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(214) 9u1-S6S1 ! ! E-Poitfolio: ! Twittei: RiveiaBanie


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/011 2($3 45 6 2($3 #(78#9(# 6 :;2<;#= 5>4?@7#(3(29
Biing oiiginal, enteipiise, anu investigative stoiy iueas to the table in pitch meetings, tuin a uaily
pkg plus vo-sots while woiking on multiple ongoing investigative iepoits, maintain an
inteiactive social meuia piesence with vieweis, uevelop ieliable souices in the community, anu
excel in conveisationalactive live shots
AB3 44 6 2($3 129(#2 6 3(79(CB(# 5>4D@"(A(CB(# 5>4D
4 months. Shauow iepoiteis anu piouuceis, woik with the assignments uesk anu piouuction
uepaitment, anu piactice wiiting news packages anu vo-sots
7<298@9E 6 "1#(A98# 6 F(B#<;#= 5>4D@"(A(CB(# 5>4D
11 months. Biiecteu anu contiibuteu stoiies to a weekly Spanish newscast. Punto-Tv is a
stuuent-iun piouuction, anu is SN0's fiist Spanish news bioaucast
9G( ";1H= <7";9(@3C<@9E 6 A#($ C(CB(# 6 ;<I<39 5>44@"(A(CB(# 5>4D
2 yeais & 4 months. ! #$%$ &'() &*++$ Regulaily iotate thiough the positions of: Biiectoi,
Piouucei, Technical Biiectoi, Auuio Engineei, Seivei, Computei uiaphic 0peiatoi,
Telepiomptei, Stuuio Cameia 0peiatoi, Flooi Biiectoi, anu Anchoi
/011 2($3 45 6 7#8"<A9182 ;33139;29 6 C;= 5>44@;<I<39 5>44
4 months: Piepaieu shows anu commeicials foi aii on thiee uiffeient netwoiks, opeiateu thiee
stuuio cameias foi five uaily newscasts, seiveu as flooi uiiectoi, anu woikeu with the news anu
piouuction staff, as well as community membeis anu guests on the show
/011 2($3 45 6 378#93 129(#2 6 ;<I<39 5>44@"(A(CB(# 5>44
S months. Filmeu high school football games anu upuateu scoies foi KXII's Spoits Blitz eveiy
Fiiuay night
/011 2($3 45 6 2($3 129(#26 :<2( 5>4>@"(A(CB(# 5>4>
7 months. Wiote mateiial foi uaily news bioaucasts, assisteu piouuceis in stacking shows anu
maue beat calls

Excels in bieaking newsactive live shots, one-man-banu: shootswiiteseuits uaily news pkgs,
asks the tough questions, familiai with meuia law, uses F0IAopen iecoius iequests to tuin in-
uepth investigative stoiies, aggiessive fact finuei, confiuent on-aii piesence
XPRI NS non-lineai euitoi, Final Cut Pio 7, Final Cut Pio X, Sony vegas 9, Aviu iNews, ENPS
H;2I<;I( L A8CC<21A;9182
Spanish (Conveisational Pioficiency)

38<9G(#2 C(9G8"139 <21E(#319= 6 ";HH;3Q 90 6 ;<I<39 5>44@"(A(CB(# 5>4D
Bacheloi's Begiee in Conveigence }ouinalism ! Ninoi: Spanish ! uPA: S.S
I#;=382 A8HH(I( 6 "(21382Q 90 6 ;<I<39 5>>R@C;= 5>44
Associate of Science in Psychology !uiauuateu Summa Cum Lauue ! uPA: S.9

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