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Volume No.

1 July, 1982
2?" 1982
The Bill Baker Family
Serving Christ through
Spanish American Evangelism
3135 Forney Lane
EIPaso,TX 79935
Number 2
From the Lord comes deliverance
May your blessing be upon your people. Psalm 3:8
What a wonderful promiseto be delivered from that which affects our life in any wicked
way. Not only that, but we can also as Christians count on His many blessings. I pray that as
you receive our letter you will ail be richly blessed and that you are happy In the Lord.
It has been a long time since our last newsletter In January, but so many things have
happened in our new work that it just seems we couldn't get down to writing one.
January saw us helping here in town with a "Senior Saints" program at El Paso Christian
College. Bill is now a trustee of EPCC so now and then we help out. I was privileged to
play the piano at their sessions and also kept Mom and Dad Ca^y at my home while they
were here to attend the "Senior Saints" program. This is a wonderful program for people
over 65 to get to know each other and teach each other more things. "Yes, believe it or not,
you can still learn from someone else at this age!" Also in January, Bill participated in the
missions practicum at El Paso Christian College. During that week, the van from Ozark Bible
College broke an "A Frame" and Bill ended up doing a lot of the repair work for them. We
were just thankful that it broke at a slow speed and not on the highway! Someone could
have been seriously hurt. A left "A Frame" was not available in the local junk yards, so with
a little extra work, a right-hand part was found and the group managed to get back to
Joplin, Missouri, without further problems.
During February we were busy with a trip into Mexico with Platte Valley Bible College.
There were two van loads of students in addition to Mr. Elwood Beeman and Jean Snooker.
Bill & I were their guides. I want to thank Wanda Church for coming to El Paso from San
Antonio to babysit my children while I was gone. During this trip, over 3,000 New
Testaments were distributed in addition to approximately 15,000 tracts. Later in February
we attended the Bi-Lingual Convention in Eagle Pass, Texas at Colegio Biblico for 1 day. I
was supposed to be there and play for 3 whole days, but we were only able to get away and
attend the last session. It was good to be on home ground and see all our family and
fellow-workers. Pray for the people at Colegio Bfblico and for the work they are striving to
do there.
In March we went all the way to Cuernavaca, south of Mexico City to a Missionary
Reunion. Spanish American Evangelism was able to close their doors and all of us joined in a
caravan to travel down thereit was loads of fun, but a very long and tiring trip. Spiritually,
it was uplifting, because we were being fed God's word and encouraged to carry oninspite
of troublesinstead of always feeding others. 1 feel like this is one place where we really
lack help-being nourished ourselves so that there is no room for the devil to enter our lives.
We were able to see many things in Mexico City and around Cuernavaca, which we usually
don't take time to do. We were part tourist this time! Hal Hal
April also kept us busy with Easter week. Bill again took a trip to Monterrey. This time
he had a team from Ozark Bible College and one from Iowa Christian College. The teams
went for the purpose of helping the different churches in Monterrey during their revival
times. They were able to pass out 1,500 New Testaments and 6,000 different tracts. Besides
helping the churches, it is a wonderful experience for the students to see the mission field
first hand and feel it out. During that week, Bill was also involved with changing the timing
chain and u-joints on one of the vans.
While Bill was in Monterrey, I was here at home helping out with a revival with the
Mexican church. We had a team from Colegio Biblico in Eagle Pass. It was a joy to have the
students around for a while.
In May, following a trip to Saltillo for Bill to attend the Mexican national men's meeting
during the first week, we were finally all at home and busier than ever. Trying to get VBS
materials finished off. Graduation, Revivals and kids under foot. They are out of school and
want to help out in everything.
June has kept us busy helping daddy stuff and address newsletters and trying to get
displays ready for missionaries to take on speaking engagements. I bet you are wondering,
"with all that traveling, how does Bill get anything done?" Well, let me tell you that he
doeshe works very hard and late while at home, of course he never seems to catch up, so
that he can have everything ready & organized for others.
Starting this month, we also have Raul Martinez, a Mexican native coming and staying
with us 1 week out of every month as he is working with Spanish American Evangelism In
editorial and revising work in Spanish. This is a very needed work and Spanish American
Evangelism is paying him for what he Is able to do for them. It is our hope that soon we will
be able to offer him full support and have him with us on a full-time basis. Keep him in your
prayers and if you can help out in supporting this much-needed member of the team at
Spanish American Evangelism, please let us know.
We will be speaking at a few places this summer although most of our time is being spent
in El Paso. Do pray for us at this time. Bill plans to attend the North American Christian
Convention in Kansas City.
The great announcement is "a new baby" will arrive in October. So do pray that the Lord
will provide for our needs during this time and also our regular support. It has been very low
and because of this we have our house up for sale and hope to either rent for a while or be
able to make enough out of this house so we can come up with a good down payment on a
smaller house.
Bill's mom, Margie, broke her shoulder last month while helping out her other son, Tom
and their new baby twins. Do pray for her that her healing will be soon and not very
painful. The twins were born with problems so remember them in your prayers tool
You might wonder why I started out with the Bible verse I didbut, let me tell you that
since we've been here, we have been full of problems. I believe it has been the devil trying to
discourage usbut I praise the Lord for being with us and giving us the strength we have
needed at different times. Please always remember us and keep us in your prayers every day.
The work seems to be going good at the present time. Six different points of distribution
have been set up and Spanish American Evangelism has produced several hundred thousand
pieces of literature since January. If the present rate is continued, we should be able to
produce 1 million pieces this year! This is up from 31 thousand tracts which were
distributed during 1980, just a year and a half prior to Bill's coming to Spanish American
Evangelism as director. Reports are coming in from many different places in Latin America
emphasising the need for more materials and stating that the materials which we are
providing are being used and souls are being won as a result. Continue to pray for this
ministry, the potential Is very great and Satan knows this. He will do anything he can to slow
down the work.
A project I would like some of you to help with is supplying Bill with clothesfrom shoes
to suit. His job requires presentable clothing and with our income right now, It Is just not
possible. If you would like to help out in this project, please write to me and I will let you
know sizes. I feel like the rest of us can make do with mommy sewing and
hand-me-downsbut there just are not too many men as big as Bill to pass on their clothing
to him.
A Tired Group of Travelers
After the Missionary Reunion
Billy on the Pyramid to the Sun
Also, we have not had health insurance on the family since going to Colegio Brblico 10
years ago. In this day and age, that is almost a necessity. Perhaps there is a church or class
who would like to take over a project of sponsoring health insurance for the family.
Thank you all so much and may God be with you. Without you, we couldn't make it.
Love to All,
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Bill, Billy, Barbie, Frances and ? ? ? also
P.S. As this letter is being written, our only transportation is sitting on the driveway just
waiting for Bill to begin the task of removing and rebuilding the engine. Bill put almost
40,000 miles on this vehicle during the past 10 months thanks to diesel fuel at only 21 cents
a gallon in Mexico. The Scout lost compression in one cylinder during a trip into Mexico
during the first week of May and Bill drove with only 5 cylinders for over a month until the
engine froze up. Pray that God will give Bill the guidance he needs as he rebuilds the engine
and that funds will be available as needed for the project.
P.P.S. Spanish American Evangelism is beginning a special project of publishing a special
printing of New Testaments. Our goal is to be able to issue a contract with a printer in
Mexico for 100,000 New Testaments. Total cost will be approximately $40,000.00. Over
$1,000.00 has been set aside for this project. If you would like to participate, designate
your gift to New Testament fund. $40.00 will purchase approximately 100 New
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Volume No. 1
The Bill Baker Family
Serving Christ through
Spanish American Evangelism
3135 Forney Lane
El Paso, TX 79935
September, 1982 Number 3
Dear Friends In Christ,
We greet you again and give God the Glory for His many blessings.
We thank Him for answering our many prayers and for the wonderful
people we find ourselves surrounded by. God Bless You All.
Our summer was a very busy one and one in which we were
privileged to have many different guests in our home. In July the
work was piled up, and Thank God, we finally got it done for the
different conventions. The North American Christian Convention
was taken in by one of our staff members, Marilyn Wood, and while
there she was a good representative for us.
The Mexican Convention, which I mentioned in our last letter, was
a wonderful experience. The first night we had between 500 and 600
Mexican people all united to Praise our God! It was wonderful to
listen to God's praises being sung. Our different Spanish Bible
colleges brought the special music. It was good hearing the young
people, and it sure made me miss the "good oie days" at Colegio
Biblico. My sister, Tuta, from California was here, and she and I had
a good old time as we joined forces and played for the Convention
every night. She is a very good pianist, so it was very enjoyable
playing with her. Tuta came a week early and spent some time with
me but mainly helped Bill out at the office doing some typesetting in
order to get all the material out for the convention. His secretary was
out holding Vacation Bible Schools.
Well, I mentioned our Scout being out of commission in our last
letter, but. Praise the Lord, Bill finally got it fixed 3 days after the
Mexican Convention, and then we took off for a V.B.S. in Casper,
Wyo. Our time spent in Casper with the Christians there was
wonderful. Jeanne Boyd had a wonderful program planried, which
brought her great results. They had 265 students as their highest
attendance. We praise God for her wonderful work being done there.
Jeanne, we also thank you for your great hospitality and give our
thanks to the church, too! We thank the Balsam family for putting
up with us in their beautiful home. May God bless them and
continue to work through them. Thank you, Paradise Valley, for the
wonderful offering!
We were able to go to Scottsbluff after our visit in Casper. We
were thrilled to see Grandma Margie, and my girls were ready to stay
and take their turn living with Grandma. Do continue to pray for
Margie. Her shoulder is still causing her much pain. She has also left
for Colorado Springs, Colo., to try and help once again with her
other son's children as their mom goes off to work. May the Lord
give her the strength to carry on. On our way home from Scottsbluff,
Neb., we also stopped and saw Tom, Bill's brother. The twins are
darling, and Jonah, his oldest, has grown into quite a fine boy.
We were able to meet with the Church at Bryant in Scottsbluff
and share our work with them once again. Sure was good to see
them. They had a wonderful get-together for us and a baby shower.
Thank you all for the fine gifts.
We also happened to stop by the Gering Central Church on our
way out of town and were able to see some of the people from there.
Thank you also for your gifts and prayers.
"Ask and ye shall be given." How true God holds to His promises.
I thank God for all the wonderful responses to my last tetter,
concerning Bill's clothes. Bill has been blessed with different gifts of
money and clothes. I will not even try to mention everyone by name,
for fear of forgetting someone. Do know we thank you and
appreciate your generosity. For those that still want them, our sizes
will be added at the end of our letter.
Our children started back to school Aug. 28. They were very
excited, except for Frances. She sure hates being left alone. Billy is
getting along fine and got in the highest level of the 5th grade In
Math, Spelling and Reading. He's in the 2nd level in English. You see
what my Spanish is doing to himi Barbie is doing well, tool Last
week she got to bring home a T-shirt for being the "Star Worker" for
the week. Do continue to pray for our family, that the children will
continue to give their best in what they do. Frances is anxiously
awaiting "her baby"; of course, so am I. It seems like ages since I've
had this tummy, but the Dr. says Oct. 18 still. Keep this matter in
mind. We have about half of our bill paid, but we'll still owe about
$1,000. In Nov. we will have medical insurance, but they would not
take us till after the baby is born. We thank the Randolph Christian
Church from Schertz, Texas, for their willingness to supply this for
September brought us a visit from some wonderful friends -- Bob
& Betty Maupin from Gering, Neb. We enjoyed having them to
ourselves for a few days and pray that they were half as blessed as we
were by their visit. Be sure and ask them about their "Mexican
Spanish American Evangelism is still going strong, but because of
lack of general funds it has not been able to print as much material.
They hope to go ahead and print some things anyway. S.A.E. has
started a fund to raise $40,000 for Spanish New Testaments. We do
not have the accessibilty to New Testaments we had before, and
because so many people ask for them and because many of our
projects require them, the S.A.E. trustees felt this was a good move.
Right now the S.A.E. staff is getting ready for the Missionary
Convention, so again they are in a mad rush. Bill will be attending it
Those of you who read our last letter will be glad to hear that our
printer came out of his operation just great. The Lord is good! Bart
had a tumor the size of lemon, but nothing else was found. His vocal
cords were not hurt, and he was able to talk soon after the operation.
He is back to work and going strong. I thank you for your prayers on
his behalf.
Prayer Requests:* Do pray for our needs through out the next few
months when you think of us.
1. Baker's monthly income
2. Selling of our house
3. Margie's shoulder
4. New baby and mama
5. Bill's health - He still is weak and can not seem to get
completely up to par.
6. Spanish American Evangelism - Staff members, in particular
Marilyn Wood's monthly income. Also, the General Fund
7. Bill's trip to the Missionary Convention, Sept. 25 - Oct. 5
Do pray for us, and once again we thank you very much for ail
your love and concern and for the much help you send our way.
May God continue to bless you.
Love in Him,
(Also Bill, Billy, Barbie, Frances & ???}
F r e s h F r ( | ^ m t h e B a k e r ' s O v e n
N e w s o f t h e B i l l B a k e r f a m i l y
S p a n i s h A m e r i c a n E v a n g e l i s m
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Volume No. 1 December. 1982 Number 4
Greetings Once Again In the Name of our Wonderful Lord!
The story and artwork on the front of this newsletter says it ail. Yes, It is that time of the
year again! It is my prayer that someday, we will be able to get across the awareness of
Jesus* birth, death and resurrection to the world during the entire year and not "special
We are thankful at this special time of the year that God did see fit to give his son in such
a special way for all of us. May we be willing to give of ourselves back to him. May God's
richest blessings be upon you as we celebrate the birth of His Son and our Saviour and Lord.
Many things have happened since our last newsletter and this time it Is falling upon the
head of the house to get it all together for printing. It is now Saturday morning, December
the 4th. While sitting down and composing this letter, I am looking at a rough draft which
Rosa prepared almost a month ago. She keeps saying, "Bill, we need to get out another
newsletter." I keep saying, "I don't have time to write it with all of the other things which
need to be done at the office." Finally she figured it had gone long enough and Informed
me, "Here is a rough draft for the next newsletter, let's see if we can get It out next week."
As I said, that was almost a month ago and now I am taking what she has written and adding
my own particular emphasis. I hope that you enjoy this bit of news from the Baker family.
Many of you received the last newsletter with the special news flash on the side
concerning Caleb Daniel Baker. Let me fill you in on the rest of the story. Caleb was born
on September the 29th and Weighed in at 7 lbs. & 1 oz. The family was in New Braunfels,
and Austin, Texas on Sunday the 26th. of September. I had decided at the last minute to
not attend the Missionary Convention and since we still had three weeks before he was due,
the family wanted to go with me to visit those churches. After stopping for a motel on
monday night, I returned to the room with some fried chicken for supper and Rosa asked
me if she thought the motel would give us our money back if we left immediately. I said, "I
don't think so.", and she said, "It's about time." Here we were over 200 miles from home
and at ten o'clock at night. I felt that it was ridiculous to try to beat it back to the hospital
Shalt conceive in
thy vjoinb, andbring
fopth a6on,and
Shalt call his name
And Joseph also-went up from Galilee,
out of the City of Nazax^h,into
Jcxleea,untothc cit-^ csf David, which
is called h)ethtehem.
And she brought forth her firstborn
Son and wrapped himinswaddling
clothes, and laid himIn amnger,
because there was no rooin for
them irxtheinn.
Nowwhen Jesus was
born inBethlehem of
Judffia inthedagsoffferod
theRing, behold, there
came wise men from the
eoi^tto Jerusalem.
And whenthey were come
into the house, they sawthe
young childwithMaryhis
Ficther, and fell down, and
worshipped him,and when
they had opened theirtreasore^
theu presented untohim
gold, '
And, b, theai^l of the
Lord came upon them,
h> and the glorgofthe
Lord shone round
about them-, and theg
were sore afraid.
(Gclorjj to God in the
highest, and onearth
peace, goodwill
towaj^d men.
and doctor in Ei Paso and indicated that we should take it easy that night and try for leaving
early in the morning. It was a rather restless night and we left the motel at about 5:30 the
next morning. Rosa was feeling a little better and we did a little shopping in Juarez upon
have almost the entire bill paid in full.
Caleb Daniel Bakerat 9 weeks On October the 21st. I went into the
emergency room of a local hospital in the middle of the night. Rosa felt that I was having a
heart attack, but it appeared to be little more than severe gastritus. After all of the tests, we
learned that I have an excellent ticker and am in pretty good shape physically. The problem
did not let up however until I visited a chiropractor and had my back put back into shape. It
seems that a pinched nerve caused the problem with the stomach. If 1 would have gone to
the chiropractor first, we would have saved a considerable hospital bill.
"FIRE" As if we had not had enough things happening
with the family, on October the 26th. Rosa called me at
the office about 5:45 in the evening. I had one press
running in addition to a rather noisy targe folder, t had a
hard time hearing her and getting the message. "I think
you better get home quick, the HOUSE IS ON FIRE."
Needless to say, it didn't take long for me to make it to ^^HB|
the house. The fire department in El Paso needs to be 9|BP '
highly praised, the fire damage was contained to a small
area of the kitchen. I have been telling everyone that Rosa
invited the fire department for supper and they ended up
throwing It out. The insurance company was extremely
quick with the claim and put us up in one of the nicer
hotels in the area for 10 days while the work was done on
the house. They had all of our clothes professionally
cleaned and the entire house repainted. This was in
addition to the new kitchen cabinets in half of the kitchen. ;
God does have a way of making good come out of bad
things which come upon us. We praise Him in that no one
was injured and that our only expense was the deductible --JiaBlliB
on the insurance.
So much for the things of personal interest on the family, the work at Spanish American
Evangelism Is going very well. Many of you received a fund appeal for the General Fund of
Spanish American Evangelism. That explained very well what God has been doing with this
ministry during the past year. I had set a personal goal at the beginning of the year for 1
million pieces of Gospel literature to be produced during 1982, we will not make that goal,
but we will be very close over 800 thousand items will have been produced during 1982 by
the time we shut down at the end of this month. That is an all-time record for this ministry
and we should be able to top that during 1983.
Be in prayer for the annual mission's trip of Platte Valley Bible College. We will be in
Veracruz, Mexico for a week in early January. It will envolve a concentrated campaign of
literature distribution and evangelistic meetings. The students will learn more about missions
in just a few short days than they would during an entire year of classroom work.
Well, I had better close, please continue to remember us in your prayers. Specific needs at
the present time are: 1) Sale of our House {or the Cord's leading in keeping it, He seems to
have gotten it fixed up rather nice after the fire! } 2) Grandma Marge's visit during the
Christmas season and her health 3) The PVBC tour and campaign in Veracruz, Mexico 4)
The general fund of Spanish American Evangelism 5) the entire Baker family, Bill, Rosa,
Billy, Barbie, Frances & Caleb and 6) the expansion of the literature ministry of Spanish
American Evangelism.
May God continue to be a blessing to you as you serve Him,
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Bill Baker and the entire family,
(Rosa, Billy, Barbie, Frances &Caleb)
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A rare El Paso Snow Storm
Provided some fun on
December 1st.

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