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These are materials that are designed for

use by students and their teachers as a

learning resource and help pupils acquire
facts, skills, or opinions or develop cognitive
processes. Instructional materials may be
printed or non-printed, and may include
textbooks, technology-based materials, other
educational materials, and tests. This
includes Web-based and electronic textbooks.

What are technology-based
-Basic or supplemental instructional
materials that are designed for use by students
and teachers as learning resources and that
require the availability of electronic
equipment in order to be used as a learning
resource. Technology-based materials include,
but are not limited to, software programs,
video disks, compact disks, optical disks, video
and audio tapes, lesson plans, and data bases.
Do Web-based or electronic textbooks
count as instructional materials?
but in order to meet the definition of
sufficient instructional materials, students
need to have access to the materials both at
school and at home. This presumes that
students with Web-based materials have
access to computers and the Internet in school
and at home and students with electronic
textbooks have access to computers in school
and at home.


Am I required to evaluate my digital
materials adoption?
but in order to know whether digital
materials improve teachers instructional
practices and/or student achievement you need
to link the digital innovation to the changes you
expect. This process often requires a school to
examine how students using the innovation
perform compared to students not using the

When should I begin the
evaluation process?
Should you decide to evaluate digital
materials, the process should begin as soon
as you make the decision to go digital. The
evaluation process should drive the digital
materials selection process, financial
decisions, implementation and professional
development, in addition to the outcomes
you expect from the adoption.

Should I expect to find changes in student
achievement if teachers use digital materials with
varying degrees of comfort and success?
Evaluations work from a very simple logic. In this
case, we expect certain student outcomes from using
digital materials. Some of these outcomes are short
term, while others are long-term conditions we
expect after full implementation. The logic of an
evaluation suggests that when short-term outcomes
fail, so do the long-term conditions these outcomes
are intended to produce. In other words, do not
expect improved learning environments if the digital
materials are of suspect quality.
Is it when a teacher knows how to use every
available technology tool?
Is it when a teacher knows how to select, use,
and integrate a variety of technologies to
optimize student use of these resources in
their learning?
Is it when a teacher knows the capabilities of a
variety of tools that can be used to support
instructional strategies to meet the needs of
our students?
Our students must develop
college and career-ready
skills in communication,
collaboration, innovation,
and critical thinking.

Creating new digital instructional tools or
improving existing ones to better meet the
needs of teachers and students are necessary.
1. Certain types of products that we need
for specific instructional purposes are
simply not available;

2. In other cases, there are products
available, but we arent using them or
dont perceive them to be effective.

General uses:
Display Video Streaming,
photographs, graphic
displays, movies
Smartboard lessons
Whiteboard Computer
links: Games, interactive
Student presentations

classroom management (daily
messages, schedules,
expectations, lesson
Play music
Demo websites and searching
Model any use of technology
(blogging, research, wiki,
powerpoint, word processing)
Model worksheet and journal


General Uses:
Interactive lessons
Worksheet completion as a whole class
Notetaking (Print out for absent students, or for kids
who need this feature)

Specific Uses:
Daily Editing practice
Weekly Skills corrections (class does together)
Investigations lessons
Organization of units and files
Importing movie files and interacting with the movie
(pause and write on the screen as necessary)
Text Tagging a non-fiction article together as a model to
move to independence


General Uses:
Sharing of student projects
Display books/textbooks
Visual Graphics/ illustrations
Model writing
Model science/math objects (tiles,
magnets, calculator, procedures for
Visualizer / Document Camera

General Uses:
Review concepts before final assessments
Provides automatic feedback of specific
questions missed which guides instruction
for individuals and whole class
collaborative decision making


General Uses:
Whenever multiple students need to
collaborate on one document, from
anywhere, at anytime.

Google Documents
BCSD 2020 Vision
Westwood Schools (9-12)
Mr. Lindsay's (gradeschool) Classroom Wiki
School Community Wiki (with grade-level examples)
PBWiki Examples
K-12 Wiki w/ various uses
FlatClassroom Project (EduBlog Award Winner) (Bookmarks for edit and access)

This can assist with providing access to digital video
instructional materials via the campus network. Such
materials include films (documentary, feature, short
subjects), television programs, and original materials (i.e.
video shot and produced by faculty or students.
Academic usage has highest priority, followed by
College administrative and co-curricular usage. Most usage
of this service involves video clips or full length works to be
provided to students in a particular class as part of their
academic materials. If the material is copyrighted, it requires
that such material be restricted to the students in that class.
We make every effort to provide service. Providing
Instructional Services with materials as far in advance of the
date materials are needed is very helpful.

Digital Video

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