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NJGM 2014 - 012

DATE: 16 October 2014
TO: All Student Leaders from UP Luzon units
SUBJECT: Emergency Luzon-Wide Student Leaders Conference on UP Agenda and List
of General Demands

Warm greetings of solidarity!

Please be informed of the emergency Luzon-Wide Student Leaders Conference on 20
October 2014 (Monday), 1 to 5 PM, at the SOLAIR Auditorium, UP Diliman. This In light of
the recent events and policies that have been passed and implemented in UP. We see the
need to fast-track its proposed crafting of a comprehensive student demands, now dubbed
as the UP Agenda and List of General Demands.

We invite all student council officers, representatives of different student formations, and
interested individuals from all Luzon units to attend the said conference. Further
information will be posted as soon they as are available.

You may reach the Office using the contact information provided or our Secretariat at 0905
376 8885.

See you all on October 20.

For the students and the people,

Student Regent

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