistance to
the Nazis of the ocean stretches to the order, namely, to the cell d-115.
Profit from the conflict
As a result of wars and revolutions are possible enrichment.
You can use the conflict for profit corporations under the influence and control
of the order.
We can provide examples of how American corporations have traded with the enemy
for the sake of profit during World War II, the Korean and Vietnam wars.
This blood trade "is by no means random or a limited number of firms; It is univ
ersal and reflect the decisions of higher politics and very definite philosophic
al views. Even big corporations are subject to the order and its allies.
Although the United States did not engage in war with Germany until 1941 year, l
egally and morally, of course, the United States were at war with Nazi Germany a
fter the conclusion in December 1940, a deal with Britain for fighters "Destroje
r" that is on the exchange of 50 United States fighter aircraft at old ategicesk
ie base in the British territory. Even before the December 1940 onwards, namely
21 September, German submarine sunk steamer "Frederick p. Fejls", owned by the c
ompany "standard vacuum. In 1941, the company standard oil of New Jersey (now Ex
xon), there were still six tankers under Panamanian flag with a crew of Nazi off
icers to transport fuel oil from refineries company standard oil "to the Canary
Islands is a refuelling base Nazi submarines.
A report from July 15, 1941 year of exploration in the Fifth Corps in Columbus,
Ohio, Hsieh noted that the Nazis mistakenly sunk a ship company standard oil ".
Major Burrows, apparently did not know about the sinking of the "Frederic s. Fej
lsa" in the year 1940.
"The Headquarters district 5 Corps.
Office of the Commander of the Corps
Fort Hayes, Columbus, Ohio
July 15, 1941 GODA
Contents: Steamships company standard oil of New Jersey under the Panamanian fla
To: A. K. of c. j. -2, war Department, Washington, deep body.
From Cleveland, Ohio, received a message stating that the source of this informa
tion is reliable and that ships carry oil (fuel) from Aruba (Dutch West India) i
n Tenerife in the Canary Islands, apparently ferrying up to 20% of the fuel to t
he current German Government.
Reports that about six ships along the way are mostly Nazi officers. Sailors hav
e told the source that they have seen submarines in the vicinity of the Canary I
slands and learned that these submarines there occurs refueling by there. The so
urce also reported that the company "standard oil" so far has not lost any aircr
aft from torpedo, as has happened with other companies whose vessels go to other
For Ak of p., j. -2
A. Barrow, military intelligence. ... "
Another example of making a profit from the war is given in the following docume
nt. It fixes the link R.C.A. with the Nazis during World War 2. R.C.A. essential
ly was the firm of Morgan and Rockefeller and was, therefore, with the order.
The Department Of State
The transcript May 24, 1943 year.
Content: Communication.
Online members: Colonel Sarnoff, m-r Long. Newsletter: in PA, 1 h.
In a telephone conversation with Colonel Sarnoff, I explained to him that we hav
e reason to believe that there are many more messages than the agreed code group
s 700 a week, sent by the axis powers to their Governments.
I told him that I cannot disclose the source of our information. Trying to get a
dditional information, our representatives there have turned to Hejesu. It seeme
d that Hayes was not willing to cooperate. It could be a very good reason why he
refused to reveal the exact number of messages that are sent to the code groups
, each representative of the axis of its Government. However, it seems there was
no reason why the leadership did not request a report of all code groups that w
ere sent over a period of time, day after day, and include a report on all the w
arring parties, and that it will receive the information through confidential ch
annels, we would be grateful. I advise not to use the Telegraph and telephone, a
nd mail, but offered to do a mail bag (valizu) available.
After receiving this information will we be able to better judge what should be
our policy.
Another example is the Chase Bank. Chase was associated with the order through t
he Rockefeller family (Percy Rockefeller, a member of the order from 1900 onward
s) and Vice-President of the Riva Shleya. The directors of the Chase Bank in the
order were Frederick Allen (from 1900), the V.E.S. Griswold (from 1899) and Cor
nelius Vanderbilt, whose brother Gwynne Vanderbilt (in Order from 1899, 2005) re
presented the family until his death. The President of Chase was Winthrop Aldric
h, a spokesman for the Harvard branch of the family Oldricej (another branch of
the Yale and Order).
"Chase Manhattan Bank" is not the only company which in politics is "our, your,
and, together with Ford Motor Company," she was among the chosen Finance Ministe
r Morgenthau for post-war investigation of pronacistskoj: "these two situations
(i.e. with Ford and Chase Bank") lead us to believe that the pressing issue is a
n immediate on-site investigation of the subsidiaries, at least some of the big
American firmsthat operated in France during the German occupation. ... "
Extent of collaboration with the Nazis Chase's stunning and this was at a time w
hen Nelson Rockefeller was in the intelligence service in Washington, which led
the fight against the Nazis ' operations in Latin America.
In December 1944, the officials of the Ministry of finance have studied document
s of the Chase Bank in Paris. December 20, 1944 year senior American reviewer ha
s sent a memorandum to the Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau with preliminary
results of the Paris investigation. Here's an excerpt from that report:
a) Niderman, Swiss by nationality, Chase's Manager in Paris, certainly was a col
b) in the main Office of the Chase Bank in New York was aware of collaborationis
t activities Nidermana, but no action has been taken to remove it. There is even
sufficient evidence that the main office in New York had a good relationship wi
th the Germans, Nidermana as a great way to keep intact the "Chase Bank" in Fran
in) the German authorities were keen not to abandon the Chase and indeed took ex
ceptional measures to ensure its sources of income.
g) the German authorities wanted to "be friends" with important American banks b
ecause they expected that these banks after the war will be useful as an instrum
ent of German policy in the United States.
d) "Chase Bank" in Paris showed a strong desire to please the German authorities
, to the extent possible. For example, Chase with zeal led reporting the German
Embassy in Paris, is "because every little thing helps," (to maintain an excelle
nt relationship between someone and the German authorities).
(e)) the whole purpose and operations of Chase's policy was to maintain the Bank
's positions at any cost.
In short, "Chase Bank" collaborated with the Nazis, but the preliminary report t
ook place because the investigation continued. The report was destroyed by order
of the Washington diplomatic corps.
On the other hand, "Chase Bank" was the main force, which contributed to United
States technology exports to the Soviet Union. It dates back to the early 1920 '
s, when Chase violated u.s. rules to help Councils. In 1922, he tried to export
engines for military aircraft "liberty" in the Soviet Union.
And here are two "dialectical leverage" began to operate, in a collision by prod
ucing "synthesis". Moreover, the corporate part of the elite naivalas' of the len
d-lease shipments, as well as clandestine cooperation with the Nazi capital. At
the same time, the political wing of the order provided "new dialectics for an e
ra that was to come occurred after the second world war.
NEW DIALECTIC: Angola and China Need new dialectical process
The second world war was the culmination of a dialectical process created in the
1920 's and 1930 's. The clash between "left" and "right", i.e., the Soviet Uni
on and Nazi Germany, led to the creation of the synthesis, for example, the UN,
and by the beginning of the formation of regional groupings in the form of a com
mon market, NATO, UNESCO, Warsaw Pact, SEATO, SENTO and the Trilateral Commissio
n. By the beginning of the new world order. After the second world war, the orde
r of the rose to a new a dialectical situation to contribute to strengthening th
e conflict and reach a higher synthesis.
The source of this process can be found in the national security Memorandum No.
68 from 1950 onwards with its unusual passes. This document has paved the way fo
r the acceptance of Western building technologies more advanced of the Soviet Un
ion, which happened in the 1960 's and 1970 's with computerized technology of t
he space age.
At the same time, the memorandum presented an argument for strengthening the def
ensive power of the massive United States under the pretext of the future of the
Soviet threat.
Pass in the memorandum was quite basic. It was that Councils could not progress
without Western technologies. The memorandum allowed to continue the transfer of
technology. In other words, allowing Western firms strengthen the Soviet Union,
the memorandum also put forward arguments for radical budget growth United Stat
es. Link between memorandum No. 68 and the order is clear.
Unfortunately for the order, though it is quite natural, given the limited exper
ience of the world inherent in its members, the dialectical plan based on Memora
ndum No. 68, has not achieved the desired result. The main tools used to monitor
the dialectical process in the last two decades, were: a) information b) debt a
nd) technology. Over time, they lost power. Today they do not function as smooth
ly as in the 1950 's.
Total control of information was successful. The intellectual world is still eng
aged in a verbal battle between the impossibility of "left" and "right", while t
he present struggle is a battle between personal freedom and infringing upon the
absolute power of the State. The Soviet Union with its censored is a strictly M
arxist (i.e. "left") orientation towards their citizens. The enemy is always the
"fascist" United States. West looks a bit more complicated, but not so signific
ant. Kvingli argument appearing in the book "Tragedy and hope", tells that J. Mo
rgan had the financial power to monitor the policy, this argument has been moved
to control the order of information. In the West, the choice is limited mainly
between controlled information "left" and "right" information-controlled orienta
tion. The conflict between the two controlled groups supported the obvious confl
ict information. Unwanted facts that do not fit into any camp, with convenience
to the "concept" of the forgotten. The books that he fit no camp can be effectiv
ely neutralized, because they would cause fury as "right-wing" and "left".
In short, any publication which reveals the fallacy of Division into two opposit
e of "left" and "right-wing", is ignored and the citizens are still attracted to
the polls believing that they have a "choice".
The second control mechanism is imperative. If the Marxist countries have to imp
ort technology, they need to earn or borrow Western currency to pay for it. For
loans to pay off. So the debtors to some extent under the control of creditors,
unless they are solvent.
The third control mechanism is technology. If you want to import technology to a
chieve better levels of output, then the recipient always remains I away from th
e intricacies of operations. " The weakness of the order is that military techno
logy does not require a market system.
Therefore, the dialectical plan does not target for several reasons. First, the
information blockade was not as successful as expected order. Next we will descr
ibe how control of the magazines time and Newsweek had To influence to a weekly
summary of news. Television stations in some ways to control the reaction of the
audience. For example, three luxurious movie on ABC in 1983, "the next day", "T
ornberdz" and "winds of war" were imbued with the kind of propaganda that we are
talking about. But the order had not been able to protect individuals and relat
ively small academic groups that are often mistakenly referred to as "left" or "
right", are beyond the generally accepted concepts.
Secondly, the duty of an obsolete weapon. Communist countries now mired in debt
with Western bankers.
Thirdly, although the technology is still an effective weapon for independents i
s increasing the real danger posed by strengthening enemies. And their voice is
increasingly difficult to ignore.
Therefore, in today's world, we can identify two points in building a new dialec
tic. First, cautious strengthening Marxist lever (thesis, presented in the memor
andum of the three), i.e. Marxist Angola, which give the "green light", but on t
he Marxist Grenada gave "red".
Secondly, creating a whole new lever of Communist China, Marxist, but also with
a possible conflict for the Soviet Union. Order of the great efforts being made
(as the press wrote in fragments) for creating a new superpower conflict nature
in relation to the Soviet Union a new antithesis in place of Nazi Germany.
The order creates a Marxist Angola
Angola, a former Portuguese Province on the southwest coast of Africa, is a mode
rn example of the continuing, though more cautious, a Marxist lever dialectical
View the official establishment of Angola lies in the fact that Angola was a Por
tuguese colony and the reign of the Portuguese oppressors led to the independent
movement in which the Marxists won "democratic" forces.
This is a false view. If the Portuguese were colonizers in Angola, the Boston Br
ahmins in Massachusetts are colonizers. Luanda, Angola's capital, was founded by
the Portuguese in 1575 c.e., over half a century prior to the landing of the En
glish Puritans in Massachusetts. The native population of Angola in 1575, it was
less than the Indian population of Massachusetts. For three centuries the Portu
guese were in Angola as the province, rather than as a colony, as opposed to the
colonial rule of Britain, France and Belgium in Africa. Thus, if a non-existent
indigenous people belonged to Angola of the natives, the logically Massachusett
s belongs to American Indians.
In the early 1960 's, the United States has actively helped the cause of Marxism
in Angola. This is clear from the words of former Secretary of State Dean Aches
on. The following excerpts are taken from the memorandum with a record of conver
sations between Dean Acesonom (company "Scroll and key"), Makdordem Bundy (member
of the order of the year 1940) and President Kennedy on April 2, 1962 GODA;
"Then he (Kennedy) came to negotiations with Portugal on the basis of the Azorah
. He said that it appears that nothing important is happening, and that he'd app
reciate me if I took up the case and looked, is it possible to do something. I a
sked him for permission to talk a few minutes about the situation and said the f
ollowing: "Portugal is deeply offended by the fact that, in their view, the Unit
ed States threw them, if, indeed, not to have entered into this alliance with th
eir enemies. The problem, as I see it, not so much in the negotiations with the
Portuguese, but in the direction of the policies of the United States. The battl
e will be in Washington, rather than in Lisbon. "
Then Dean Acheson says the topic is obviously already known to President Kennedy
on United States support revolutionary movements in Angola:
"The President then asked me why I'm so sure. that, in the present circumstances
there is no chance for negotiations. I am told that he may be aware, we actuall
y subsidize our enemies of Portugal; and that they strongly suspect us, though t
hey cannot prove it. Kennedy said that the purpose of such action is to prevent
the movement of Angolan nationalists from falling into the hands of Communists o
f Ghana, etc. and keep it in a more "moderate" hands. I said I completely unders
tand that, but this is hardly understand Portuguese. We are also engaged in the
clandestine movement of Angolans from Angola, and we train them in the Lincoln C
ollege in Philadelphia, in the most extreme nationalist views. Moreover, the hea
d of the institution of a secret and illegal manner came to Angola, and upon his
return was engaged in furious antiportugal'skoj propaganda. We have voted in fa
vour of the UN resolution "condemning" Portugal for the maintenance of order in
the territory, no doubt under Portuguese jurisdiction. I stressed that the Portu
guese are a proud people, and are particularly sensitive, because they have to g
o so helpless situation after this glorious history. Rather, they will agree on
the collapse of his empire with dignity, as in Goa, which will allow themselves
to buy or persuade to cooperate for the sake of its own suicide. "
There is a very important, although at first glance insignificant moment in the
comments of President Kennedy. Kennedy, apparently believed that the United Stat
es finance the nationalists and Marxists, not while the United States actually h
elped a manifestation, as well as later than it did in South Africa, following t
he model applied in 1917, the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. In a moment Kenned
y archive data, followed by a good track. That is: how much Kennedy had informat
ion on the operations of the CIA and the State Department, which had been under
the control of the order.
Marxists led by Agostinho Neto, the leader of the MPLA gained control of Angola.
Order together with powerful allies among multinational corporations put pressu
re on the next administration to save Angola as a Cuban-Soviet base in South Afr
Back in 1975, the United States, along with SOUTH AFRICA have carried out the in
vasion of Angola. At a crucial moment, when the forces of South Africa can reach
Luanda, United States stopped aid. SOUTH AFRICA had no choice but to retreat. S
he's bitter experience, that the United States against the Marxists only formall
y. United States almost came to South Africa as it has done many times before, e
lite antimarksistkih betrayed its allies.
By the beginning of the 1980 's multinational friends Orders were issued at the
same time carefully coordinating public actions with Vice President Bush (member
of the order from 1948 onwards). For example, March 27, 1981, the Wall Street J
ournal posted an article-hundred years, which included some real stuff intersper
sed with the establishment. This article was viewed a multinational United State
s support for Angolan Marxists under "Friendly enemy: companies require care Uni
ted States of Angola, for assistance to the rebels" (the antimarksistskih of reb
els of UNITA forces under the command of Savimbi, who helped South Africa).
The leader of the United promarksistskih force in the United States is Melvin J.
Hill, President of Gulf oil exploration & production company (part of "Gulf oil
", which operates in the Gulf of Cabinda). It is set in Angola, nefteocistitel'n
yj a protected from pro-Western rebels of Savimbi and Angolan Marxist Cuban troo
ps. Hill told the journal: "Angola is a knowledgeable, helpful and reliable busi
ness partner. Hill not only made in Congress from their promarksistskih position
s, and met at least once with Vice President Bush.
Wood from P.W.J. added more to the Enigma of the "Gulf oil": "the Angolans are m
ore and more oriented towards development. They are not interested in politicizi
ng the Central Africa the Cubans or the Soviet Union. Our people are not in Ango
la "persona non grata" to ...
Hill and Wood, of course, no more as public relations agents Marxist Angola, alt
hough we understand that they are not registered as foreign agents of the Minist
ry of Justice of the United States. Angola is a largely Cuban-Soviet base to cap
ture South Africa; but Angola is 17 Western oil companies and other firms. They
include the company's Gulf "," Texaco Petrofin "," Mobile "," Cities service ","
Marathon Oil and Union Texas Petroleum. Other firms are Allied Chemical, Boeing
Aircraft ", General Electric and Bechtel Corporation. It should be remembered t
hat and Secretary Shultz and Secretary of Defense, Weinberger received a loan fr
om Bechtel Corporation.
"Gulf Oil Corporation is controlled by the capital Mellonov. Only the "Mellon Ba
nk" is the largest shareholder with 7.68% of the shares. "Mellon Bank" represent
ed in the Council by the company "Gulf oil" by James Higgins, a graduate of Yale
University, but as far as we can determine, not a member of the order.
The other family is the largest shareholder of Mellonov, consisting of Andrew b.
King Richard Mellon Scaife and Sarah. The group, which considered themselves "c
onservative" application, owns about 7 percent of the shares. Morgan Guarantee T
rust (with him we met previously) owns 1.8 million shares, or about 1 percent. T
o a large extent, these corporations are in a tricky situation. Surprisingly, fo
r example, that SOUTH AFRICA did not take countermeasures against the Angolan-ba
sed firms, notably General Electric, Boeing, Morgan Guarantee Trust "," Gulf oil
"and" Cities service ". In the end, the South Africans directly lose people bec
ause these firms are providing strong support to Angolan for Marxists.
It would be cheaper per life of South Africans, to send a protest against corpor
ations, and not against the Cubans and Angolans.
After the United States had betrayed SOUTH AFRICA in 1975, when the SOUTH AFRICA
N troops reach Luanda, we should pay tribute to caution SOUTH AFRICA, which has
not used this rather obvious rear arms. In the end, the surgical strike South Af
ricans in Cabinda quickly stripped to Angola, the largest single source of forei
gn exchange earnings and would have given multinational manifestation a little f
ood for thought. Of course, we do not recommend any such action, but SOUTH AFRIC
A is still a choice. A possible reaction of the United States? The State Departm
ent and the CIA would be better prepared for explaining how the plane was discov
ered at the United States Embassy photos of South African military installations
We say this in order to show the dangerous nature of conflict scenarios, managed
the order.
The order creates a new dialectic lever in China
Just as we have the participation of the family in the early development of the
bushes of the Soviet Union, then in the financing of the Nazis and not so clearl
y, behind the scenes, in Angola, we find one of the bushes in the creation of ne
w dialectical lever: Communist China.
In 1971, Mr. Nixon had appointed George "Poppy" Bush United States representativ
e to the UNITED NATIONS despite the fact that Bush had no prior diplomatic exper
ience. As the Chief delegate of the United States, Bush was responsible for the
defence of the Republic of China, original member of the UNITED NATIONS, free fr
om attacks of the Chinese Communists. Having supported the huge power of the Uni
ted States, Bush is missing the mark: the defames himself was expelled from the
Republic of China, and China has taken its first kommunistic place. Soon after t
hat debacle, Bush walked away from the UN and became Chairman of the Republican
National Committee.
Now is not the place to tell the entire history of American involvement in Chine
se business. It started with the intervention of Wall Street in the revolution o
f Sun Yat-Sen in 1911, with the history, nor yet not known to the public.
During the 2nd world war United States helped Chinese Communists come to power.
As one Chinese credibility, Chin-Tunln of General Joseph b. Stilvelle, Chief Repr
esentative of the United States in China from 1942 to 1944, the year "from the p
oint of view of the fight against communism to ... (I) had a great disservice to
China. "
However, Stilwell served only the orders emanating from Washington, from General
George c. Marshall. And, as stated by Congress of Admiral Cooke, ". 1946g
odu General Marshall had used the tactic of stopping ammunition supply to quietl
y disarmed Chinese troops. "
But if we are going to talk about General Marshall, we must remember that in the
United States in military matters, the final decision for the civil authority,
and therefore talk about the then military Minister Henry l. Simpsone, head of a
Marshall and a member of the order of the year 1888.
By amazing coincidence, Simpson was also Minister of war in 1911, during the rev
olution of Sun-Yat.
The story of how was betrayed by China, and the role of the order, you can tell
a lot. Now we want to say about the decision to build the Communist China as a n
ew lever of the dialectic, of the decision taken under President Richard Nixon,
and the execution of Henry Kissinger ("Chase Manhattan Bank") and George "Poppy"
Bush (order).
If we turn to the press beginning 1984 year, we can see that the Bechtel Corpora
tion organized the new company Bechtel China Inc., for the development contracts
, technology and construction with the Chinese Government. The company's new Pre
sident is Sidney b. Ford, a former Marketing Manager of Bechtel Civil and Minera
ls, Inc. Bechtel is currently working on research for the "China National Goal D
evelopment Corporation and China National Ofoa Corporation. Both corporations are
the Chinese Communist organizations.
It seems that Bechtel will now play the same role as in Detroit, Albert Kahn, In
c., a firm that in 1928, has undertaken initial research and planning for the fi
rst five-year plan in the Soviet Union.
Around the year 2000 to Communist China will be a superpower ", built with Ameri
can technology and craftsmanship. Presumably, the intention of the order is to b
ring that power in a conflicted state of the Soviet Union.
There is no doubt that Bechtel will do its job. Former CIA Director Richard Helm
s is working on Behtel. He does Secretary of State George Schultz and Secretary o
f Defense Caspar Weinberger. It's a powerful influential grouping in case anyone
in Washington who plans to national security issues, regions along the way and
will speak with considerable protest.
However, the order may have miscalculated again. What will the reaction of Mosco
w to the dialectical challenge? Even without the traditional Russian mistrust of
Russian can understand if they feel more than a little disturbing. And who's to
say that the Chinese Communists do not reconcile with Moscow after the year 200
0 and do not join forces to destroy the Super superpowers of the United States?
Annex 1
The fate of Russia and Serbia are tied. For centuries the political conflicts in
this part of Balkan peninsula in one way or another, will affect Russia. And no
w the processes taking place in Yugoslavia, half a step, a few months ahead of s
imilar developments in Russia. Communication is not a mystical character. All of
Serbia has always been much easier ground forces West of antirussian. And now W
estern community first "runs" the mechanisms of their "new world order" for Serb
ia, and then in some modified form of trying to apply them against Russia.
Here are just some of the most poignant coincidence which make comparison of the
situation in Russia, the Soviet Union and Serbia, Yugoslavia:
1. State-forming role both in Yugoslavia and in the former Soviet Union played o
ne nation in Yugoslavia: Serbian, Russian in the Soviet Union. This is an object
ive situation. But the party-state elite of both States in their quest for equal
ity an exaggerated deliberately reduced the influence of leading the nation. Thi
s was expressed in certain benefits for representatives of different nationaliti
es, but that turned out to be the most dangerous, is in a random design of admin
istrative boundaries between the artificially created national republics, in ter
ritorial "gifts" of small Nations.
As a result of the destruction of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia on the world m
ap, there are many States that had either never existed (Belarus, Ukraine, Kazak
hstan, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina), or had very limited experience of ind
ependent statehood (Georgia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia).
2. the world community rightly considered abnormal and temporary separation of t
he existence of the German people, has made and is making every effort to smooth
the tensions between North and South Korea. But the world community considers n
ormal, for example, the separation of the Ossetians between two States. Serbs in
this context are a nation unique: after the destruction of the Socialist Federa
l Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) they were separated by the borders of three inde
pendent States. The fourth part of the Serbs today live outside the territory of
the SFRY.
A similar situation is developing in the post-Soviet space, where one of the lar
gest of the peoples of the world the Russian proved to be divided in accordance
with the administrative boundaries of the former Soviet Union. Russian attempts
to protect Russian and Russian-speaking population "in the republics of the CIS
cause sharp rejection of neighbours and the accusations of interference in inter
nal affairs.
3. the international community has adopted comprehensive sanctions against the F
ederal Republic of Yugoslavia. Today, though still fairly quiet start to voices
on the possibility of introducing sanctions against Russia. Script the collapse
of Yugoslavia applied to Russia. "
Abstracts of the articles Sergei Baburin modern Serbian question and Russia "("
our contemporary ", 1995, n. 6, pp. 93-94)
Annex 2
(Seven geopolitical abstracts, spoken on the ruins of Grozny)
1. Russia under its management. Purely factually it is ruled by the Kremlin. Uni
ted States Department of State is methodologically. Conceptually, that very appr
oximately as "World Government". And the Kremlin, and the State Department, and
"world concept Center" have significantly different objectives, including in the
Chechen crisis.
2. the Kremlin's Interests in this war defined the freakish crossed several clai
ms of disgruntled factions too far going kompradorskih Dudayev, the need for "sm
all victorious war" policy of self-justification and the fear of contagion in re
lations between the Center and the regions. It is a war for oil tap. And at the
same time, for the unity and indivisibility of Russia. Little was such wars in h
istory, which would have changed the political character along the way.
What should the u.s. State Department, which has a vast lobby in the Kremlin? Am
erica is fatally ill, is a descendant of "kondrat'evskogo loop". Methodological C
entre advantageous to Russia not only has not prevented the United States emerge
from the structural crisis, but that also helped. Podpitala resources, organizat
ional and political capacities. For them, as well as for the Kremlin, it is unbe
arable that one of the most important vital arteries of the Russia and Eurasia-f
ield communication Krasnovodsk and Baku-Novorossiysk-cut. Chechnya is just sitti
ng on the backbone communication Eurasia. Hence the original is restrained respo
nse of the American establishment on the Chechen crisis.
3. What does the "world concept Center", is also involved in this crisis? As evi
denced by the ups and downs of winter information war "the international communi
ty" against the Russian Federation?
Their CE b-dismemberment of Russia as the first of the SOVIET UNION. (Chechnya-i
deal geopolitical "skeleton key" to Russia as Baltic States by the Soviet Empire
.) Failing that, you can at least embroil Russia with the Islamic world. At the
same time find occasion to accelerated the replenishment of the NATO States of C
entral and Eastern Europe.
But this is only the surface causes.
"Control center" Concept world prepares for the great Pacific war. The great war
of the United States and China, which will begin on a number of futures forecas
ts in the first quarter of the next century. In 1991-1992, the American establis
hment hoped to involve Russia in the security system from Vladivostok to Seattle
. But for a number of reasons "to put to the Chinese back Russian could not be s
Parallel to the United States began to build up the geopolitical axis East-West
through the South Caucasus via Azerbaijan in Central Asia. Turkey began to organ
ize Central Asian CIS States in something like ' great Turan ". Western oil and
energy campaign began to penetrate in the oil region of Asia, to lobby local gov
ernments to set up a "chain of interests". The Americans are to Xinjiang; "Islam
ic factor" in Xinjiang, from the point of view of "the world of concept Center,
the same geopolitical skeleton key to the Chinese Empire, which was the Baltic S
tates in the case of the Soviet Empire.
In the process of becoming a huge geopolitical plot by Chechen crisis can be see
n as one of the measures to flankirovani this geopolitical axis.
4. the war in Chechnya is being purposely so that lasted a long, long time. The
Formidable were attacking from the North, "the forehead", and did not take any m
easures to cut the South tracks leading into the mountainous Chechnya. Now war a
rtificially slow down the negotiating process. Every effort is made to ensure th
at this group of separatists, in which nearly half were mercenaries, to await th
e opening of mountain passes, in the mountainous Chechnya. And there's a long, l
ong, sustained guerrilla war.
This war will have to cut off Russia from southern resources and strategic commu
nications. Furthermore, managed the Chechen conflict will become in the hands of
the United States regulator of the Kremlin's foreign policy. Such implicit cont
rol policy of the USSR was at one time the Afghan war.
5. all oil pipelines in the Caucasus for all projects of local fields and shelve
s have a "close" on the territory of Turkey. Iran-Turkmen enclave is out, he fel
l under the influence of the West. States don't need this oil: they only 18 perc
ent are Middle Eastern oil, they have Texas and the Caribbean. They want control
of the Transcaucasian and Middle Eastern oil, which means control of Europe and
Japan, and in the long term, Russia's energy blockade. To achieve this is not e
asy, if you remember that Russia has oil fields in Western Siberia and not yet d
eveloped Lensky oil pool. But it doesn't look impossible, if we take into accoun
t the expansion of American oil companies in Russia, and the Republic of Sakha (
Yakutia), which is located along the oil pool is increasingly drawn into the orb
it of u.s. influence and that the strategic Russian-Siberian highway is already
cut, 100 kilometers of it are laid on Kazakh territory and were controlled by th
e Kazakhstan government. Add to that the time factor.
6. When Chechnya would be "brought", following "Chechnya" will be the Tatarstan
and Yakutia... Russia pridelyvat neoafganskij controller ", obviously. Because the
y do not trust the Kremlin. In the last 1-2 years traced the new tactics of "the
world of concept Center" in the territories that they are elected to make major
geopolitical projects generally eliminate any State arstvennost', as was the ca
se in Afghanistan, Somalia and how this might be happening in today's Russia.
7. von Clausewitz's famous formula: "war is the continuation of politics" is yet
another meaning: "whose policies that and the war.
The article is printed by Evgeny Morozov "whose policies the war,
published in the newspaper "Zavtra", 1995 g.
Annex 3
The end of the cold war, as well as the dissolution of the SOVIET UNION and the
Warsaw Pact have not led to the abolition of NATO. On the contrary, the Alliance
's leadership has approved a long-term program (partnership for peace), accordin
g to which all the former republics of the former Soviet Union and socstrany sho
uld be in any way involved in NATO. Thus, the scope of action and the formal bou
ndaries of the block will stretch to the Asia-Pacific region and South Asia.
NATO strategists often stress that the block has already been transformed into a
purely political Alliance, was no longer threatening Eastern Europe and the CIS
. In their statements, with the Elimination of the confrontation between East an
d West was able to close interaction of the former Socialist bloc and NATO Natio
ns in the military-political sphere in order to maintain the stability of democr
acy throughout Europe. As the Supreme glavnokomanduij of NATO forces in Europe, Ge
neral George Dulvan, "military commander drew his attention to the East and attra
cts new defence structures there to participate in the implementation of practic
al programmes" (see. "NATO Review", Russ. Ed., Brussels, 1995, no. 2). What is t
his program?
The answer has the same figure: "States-participants of the program" partnership
for peace "(all CIS countries have already acceded to the Convention. A.B.) wil
l seek to ensure in the long term, the establishment of such armed forces that w
ill be better suited for operations in conjunction with the armed forces of the
Alliance "(ibid.).
What operations can serve as a prototype for the future, with the participation
of Russian troops? In the 1992-95 period have been taken military action in Soma
lia, the Persian Gulf, the former Yugoslavia, Zaire, Iraqi Kurdistan. However, t
hese actions will not bring peace, but contributed to the deterioration of the m
ilitary and political situation in countries and regions where NATO-UN "protecte
d" or "establish" democracy.
Essentially, it is about punitive actions against those peoples and Governments
who do not want to obey the geopolitical interests of the major powers and combi
nations of NATO. But interest in such actions of the CIS?
By the way, Mr. Dulvan says not on joint CIS military actions of NATO, i.e. not o
n the equal participation of the countries of the Commonwealth in military and p
olitical decisions of the unit, and to involve these countries NATO operations a
nywhere ("NATO Review, 1995, no. 2, p. 3). In fact the CIS countries will have t
o obey the "Supreme" decisions of the NATO leadership, consistent with the UN ..
Another aspect of cooperation between Russia and NATO is a mutual reduction of a
rmed forces, armaments and military expenditures, especially on the borders of t
he bloc with Russia. However, nothing happens. In bordering with Russia over NAT
O remain a United States military bases and nuclear weapons. It comes to Turkey
and Norway.
In addition, bordering on Russia and CIS countries, all NATO military exercises
are Bowl-they were held and will be carried out not only in Turkey and Norway, b
ut also in Poland, the Baltic States. All the countries of Eastern Europe, inclu
ding the Baltic, increase imports of weapons from NATO Nations, particularly fro
m the United States, Germany and Britain.
"Geography" of NATO in July this year by Ukraine, Nikolaev and Kherson were held
near the joint exercise of Ukrainian troops and United States Marine Corps, whi
ch, according to sources in Washington and Kiev will be regular. The Black Sea p
orts of Ukraine, as well as Bulgaria and Romania, as well as the Danube, the 199
4 year * open for "calling" the naval forces of NATO and the United States. If w
e add to that Turkey's membership in NATO and the presence of United States mili
tary bases near the Black Sea ports of the country, as well as in Eastern Turkey
bordering Iran and Transcaucasia, special facilities to NATO and the United Sta
tes, it's about genuine partnership of Russia and NATO say no.
It should be noted that an estimated razvedstruktur NATO and military officials
of Norway and Turkey, if you take the comprehensive combat readiness of troops o
f the former Soviet Union on the borders with these countries in 1985 for 100%,
that for 1995, the rate of 60-70%, including staffing with qualified personnel-5
5-66%, the availability of arms and ammunition which is 60-75%, for an up-to-dat
e communications infrastructure is 55-60%.
So, on the one hand the "dressing" the structures of NATO countries in Eastern E
urope and the republics of the former SOVIET UNION, and, on the other hand, the
unilateral disarmament of Russia. However, NATO is not limited.
Turkey is among the European countries of NATO'S largest army, equipped with mod
ern Western European and North American arms. In 1990-95 period, it is in Turkey
and Norway had the highest rates of growth in spending on all branches of the a
rmed forces modernization and improvement of communications infrastructure appro
priate among European countries. In Turkish and Norwegian areas adjacent to Russ
ia and CIS countries, has been the most active military-communications construct
ion with 1992 year.
So what is the real strategic goal of the partnership for peace?
The article is printed by a. Baliyeva in # 1 (56) of the newspaper "Al-Quds",
September 1995 year.
Annex 4
"500 years of Gnosis in Europe". Gnostic tradition in printed and manuscript boo
ks: Moscow and St. Petersburg. Catalogue of the exhibition at the all-Russia Sta
te Library for foreign literature. Amsterdam. 1993 goal. 312 p.
"Freemasonry in its past and present". Edited by S.p. Melgunova and N.p. Sidorov
a. Reprint of the edition of 1915 goals. In two volumes. Vol. 1-266 pages. Vol.
2-270 pp.
T.a. Bakunin "famous Russian Masons". Metro: Interbuk ". 1990 votes cast, 142 pp
A. Selninov. "The secret power of Freemasonry", reprint of the Edition: St. Peter
sburg, 1911 goal. 294 pp.
And V. Ivanov. "The Church and Freemasonry", m., TRIM, 1993, 2005, 96 pp.
B. Bashilov. "History of Russian Freemasonry", in 9 volumes (14 editions), libra
ry "our contemporary". 1992-1995 Gg.
These publications are devoted to the complex, you can say, confused and extreme
ly popular topic. They are only a small part of the literature on the history, s
tructure and the mysteries of Freemasonry in Russia.
Catalogue of publications of the Gnostic tradition, collected from numerous coll
ections and put on display in the LIBRARY, most professionally Paul materials re
lated to the world of Freemasonry. This has been made possible a favourite among
busin joint efforts of hermetic philosophy Library, Amsterdam, Russian State Li
brary, Moscow, Russia, Russian national library, St. Petersburg., of the central
State archive of ancient documents, the all-Russian Pushkin Museum and the VGBI
A. Printed on high level printing catalogue with articles Joosta r. Ritmana "500
years of Gnosis in Europe, Vyacheslav Sun. Ivanov "Russia and Gnosis," Carlos Gi
lly "russkoi Gnostics", A.i. Serkova "fate of Masonic meetings in Russia, Frans
a. Jansen, hermetic philosophy library." The French and English languages. The d
irectory also has a parallel commentary on each illustration in two languages. I
t is about titles and individual pages of the rarest of the Gnostic books of Pla
to, Hermes Trismegistus, Rajmunla Lulli, Jacob Bhme, N.f. Gamaleya, Eudoxia Lopukh
ina, etc. The necessary notes and biographical data. The catalog sets the high l
evel study of masonry that is required today.
The two-volume, edited by Melgunova and Sidorova is also one of the most honest
books about Freemasonry. It contains articles and research: I.m. Kheraskov "orig
in of Freemasonry and its development in England in the 18th and 19th centuries,
a.m. Vastinskogo" French Freemasonry in the 18th century ", V.n. Perieva" German
Freemasonry in the 18th century, A.v. Semeki "Russian Freemasonry in the 18th c
entury, and other domestic authors of famous masons in Russia, Poland, America,
on their societies, rituals and world view. Especially in detail shows the era o
f Paul I and Alexander I. reprint of the old edition was able to keep the qualit
y of the numerous drawings and reproductions.
A small book of Tatyana Alekseevna Bakuninoj "famous Russian Freemasons" is inte
nded for those who do not have the ability to dig into a multi-volume foliantah
and rare editions, but wants to know about Russian Masons is the most important
thing. Its brochure ever produced so far only in emigration, this is a brief bio
graphical directory, including Suvorov, Kutuzov, Novikov Kheraskov, Lopukhin, Pa
ul I, Alexander I, Karamzin, Griboedov, Pushkin and others. Instead of an epilog
ue pomeena article Bakuninoj "Russian Free Masons". In the end there are comments
of modern publishers, as well as a list of books about the masons that they pla
n to print in the series "Mysterium magnum".
Reprint of the famous Alexander Selninova significantly adds to the understanding
of the Masonic question, not only because it brings the chronology of events in
the days before the revolution, but by highlighting the most hidden from the ey
es of the uninitiated the fact of participation in the Masonic movement of Jews.
This topic focuses on two of his books: "Jew" and "the Jews in Russia.
Complex problem "Freemasonry and the Russian Revolution explores the Gregory Bos
tunic, whose book was published in the reprintnom form. Written shortly after th
e revolutionary events of 1917-the year she reveals the secret springs of Masoni
c power in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, and is subtitled "a True
mystical truth and real".
The same theme is devoted to the brochure of the historian and publicist V.f. Iv
anova, published in 1935 year in Harbin. He traces the relationship of Freemason
ry with the occult and teosofskimi societies of the turn of the 20th century and
gives it a critical evaluation of the Orthodox position. Criticism of V.f. Ivan
ova has found the answer in AV Klizovskogo "the truth about Freemasonry". It is
also written in 30-s goals. Klizovskij protects the dignity and honor of outstan
ding Russian Freemasons and questioned the arguments of Ivanov.
The fundamental history of Russian Freemasonry "by b. Bailova in 9 volumes start
to reissue MP" back on track "in the library" our contemporary ". This detailed
study is printed small on volume of releases: 1. Muscovy to the penetration of F
reemasonry; 2. the secret of masonry, 3. Tiajij King and his time; 4. Robespierre
on the throne; 5. the beginning of Freemasonry in Russia; 6. golden age of Cathe
rine the great; 7. Alexander I and his time; 8. Pavel I and Masons; 9. the mason
s and the conspiracy of the Decembrists; 10. enemy of the masons, no. 1; 11. Pus
hkin and Freemasonry; 12-13. Freemasonry and the Russian intelligentsia; 14. Leg
end, which has proved to be true.
To the stream of propaganda books and pamphlets, exposing the "Judeo-Masonic con
spiracy" could include the publication of N.e. Markov "war the dark forces", per
eizdannu in "Moskvityanin" Publishing House. In it, as in many other publications
, are mixed together the numerous facts, speculations and myths that hinder the
understanding of the actual historical mysteries.
The extreme complexity and confusion of the Masonic theme shows and book Aolli Za
moyski "behind the Masonic Temple, m.," politizdat ", 1990 year. If Selninovu, Iv
anov Markov and Masons are antipravoslavnye, and thus these forces, then by Zamo
jskomu Freemasons the most reactionary ruling, including Christian circles. The
first suspect of the Freemasons in connection with Jews, while others consider t
hem fascists.
Thus, the Masonic question cannot be considered definitively resolved, should ne
ver be its facilitate, you should carefully examine and publicize. This task was
set in front of a famous contemporary historian and journalist Oleg Platonov. H
e prepared for publication a detailed study and a dictionary of the most promine
nt Russian Freemasons. In his work he relied on secret Masonic documents from "s
pecial archives of the USSR", which had been open to scrutiny in 1992 and in May
1994, hastily transferred abroad by the leadership of the Russian Federation. A
study of "Masonic conspiracy Platonova in Russia, partly published in the weekl
y newspaper" russky Vestnik "No. 1-26, in a more complete form prints from Febru
ary 1995 year the magazine" Nash Sovremennik ".
Among some newspaper and magazine articles about Freemasonry to outline the foll
owing: v. Putilov. "The secrets of the" New Atlantis "f. Bacon." "our contempora
ry", 1992, no. 2; B. Ostretsov utopianism "heresy", is a "word", 1992, 2005, no.
1-6; O. Solovyov "Freemasonry in the world politics" (archives of the 20th cent
ury), is "russky Vestnik", March 1994, g.; "The missionaries with Ryu Puteaux...
," the "politics", 1991, 2005, no. 16; B. Ivanov "Masons say" is "Laziness", 199
2, 2005, no. 38; The Prussians "mystery" concerned "citizens", is "tomorrow", 19
94, 2005; C. Putilov "Masons in the old and new Russia", ibid.; A. Ivanov. "Terr
arium", "Russian vestni" 1993 ?., no. 12; L. Okhotin. "the threat mondializma,"
the "day", April 1991 g.; E. Vagin. "Mundialization and Russia," the word,/99? g
., no. 10; Dragos Kalaic. "The French Are? No, estiugol'nicki!, "the" russky Vest
nik ", 1992, 2005, no. 11; A. Karagodin. "The revelation of mondialistov", "tomo
rrow", no. 41, 1994, 2005; "Beyond the threshold of Masonic Atelier " Dear Angel
", vol. 2, 1995.
Wishing to delve into the world of the Freemasons, you'll want to recommend vypue
nnu recently in Russian book manly p. Hall "an encyclopedic outline of Masonic, h
ermetic, and Kabbalistic rozenkrejcerovskoj symbolic philosophy", in "Science",
Novosibirsk, 1992 g., 794 p.
Annex 5
Y.k. Runners. "Secret forces in the history of Russia." Izdatel's in them. D.v.
Suvorina, Spb., 1995 goal, 280 pp.
In the book of our contemporary, a prominent Russian scientist, academician of t
he International Slavic linguist, Peter and Russian academies, doctor of philolo
gical sciences, Bulgaria and Russia, an associate professor and researcher of th
e Pushkin's House, the author of about three hundred scientific and popular work
s on the history of Russian literature, as well as numerous articles on current
topics in contemporary patriotic press collected his publications about the secr
et mechanisms of the historical process and the behind the scenes activities suc
h political forces as: Freemasonry, Zionism, Bolshevism, mundialization. The uni
queness of the monograph Y.k. Begunova is that he pays special attention to the
documentary basis of the study. His book is a kind of commentary on the rare doc
uments and publications, long time remaining outside the attention of the Russia
n public.
Collection of the reflections on the historical path opens Russia, about history
, about the driving forces, secret and explicit mechanisms of power. The author
shares the Russian history into six civilizations, each of which has specific fe
atures. At this time, in his view, we are experiencing a shift in the seventh ci
vilizational model, open and prozapadniceskogo type. The second chapter of the m
ystery of Israel and the beginning of political Zionism. Here is the so-called "
Council document" 1489, containing a message from friend of rabbis. In the next
chapter, "how to destroy Russia" a document Soldering 1890 year. This is followe
d by comments to pamfletu Dabuera "the dream of the Kaiser", 1890, and secret mem
orandum, 1906 Lamsdorfa goals. Several sections are devoted to the famous "Proto
cols of the elders of Zion". The author answers the questions: who are the "Zion
Christian sages", as it was Theodor Herzl, was their author Sergey Nilus and re
ad the "protocols" Adolf Hitler. According to academician Begunova "protocols" a
re authentic document, having played a sinister role in the destruction of Russi
a. A separate block of material reveals the secret springs of the Bolshevik revo
lution. It sheds light on the history of German money Lenin and his journey in a
sealed train car, deals with the role of the Zionist-American Bankers in the no
mination of Leon Trotsky at the top posts of the Bolshevik government. In the ch
apter "who rules of Soviet Russia in 1918-1919," is the complete list of members
of the Soviet Government New York document 1920 year. At the end of the book th
e author gives material relating to already our time. This is a 1976 Turkish doc
ument of the year, the history of the Tripartite Commission and Bil'derbegskogo
Club, "letters from New York 1989-1990", about the revival of Zionism in the USS
R after the "perestroika" and, finally, a list of modern Masons O.a. Platonova.
In conclusion, this is where the "living water" for Russia? -academician of Runn
ers offers his revival of Russian statehood. In annex 15 are diagrams illustrati
ng the historical facts and the author's conclusions. The book "secret forces in
the history of Russia" continued research begun by Selninovym, skull-Spiridovico
m, Markov, v. Ivanov, Klimov, Licevym, Nikolov, etc. Perhaps nowhere as Begunova
, not opened so clear and so not reasonably documented the role of covert forces
in the destruction of Russia. Collected articles of academicians Begunova, rele
ased in 1000 copies, you can recommend not only to be read by all Patriots, but
also to the reprinting of a mass readership.
B. I. Nikolaev. "Secret history" of the page. Moscow, publishing house of humani
tarian literature, 1995, 508 pages.
A former Bolshevik and menshevik Boris Ivanovich Nicolaevsky is primarily known
as a historian-Archivist, specialising on secret pages of revolutionary and Sovi
et era. However, he did not become famous in Russia and in exile. Eight hundred
and twenty boxes of valuable materials from the archives of the Department of po
lice, General Directorate for archives and historical revolutionary rhiva, colle
cted by the Mykolayiv, safely landed in the United States. Most of these documen
ts and published for us with the permission of the Institute (Stanford) 1900 A.I
.N. Yg Yuri Felshtinsky.
A collection of archival research of Nicholas "to the history of the Bolshevik C
enter," which is the title for clarity is called "Lenin and the Bolsheviks ' mon
ey. Next chronologically should be section "Germany and Russian revolutionaries
during the first world war, with priceless documents on subversive activities in
Russia German special services, about the rich" friends "of foreign financing o
f Lenin, the Bolshevik Pravda, etc." the protocols of the Politburo and other se
cret documents reveal the year 1934 on the mechanism of functioning of the Stali
nist party apparatus, both in domestic and in international affairs. Sketch Of t
he history of the Communist Party and Malenkov's biography of the USSR "brings t
he historical picture of Stalin's life, until recent years, talking about the sp
ecial mission is a new generation of party leaders.
There is no doubt that the sensational facts that became property of Western sci
ence in 1930-1950 's, will cause interest among us.
L. Kay. "World conspiracy", Moscow, New York, Alpha and Omega, "the 1993 goal, 1
08 pp.
"Offering this terrible brochure to your attention, I should warn that raised th
e questions represent world interest and world importance ...", "in the words of
l. Kay begins the preface to razoblacitel'nomu research on secret power structu
res, dominant in the United States and other countries. Part one of "Hidden hand
" presents highlights of the famous book of General graph of Skull-Spiridovica a
bout the plot against Russia. It reveals Rothschild family participation in Euro
pean politics of the 19th and 20th centuries. The following part is about the ta
ctics and strategies of international banks. The power struggle over the world h
as led to the creation of new transnational structures such as the Bil'lerbergsk
ij Club and the Trilateral Commission. These structures and their leaders-sionis
tah, g. Kisindere, a. Burns flying etc. the final chapter.
A. Kuzmich. "The conspiracy of World Government", 1994, 2005, 80 pages.
In the collection of the scientist and writer-publicist Anatoly Kuzmich Cikunova
, known by the alias "Kuzmich" entered our evie article, for which he paid with h
is life: "Russia and the market", "how to rob the yen Rally", "privatization", "
behind the screen" trade secrets "," "Why Owls-finance does not sing songs?", "t
ax on life", "the back door". What they did not like the organizers of the assas
sination? A. Kaledin, amounting to a collection, the opinion summarizes findings
of a scholar-Patriot as follows: "1. the restructuring of the US imposed from o
utside and it is not in our interest. 2. our resources do not belong to us: fari
sejstvusie kompradory sold them long ago for next to nothing, so no free enterpri
se, free market development can not be. 3. our country, mainly Russia, according
to the plans of the international mafia should become a colony of TNCS, where i
t will be most harmful production. We are with you, the representatives of "unpr
ofitable" populations, are targeting the role of "the cheap labour". 4. our curr
ency maintains the circulation of the so-called developed countries. 5. we are n
ot in themselves, but the nomads-internationalists who have relatives abroad, du
al citizenship with the right to multiple trips to either end of the ground. 6.
Prices are dictated to us from outside, in order to bring them to the level of w
orld prices. 7. our last asset is Russian land is leased to foreign companies an
d banks, which in the long term will become its owners. No collective farms, Sta
te farms and farmers will not be able to hold on to land in such conditions. "th
is is a terrible truth about the current" reforms "in Russia.
M.v. Nazarov. "A joint Russian-American Revolution ...", Moscow, "choice", 1994,
2005, 34 p.
Brochure of the modern philosopher and historian Mikhail Nazarov, author of "the
Mission of Russian emigration", "philosophy of the time of troubles" and "the p
lot against Russia," focuses on the core issue of our lives. It is reflected in
the very name of the publication. "We are in the midst of a joint Russian-Americ
an Revolution-so said President Yeltsin at a press conference on the occasion of
the visit to Moscow of United States Bill Clinton. He who does not understand t
he true meaning of these words, do not understand anything in the "restructuring
". All, or almost all the major events in today's Russia are on American scenari
o: and "health reform", from which half the sokratilos production, and popular e
lection of Russian President, "rasstrelivasego its own Parliament, and" free, fai
r, democratic elections ", which gave more than 200 education dwarf parties and
50 electoral blockCove, and the systematic defamation by nationalist Patriots, r
eferred to in the press as "fascists" and "the Russian nationalist black hundred
s". It's about them, our overseas screenwriters, the words of the first hierarch
of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Vitaly, given by the author at the
end of the booklet: "will throw all force billions of gold, only to extinguish
the flames of Rebirth. Here are before Russia now stands. This time Napoleon and
Hitler. "
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