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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Di!ision of Batangas
District of "ataasna#aho$
Lesson Plan
English V
Week 2- January 23-27, 2012
Monday - Friday
)rite and ma#e *udgement on oral te+ts heard ,PELC D-I.
%et meaning eaning of unfamiliar /ords through conte+t clues ,PELC C 010.
discourse ,PELC2- 03.
ideas ,PELC 4C-ll.
)riting based on result of an obser!ation ,PELC D- 205.
Importance of helping others-
&ell something about $our noblest deed-
67B8EC& "A&&ER
&he oblest Deed b$9 %rant L$ons
References91 8ourne$ :pp-- 0:3;0:<
English E+press/a$s : language 1pp- =>;:0
English E+press/a$s : Reading1 pp-
Across ?ordcrs &hrough language :@ pp-
e/- D$namic 6eries In English :1 pp-
De!eloping Reading Po/er : pp- 0>A -
Comprehension9 Building Comprehension b$ identif$ing if the statement is &rue or
Language 6tructure 9 7se direct discourse
6pea#ing9 E!aluate ideas and ma#e 8udgments
)riting9 )rite based on result of an obser!ation
&rategiesgies9 As#ing and ans/ering Cuestion1 thin#ing aloud !isualiDing1 acting
out1 retelling1 ma#ing stor$ map
Across the Curriculum Lin#s
6cience@ Diamond as one of the gems Estone-
Art9 Dra/ing of a Diamond
De!eloping Comprehension 6trategies and 6#ills9 E!aluate ideas and ma#e
De!eloping English Language ProFcienc$G 7sing direct discourse
big boo#
comic strips
0-0- 6pelling;Pre;&est
cliI ; a high steep roc# or Ice face1 especiall$ a roc# face e+tending along a
noblest;possessing high ideals or e+cellent moral character
current ; a stead$ Ho/ of /ater or air in one direction
dro/ning; to die b$ Immersion and usuall$ suIocation In /ater or other liCuid1 or
#ill a person or-animal In this /a$-
deed ;action in general1
accomplishes ; to carr$ out or complete something successfull$
generatlons;all of the people /ho /ere born at appro+imatel$ theJsame time1
considered as a group
!ultures ;a large bird of pre$ /itn usuall$ dar# feathers and broad /ings that feeds
or carrion-
diamond ; a hard transparent precious stone that Is a !ariet$ of carbon
0-A- Acti!ating Prior (no/ledge and Building Bac#ground
Do $ou ha!e friendsK
Ho/ do $ou treat $our friendsK
)hat about an enem$K Ho/ do $outreat himEherK
013 7nloc#ing of DiLculties
Bill In the blan#s /ith the /ords ta#en from the bo+-
!ultures generous
noble s/ift rare
generations ris#s didmond
1. Onl$ the rich could aIord to bu$ or o/n a MMMMMMM1a !er! precious stone-
2. An$ act of #indness is considered a good MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-
3. He is soMMMMMMMMM that he gi!e@@ alms to the poor he meets along the /a$-
4. Our heroes areMMMMMMMM-persons@ &heir greatness is still remembered toda$-
5. &he girl almost dro/ned because she /as hurriedl$ carried a/a$ to the
deepest part b$ theMMMMMMMMcurrent of the ri!er-
%i!e the meaning of the /ords /e used to complete the sentences@
0-= Pre!ie/ing
I /ill be reading to $ou a stor$ about a d$ing father- &he title of the
stor$ is &he oblest DeedN
Loo# at ,-he co!er of our big boo#1-)hat-do $ou seeK )hat do $ou
thin# is the stor$ aboutK
0-: Raising of "oti!e O-ue-;nion
)hat do $ou /ant to #no/ in our stor$K
,)rite oupllJl ans/er on the board.
B- CO6&R7C&I% "EAI% ,C".
A- Acti!e Reading
A-0 Birst Reading
I /ill read the stor$ N&he oblest DeedEJLlsten
A-A 6econd Reading ; PupilsJ interacting /ith the te+t-
&hfc oblest Deed
Once there /as !er$ old man In Ouadolo*aro /ho / ebout to dio- He /anted
to ha!e a diamond1 the onl$ /ealth he had1 to one of his three sons- But he could
not decide /hich one- He called the three sonK Into his room- And this Is /hat he
told them-
)h$ did tha father c-ill his three sonsK
N"$ sons1 I am not a rich man- &he onl$ thing I ho!e that is /orth much;Is
the diamond- It has been In our famil$ for generations1 andtt/ould go to
/hiche!er of $ou accomplishes the noblest deed in /ee#Js timeE%o no/- Return
In a /ee# to tell me /hat $ou ha!e done-
)hat did lha father as# his sons-lo doK
A /ee# passed1 and the sons rcfurnud- &he$ found their father e!en-/ea#er
than before and unable to lea!e his bed- He as#ed deed- In turn to tell his stor$1
N"$ fatherN1 said the Frst son -NI thought and thought of a deed that /ould be
/orth$- Binall$ this is /hat I did-I gathered together all of m$ propert$Edi!ided it
in;half1 and ga!e one half to the poor people of the cit$-N
)hat did the Frst son do to sho/ thatJhe /as /orth$ of his fatherJs
&h1old man shoo# his head- ;Ah- that 10s a good deed1N he said ;but not
trul$ noble after all1 it is our dut$ to be as generous as /e can to the poor-N
N)hen I /as returning home from /or# one da$1 said the second son- NI sa/ a
little girl caught In the s/ift current of the ri!er and pulled her out- &he current
/as so s/ift- I almost dro/ned-
)hat is noblest deed according to thesecond sonK
N&hat1 too1 is a good deed1 and $et not noble Nsaid the father-N &hen the
third son told his stor$- NBather1 a /onderful tiling happened to me-Jl /aJs /al#ing
high up in the mountains !er$ earl$ one morning- &here I sa/ a man1 /rapped
tight In a blan#et1 sleeping J at the !er$ edge of a cliI 00 could hardl$ belie!e
m$ e$es- Bor if he turned-thls /a$ or that1 if he mo!ed at all in-his sleep1 the man
/ould be certain to fail o!er1the cliI ;thousandsEof feet to the !alle$ belo/ G I
crept closer1 as Cuietl$ as I could1 for I didnJt /ant to startle him- And guess /ho
the man /asK 6ancho1 m$ bitterest enem$G "an$ times he had threatened to #ill
me if he got the chance-
)hat /onderful thing happened to the third son as he /as /al#ing high up
in the mountainK
NI mo!ed as close1 to this man as I could1 %entl$ 0 put m$ arms around
him- 6uddenl$ his e$es;opened and loo#ed into mine- I sa/ he /as afraid- NDo
not fear1N I said- )ith that I pulled him to/ard me and rolled /ith him1 a/a$ from
the cliI-
)h$ do $ou thin# the man /as afraid /ith the third sonK
)e both stood up1 and he said1 NI came this /a$ last night- It /as so dar#
thNat I could not see rn$ o/n feet I /as too tired to go on1 so I stepped oI the
path to sleep1 * had no idea /here I /asG I see no/ that If I had /al#edKi little
farther1 or turned in m$ sleep- I /ould ha!e become food for !ultures In the
!alle$- 'ou ha!e sa!ed m$ life1 amigo 1I 1/ho ha!e threatened to #ill $ou-I
Ho/ did the man feel /hen he #ne/ that tha one /hosa!ed him /as his
N)e thre/ oursel!es Into each otherJs arms and s/ore to be friends
fore!er- )e /ept for *o$- Each of us found a friend1 /here1 before there had been
)h$ did tha t/o mon /oep for 8o$K
N Ah1 m$ sonG N e+claimed the old man-N &hat It s beautiful stor$1 and a trul$
noblo deed- It is I ra/ person )ho /ill risP his life for his enem$1 A noble person-
&he diamond is $oursGN
)h$ did the father gi!e thediamond to the third sonK 1
A-- Post Reading J
A-0- Ans/ering of "oti!e Ouestion
A-A Bu-ilding Comprehension
&ell if the statement is &rue of Balse-
0- Oncothara/asa!ar$oldJman/ho!Easabouttodle-MMM
A- He /anted to ha!e a diamond to all of his three sons-MMMMMMMM
3- &his diamond has been In his famil$ for generations and he /ould not /ant
ItJsold or di!ided-MMMMMMMMMMMMM
=- &he diamond /ill go /here!er among the old manJs three sons /ould
accomJpllsh the noblest deed-MMMMMMMMM
:- &he Frst son ris#ed his life to sa!e a child from dro/ning- MMMMMMMMM
>- &he second di!ided-his propert$ In half1 and ga!e one half to the poor people
of the cit$-MMMMMMMM
<- &he third son sa!ed his bitterest en?m$ from death-MMMMMMM
Q- &ha father considered the third sonJs deed as the noblest--
R- &ho diamond /as di!on to tha lacJond ton-MMMMMMMMM
05- 7 Is rare person /ho /lll;rls#-hls life for the sa#e of his enem$-MMMMMMMMM
A-3- Engagement Acti!ities
%roup 0- Presentation of Characters
)rite something about each character inside the hat-
%roup A ; DramatiDe the stor$ /hen the father /as nbout to dis and as#ed
his-sons to do the noblest deed in a /ee#Js time-
%roup 3 Retell the stor$ using a stor$ map-
6ettings9 M
%roup =
Dra/ a diamond- Inside the diamond1 /rite something about /hat do $ou thin#
is the noblest deed-
0- Preparator$ Acti!it$
0-0 6pelling; &each and Bollo/ up
0-A "oti!ationERe!ie/
)e read the stor$ N&he oblest DeedN
Can $ou still remember /hat do the characters sa$K
A- Lesson Proper
A-0 Presentation - -
Here are some lines ta#en from the stor$N &he oblest DeedN
N "$ sons1 I am not a rich manN1 old man said
N"$ fatherN1 said the Frst son- NI thought and thought of a deed that /ould
be /orth$N-
N)hen I /as returning home from /or# one da$N1 said the second son NI
sa/ a little girl caught in the s/ift current of the ri!erN-
NAhm$sonI Ne+claimed the old man-
)hat are the e+act /ords of the fatherK
)hat about the Frst and the second sonsK
Ho/ are these /ords separated from the spea#erJs nameK
)hat /ords introduced the e+act /ords of the spea#erK
Ill )hat s$mbol do /e used to /rite the e+act /ords of the spea#erP)hat s$mbol do
/hat is used to separate the e+act /ords of spea#er from the spea#erJs nameK
)hat is a direct speech or discourseK
A-A Acti!ities
A- Controlled
Put the-corrsct Cuotation mar#s and commasECuestion mar# in the follo/ing direct
l- IJm thin#ing of bu$ing a gift for m$ mother Angelie said-
A1 Ho/ much mone$ Ha!e $ou sa!edK 8ustlna as#ed-
3- About si+t$ pesos Angelic ans/ered-
=- &hatJs good enough 8ustin said-
:- O#a$ Angelie said-
B- 6emi;Controlled
Pro!ide the e+act /ords of the spea#ers-
6. "rs- Agulrre reCuested Ed/in to retell the fableabout the /ind and the
7. Ed/in obe$ed his teacher
8. "r- Angeles suggested that Angelle paint a picture about that fable N &he
)ind and the 6un- Angelle readil$ agreed-
9. "ari!ic said that she lo!ed singing but needed !oice lessons-
Immediate Creati!it$
Aguirre and her class is tal#ing about AesopJs Bable-
"rs1 ABuirrt@ Aro $ou familiar /ith AesopJs BablesK
Angelie9 'es1 lam- I ha!e also heard of Aesop1 a %ree# sla!e-
6amm$9 IJ!e heard of him1 too
"rs- Aguirre9 Describe Aesop as a sla!e-
H-6amm$@ He /as !er$ intelligent and /itt$-
Angolie9 Did $ou #no/ that his master decided to set him freeK
"rs- Aguirre9 )h$ did his master set him freeK
Aneolle@ Aasop had a eift of telling stories- People al/a$s listened-to him-
"rs- Aguirre9 )hat /ere his stories all aboutK
Angelie9 His stories /ere about the faults of people- He made uae of animals to
represent people-
"rs- Aguirre9 )h$ did Aesop do thatK
6amm$9 I guess he did not /ant to /ant to hurt peopleJs feelings-
Angellie9 And all his stories ha!e lessons or morals-
A-3 %eneraliDation
) hat is direct discourse of speechK
- , A direct speech or discourse uses the e+act /ords of a spea#er- I;he Cuoted
/ords J/hich are inside the Cuotation mar#s are usuall$ separated from the r;est of
the sentence b$ a comma1 e+cept for CuestionsEe+clamations1
A-= Application - i- ;i- J
)rite the follo/ing dialocs-of each character Into direct speech or discourse-
A-:- E!aluation -
Directions@ )rita the follo/ing dialogS Into diroct dlicourse-
10. C$nth*aG "r- Angeles1 ma$ I In!lte $ou to see a short-program In our
11. "r- Angeles9 &han#s for the In!itation C$nthia-
12. C$nthia9 ItJs All right- 6ir- 0 hope $ou can /atch us ne+t time-
13. "r- Angeles;0 hope so- &han# $ou !ar$ much-
14. C$nthia9 O#a$- 6ee $ou1
0- Presentation
Let us read again;the stor$ N&he oblest Deed
Let us identif$ each character-
)hat can !ou sa$ about each oneK
)e can ma#e *udgments b$ describing each character Ih the stor$- 6ometimes /e
agree /ith the character1 r-ometlmcb/e do not-
)e !aluate /hat the$ did In the stor$ In order to ma#e *udgment-
A- E+ercises
A- %uided Practice
&he follo/ing sentences describe the sons in the stor$- &ell /hether $ou agree /ith
the sentence or not- 6tate $our reason-
a-- One son /as fairl$ oI1
b- One son /as bra!e-
c- One son /as forgi!ing as /ell a@T bra!e-
B- Independent Practice
Read the paragraph belo/- &hen ans/er the Cuestions that follo/-
aught$ Little 6ister
6tella got some steriliDed cotton and a bottle of h$drogen pero+ide from the
medicine- 6he cleaned her /ound1 put some betadine on itJ 1then co!ered It /ith
fresh bandages- &hen she ran along to pla$-
15. Her little sister sa/ the cotton and tha medicine- 6he thought the$
/ere pla$ things- J )hat did 6tellas Jsistar do
/ith the cotton and the medicineK J
16. )hat /ill happen if little sister drin#s the betadineK
17. )hat can $ou sa$ about 6tellaK about her sisterK
18. Do $ou li#e /hat 6tella didK )hat about her little sisterJs actionK )h$ or /h$
3- %eneraliDation 1
)e can ma#e *udgmentEe!aluate ideas b$ describing /hat the charactesdo in
the stor$- ) e can agree or disagree /ith them-
=- Application - -
In the stor$ N&he oblest DeedN1 do $ou agree /ith the father /ith /hat he
as#s his sons to doK )h$ or /h$ notK
:- E!aluation
Directions9 Read the stor$ belo/- &hen ans/er the Cuestions-
&he Blo/ers Vendor
Aling Rosa Is a Uo/er !endor- 6he sells garlands spra$s1 bouCuets1 and corsages
at tho corner of the churph$ard- 6he has man$ customers- One of them is a $oung
bo$ /ho ne!er fails to bu$ a big red roses e!er$da$- He has become her fa!orite
costumers so she al/a$s has a special rose reand$ for him at a speciaI8$ lo/ price-
One da$ she /aited for him to get therose1 but ho did not come- He came after a
/ea# /ith a blac# ribbon on his breast- Instead of a rose1 He as#ed Aling Rosu for a
0-)hat do $ou thin# /as the spra$ forK
A-Do $ou li#o the bo$K )h$K
3-Do $ou li#e Aling RosaK )h$KJ
=-Do $ou thin#1 the bo$ /ould still bu$ a rose e!er$da$K
:- )h$ or /h$ notK
l-l- 6pelling;,master$.
0-A Presentation
If $ou are going to /rite about our school1 ho/ /ould $ou do ItK -
Ho/ /ould $ou encourage other1 to come and enroll to our schoolK
A- During /riting
a- %roup Acti!ities
Borm groups-- Each group /ill obser!e the diIerent places in our school- Be
sure to ta#e notice of /hat $ou /ill see-
b- Indi!idual acti!it$
)rite $our obser!ations about the school-

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