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Edited By: Riadh Al Ayyoobi
The Guardian posted an editorial on Friday 29 August 2014 ,allegedly by eila Ah!ed
"iti#en o$ %osul& real na!e 'ithheld () All "o!!ents $or this editorial ha*e +ust been
"losed by the ti!e it 'as $or'arded to !e 'hi"h depri*ed !e o$ !y right to "o!!ent
there and let the true details rea"h the readers ) A"tually , doubt it that ,-,- "are $or
"lari$ying their points o$ *ie' to'ards the a""usations !entioned there but sin"e the
editor is against ,-, praising the assassins "arried against ,-, !ilitants $ro! ti!e to
ti!e and begging the 'est to inter*ene and sa*e %osul, , thin. that a "ounter reply
should be there $or a balan"ed non/biased elaboration , not to deny that , a! a 0ro/,-,
'hen it "o!es to too !any issues: repla"ing the se"tarian and "ri!inal authority o$
Baghdad, bringing the straying people o$ %osul ba". to the righteous "ourse as per too
!any "ondu"ts that they spe"iali#e in li.e letting their drains out to streets 'ith all those s!ells o$ urine and $e"es , bad neighborhood ethi"s and using ,sla! as a "o*er to
"on"eal their $a*ored pra"ti"es o$ "heating in e*ery a"t o$ trade, e1tre!e egois! and
sel$ishness as they thin. that they are the best ra"e in ,ra2 as 'ell as relying on others to
do their o'n 'or. doing by their $a*orite saying 3 -itting on the hill is !ore sa$e 3,
things that , had been prea"hing against in too !any editorials by no' 4 This editorial
!ight be "onsidered a "ounter des"ription $ro! an alternate perspe"ti*e $or another
"iti#en o$ %osul, ,-, stronghold ) ,-, is a grey i!age, neither +ust bla". nor +ust 'hite)
,t is to be 'eighed through an o*erall bird5s eye perspe"ti*e into "onsideration
'hat situation 'as 'iped o$$ and 'hat atro"ities had been "o!!itted here ) A per$e"t
re"o!!endation letter ought to !ention pros and "ons o$ the rele*ant person 4
Today as , 'as "learing the +un. on our roo$top there 'as that hornets hi*e settling right
abo*e !y head ) , had to .no". it do'n in order to $eel "o!$ortable arranging things
be$ore the rainy season )As , glan"ed the e!pty hi*e , "ouldn5t help !ysel$
:6 7hy the hell do all people ad!ire the hi*e o$ bees and not that o$ 'asps and
hornets86) Al!ost the sa!e geo!etry and he1agonal shapes, is it be"ause o$ the honey
being here and not there 8 3) ast !onth the lo"al ne's subtitle o$ one Anti/,-, satellite
tele*ision station spread ne's about ,-, resorting to ne' te"hni2ues to "ater $or loss o$
oil re*enues ) The 3 9e' Te"hni2ue6 'as "harging auto!obiles dri*ers $or &:;0 ,<=> ?;
"ents( as a $ee) The old tari$$ 'as 12;0 ,<= & > 1 @-=( sin"e 200A and no one
e*er "ared to ob+e"t or in2uire 4 Bn"e again: bee hi*e *s) hornet5s hi*e 4
,-,- stor!ed %osul in less than 2 days, this is old ne's by no' ) They $or"ed the ar!y
and poli"e battalions to retreat $or $urther *i"torious assaults by the hour rea"hing as $ar
as Ti.rit and =hulooiya so "lose to Baghdad ) This is 'hat happened here on the 9
Cune and is still perple1ing to all people 'ho "all !e o""asionally in2uiring, ho' the hell
it all happened 8 , already li*e so "lose to the s"ene o$ the $inal do'n$all that , ha*e a
"lear idea o$ 'hat happened there, and this is 'hat entitles !e to inter*ene 'hene*er
needed ) i.e all "hanges that so"ieties all o$ a sudden , the ,-, presen"e got
%osul people ta.e sides , those 'ho disappro*ed o$ ,-, see! to ha*e done that
a""ording to their interests 'hile those 'ho 'el"o!ed the "hange see! to ha*e done so
a""ording to 'hat they ideologi"allyDtheologi"ally $a*or or belie*e in ) The $irst "ategory
is *ery !u"h sensed in this to'n $or the 3trading6 nature o$ it and the $a!ous trend o$ this
to'n to re$rain $ro! any ha#ardous ris. ) 0eople are .no'n here to !ind their o'n
business and a*oid indulging into 'hat endangers their sa$ety, business and o*erall
tran2uility, e*en i$ others o$ their o'n to'n are do'n there in dungeons $a"ing
Tor2ue!ada hi!sel$ ) Any situation that "auses the ! to slo' do'n and "ho.e is
ne*er appro*ed or hailed here e*en i$ it 'as a liberation a"t ) This is not a dis"o*ery to
announ"e, it is hu!an nature in deed, but 'hat is bi#arre 'ith %osul is that the situation
pro"eeding the brea.through o$ ,-,- 'as not ordinary by any !eans so that one "an
+udge ,-,- and 'hat they did to a$$e"t li$e routine as i$ %osul 'as li*ing a pea"e$ul li$e)
A dog li$e in deed 4 ,t is li.e "o!paring #ero to !inus $i$ty in !y o'n opinion ) 7e had
tens o$ young !en detained e*ery other day 'ithin arbitrary raids , transported to the 2

,n$antry =i*ision E< in the silen"e o$ the night $or interrogation, hu!iliation and torture
by ,ranian stooges, to $urther be sent to Baghdad $or the $inal blo' 'here ne1t 'ee. the
ne's 'ould be o$ anony!ous "orpses around du!ping sites o$ Baghdad, not e*en
a tra"e o$ theirs to bury and their relati*es 'ho 'ould ha*e guts to go sear"h the !orgues
'ould end up e1e"uted too 4 There 'as no need in $a"t $or any "harge to detain any , it
'as a 0ro/,ran s"he!e to depri*e this to'n o$ any strength and to let it 'ither a'ay )
=aily li$e itsel$ 'as a li*ing hell) 7e had !ore than hal$ our "o!!uting streets blo".ed
'asting our ti!e $or ele*en 'hole years trying to es"ort our .ids to s"hool, the ar!y 'as
trying to sei#e the residential blo".s 'ith the least nu!ber o$ soldiers through "losing
*ast areas 'ith a single inletDoutlet all be"ause too !any soldiers and o$$i"ers deserting
!ilitary ser*i"e, no night li$e sin"e the to'n gets a bla".out and all shops "lose around F
p! e*ery night , the tra$$i" +a! 'as a hell to endure se*eral ti!es a day, yet 'ith no
i!pro*e!ent in se"urity at all $or assassinations "ontinued 'ith not one single "ase
resol*ed ) 7e ha*e outsiders $ro! southern pro*in"es in the $or! o$ soldiers and $ederal
poli"e ,or should , be saying & pro*o"ateurs ( "ursing our re*ered $igures and sa"red
the!es at tens o$ "he".points that 'e had to negotiate) Gou be losing your li$e i$ you
thin. o$ "ursing his idols too 4 <uite easy to es"ape any punish!ent sin"e there is that
la': 4/Terroris! 'hi"h had been designed to $it any s"enario ) 9ot one single street pit or
bu!p had been repaired or pa*ed all these years 'hile Hurds !anaged to i!pro*e their
li$e to e1tre!es "o!pared to the $atal degradation in e*ery aspe"t o$ li$e here : pollution,
!assi*e noise and s!o.e e*ery'here around you, bringing all the deported people $ro!
#ones "lai!ed by the Hurds into %osul residential se"tors to alter the so"ial i!age as 'e
had "attle and stray .ids all around our pla"es due to that "haos they brought upon our
li$e , shopping !eant rotten !eats and poultry as 'ell e1pired goods and $orged e1piry
dates in a syste!ati" !anner ,e*en *egetables as the tru".s used to be delayed $or days at
"he".points $ro! -yrian borders to %osul to arri*e in partial de"ay , bribes and
$orbidding any properties routine transa"tions due to Hurds obstru"ting e*erything in this
!atters to satis$y their greed to s'allo' %osul too ) They are a""used o$ assassinating all
real estate sta$$ 'ho 'ould i!ple!ent any transa"tion o$ property in the eastern ban. o$
the ri*er ) Ele*en 'hole years and the 'hole eastern side o$ the to'n is $orbidden $ro!
registration leading to !assi*e disputes in the "ourt roo!s and obstru"tion o$ a"2uiring
properties there ) The list is *ery long so in a "onte1t li.e this 'o!en o$ this to'n ought
to "onsider 'hat ,-,- had o$$ered to this to'n and its people in stead o$ 'ailing on a
.eyboard ) ,-, o$$ered %osul the $ollo'ings : sal*ation $ro! a !u"h 'orse than a
$oreign o""upation, dignity, pea"e and sa$ety to dri*e on the streets e*en at A or 4 a!
'ithout being 2uestioned and .i".ed, erasure o$ bo!bings that used to be a daily routine,
$ree transportation and $ree phone "alling .ios.s, en$or"ing respe"t o$ 2ueues in gas
stations and else& so!ething that ,ra2is ne*er learned and ne*er 'el"o!ed (, ta"t$ul and
elo2uent treating and addressing, prote"tion o$ state enterprises and o$$i"es in stead o$
allo'ing !uggers and thugs to loot and burn& $or the $irst ti!e in ,ra2i history(, $or"ing a
s! ban that see!s to 'or. alright so $ar be"ause these people do not bribe and do
not a""ept $alse lies and apologies ) ,t is a "o!parison that ought to be !ade in stead : to
en+oy li$e as it 'as be$ore the ninth o$ Cune 'hile your $ol.s are 'ithering in dungeons
'orse than those Ihristian ,n2uisition rituals o$ Andalusia , or to a""ept the alternati*e as
it is: a sa*ior to relie$ all those burdens, 'ith the in"lusion o$ en$or"ing *eils plus the
shortages e1pe"ted 'ith su"h a ta.e o*er in $uel, ele"tri"ity and else , .no'ing that ,-,-
is not the "ause o$ all shortages ,it is a go*ern!ent a"t that had been de"lared in deed
allegedly to depri*e ,-, itsel$ 4
7hen the out"o!e o$ ,-,- brea.through is 'eighed against !inor issues li.e *eil
en$or"e!ent & 'hi"h , !ysel$ do not appro*e o$ and $ind it not "o!pulsory a""ording to
!y understanding o$ Eoly <uran "ontents , and a""ording to 'hat !odern li$e de!ands
and i!plies ( but , 'ouldn5t go as $ar as & "rying( and shouting !y insides out li.e the
lady edited on The Guardian , 'hi"h re!inds !e o$ a $e' A!eri"ans 'ho "o!plained in
one "hat roo! one year a$ter the 9D11 a"ts, o$ the harass!ent and delay they 'ere $a"ing
in airports "he". ups $or se"urity s"reening) Bne guy responded by the! 'hether
they 'ould pre$er a hi+a".ed $light in stead to e*entually en+oy a speedy "rash or
burning 4 6 9o 0ain, 9o Gain 3, isn5t it 'hat you Europeans and A!eri"ans tea"h your
.ids and trainees e*ery ti!e the nagging starts 8 9ot one ,ra2i resistan"e $or!ation 'as
able to drea! o$ a plot that "an dri*e the 0ro/,ran go*ern!ent se"urity $or"es & as 'ell as
those "hau*inist Hurdish 0esh!erga( out o$ %osul, ne*er, e1"ept ,-, 4 All the ele"tri"ity
"ut o$$s and degradation o$ other aspe"ts o$ li$e $a"ing depression & so!e business $ields
not all ( is due to the "entral go*ern!ent o$ Baghdad punishing the 'hole &-unnie( to'n
to $or"e the! to 'ish ,-,- be o$$ the s"ene and to es"ape bla!ing the abrupt do'n$all on
their elite -hiite $or"es 'hi"h 'ere supposed to prote"t the "ity ) E*en salaries o$
go*ern!ent sta$$ and pensions $or people li.e !y "ase 'ere denied by the go*ern!ent at
$irst until so!ething "aused Al %ali.i to 'ithdra' and agree to issuing it all ) Fuel
deli*eries & Gasoline, =iesel Bil, Herosene, 0G, ubri"ants, ))et"( used to rea"h %osul
$ro! Bai+i and =a'ra re$ineries syste!ati"ally until the !inistry o$ oil banned it all $or
the alleged "ause o$ depri*ing ,-,- o$ any resour"es, but the !a+or loser is .no'n to be
the people o$ these to'ns not ,-, itsel$, -yria is their !ain sour"e as e*ery body
.no's )
The ru!ors that 'ere $abri"ated by $rigid $ello's and "ir"ulated a"ross %osul 'ere so
!any and so instantaneous that one ,-,- prea"her !ounted the !os2ue altar last Culy and
addressed the attendants o$ that Friday ser!on telling the! that ,-,- had been da##led by
the a!ount o$ those ru!ors ) First it 'as that $e!ale genitals !utilation ru!or , the thing
to $ind all a"ross Hurdistan in deed and in a hideous te"hni2ue , yet no one e*er !entions
it but they $eel satis$ied to lin. it to ,-, in stead 4 then it 'as the $or"ed !arriage ru!or
that got hundreds o$ $a!ilies 'ith !ature daughters to $lee to Hurdistan although so!e o$
the! la".ed the !oney needed to support a long/ter! stay out there, but aren5t !ost
!arriages in %osul and !ost ,ra2i to'ns a sort o$ $or"ed !arriage 'here the $ather and
!other do the "hoosing part and appro*e o$ no lo*e be$ore !arriage8 The $unny thing
here is that %osul is one to'n that has a high per"entage o$ spinsters and
di*or"edD'ido'ed 'i*es , in su"h "o!!unities the "hoi"e o$ polyga!y is en"ouraged by
'o!en the!sel*es & !others o$ depri*ed daughters( rather than the !en as e1pe"ted ,
yet, the huge a!ount o$ dar. propaganda borro'ed $ro! -yrian e1peri!ent got the
people o$ %osul to belie*e it and a"t a""ordingly ) Then it 'as ru!ors o$ ,-,-
"he".points "on$is"ating the original and o$$i"ial ,= "ards & one o$ $our !ain do"u!ents
that e*ery ,ra2i ought to sho' in e*ery o$$i"ial paper a"t or transa"tion ( $ro! people in a
harsh !anner, allegedly to be repla"ed by a ne'ly issued ,= "ard 'ith the ,-,- slogan on
it) 0eople spread it on too !any Fa"eboo. sites and on -%- too, they a*oided "arrying
their genuine ,= "ards and resorted to photo"opies in stead) Then ,last but not least, the
ru!or o$ barring $e!ales $ro! "ollege study) E*entually, none o$ that pro*ed to be true )
9o' 'hat is ,-, to us %osul people 8 et5s tal. o$ %i"ro J %a"ro i!ages o$ ,-, here)
Bne guy in2uired in his "o!!ent to that editorial: 'hat is the opinion o$ us %usli!s o$ it
all 8 To understand ho' , !ysel$ ,$or instan"e, *ie' ,-,, 'e need to "onsider 'hat is
there $ro! Baghdad 400 .! to the south and do'n to Basra, al!ost 900 .! south o$
%osul, 'ith so!e A? terrorist organi#ation ,all -hiite in $aith , all 0ro/,ran in a$$iliation
and $inan"ing, all so deter!ined to erase -unnies $ro! the ,ra2i ethni" !ap, or d'ar$
the! in the least) The thing $or e*ery outsider to digest is that 'hat is a"tually happening
here $or ages by no' is a Kendetta ping 0ong ga!e 4 ,ranians are a$ter a*enging the
do'n$all o$ their 0ersian e!pire 1400 years ago, ,ra2i J all Arab -hiites are a$ter
a*enging the slaughtering o$ their third ,!a! , Alhusain, as he re*olted against the
@!ayyad Ialiph by then) These are *ery old issues that any rational guy $eels pu##led to
i!agine and understand) ,-, are !ostly ,ra2is 'ho 'ere reported to @- Ar!y & and to
,ra2i se"urity $or"es later on ( $or true and e*en $alse a""usations) They are a$ter a
Kendetta o$ their o'n) , happen to understand their issue but not those old one !entioned
abo*e) ,$ 'e all are an end to this pheno!ena it is a !ust that 'e a!end the
'hole syste! and in*ert it all, other'ise the "hain rea"tioning *engean"e 'ill ne*er stop )
All go*ern!ental positions are denied in the $a"e o$ -unnies, all the se"tarian
assassinations , .idnapping and deportation 'ent 'ithout any person or !ilitia being held
a""ount $or) ,$ all those !ilitias !ean $angs and "la's to -hiites, then ,-, is the "ounter
thing $or us -unnies, 'hy not re+oi"e $or their *i"tory8 ,$ the pri"e $or sal*ation is as silly
as $or"ing %osul ladies to pra"ti"e "hastity a""ording to ,sla!i" -haree5a by $ollo'ing
*eils and de"ent styles o$ "ostu!es& neither *ery tight nor transparent(, or banning
toba""o and s! in general pla"es & 'hi"h , strongly hail and applaud $or( then it is
all right $or !e and $or all !y $ol.s 'ho ha*e had enough 'ith !arginali#ation ,
hu!iliation and insults on the 'ay e*ery day, a 9o)1 out o$ 10 on the -eis!i" s"ale o$
-e"tarianis!, 9o) F "ould be sodo!y in prisons and eyes plu".ing, lea*ing the ne1t t'o
"ategories $or your i!agination and 'hat is on GouTube $ro! ti!e to ti!e 4 ,-,
are not only a$ter en$or"ing *eils and banning s! They inter*ene in "ases that are
!ost desired by us here, li.e 'hen the lo"al generator o'ner plays !on.ey business 'ith
us in e1tre!ely hot days o$ su!!er& lo".ing hi! in a "ar 'ith "losed 'indo's, 'ith the
heater B9 $or hal$ to one $ull hour(, 'at"hing o*er dri*ing against the right dire"tion,
hi+a".ing the 2ueue roll as is *ery popular in this to'n, punishing "hildren !olesters and
teenagers 'ho harass lonely girls in the neighborhood) To tell the truth, the %i"ro i!age
o$ ,-, & the 'ay 'e see the! around and their presen"e on ground here( is the best so
$ar, e*en !u"h better than -adda!5s days that !ost ,ra2is 'ish to "o!e ba". ) The %a"ro
i!age & their plans 'ith @-A and European "ountries and 'hat ea"h o$ the! is up to in
an international "on$li"t that is hardly dis"losed $or any to understand ( is the one 'e
ha*e no 'ay o$ ! sure it is true sin"e it all is the ongoing ru!ors spreading on the
!edia and ,nternet ) The real reasons 'hy ,-, targeted Hurds are no se"ret to us,
Hurdish !ilitary in %osul 'ithin the 2
,n$antry =i*ision& be$ore 9oori Al!ali.i
repla"ed the! 'ith -hiite troops( used to e1e"ute all !ilitants 'ithout sub+e"ting the! to
trials ) Their patrols 'ould be pla"ing one blind/$olded !an a"ross the street a$ter
!idnight in neighborhoods ad+a"ent to their !ilitary posts and shoot hundreds o$ hea*y
!a"hine guns at the *i"ti!, ordering the neighbors to lea*e the body as it is $or dogs to
approa"h , , belie*e the Hurds deser*e !ore than +ust atta".ing the! ) 9eedless to say,
being sub+e"ted to all this as 'ell as being $ra!ed by both Hurds J -hiites $or a 0ro/
,-, no !atter 'hat ,all -unnie Arabs o$ %osul are destined and !andated too, to
"onsider the %i"ro i!age o$ ,-, and "ling to their sa*ior )
, 'ent through all "o!!ents on that editorial and "an only agree 'ith those 'ho
denoun"ed $or"ing the *eil & add to it one point that 'as not highlighted, 'o!en
to 2uit their +obs ,'hi"h is !u"h !ore har!$ul and re+e"ted than +oining the uni*ersity ,
$or ,ra2 is all about 'ido's, di*or"ees and 'i*es o$ "rippled !en (, but , "an assure you
that there is nothing li.e $or"ing young !en to enlist) 0eople here need to $ight 'illingly
$or their $reedo! ,other'ise they 'ill turn li.e those nati*e A!eri"ans in @-A, isolated
and !arginali#ed $ore*er ) 9ot e*ery one 'ho proposes to enlist is a""epted by ,-, ) ,n
one stan"e a bun"h o$ peasants 'ho applied to be $ighters 'ith ,-, here 'ere ordered to
!ar"h the !ilitary 'ay) 7hile they 'ere !ar"hing a grenade 'as thro'n a$ter their trail)
Those 'ho pani".ed 'ere e1"luded at on"e 4 Also there is no !ules in %osul to be used
'ith "arts selling $ruits and *egetables li.e that editor stated) ,n $a"t the !ere !entioning
o$ a !ule tells us the editor is !ore li.ely to be a Hurdish lady residing 'here !ules had
al'ays been there $or ages, and that she is not in %osul at all sin"e %osul has only
don.eys and horses $or "arts to'ing and it had been going here $or de"ades by no' not as
a result o$ ,-, brea.through , to sell and buy salt, 'heat J bran ) The real thing
happening lately here is indi*iduals roa!ing the ba". streets in "ars 'ith noisy loud
spea.ers pro!oting $or gro"eries at redu"ed pri"es ) The lo' de!and $or "ash
una*ailability is the reason $or it, not ,-,, on"e again ) The 3Abaya6 & that bla". thin
go'n "o*ering a 'o!an $ro! head to toes, originally ,ranian and 'as here in %osul until
late se*enties 'hen Cubbah repla"ed it( , is not part o$ the ,-, $e!ale "ostu!e to i!pose
as that editorial !entioned ) The *eil is to be used 'ith 3 Cubbah6 & a !a1i robe li.e go'n
'ith buttons and belt to se"ure it ( as de"lared by ,-, , +ust 'hat all %osul ladies 'ere
and ha*e been using sin"e the eighties o$ last "entury 4 And as $or young girls negati*e
$eelings to'ards the ne'ly i!posed "ostu!e , "an tell that it is there $or sure sin"e it is
$or"ed and alien to ,ra2i "ulture ) , ha*e seen girls o$ so!e relati*es and neighbors
ob+e"ting to abide by it as the *eil &Hhi!ar( obstru"ts *ision and breathing too, but ,
doubt it that those teenagers 'ere annoyed by any o$ these annoyan"es , it is +ust that they
'ant their $a"es to be re"ogni#ed , other'ise 'ho is going to propose and as. $or their
hands later on 8 The thing is that ,-, 'at"hdogs a*oid any !easures against the
ladies 'ho do not "o*er their $a"es ) ,n stead, they hold their sponsors & husband,
$ather ,))et"( responsible $or it, e*en the ta1i dri*er 'ho agrees to pi". the! 'ithout
putting the *eil) %ost ta1i dri*ers .eep 2/A *eils $or su"h "ases ) -o $ar one sor"erer had
been e1e"uted, de"apitation style, as 'ell as t'o !en 'hipped in publi" $or li2uor
"harges) Another "ouple 'ere stoned to death, $or $orni"ation and it 'as all announ"ed
and attended by spe"tators) Bther e1e"utions in"luded o$$i"ials 'ho had ties 'ith the late
pri!e !inister and 'or.ed as stooges o$ his or those 'ho are a$$iliated 'ith Hurdish and
e1tre!e -hiite parties and !ilitias) A!ongst the! are ladies 'ho 'aged the late ele"tions
and 'ere e1e"uted $or that ) All !agistrates 'ere redee!ed sa".ed, and la'yers are no
!ore needed in "ourt roo!s ) The old +usti"e syste! is no !ore *alid here) %y o'n
opinion is that it 'as a rotten syste! ,one that , had enough 'ith its short"o!ings,
blu$$ing and $orging o$ rules ) Too !u"h bribes and "onspira"ies, "on$is"ation o$ people5s
belongings and properties unright$ully due to a *ery stupid la' boo. that 'as !u"h li.e a
!a#e 'ith too !any tri".s and se"ret doors that the la'yers and +udges .ept $or
the!sel*es, long gone and $orgotten too 4
Alternately, 'hat are -hiite !ilitias in "ontrast to ,-, 8 They all 'ere $or!ed by ,ran
and patroni#ed by @- ad!inistration during George 7) Bush reign) They .ept their
arsenal o$ s!all and !ediu! ar!s plus ro".ets and grenades laun"hers and re"ruiting
o$$i"es in publi" 'hile the @- ar!y 'as disar!ing -unnies e*en o$ a single pistol , 'hile
the @- ar!y 'as destroying all those a!!unition depots in hundreds although they did
"ost ,ra2 its oil re*enues $or de"ades ) The -hiite !ilitias used to roa! the streets in
Toyota pi".ups 'ith R0G/: laun"hers ,$earing no or detention 'hile -unnies
'ere stal.ed, reported $or as "heap a bounty as ;0 @-= paid at Ki"tory Base & Baghdad
Airport( ) 7hen the t'o golden shrines o$ -a!arra 'ere destroyed in 200? hundreds o$
those pi".ups 'ere rushed $ro! Baghdad -adr ghetto all the 'ay to -a!arra starting a
bloody episode o$ se"tarian .illing that lasted $or years to $ollo' ) Their "ri!es in"luded
roasting -unnies ali*e in an ill/na!ed !ud $urna"e in Boob Alsha! industrial area north
east o$ Baghdad, one that they used to brag about and "all &Tannoor Al Lahra( i)e) The
Barbe"ue o$ Fati!a daughter o$ %oha!!ad and 'i$e o$ their !ain idol ,!a! Ali ) ,t 'as
+ust be"ause the *i"ti!s na!es 'ere B!ar, %ar'an, -u$yan, Bth!an or Ba.r that they
'ere assassinated that 'ay 4 7ho is the real terrorist in your opinion, ,-, or -hiites o$
those $anati" !ilitias 8 The @- ar!y .ept +ust 'at"hing and nothing !ore than that,
'hile , !ysel$ 'as about to be detained so!e 40 .ilo!eters north o$ Baghdad sa!e ti!e
o$ the year be"ause a stupid !ariner !istoo. the steering 'heel lo". & anti robbery tool( ,
had in !y "ar $or a steel "lub 4 ,t 'as a !assi*e treason and a dirty plot that 'e -unnies
paid so dearly $or and are still doing till no') Alternati*ely, ,-,- 'as $or!ed as a rea"tion
to all the atro"ities and grueso!e pra"ti"es that the 'hole 'orld .ept so negati*ely silent
$or !ore than ten years) ,$ one state is to be bla!ed $or "reating ,-, it is @-A and the
deliberate detentions o$ !ost o$ ,-, !ilitants in Ia!p Bu""a as re*ealed by one leader
o$ theirs here ) Bne $riend o$ !ine 'as detained a$ter a se"ret agent 'as assassinated
outside a !os2ue 'est o$ %osul around 200; ) The !ilitants e1posed the !i"rophones on
the *i"ti!5s bare "hest as 'ell as unplugging a 'eird !odule $ro! his "ar ne1t to
shooting hi!, and all at on"e there 'ere A!eri"an "hoppers and Eu!*ee patrols rushing
to the s"ene) The perpetrators $led the s"ene all at on"e but !y $riend, the e1tre!ely
pea"e$ul and -u$i s"holar 'as detained a!ongst !any o$ those 'ho 'ere attending the
prayer by then ) A""ording to hi! as , !et hi! upon being released $ro! Ia!p Bu""a
t'o years later, the A!eri"an interrogators told hi! that they $ound hi! 100M "lean but
they ought to let hi! 3 soa.6 in that prison $or too long 4 A""ording to his *ision , the @-
Ar!y needed to "reate a *iolent bun"h o$ radi"als one 'ay or another , 'hy8 et the!
spea. it the!sel*es i$ they dare 4
oqlrh nstfuqr oifih smhvi qlij wjsxty mh
tqzh hlrqgrth{ |} qis {fg~ hfg
Those o$ us 'ho re!ain trapped in our on"e *ibrant "ity ha*e been plunged ba". into the
dar. ages by ,sis, 'ith no 'ay out
o aila Ah!ed
o The Guardian, Friday 29 August 2014 1F)12 B-T
o Cu!p to "o!!ents & A0A (
N<uestions haunt us) 7hat is our $uture8 7ill the ,ra2 go*ern!ent and the international
"o!!unity "o!e to sa*e us8N 0hotograph: %aria de la GuardiaDBar"ro$t %
%y days ha*e started 'ith the sa!e "on*ersation $or the past t'o !onths) Bne o$ !y
brothers as.s: 3-hall 'e "he". 'hi"h roads are "lear today86 Then the 'hole $a!ily
begins to 'eigh up the ris.s o$ staying in %osul or getting out be$ore 'e are $or"ed $ully
ba". into the stone age) 7e tal. about it around the brea.$ast table, or as 'e sit in our
li*ing roo!, eyes glued to the tele*ision hoping that ne's o$ go*ern!ent $or!ation in
Baghdad or de"isions in ondon or 7ashington to bo!b !eans our night!are 'ill end)
But e*ery day it be"o!es "learer: our $ate is not in our hands)
-in"e the $ighters o$ ,sla!i" -tate &,sis( s'ept into our "ity on 10 Cune, 'e ha*e been
li*ing in a state o$ $ear and li!bo O $ear o$ the brutality o$ ,sis, and in li!bo not .no'ing
'hen, or i$, the ,ra2i go*ern!ent or international $or"es 'ill push the! out) Eal$ a
!illion people es"aped on $oot or by "ar in the $irst 4F hours, but !ore than a !illion o$
us re!ain)
All the !ain roads in and out are "ontrolled by ,sis) Trying to lea*e 'ould !ean "rossing
t'o o$ their "he".points, 'here they "an deter!ine your $ate) 7hat is guaranteed is they
'ill ta.e anything pre"ious in !oney or gold) They 'ant you to lea*e 'ith only the
"lothes on your ba".) , ha*e already pa".ed a suit"ase o$ all !y old photographs and
letters) , "ould not bear to lea*e those behind)
But $or no' there is no lea*ing) The roads are too dangerous and !y elderly diabeti"
$ather "ould not !a.e it o$$ road) 7e also hear ru!ours about Hurdish authorities not
allo'ing young !en through their "he".points $or $ear they are ,sis $ighters in disguise)
7e "annot lea*e !y brothers behind) 7e are in this together as a $a!ily)
, ha*e had little intera"tion 'ith ,sis $ighters O and plan to .eep it that 'ay i$ , "an) But
those ,5*e seen on the streets o$ %osul do not loo. li.e ,ra2is) %y brother has spo.en to
%oro""ans, A$ghans and Ihe"hens at *arious "he".points) They "lai! they are our
3brothers6, but 'e 'ill ne*er a""ept the! as su"h)
-o , re!ain indoors to a*oid the!) The days are long and hot, 'ith te!peratures rea"hing
4FI) The nights are 'orse)
, 'as born and raised in this "ity) Today it $eels alien) , ha*e 'or.ed all !y li$e to be
edu"ated and enlightened, "o!pleted !y BA and !asters, and 'as "lose to "o!pleting
!y postgraduate studies 'hen ,sis stru".) 7e had 40 students postgraduate
"lasses, !ore than hal$ $e!ale) Fro! ne1t !onth 'e 'ill be barred $ro! attending the
uni*ersity) All this edu"ation +ust to be $or"ed ba". to the dar. ages and a ti!e o$ sla*ery
by !en 'ith guns)
As 'o!en 'e !ust no' also "o*er our $a"es O so!ething , "ould ha*e ne*er i!agined
being i!posed on !e) 7e are no longer allo'ed to lea*e ho!e 'ithout a !ale guardian)
%en are e1pe"ted to gro' their beards) 9e*er in the history o$ ,ra2 ha*e 'e had su"h
dra"onian la's) %y one and only *isit to the uni*ersity "a!e a$ter Eid) That !orning, ,
put on the abaya $or the $irst ti!e but , 'ent in 'ithout "o*ering !y $a"e) , !et so!e
$riends and 'e +o.ed ner*ously 'hile an air o$ sadness hung around us) , ha*e stopped
'orrying about the possibility o$ air against ,sis and the ine*itable bo!bs $alling
on "i*ilians) All , a! $i1ated on is this $a"e/"o*ering that haunts !e e*en in !y sleep)
7e hear o$ 'o!en ta.en by $or"e by ,sis !en to be"o!e their 3'i*es6) That is the
biggest $ear: that one day these $a"eless and na!eless !en 'ill barge into our ho!e and
ta.e !e or one o$ !y sisters) 7e don5t spea. about it, as though o$ our greatest
$ear !ay te!pt $ate) Then there are the ru!ours o$ young !en being ta.en by $or"e to
+oin the ran.s o$ ,sis, o$ $e!ale genital !utilation, o$ 3sla*e girls6 sold in !ar.ets)
, ha*e not seen or .no'n anyone su$$er su"h a terrible $ate, but it is enough to instil
"rippling $ear in our heartsP that is 'hat ,sis 'ants) Then there are the other reports o$
young bra*e !en atta".ing ,sis $ighters, o$ the ,ra2i ar!y preparing an onslaught) These
stories, true or not, allo' us a $leeting !o!ent o$ hope)
A +olt o$ reality hit !e at the end o$ Ra!adan 'hen , 'ent 'ith !y !other to buy an
abaya and .hi!ar &the $a"e/"o*er $or 'o!en() ,t 'as surreal to as. the shop o'ner, a
!an 'e had .no'n $or years, $or .hi!ars only to be told they had sold out O as i$ the
$a"e/"o*er had be"o!e the hottest $ashion ite!) i.e !any things in %osul these days, a
$ar"i"al re!inder o$ ho' absurd our reality has be"o!e)
7hat the shop did ha*e 'as the .hi!ar $or little girlsP yes, girls as young as 11 no' ha*e
to "o*er their $a"es) A 'o!an 'as there to buy her daughters their ne' 3uni$or!6 and
both 'ere "rying hysteri"ally, tugging at the ghastly bla". "loth to no a*ail) Their "rying
still rings in !y ears)
The horrors o$ ,sis are "oupled 'ith the !undane) Being under sel$/i!posed house arrest,
'ith !any $riends lea*ing the "ity and no e1pe"tations o$ going ba". to 'or. or
uni*ersity, boredo! en"ir"les you) The !ind/nu!bing routine o$ planning li$e around
ele"tri"ity "uts is not ne') @nder -adda! Eussein 'e li*ed 'ith daily po'er "uts) These
days 'e "onsider oursel*es lu".y 'ith t'o or three hours o$ ele"tri"ity) Gro"eries are
bought $ro! !ule/dra'n "arts going door to doorP a sight , ne*er sa' gro'ing up in this
on"e *ibrant "ity) And yet all this pales in signi$i"an"e to the dar. $ear ,sis has brought
'ith it to %osul)
<uestions haunt us) 7hat is our $uture8 7ill the ,ra2 go*ern!ent and the international
"o!!unity "o!e to sa*e us8 ,sis is $or"ing us either to go ba". to the dar. ages or to
lea*e) But $or no', it is ti!e to go ba". to $inding out the latest ne's on the roads out)
The author is an Iraqi woman in her 30s living in Mosul. Her name has been changed to
protect her identity

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