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8 Things to Remember When Everything Goes Wrong

Posted in Mind by Marc and Angel On April 13, 2014. 3 Comments

The best way out is always through.
Robert Frost
Marc and Angel, two passionate writers, life-hackers and admirers of the human spirit,
have come up with an amazing list of 8 Things to Remember When Everything
Goes Wrong. f !ou like their list, make sure !ou check out their site and sign up to
their amazing newsletter.
"oda!, #m sitting in m! hospital $ed waiting to have $oth m! $reasts removed. %ut in a
strange wa! feel like the luck! one. &p until now have had no health pro$lems. #m a
'(-!ear-old woman in the last room at the end of the hall $efore the pediatric division of
the hospital $egins. )ver the past few hours have watched dozens of cancer patients
$eing wheeled $! in wheelchairs and rolling $eds. *one of these patients could $e a da!
older than +,.
"hat#s an entr! from m! grandmother#s -ournal, dated (.+'.+(,,. photocopied it and
pinned it to m! $ulletin $oard a$out a decade ago. t#s still there toda!, and it continues
to remind me that there is alwa!s, alwa!s, alwa!s something to $e thankful for. And that
no matter how good or $ad have it, must wake up each da! thankful for m! life,
$ecause someone somewhere else is desperatel! /ghting for theirs.
"ruth $e told, happiness is not the a$sence of pro$lems, $ut the a$ilit! to deal with
them. magine all the wondrous things !our mind might em$race if it weren#t wrapped
so tightl! around !our struggles. Alwa!s look at what !ou have, instead of what !ou
have lost. %ecause it#s not what the world takes awa! from !ou that counts0 it#s what
!ou do with what !ou have left.
1ere are a few reminders to help motivate !ou when !ou need it most2
1. Pain is part of growing.
3ometimes life closes doors $ecause it#s time to move forward. And that#s a good thing
$ecause we often won#t move unless circumstances force us to. 4hen times are tough,
remind !ourself that no pain comes without a purpose. Move on from what hurt !ou, $ut
never forget what it taught !ou. 5ust $ecause !ou#re struggling doesn#t mean !ou#re
failing. 6ver! great success re7uires some t!pe of worth! struggle to get there. 8ood
things take time. 3ta! patient and sta! positive. 6ver!thing is going to come together0
ma!$e not immediatel!, $ut eventuall!.
9emem$er that there are two kinds of pain2 pain that hurts and pain that changes !ou.
4hen !ou roll with life, instead of resisting it, $oth kinds help !ou grow.
2. Everything in life is temporary.
6ver! time it rains, it stops raining. 6ver! time !ou get hurt, !ou heal. After darkness
there is alwa!s light : !ou are reminded of this ever! morning, $ut still !ou often forget,
and instead choose to $elieve that the night will last forever. t won#t. *othing lasts
3o if things are good right now, en-o! it. t won#t last forever. f things are $ad, don#t
worr! $ecause it won#t last forever either. 5ust $ecause life isn#t eas! at the moment,
doesn#t mean !ou can#t laugh. 5ust $ecause something is $othering !ou, doesn#t mean
!ou can#t smile. 6ver! moment gives !ou a new $eginning and a new ending. ;ou get a
second chance, ever! second. ;ou -ust have to take it and make the $est of it.
3. Worrying and omplaining hanges nothing.
"hose who complain the most, accomplish the least. t#s alwa!s $etter to attempt to do
something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed. t#s not over if
!ou#ve lost0 it#s over when !ou do nothing $ut complain a$out it. f !ou $elieve in
something, keep tr!ing. <on#t let the shadows of the past darken the doorstep of !our
future. 3pending toda! complaining a$out !esterda! won#t make tomorrow an! $righter.
"ake action instead. =et what !ou#ve learned improve how !ou live. Make a change and
never look $ack.
And regardless of what happens in the long run, remem$er that true happiness $egins
to arrive onl! when !ou stop complaining a$out !our pro$lems and !ou start $eing
grateful for all the pro$lems !ou don#t have.
!. "o#r sars are symbols of yo#r strength.
<on#t ever $e ashamed of the scars life has left !ou with. A scar means the hurt is over
and the wound is closed. t means !ou con7uered the pain, learned a lesson, grew
stronger, and moved forward. A scar is the tattoo of a triumph to $e proud of. <on#t
allow !our scars to hold !ou hostage. <on#t allow them to make !ou live !our life in fear.
;ou can#t make the scars in !our life disappear, $ut !ou can change the wa! !ou see
them. ;ou can start seeing !our scars as a sign of strength and not pain.
9umi once said, "he wound is the place where the =ight enters !ou. *othing could $e
closer to the truth. )ut of su>ering have emerged the strongest souls0 the most
powerful characters in this great world are seared with scars. 3ee !our scars as a sign of
;63? MA<6 "? survived and have m! scars to prove it? And now have a chance to
grow even stronger.
$. Every little str#ggle is a step forward.
n life, patience is not a$out waiting0 it#s the a$ilit! to keep a good attitude while
working hard on !our dreams, knowing that the work is worth it. 3o if !ou#re going to
tr!, put in the time and go all the wa!. )therwise, there#s no point in starting. "his could
mean losing sta$ilit! and comfort for a while, and ma!$e even !our mind on occasion. t
could mean not eating what, or sleeping where, !ou#re used to, for weeks on end. t
could mean stretching !our comfort zone so thin it gives !ou a nonstop case of the
chills. t could mean sacri/cing relationships and all that#s familiar. t could mean
accepting ridicule from !our peers. t could mean lots of time alone in solitude. 3olitude,
though, is the gift that makes great things possi$le. t gives !ou the space !ou need.
6ver!thing else is a test of !our determination, of how much !ou reall! want it.
And if !ou want it, !ou#ll do it, despite failure and re-ection and the odds. And ever! step
will feel $etter than an!thing else !ou can imagine. ;ou will realize that the struggle is
not found on the path, it is the path. And it#s worth it. 3o if !ou#re going to tr!, go all the
wa!. "here#s no $etter feeling in the world@ there#s no $etter feeling than knowing what
it means to $e A=A6.
%. &ther people's negativity is not yo#r problem.
%e positive when negativit! surrounds !ou. 3mile when others tr! to $ring !ou down. t#s
an eas! wa! to maintain !our enthusiasm and focus. 4hen other people treat !ou
poorl!, keep $eing !ou. <on#t ever let someone else#s $itterness change the person !ou
are. ;ou can#t take things too personall!, even if it seems personal. 9arel! do people do
things $ecause of !ou. "he! do things $ecause of them.
A$ove all, don#t ever change -ust to impress someone who sa!s !ou#re not good
enough. Change $ecause it makes !ou a $etter person and leads !ou to a $righter
future. Beople are going to talk regardless of what !ou do or how well !ou do it. 3o
worr! a$out !ourself $efore !ou worr! a$out what others think. f !ou $elieve strongl! in
something, don#t $e afraid to /ght for it. 8reat strength comes from overcoming what
others think is impossi$le.
All -okes aside, !our life onl! comes around once. "his is ". 3o do what makes !ou
happ! and $e with whoever makes !ou smile, often.
(. What's meant to be will event#ally) *E.
"rue strength comes when !ou have so much to cr! and complain a$out, $ut !ou prefer
to smile and appreciate !our life instead. "here are $lessings hidden in ever! struggle
!ou face, $ut !ou have to $e willing to open !our heart and mind to see them. ;ou can#t
force things to happen. ;ou can onl! drive !ourself craz! tr!ing. At some point !ou have
to let go and let what#s meant to $e, %6.
n the end, loving !our life is a$out trusting !our intuition, taking chances, losing and
/nding happiness, cherishing the memories, and learning through eCperience. t#s a
long-term -ourne!. ;ou have to stop worr!ing, wondering, and dou$ting ever! step of the
wa!. =augh at the confusion, live consciousl! in the moment, and en-o! !our life as it
unfolds. ;ou might not end up eCactl! where !ou intended to go, $ut !ou will eventuall!
arrive precisel! where !ou need to $e.
8. The best thing yo# an do is to +eep going.
<on#t $e afraid to get $ack up : to tr! again, to love again, to live again, and to dream
again. <on#t let a hard lesson harden !our heart. =ife#s $est lessons are often learned at
the worst times and from the worst mistakes. "here will $e times when it seems like
ever!thing that could possi$l! go wrong is going wrong. And !ou might feel like !ou will
$e stuck in this rut forever, $ut !ou won#t. 4hen !ou feel like 7uitting, remem$er that
sometimes things have to go ver! wrong $efore the! can $e right. 3ometimes !ou have
to go through the worst, to arrive at !our $est.
;es, life is tough, $ut !ou are tougher. Dind the strength to laugh ever! da!. Dind the
courage to feel di>erent, !et $eautiful. Dind it in !our heart to make others smile too.
<on#t stress over things !ou can#t change. =ive simpl!. =ove generousl!. 3peak
truthfull!. 4ork diligentl!. And even if !ou fall short, keep going. Eeep growing.
Awake ever! morning and do !our $est to follow this dail! ")-<) list2
+. "hink positivel!.
F. 6at health!.
3. 6Cercise toda!.
G. 4orr! less.
H. 4ork hard.
'. =augh often.
,. 3leep well.
The ,oor is yo#rs-

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