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Finger Print Based Student Identification with RFID based

Library Automation

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the wireless non-contact use of radio-
frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data, for the purposes of automatically identifying
and tracking tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored information. Some
tags are powered by and read at short ranges (a few meters) via magnetic fields (electromagnetic
induction). Others use a local power source such as a battery, or else have no battery but collect
energy from the interrogating EM field, and then act as a passive transponder to emit
microwaves or UHF radio waves (i.e. electromagnetic radiation at high frequencies). An RFID
tag is an object that can be applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the
purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves. Some tags can be read from several
meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a new generation of Auto Identification and
Data collection technology which helps to automate business processes and allows identification
of large number of tagged objects like books, using radio waves. RFID based Library
Management system would allow fast transaction flow for the library and will prove immediate
and long term benefits to library in traceability and security. The proposed system is based on
RFID readers and transaction sections, and library cards containing RFID-transponders which
are able to electronically store information that can be read / written even without the physical
contact with the help of radio medium. RFID systems encode the circulation status on the RFID
tag. If the material that has not been properly check-out is taken past the exit sensors, an
immediate alarm is triggered.
Along with that for security purpose we are providing one finger print
recognition system to access to get into library.
RFID-based systems move beyond security to become tracking systems that combine
security with more efficient tracking of materials throughout the library, including easier and
faster charge and discharge, inventorying, and materials handling.
This system contains finger printing access to authenticate the users and RFID provides
the easiness in managing the books.
The use of RFID reduces the amount of time required to perform circulation operations.
The most significant time savings are attributable to the facts that information can be read
from RFID tags much faster than from barcodes and that several items in a stack can be
read at the same time.
The readers are highly reliable. RFID library systems claim an almost 100 percent
detection rate using RFID tags.
RFID tags last longer than barcodes because nothing comes into contact with them.
The limitation of the system is that the range is not so much, beyond some feet.

Here for this project we are using open source platform ARDUINO because it is easily
available and its development is continuous and we can get help around worldwide. To read the
RFID card we are using one RFID card reader and we also included one FINGER PRINT reader
for recognizing the finger prints. For using ARDUINO platform we are using ARDUINO IDE
,which is also an open source software.

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