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Wheezes, rhonchi, and stridor are musical adventitious sounds.

Wheezes originate in airways

narrowed by spasm, thickening of the mucosa, or luminal obstruction. Although wheezes are more apt
to occur during forced expiration, which
further narrows airways, they may occur during both inspiration
and expiration in asthma.Wheezes presumably originate
through a combination of limitation to airflowand vibrations
in the walls of the airways. Rhonchi are due to the presence
of liquid or mucus in the airways; the quality and location
may be readily changed by asking the patient to cough, thus
moving the secretions. Stridor is predominantly inspiratory
and best heard over the neck. Common causes of stridor are a
foreign body in the upper intrathoracic airway or esophagus,
an acquired lesion of the airway (e.g., carcinoma in adults),
or a congenital lesion in children.
Crackles are generally attributed to a rapid succession of explosive
openings of small airways that closed prematurely during the previous expiration. Crackles have been
subdivided according to their timing during inspiration (early or late) and by differences in their quality
(wet or dry); at times they havebeen termedrales.Noting differences in timing has been advocated
as a way of distinguishing between possible causes (e.g., dry crackles in the fibrosis of interstitial
lung disease vs. wet crackles in pulmonary edema).
Unfortunately, wide variation in the interpretation of these sounds generally renders such attempts at
classification of little value and often a cause of confusion. Crackles may accompany alterations in the
elastic recoil of airways (emphysema), the presence of secretions (bronchitis or pneumonia),
inflammation or fibrosis (interstitial lung disease) or fluid (pulmonary edema). Crackles can also be
due to atelectasis, as in bedridden patients, and may clear with sequential deep breaths.

Letupan udara pada jalan napas atau karena pergerakan sekresi intraluminal.
Sebuah gradien tekanan udara terbentuk dengan melalui jalan napas yang kolaps selama ekspirasi.

Ketika jalan napas yang tertutup (karena obstruksi) tiba-tiba terbuka selama inspirasi atau tertutup selama
akhir ekspirasi .

Crackles biasanya terjadi ketika tekanan mundur elastisparu meningkat atau ada inflamasi atau edema paru.
Pada bronkitis kronik dan emfisema, kolaps bronkus lobaris dapat terjadi pada akhir ekspirasi karena hilangnya
pengembalian elastisitas dukungan bronkial.

Pada fibrosis, proses yang terjadi biasanya melibatkan jalan napas perifer.

Crackles pada COPD umumnya karena sekresi jalan napas, sehingga dapat hilang atau berubah tempat setelah

Crackles merupakan suara napas tambahan yang diskontinu dan eksplosif, yang terdengar ketika jalan napas
yang mengalami obstruksi tiba-tiba terbuka dan tekanan pada kedua sisi obstruksi berusaha menyeimbangkan
sehingga menghasilkan getaran sementara pada dinding saluran napas.
Obstruksi saluran napas dinamis dapat disebabkan akumulasi sekresi pada lumen jalan napas atau kolapsnya
saluran napas karena inflamasi atau edema paru. Crackles dapat terdengar selama inspirasi ketika tekanan
negatif intratorak menghasilkan pembukaan saluran napas atau pada ekspirasi ketika tekanan positif torak
menekan bagian yang kolaps atau memblokir bukaan saluran napas. Crakles umumnya lebih terdengar ketika
inspirasi daripada ekspirasi.

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