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Burning off excess fat
Gaining muscle,
energy and flexibility
Balancing moods
Eliminating insomnia,
anxiety, depression
Developing mental
clarity, focus,
concentration and
Saving the world
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Ive written down the 3 simple steps that I used to:

Lose over 135 pounds
Get more healthy and fit than I ever have been
Reduce my instances of sickness dramatically
Balance my emotions
Reduce my carbon imprint
Increase my environmental awareness
Feel really good in general and good about myself
And more

The three point trinity system is simple and easy to follow. I
describe how to do it, why you should do it, and address some
of the absolutely ridiculous common wisdom that might keep
you from doing it.

The system is also modular. Obviously the best results comes
from applying everything, but I have listed the steps in order
from simplest to most global lifestyle change. So, that anyone
who wants to benefit can start right now, losing weight; feeling
better, even if they are not ready to take the leap; and go all the
way just yet.

Read it. Try it. Youll love it!

Losing Weight
Feeling Great

Courtney Kolb


Losing Weight
Feeling Great

Courtneys Super-awesome, totally-rad and completely-
effective method for:

Burning off excess fat
Gaining muscl e, energy and fl exibil ity
Bal ancing moods
El iminating insomnia, anxiety, depression
Devel oping mental cl arity, focus, concentration
and creativity
Saving the worl d
and more

And having a great time doing it

Read this book, change your life!

Courtney Kolb


2012 Courtney Kolb
All Rights Reserved.


Im not a doctor, I am not claiming to be a doctor, and I
am only communicating my own thoughts, ideas, and
experiences. I havent personally gone to a doctor to check
anything out, while everything has worked amazingly for
me and the many people I know of who do this type of
stuff; we all might just be freak exceptions; so:

I absolutely recommend the approval of a medical doctor
before making any changes in your lifestyle whatsoever.
Anyone who chooses not to do this does so at their own


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.+,/*012,3*+ ............................................................................................................................................... 8
The Bistoiy of the System ...................................................................................................................... 9
What's In It Foi Ne. ............................................................................................................................... 1u
Bow Bo I Stait. ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Inteinal Alignment ............................................................................................................................................ 1S
Lifestyles anu Babits ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Recognize "Excusitis" as Resistance .......................................................................................................... 19
4"/, '+%5 .+,%/63,,%+, 7"-,3+8 ...................................................................................................... 27
Benefits ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Nyths anu Nisconceptions about Inteimittent Fasting .......................................................... S2
Bow to uo Inteimittent Fasting ......................................................................................................... S6
What I uo ..................................................................................................................................................... S7
Ny half-step: caloiie counting ........................................................................................................... S9
4"/, !9*5 :"3$; <=%/23-% ................................................................................................................... 4S
What I 0seu to Bo .................................................................................................................................... 46
What I Bo Now .......................................................................................................................................... 47
The Five Tibetans !"#$% ......................................................................................................................... 49
Bow to leain TST ..................................................................................................................................... Su
Foi the Yogis .............................................................................................................................................. Su
The Fiist Tibetan ..................................................................................................................................... S2
The Thiiu Tibetan ................................................................................................................................... S4
The Fouith Tibetan ................................................................................................................................. SS
The Fifth Tibetan ..................................................................................................................................... S6
Anu now foi. PL0S! ............................................................................................................................. S8
Beep Bieathing Exeicise ...................................................................................................................... 61
Beep Exhales ............................................................................................................................................. 62
vacuum bieathing ................................................................................................................................... 64
4"/, !>/%%5 ?%8"+3-6 "+0 @"9 7**0 ........................................................................................ 67
veganism ..................................................................................................................................................... 68
Peisonal Bealth ........................................................................................................................................ 69
The Benefits of a Plant Baseu Biet ................................................................................................... 7u
The Pioblems of the SAB ...................................................................................................................... 7S
Nyths anu Nisconceptions about a vegan Biet anu Bealth .................................................. 76
Enviionmental Factois ......................................................................................................................... 82
Ethics ............................................................................................................................................................ 84
The Whole System ................................................................................................................................... 89
WHO IS COURTNEY KOLB? ............................................................................................................ 91
ABB%+03=5 <;% '( @%C%$",3*+ ...............................92


I did it!

I lost over 135 lbs, achieved my goal weight, and it really wasnt
all that difficult. In fact, once I learned and slightly modified the
system I describe in this book, it was easy.

I initially wrote this book in early 2013, when I had already lost
over 100 lbs., which was when I was getting close to my goal
weight and was incredibly excited about the changes I was making
in my life.

I printed up copies and gave them to friends, family, people who
noticed my weight loss, and expressed interest in what I was doing.
The whole time my plan was to eventually update the book, once I
had achieved my goal weight, and sell it along with coaching and
hypnosis packages.

Ive changed the plan. I think this information is important, can
change and literally save lives. Also, I want everyone who is
interested to have it. I have made some alterations in the original
text to reflect my new experiences and growing knowledge, but
have left a lot of the information unaltered. I have also include, as
appendices, two books that have a lot of wonderful information
that will benefit anyone who wants to learn these systems.

If you want to loose weight, look and feel great, save yourelf, and
save the world, I truly believe this book may just change your life.

Courtney Kolb
July 2014
The History of the System

The three phase system outlined in this little booklet was put
together and communicated in its essence to me by Mvanah
Maloti, healer and initiated South African Sangoma. Mvanah, like
myself, was very overweight and suffering from the problems
associated with that. He lost 120 lbs; very quickly through this
system and his success and enthusiasm is what inspired me to give
it a try. I did not take long at all for me to reap the benefits of what
he calls his trinity system and feel great. In that time I also began
to naturally do more research into the field he outlines and become
a great believer in the benefits of each of the three main branches.

What Ive done here is to explain each of three phases in detail,
and according to my own understanding: to help others. I have
placed each section in order from the easiest life changes to make
(intermittent fasting) to the most global (a vegan raw diet) in the
hopes that even those who read this and are not yet ready to make
all the changes offered will still be able to make rapid and
wonderful changes in their life. I have also included descriptions of
things Ive added such as, breathing exercises in T5T+, yoga, and
calorie counting because I find these things useful, powerful, and

My goal is to present the three aspects of the trinity system, both
individually and as a whole, along with my own small innovations
to hopefully present a little bit of the enthusiasm I have for it.
Please keep in mind that my enthusiasm comes from experiencing
the benefits of this system and that if I can inspire you to try it, I
am quite sure that you will be enthusiastic as well!

Whats In It For Me?

This page probably isnt necessary. I mean, if youve shown
enough interest for me to give you a copy of this and especially if
you have enough interest to actually be reading this, then you
already know what you want to get to get out of it.

My primary motivation for changing my lifestyle and diet was to
lose weight so that I could look better and stop getting sick so
often. Changing my lifestyle and diet worked and Ive ordered the
sections in the book to reflect that goal: putting them in order from
easiest changes to make, through the largest changes. Depending
on how much, if anything, you chose to apply to your own life you
may get any or all of the following benefits and more:

Burn off excess body fat
Experience mental, physical and psychological healing
Reduce (or eliminate) colds, flus and other bugs
Vastly reduce the risk of heart disease, certain cancers,
diabetes and many other life threatening ilnesses
Balance of your moods and emotions
Eliminate lethargy, anxiety, depression, sexual dysfunction
and constipation
Sleep better at night, no insomnia
Wake up with more energy
Increase you strength, endurance and flexibility
Develop lean muscle mass
Develop mental focus and clarity
Increased concentration and creativity
Increased productivity
Kick bad habits

These are, I think youll agree are major benefits. You can even
help to:
Conserve the natural resources of our planet
Help to replenish the surviving environment
Spare the lives of animals in the air, sea and ground the world
Gain access to new levels of awareness, compassion,
spirituality and intuition.

I cant claim to have fully received all the benefits possible from
this lifestyle yet, but I have experienced so many benefits:
physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually
that it blows my mind. I have experienced levels of all the above
benefits and more that I know, it can all happen.

So what do you think?
Want to give it a try?

How Do I Start?

This is the biggest question that I get asked. Any diet or lifestyle
change, which is what it really needs to be, has its success stories,
but there are always many more failures. I suspect that everyone
has at least once in their lives, decided to make a change and
simply not stuck with it. Also, assuming you have a healthy
sustainable plan (eg. Not the Atkins diet) then pretty much
anything should work if you really stick with it.

How do you make sure that happens? I dont know, but I have a
couple ideas that I think might be useful. I think you need to be
internally aligned and I think you need to focus on changing your
lifestyle rather than just a quick fix. Even for weight loss, a quick
fix is not effective and to get any of the other benefits that is
certainly not the way to go.

Luckily I think that if most people really do make a sincere aligned
effort to try this three (three and a half) point system I really do
think they will feel so good and see so many positive results that
they will naturally and easily stick with it. Thats it.

But if you are interested in applying that to another system, or just
want to read some of my ramblings because your killing time at a
bus stop or something then: ??

Internal Alignment

Firstly, the decision has to be internal. In my experience you can
decide to make a lifestyle change because someone else wants you
to or because you think you should. Its also not enough to simply
want to. You need to be aligned.

Im sure that, if you think about it, you can think of a time, in the
past, that you tried to do something and repeatedly failed; and
Im sure, if you really think about it, you can remember several
times that you have, maybe after failing multiple times, that you
made a decision and something changed. Perhaps the was an
internal click and things felt different or the voice in the back of
your head changed or you saw different pictures when you thought
about this thing or situation, but you no longer had to try, you
simply did and it worked. Even if you cant, think of time right
now, your unconscious mind already has and knows exactly what I
mean. This is the state that you need.

I have had times over the last year and a half that I was only
partially fulfilling the plan that I was on and I knew that I should
be doing something different. Sometimes I would try with will
power to make myself change, but that didnt usually work.
Rather, more often, I would simply wait. I knew that I had made
certain changes when I felt the need to and that I was doing well. I
also knew that in time I would feel a new motivation to make a
new change and at that time I would be able to do it congruently
and effectively. Not always easily but from an aligned state.

I believe that very, very, few people can effectively make major
life changes through willpower alone. This is what you are doing if
you try to change based on an external force, whether that be
someone elses opinion or what you think you should do (stop
shoulding on yourself!). The problem is that your conscious will
power is no match for the power of a resisting unconscious mind.
Thats the battle if you consciously make a change for, what you
think you should do, and you will loose. Furthermore, what if you
do succeed? Well then your entire lifestyle will be consciously
working against your internal feeling. That is not healthy and it
might have ultimately been better just to keep your bad habit.

Now the bad side of all of the above is that kind of takes the
control out of your hands and seems like you need to just sit
around until you get around to automatically changing your entire
life. Obviously that is ridiculous and impractical to say the least.

First of all, you only really need to be internally aligned that you
want to change and that you want to give something, possibly this
system a fair try. And you dont need to just wait around for that to
happen either. Reading a book like this might, hopefully, get you
excited about trying it out. While I have mixed feeling about
motivational speakers and products, this is the area where that
might be helpful too because the enthusiasm they inspire might get
you started on a genuinely sustainable path that, once it proves
itself to you, you will keep going.

Another exercise that might be helpful is to look at where you are
right now. Look at all the aspects of your lifestyle that dont serve
you and how they negatively impact you. Now imagine the effect
your current lifestyle will have on you in five years, now ten years.
Look at yourself, heavier, sicker, more depressed and anxious,
foggy headed, and not having enough energy to get done what you
want to get done in life (go ahead and make it extreme, that show
imagery works!).

Set that picture you just made aside and think about the benefits I
mentioned earlier and any others that you are after. Imagine having
all those changes in your life and imagine now, with this new
lifestyle, how your life could be in five years, now ten years. Look
at yourself, thinner, healthier, energetic, happy, clear headed,
creative and productive. Look at yourself, in the future now,
thinking back about how happy you are about the new lifestyle that
you started.

Compare and contrast the two pictures youve just made. Which
direction would you like to choose? Take that second picture (the
one I am assuming you are more drawn to) and see that with all of
the benefits you desire and all of the resources you need to make
all of the changes you want. See that you as someone who can
easily, congruently, and effectively make life changes and live the
life that he or she wants. Your future self doesnt need to do
anything, they simply possess all the resources they need. Now
take that picture and make it bigger and brighter in your head, in
full color and close up. Take any noises or voices that your future
self might be making and turn them up and take those positive
feelings you are feeling when you see and hear it and make those
even more intense.

You can now use this picture to create generative change in your
life. If you know the technique called the swish pattern you can
use that, but anytime you are having trouble following through
with any part of your plan, just visualize this image powerfully
before and you may be surprised at how effectively it helps.

For some people, none of this enough. Many people, especially
people who are extremely overweight have a lot of issues that they
need to work through. You may feel that you have a block, that
you continually sabotage yourself, or that you cant seem to stick
with any system, food plan or lifestyle that you try.

Its important to realize that you still can be the person you want to
be. Many people dont understand these internal blocks and see
them as a lack of will, laziness, weakness or just not wanting it
enough. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The truth is that there is a lot going on under the surface and that
long standing issues, whether they be weight related, addictions,
negative habits and personality traits or phobias are very often
caused by mistaken beliefs about yourself (often stemming from a
very young age). Whether they are from resentment and anger
towards others who have hurt you in the past and even internal
resistance because of benefits you might be obtaining through your
condition (this is known as secondary gain).

If your weight and health has been a long time concern and for one
reason or another, you want to change your lifestyle but dont seem
to be able to no matter how hard you try, I recommend an
interview with a qualified hypnotherapist. In hypnotherapy,
through the use of direct suggestion, age regression, and parts
mediation you are able to quickly and effectively address the real
issues that have been causing you problems your whole life and
resolve them.

Lifestyles and Habits

When I started changing my eating habits (regular exercise came
later), my goal was to lose 100 lbs. Since it was such a large
amount I knew that I needed a long term lifestyle change, and that
a quick fix simply would not cut it. Not only would a quick fix not
work, I really did not want to successfully lose 100 lbs and then
gain it right back anyways.

There seemed to be two main issues with this. First of all, whatever
lifestyle changes you make need to be sustainable. I often refer to
what I do as a diet because it is a convenient label and it gets
weird sometimes trying to make up an unfamiliar phrase to
accurately describe what it really is without sounding pretentious,
but it is not a diet. A diet, to my mind, is something that you do to
lose weight and then you stop doing it. Thats why people go on a
diet, lose weight, then proceed to gain it right back again and need
to go on another diet. Im more interested in a lifestyle change that
I can keep going with forever. That means that it actually has to be
healthy, Not the Atkins diet, and it has to be satisfying.

Not only is sustainability important, so is developing new habits.
In theory there is nothing actually anything wrong with a diet if,
once you are finished, you make sure to eat healthy and be more
active. Unfortunately by going on a non-sustainable diet you are
not giving your body a chance to develop the habits and learning
that it needs to maintain the weight that you achieve. Youre
making it even worse by setting yourself to celebrate the end of
your diet with all those foods you have been denying yourself.
That doesnt make any sense!

The program that Im outlining here is pretty easy to stick with and
will usually click very soon, but with any change in your lifestyle
there will be times where it is more difficult than others. In those
times you can use the techniques I mentioned above or, if you
aligned with your decision to give this a fair try, you can even use
will power for a short time (will power can be very effective for
short periods of time, just not long term change) and be
comfortable knowing that you are developing new habits that will,
over time, serve you in so many ways.

Recognize Excusitis as Resistance

When I mention some of the things I do and have been doing to
lose weight I often hear things like, Oh I could never do that. It
varies, some people seem to think that they just couldnt make
themselves do it and others think that they have a special reason or
body type that wouldnt allow them to do it. Well, barring a
medical condition (remember to get a doctors advice), I think this
is nonsense.

What Oh, I could never do that, really means is, I wont try. In
general, I dont think people are lying, not to me anyways, I think
that resistance is telling them what it needs to, in order to keep
them where they are. I recently finished reading one of the most
amazing books ever. Its called, The War of Art by Steven
Pressfield and I cannot recommend it highly enough. In it,
Pressfield (the other of Legend of Baggar Vance) describes
resistance in the clearest detail Ive ever seen and exactly how to
deal with it.

When we want to make a change in our lives for the better,
whether it is to exercise more or eat better or write a book or start
painting or anything else; resistance does all that can to keep us
exactly where we are. It will beg us, threaten us or rationalize
things away for us like No, that might work for some people, but
not specifically for you. Dont bother trying.

Being internally aligned doesnt eliminate resistance, but it gets us
started. Having a plan and doing it, even when it doesnt seem like
fun, and being aware that resistance wants us to stop and will be
tugging at us is the way to keep going.

But what if youre right? What if this plan really doesnt work for
your body type at all? I think it will, but if it doesnt, try it
anyways. If you take action towards the goals you have, you will
quickly find out what isnt working, and you will be able to make
appropriate change to your plan, from a place of power and not

The nice thing about this plan though is that, while resistance will
rear its ugly head now and again, and youll need to be ready. Its
is so healthy, energizing, and wonderful that it wont take long at
all to know just how great it is and to want to keep going.

What Didnt Work

Before I changed my lifestyle I had tried other diets before. In all
of those instances, I did two things that undermind everything I
was attempting to achieve.

Firstly, I was dieting. I talked about this earlier, but the fact is that
unless changing the way you eat and live becomes a lifestyle and a
habit for you, it just will not be sustainable. You might lose a few
pounds, you might even lose a whole lot more than that, but youll
gain it right back again.

The second problem I had was not keeping track of where I was in
relation to my goal and not even having specific goals in the first
place. For most of my life I considered scales to be symptoms of
unhealthy weight fixation (which sounds great, except that I was
morbidly obese and really needed to fixate on my weight quite a
bit more than I was!) and I simply did not weigh myself at all. In
fact, I didnt even know how much I was supposed to weight (I had
a whole, well thought out, explanation on the falsity of the BMI
chart; which was absolutely truefor professional athletes in
amazing shape. The BMI is quite accurate for your average

Charting your progress is absolutely key in getting where you want
to be. To demonstrate how insidious not charting progress is, I
remember one diet I tried that I know began working. I know it did
because people would comment on the weight I was losing. The
problem was, I didnt really feel that different and I couldnt really
see the changes on me because I see myself in the mirror everyday.
My wife couldnt see the changes either, for the same reason, and
after a month of so I felt like it wasnt working and just gave up.

In regard to my current weight, and the beginnings of my lifestyle
change it took me approximately two years to lose 135 pounds and
achieve my goal weight of 180 pounds, but most of that time I
wasnt using this system at all.

For nearly a year and a half, I was on a popular low-carb, high
protein diet that was getting me nowhere. Im not saying that it
didnt work at all, it did, but only to a point.

I lost about 50 pounds very quickly with this diet and then plateued
for nearly a full year. I stuck with it because I didnt want to gain
back the weight I had lost, but I couldnt lose any further weight. I
was very strict with what I allowing myself to eat and I even
started doing very intense hour workouts four times a week, but
nothing worked.


One problem is that I wasnt paying attention to calories or
quantities. I was eating much healthier than I had in the past, but I
was specifically told that I would be eating larger quantities
because all the vegetables and beans took had more mass. I was
also told not to pay any attention to calories at all.

Yes, that might work for some people, but not me. I had been
training myself for decades to eat, not only unhealthy foods, but
massive quantities of food. I could and still can eat far more than
most people would expect or take into account.

Also, as an added bonus, by cooking a lot, but not taking calories
into account; I was using massive amounts of high calorie foods.
Yes, its true that nuts, peanut butter, and olive oil are healthy, but
they are also extremely high in calories and if you dont take that
into account youre going stay or become overweight.

One last problem with the diet that I was on; was the cheat day. I
could talk your ear off on the benefits of the cheat day. Resetting
your metabolic clock and giving you enough of a break to keep
your goals the rest of the week.

Again, there is some good logic to a cheat day. Im also sure that a
lot of people with better habits and instincts with relationship to
food than I have would greatly benefit from it. However, when I
actually try to binge one junk food, its not a pretty sight. My wife
still talks about my habits at those times.


There is one extremely important thing that I did learn during my
low-carb phase. Keep track of where you are in relationship to
where you want to be.

Before you change anything you need to establish where you are
now and what your goals are. Most importantly know where you
are now. You need to have actual proof of the results you are

You should immediately weigh yourself and write that down. It
would also be a good idea to measure your waist, legs, and arms
and it would be ideal to measure your bodyfat as well (I have not
done this).

Keep a record. When I started, I weighed myself once a week,
which was far more than I ever had in the past. I measured myself
at that time as well. Today I no longer measure myself, but I weigh
myself first thing every morning.

Also, where do yo want to go?

Your original goals do not need to be set in stone. My original goal
was to lose 100 lbs.. I knew that I had more than that to lose, but I
figured if and when I achieved my goal, I would be able to gauge
where I needed and wanted to be.

One of the best size measurements for health is that your waist
should be no more than half your height in inches. So if you are
60 (72) then your waist should be no more than 36 around.

In terms of weight. Below is the Body Mass Index chart, indicating
healthy weights. It is true that many professional athletes and
others who work out quite a lot may fall into the overweight
category in the BMI, but for most people it really is accurate. If
you do heavy workouts everyday and have low bodyfat then you
probably dont need to pay attention to the BMI. But in those cases
you probably wouldnt be reading this book either!


Part One:
Intermittent Fasting

Ive put these sections in order from smallest lifestyle change to
the biggest so that even if you have not yet or ever, willing to make
all the changes outlined in this book you can still get maximum
benefit from it.

Intermittent fasting is the easiest way to lose weight that there is.
Ill go over the details in a moment, but even when you fast for 24
hours you still eat everyday. It will benefit your weight, your
health, your creativity, your moods, your energy, and most
importantly its also incredibly easy! Seriously, its very, very,
easy. Im going to cover just a few of the benefits of intermittent
fasting here then I will address some of the myths and concerns
most people have when they hear about it, and lastly Ill describe
how to do it (its so freakin easy!).

Just to be clear I am talking about or recommending a long term
fasting. Im basically talking about basically not having breakfast
and lunch (but having plenty of water, tea and/or coffee) just twice
a week. You can do that, Ill tell you how!


There are actually a LOT of benefits to fasting, but Im going to
talk about a few of the major effects it has on your system here.

Firstly, it burns fat like crazy. Something I remember hearing when
I was a kid was that as long as food is coming into your system, fat
doesnt really leave you body very easily. This was offered as kind
of a paradox, because skipping meals was not being advocated
(primarily do to a lot of the myths I will address in the next
section), it was just confusing.

Of course it makes perfect sense because fat is stored energy,
meant to be fed on when we dont have food. Through an
unhealthy modern lifestyle of overeating, eating unhealthy foods,
and not being active, many of us have excess fat on our bodies that
we have a lot or trouble getting rid of. That is where fasting comes
in! When we fast, going 18-24 hours without taking in any calories
(its easy! Trust me, Ill show how in the next two sections!), our
bodies say Oh, no calories coming in? No problem, well just feed
off of some of this stored fat.

Another benefit of intermittent fasting is that it also gives your
body a rest and engages its natural healing energies. Seriously, our
bodies are designed to go through periods of feast and famine;
short stretches of having plenty of food and much longer periods of
having little or no food.

When you eat, your body is designed for feast and famine,
considers this to be an important time to really get the most out of
(what it considers to be) a special occasion. Your body spends
about 70% of its energy digesting, absorbing, and eliminating
food. If there is extra food that it doesnt need right now, it
converts those calories into fat to use again later.

That means that when we fast, we are not only giving our bodies a
well deserved rest; we will also have tons of extra energy. Youll
also have a lot of extra time that you would otherwise spend
buying, preparing, and eating food. You might think thats not that
much time throughout the day, but it is. You could take a pottery
class! (Margret Cho reference).
Keeping the evolutionary basis of fasting here, think about what
needs to happen if you are a hunter and/or gatherer and you are in a
time of famine? Does your body immediately start falling apart,
and you have to lie down because you have no energy and you
cant plan or coordinate with your fellow hunter-gatherers because
youre grumpy from low blood sugar? Does that sound like recipe
for survival? No, of course not; Ill directly address a lot of the
myths and misconceptions about how much and often to eat, but I
hope Ive made my point.

If you are a hunter-gatherer in a state of famine you need your
body working in top form, clear thinking, and lots of energy are
essential. Thats exactly what you get during your fasting. Your
body has energy to focus on other important aspects of your health
and needs you to be healthy, clear headed, and aware; its not
unusual to feel that all of your physical senses are heightened
during fasting and many illnesses, sickness, and nagging issues
that youve dealt with for a long time will simply go away, and
many more will never manifest in the first place. We get all the
benefits that our ancestors did from needing to prepare for famine,
but (unlike them) we know we will eat again.

The last major benefit, the last of the three that immediately pop
into my head when I think of the benefits anyways, are the
emotional and even, spiritual benefits. Cultures all over the world
use fasting as a spiritual method to access higher states of
awareness and I believe theses benefits accrue with intermittent
fasting as well. Now that might not fit into your worldview, and
thats okay, if it doesnt then just think about it like this: fasting
makes you feel good!

Fasting, along with exercise and healthy eating (covered later), has
done amazing things for my moods. I am certainly not saying that I
never feel tired, or down or upset, hopefully everyone reading this
would intelligent enough not to believe me if I said otherwise, but I
dont suffer the intense mood swings that I used to and I can deal
with negativity much better.

The stabilization of my mood swings, for me, started before I
learned about fasting; through the changes I have made to my diet,
but has been reinforced by regular fasting. Moreover after about 18
hours of fasting (which is a very short time, by the time you wake
up its usually been 8-10 hours already!) our brains have used up
their glycogen stores and it is natural to enter a naturally inward
directed meditative state. Spiritual clarity, heightened intuition, and
euphoria occur. This is good stuff.

Naturally the amount of focus you are able to put on these things
will vary depending on your lifestyle. Sometimes you will be able
to relax and revel in these amazing feelings and if youre inclined,
devote time to prayer and meditation and see some truly amazing
benefits. Other times you will go about your normal day, taking
care of business, with some nice feelings and sensation backing
you up. Not to shabby Id say!

Myths and Misconceptions about
Intermittent Fasting

There is a lot of nonsense surrounding nutrition, diet, and exercise.
I am not an expert, but I have researched a lot about the lifestyle
changes I have made and feel confident in what I offer here. There
is a lot of science to back up everything I say, although I wont be
citing everything in this edition of the book, but the most important
aspect are the amazing results that I have and many others have

I dont have an answer for where all of the myths come from, but
there are two major forces. One is bodybuilding. Heres a simple
question; are you a bodybuilder? Do you want to be a body
builder? No? Then you dont need to eat like one. Now the fact is
that there ARE vegan bodybuilders and bodybuilders who fast
regularly. But there still are many myths that surround nutrition
and exercise come from either mistakes in the bodybuilding
community or different needs in the bodybuilding community.
Another important thing to remember, in case you are lured by the
healthy physique of bodybuilders is that most bodybuilders are
not healthy! They are big, strong (although not as strong as, say,
Olympic lifters) and they put all sorts of garbage into their bodies.
Which leads us too

Market forces. That is, I think, the other major contributor to a lot
of the myths surrounding diet. Its good for the food industry if
you are constantly eating 3-5 meals a day, and if you buy some
expensive powders from GNC, all the better. Im not necessarily
putting down supplements, but if its mostly sugar and empty
calories, which a lot are, then it is clearly not in your best interest
that you keep buying them!

So a few silly myths that you have probably heard:

Skipping meals puts your body into starvation mode and you
will gain weight.

No it doesnt. Your body goes into starvation mode when you are
starving! Thinking back again to our evolutionary past, do you
really think our ancestors were going to freak out and enter into
starvation mode if they skipped a meal or two? I dont think so.

If you dont eat or take in calories for between 60 and 90 hours
(thats WAY longer than what I recommend!) then your bodies
metabolic rate does, indeed, lower. But, for short term fasting the
exact opposite is true, your metabolic rate actually increases.

Eating small meals frequently boosts metabolism

There is a whole bunch of technical stuff I could type out here, but
the basics are that when you eat your metabolism does, in fact,
increase. Therefore if you eat more often then your metabolism
will spike more often. However, for a smaller meal your
metabolism spikes lower than with a larger meal. Also, the same
amount of calories spread out over a day will end up increasing the
metabolism in exactly the same way regardless of how you spread
it out, but you wont get the benefits of fasting with the above plan.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day dont skip it

There are two factors here. One is that there is a statistical
correlation between people who skip breakfast and people who are
overweight. The important thing to remember though is that
correlation does not equal cause and effect.

The correlation between being overweight and skipping breakfast
has to do with the fact that a lot of people who skip breakfast are
not doing it intentionally. They are simply not paying attention to
their diet at all and if you skip breakfast and then have twinkies
and coke as a snack later on, for example, that is not the way to
lose weight.

Another very large percentage of people who are overweight and
skip breakfast actually are skipping breakfast intentionally because
they are already overweight and they are trying to lose excess fat.
You see in this case it is a cause and effect relationship, but exactly
the opposite if what Cheerios would like you to think. You have
overweight people skipping breakfast to lose weight, this shows up
as a correlation between being overweight and skipping breakfast,
and the cereal companies show you that and say, look, if you want
to lose weight you need to eat our breakfast everyday. Yikes.

The other factor with breakfast is insulin sensitivity. Insulin
sensitivity is the measure of how little insulin we need to use in
processing out food (the more sensitive we are, the less insulin we
need). Extreme insulin insensitivity is diabetes.

Basically, its good to eat when we are at our highest level of
insulin sensitivity and most people are at that level right before
they eat breakfast. The thing is, there is nothing magical about
breakfast or the time. Most people have high insulin sensitivity
before breakfast because they have been fasting for 8-10 hours
after their dinner the night before and while they slept. If they
waited until lunch or dinner time to take calories in then that meal
would be their highest insulin sensitivity of the day. Its not when
you eat, its how long in between meals.

Ill get hunger pangs

Ive never had them. Your allowed to drink water, unsweetened
coffee and tea and (if you must) diet coke. You can even chew no-
calorie sugarless gum. You are not putting yourself in a
particularly difficult situation.

Ill be grumpy

Well that could happen, but there is nothing about fasting that
makes this a necessity or a likelihood. There are two main reasons
you might be grumpy. First, you are just in the habit of eating all
the time. You will break that habit very quickly when you feel the
benefits of fasting. Second youre just grumpy. When you make a
lifestyle change its easier to blame negative feelings on it, when
you might be feeling that way anyways. In fact, if you are grumpy
while you are fasting you are probably less grumpy than you
would be if you werent fasting and are probably dealing with it a
lot better.

How to do Intermittent Fasting

All that build up and the process itself is so easy.

24 hours-twice a week

This is the easiest change to make in your lifestyle that will have
such huge benefits. You only fast twice a week, for twenty four
hours, and you still eat every single day!

Heres how you do it:
Say you finish eating at seven p.m, on Monday and you are going
to start your fast. Well, by seven a.m. Tuesday morning your are
already 12 hours into it. For the rest of the day you can have as
much coffee (no cream or sugar) or tea (no cream or sugar) and
water as you like and at seven p.m. Tuesday evening you have a
normal size healthy dinner (about one-third of your daily calories).
Thats it!

Basically its just skipping two meals and having a normal size
dinner (that is, on third of your daily calorie requirements).

It is recommended,and I try to do it that you drink half of your
bodyweight in ounces of water each day. So if you ever find
yourself getting hungry, just have a big glass of water and you will
feel great.

18 hours daily

This is another version of fasting that you might like.

In this case you fast the same way that you did above, no calories
coming in and as much water, coffee and tea as you like, but you
do it daily for 18 hours. So if you stopped eating at seven p.m. you
would wait until one p.m. to eat.

One Extra

I actually got use to doing mini-fastings before I learned any of the
above. I began waiting at least four hours between meals, with
plenty of water but no snacks, to boost insulin sensitivity. As I
mentioned above, your insulin sensitivity is at its highest when
you dont eat for a while. Conversely, grazing throughout the day
and constantly snacking will lead to insulin insensitivity, a cause of
excess weight and (in extreme cases) diabetes.

I very (very very!) highly recommend giving intermittent fasting a
fair chance, I really think it might change your life. But if you
wont then at least you might want to try spacing out your meals
and cutting down or eliminating your snacks between meals.

What I do

Since I watch calories as well as fasting I have found myself
naturally integrating both of the above fasting methods. The reason
is that I like big meals and I know I feel better in the morning
when I dont eat.

So I fast 18 hours every day, generally eating between two p.m.
and eight p.m., and breaking my meals up into two large meals that
covers my calories for the day. Twice a week I just fast for a few
hours more bringing it up to 24 and I eat one meal that covers one-
third of my recommended calories.

This combination is my own and works well for me. I dont
specifically recommend it, as I do either of the above, but it might
be good for you too.

Since achieving my goal weight, Im a little more relaxed with my
fasting regime (although I consider my dedication during my
weight loss to be have been very important).

I still keep track of my calories and I still fast at least once a week,
usually twice. I also dont eat in the morning most days, but have
no problem deciding to have breakfast if it feels right (usually, it

My half-step: calorie counting

This is not officially one of the three steps in the plan that I do, but
I have found it absolutely essential, wonderful, and nowhere near
as difficult as I thought it would be. If you decide to go all the way
and be completely raw (the second half of the third step) this will
almost certainly be unnecessary. This is because you can eat vast
amounts of raw fruits and veggies without going over your
calories, but if youre not ready to make that change just yet, then
this might be for you.

I, personally, like eating big meals. A large part of my daily 18
hour fast is that not only does it let me feel really good in the
mornings from the fast, but that I get to eat two very large meals
rather than three smaller ones.

The problem with liking to eat such huge quantities (Ive been
practicing since I was young) and having a lack of awareness of
calories meant that even after I started fasting and eating healthy
vegan foods I wasnt losing as much weight as I wanted. Once I
started looking at calories though it became clear. Do you like
hummus? I do, and its totally healthy. The only thing is that I
consider a container of hummus to be about one serving, to be
eaten with a baguette and I eat accordingly: thats around 1300-
1400 calories!

Like intermittent fasting, you dont need to change what you eat at
all with calorie counting. You just make decisions. If you want
hummus or peanut butter or even a candy bar or a hamburger, then
fine; you just get an idea of how many calories are going in and
plan the rest of the day accordingly.

I like to think of calorie counting as a retraining of my eating style.
It helps me get an idea of what a reasonable amount of food is to
eat and I get used to it. I remember during some of my first meals
that I was amazed that I really was full after eating, but that I just
wasnt stuffed like I was used to. It also gets me drinking enough
water and fluids because more often than not if Ive eaten and I
think Im hungry I actually just need a glass of water. I generally
dont drink soda or juice, but thats just a personal choice, Id
rather save those calories for food.

How to do it

Okay, Ill admit it, I havent done too much research into calorie
counting. Like I said, I think of this as a tool to build my awareness
of what I eat and to retrain myself to eat reasonable amounts.
Considering that all that I have done is figured my recommended
daily calories and either divided them up throughout the day or on
fast days divided it by three and had that for dinner. Pretty easy

The amount of calories that you need each day depends on your
age, sex, height and activity level. Theres a little bit of math
involved, but its easy. Just grab a calculator or you phone, and do
it right now. You should write the number in your book right away
and youll be set. (I have a short cut at the end if you really dont
want to grab a calculator).


First you determine you Base Metabolic Rate:

Women: 665 + (4.35 x weight in lbs) + (4.7 x height in inches)
(4.7 x age in years)
Men: 66 + (6.23 x weight in lbs) + (12.7 x height in inches) (6.8
x age in years)



Next you determine your activity level:

Sedentary (little to no exercise) 1.2
Lightly active (light exercise 1-3 days a week) 1.375
Moderately active (moderate exercise 3-5 days a week) 1.55
Very active (hard exercise 6-7 days a week) 1.725
Extra active (very hard exercise and physical job 7 days a week)


To figure out the number of calories you need each day to maintain
your current weight:

Step 1 x Step 2 = calories to maintain weight

The general rule is that if you subtract about 3,500 calories a week
then you will lose about one pound a week.

Okay are you too lazy to do just a little bit of math? Its okay,
dont worry about it, I have the answer for you. Go onto Google
and type in calorie calculator. You will find dozen of sites that
will ask you to type in your information and will not only do all the
calculations for you (yay!) they will even calculate the amount that
you need to lose one or two pounds a week.
Benefits of Calorie Restriction

I mentioned earlier that I am not an expert in regards to calorie
counting. I am also not an expert of any type on calorie restriction,
but if you are interested I recommend that you look into some of
the research that has been done on the benefits of calorie

It seems that calorie restriction, without malnutrition, will actually
increase longevity and will delay the onset of age related disorders.
Not bad right!?

Why is this? I dont know. In fact my understanding is that at this
point, no one knows.

In studies on monkeys a control group was allowed to eat as much
as it wanted. A second group of calorically restriced monkeys was
given a 30% reduction in food and the benefits were dramatic.

(the monkey on the right, photos C & D, was from the calorie restricted group. The
monkey on the left is the same age, but fro the control group!)

Part Two:
Daily Exercise


Exercise alone is not a very good way to lose weight.

Unless you are doing monster workouts everyday its just too easy
to nullify all the effects of a workout with a few unhealthy snacks.
Even indulging in some extra healthy snacks after a workout is
enough to keep you where you are, weight wise. It just isnt

No, if there was only one change you were going to make in your
life to lose weight, it would be a change in your diet. But! Exercise
will give you energy and flexibility, it helps (if not cures)
depression, anxiety and apathy, help you keep from getting sick
and help you recover if you do get sick and so many more amazing

If youd like to walk home from the grocery store without getting
out of breath or keep up with your kids or just have the energy you
need to really enjoy life then you are going to want to exercise.
And when exercise is used in conjunction with a dietary change
such as intermittent fasting, calorie counting, and (healthy!)
veganism, it will super-charge those benefits and help you burn off
fat at an accelerated rate!

Any exercise that you enjoy enough to do regularly is awesome
and is exactly what you need; whether its yoga, water aerobics, a
spin class or pumping iron; regular exercise is the key. That being
said, if you are looking for an quick, effective exercise to either be
your regular routine or just to supplement it on your off days, then
you are going to like what I describe in this section. The core of
my exercise system now is what I refer to as T5T+ (thats The
Five Tibetans, plus, youll see why soon).

T5T+ is a powerful two part complete exercise program. The first
part is a simple but complete form of active Tibetan (possibly)
yoga, and the second part is comprised of more traditional
bodyweight exercises as well as deep breathing. There is an
optional, but recommended, third part that involves lying down
and relaxing; you wont have any problem with forcing yourself to
do that!

T5T+ will build flexibility, lean muscle, and functional fitness. Its
fitness that you can actually use because youve developed your
muscles in a coordinated, synergistic manner rather than big
muscles that look cool but wont. They will give you all the
benefits and develop and harmonize your charkas and your subtle
energy body and give a feeling of connection to the rest of the
universe (if those last dont fit in your worldview then try this,
youll be healthier and feel good!). You will also be able to do
them for free without any gym memberships, workout clothes or
equipment to buy and no one elses schedule to work around. You
can do this in your underwear, in your kitchen or living room,
wherever or whenever you want in just 10-15 minutes a day!!!

What I Used to Do

For a long time, over a year and a half, I was doing fairly major
workouts three-to-four times a week. I would do an hour long
bodyweight workout session one day and a pretty intense kettlebell
session another day (both workouts are from Mark Hatmakers
excellent book No Holds Barred Conditioning) and do one or
two days of martial arts based cardio in between.

These workouts were great. They gave a huge increase in muscular
strength and endurance and made me feel good about myself. They
were also very difficult and time consuming; I had to work to make
sure that I had time to do them and I often had to work myself up
to be motivated for them too. I would also often be quite sore
throughout the week. During the time that I was most active and
consistent with my workouts, I was on a weight-loss plateau and
simply wasnt losing any weight at all.

Just to be clear, I am not knocking the workouts I used to do. I
enjoyed them and got a lot out of them and would have no problem
starting them up again, either regularly or intermittently, they just
didnt form the essential core that I needed from an exercise
system. I no longer train regularly in martial arts and dont do any
other sports, so I dont necessarily need to be able to operate at that
high of a level, I need consistency and a set exercise that will both
support me and fit into my lifestyle. So

What I Do Now

I want to be doing regular exercise everyday. For me that means I
need a flexible approach, so I have multiple possibilities and
options to make this work. The whole idea though is to do T5T+ in
the fasted state (ie. before I eat). Just in case youre wondering: no,
its not important (or even a good idea) to have a pre-workout
meal. Thats another myth that comes from the bodybuilding world
and doesnt effect those of us trying to get slimmer and healthier.

I like exercising in the morning when I can. It resets my body-
mind and it also increases my metabolism and helps me burn fat
throughout the day. If, for some reason, I cant workout in the
morning I will still try to workout before I have eaten that day and,
if I cant do that, Ill just workout when I can. Its pretty unusual
for me to not have 10-15 minutes at least before I eat though, so
this really isnt an issue.

The other form of exercise that I love is yoga. At the time of
writing this I am doing yoga almost everyday and the style that I
personally like is the Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga (long name)
as described in Baron Baptistes book Journey into Power. The
benefits of yoga are huge and even though yoga marketers
overstate their case quite a bit, I dont think there are many people
who wouldnt benefit from doing at least a little yoga. If you are
interested I recommend The Science of Yoga, the book wisely
points out a few dangers for the unwary (overstating the case a bit
to make a point) and also shows a lot of the real science behind the
physical and psychological benefits of yoga. If youre not
interested in reading the book dont worry, just do some yoga!
So, if I have enough time in the morning, I like to do a full hour-
long power yoga sequence, followed by T5T+, and a little
meditation or qigong at the end.

If I have less time I will just do some sun-salutations, a sideways
bending flow, maybe one or two of my favorite postures and
T5T+, either with or without qigong at the end.

Even less time!? That okay, T5T+ is the core of my system and I
can almost always give myself 10-15 minutes to make myself
happier, healthier and far more effective that day.

OMG, just 5 minutes available! I dont want this to happen to
often, but if need be I can whip out some squats and push-ups in 5
minutes no problem. In T5T+ we work up to twenty-one reps of
each, but if Im doing a full days workout in 5 minutes I would
probably shoot for 50-100 squats and 25-50 push-ups, this is a very
decent full-body workout and can be done in just five minutes.

The Five Tibetans plus!

The five Tibetans, the first part of T5T+, were originally described
as the five rites in 1939, in a book by Peter Kelder called The Eye
of Revelation. The book tells the, supposedly true, story of an old
man in ill health who travels to Tibet. The old man then returns,
now as a young healthy man in his prime and teaches the five rites,
which are the key to the fountain of youth (especially when used in
conjunction with the sixth rite: celibacy and the redirecting of
sexual energy).

The five rites were re-named and re-popularized in 1994 by
Christopher S. Kilham in his book The Five Tibetans, which is a
very good book and is still in print and available very
inexpensively. Since then it has in some circles remained very
popular and you can find books and videos demonstrating T5T and
variations on the internet, as well as quite a few free
demonstrations on youtube. The five movements are very easy, but
if you are unclear on any of them and I am not immediately
available; then a few minutes on the world wide web will clear up
any confusion for you very quickly.

There is no real way of knowing the actual origin of the five rites.
At the time of the publication of the five rites it was very popular
for mystically minded teachers to claim to have learned things in
Tibet when, in fact, very few had been anywhere even remotely
close to it. There are some striking similarities between T5T and
the Tibetan yoga that has been made publicly accessible, both are
dynamic forms of yoga: coordinating breath and movement and the
postures used in T5T are used in most forms of yoga, but some
have claimed that these are superficial similarities at best.

There are, to be sure, lively discussions online on the historicity, or
lack thereof, of T5T and if you are interested both books
mentioned above are available. On the other hand, if what you are
interested in are actual benefits, then all you have to do is actually
do the rites and reap the rewards.

How to learn T5T

Depending on your current physical shape you may find T5T either
extremely easy or extremely challenging or somewhere in
between. The important thing here is to go slowly, doing only what
you can, until you build up to twenty-one repetitions of each of the
five rites. Once you can do twenty-one repetitions of each of the
rites with no rest in between, then you are ready to add the 5
exercises and two types of deep breathing that make up the +
section of T5T+.

There is no hurry. If you cant, for example, lift both legs straight
up from a lying position for the second Tibetan, just lift your knees
up or do one leg at a time. Its not your job to do everything
perfectly, its your job to do the best you can everyday. Do that
and perfection will come in its own time.

For the Yogis

The original description of the five Tibetans did not include any
instruction whatsoever of how to breathe, but this has since
become a very important aspect of the routine. In the descriptions
that follow I will include when to exhale and when to exhale;
however, if you do yoga already, I have a little extra for you.

I am not going to even attempt to teach yoga here, it would take to
long and Im not qualified anyways, but since I have worked to
fully integrate T5T+ with my yoga I do have a few suggestions for
the experienced.

The first is to do what I have already mentioned and actually do
T5T+ with you home yoga practice. I think it is an ideal active
supplement to the end of a session, right before restorative poses
and savasana, but I think it could make a nice beginning as well,
depending solely on your preference.

The other suggestion is to do your breathing yoga style. If you
have done any active form of vinyasa yoga this will be intuitive for
you. I make a point of maintaining Uddiyana Bhanda and nasal
gaze and practicing Ujjayi breathing throughout. This has had an
amazing effect on the practice of T5T+ itself and the added benefit
of not breaking up the internal focus of my yoga session with some
random exercise in the middle.

Try these and I can almost guarantee that you will love it.

The First Tibetan

This first is as simple as can be, but that doesnt necessarily mean
that it will be easy, at least not in the beginning. All you do is
stand, feet together, and arms stretched out to the side as in the
picture, and spin around clockwise (to your right).

Take this one slowly. Its not at all unusual for people, especially
adults, to get very dizzy in the beginning. Over time you can build
up to doing twenty-one repetitions. You can do more than twenty-
one with this or any of the exercises, but twenty-one is the magic
number and reps over that number are generally said not to make
much difference.

Breathe slowly and naturally throughout. I like to do about three
revolutions for an in breath, followed by three revolutions on an
out breath and continue like this the whole time, but thats just
what feels right to me. You should experiment.
The Second Tibetan

This one can be pretty intense and if you have not worked out for a
while, take it slow. If you can only lift your knees at first or only
one leg at a time; thats okay.

You basically want to lie down flat with your arms at your sides
and fingers pointing slightly in (as alternative you can actually
place you hands under your pelvis for added lower back support)
and on the inhale lift your legs up and on the exhale lower your
legs to just a couple inches above the ground. You want to work up
to doing twenty-one reps with your legs together and straight.
The Third Tibetan

You are only as young as your back. That is an old Chinese
saying and the third, fourth, and fifth Tibetans will give you a
strong supple back and core.

It is important here to go slow and listen to your body. Start in the
first position, you will breathe in while leaning backwards as far as
you safely can, then exhale, and then return to the first position,
while leaning your head forward (not shown in the illustration).
Work yourself up to twenty-one reps.

The Fourth Tibetan

I think this one is about as straight forward as can be. Inhale on the
way up and exhale on the return. You should build to twenty-one

One tendency I have noticed in myself is to rock forward, on the
inhale, which increases the stretch on my shoulders but decreases
the work on my hamstrings. This is not desirable. If you look at the
illustration you will see that the arms and the bottoms of the legs
should be perpendicular to the ground in the second position. This
gives the ideal stretch for the shoulders, works the back, and abs
and also gives a great hamstring workout that you dont want to
miss out on.
The Fifth Tibetan

The last is very important and dynamically integrates two of the
most important yoga postures for a core workout and full body
stretch. I think the illustrations for these are fine and give the
general idea, but you would be well served to look at illustrations
of the downward dog and upward dog postures of yoga for better
alignments. You dont have to hangout for long in either position,
these are dynamic exercises, but make sure that you get the full
body stretch in each one; this will make sure you get the maximum

I like to get into the second position (downward dog) first and then
begin counting my reps on the inhale while going into the first
position (upward dog). You should do twenty-one reps.

Try it!

If you workout regularly, or even if you dont, these might look to
simple to be effective, but please give them a try. T5T+ is the core
of my workout system and T5T is the core of T5T+. It is very
simple, but if you try it for a week or two you will understand what
I mean. If you find it too easy from the beginning then, first of all,
congratulations of your fitness and secondly, move on the +
section and you will have an amazing ten-to-fifteen minute daily
workout that will change your life.

And now for PLUS!

The plus section is added to T5T when you can do twenty-one reps
of each of the rites without any stopping in between. Ill give brief
descriptions of each exercise, but if you dont know them already
you should either have me show them to you or do research on the
internet. These are simple exercises that you probably already
know. These exerciese will supercharge the health and weight loss
effects of your exercise. Work towards doing the whole set (T5T
and +) without stopping.

The plus section basically involves twenty-one reps of:
jumping jacks, squats, push-ups, pull-ups, crunches and two deep
breathing exercises.

I maintain my yogic breathing and alignment throughout these
exercises. Unlike the Standard T5T there is no specific upward
limit to these exercises. I generally do twenty-one of each and feel
amazing benefits from it, but you can easily add favorite exercises
or work on doing higher reps as well. Sometimes, to change things
up, Ill do sets of five or six different types of push-ups, or Ill do
one-hundred squats; none of this is necessary, but it can be fun.

If you are not in good shape; dont worry. Build your way up to
doing these and then build your way up to twenty-one reps. If you
are in good shape already, dont discount these; they might be the
perfect quick exercise on your off days, or even as a warm up or
cool down.

Jumping jacks

Oh come on you remember how to do these!
Give me twenty-one reps right now!


These are known as hindu squats, and are the type that Indian
wrestlers do five hundred at a time. If you can do that you will be
in amazing shape, but twenty-one reps is all you need for a regular

Exhale down, going onto the balls of your feet and putting your
butt to your heels (yes, that means your knees go past your toes
and yes that is okay), while your hand brush the ground on either
side of your feet.

Inhale all the way up, bring your hands up, and across your chest
like a rowing machine.


I just do regular push-ups, inhale up and exhale down. If you like
you can also do hindu push-ups which are very similar to the
fifth Tibetan except that you bend your arms on the way into
downward dog.


Okay you got me. I dont do pull-ups. If you have a pull-up bar in
your home or something that you can do pull-ups on then I
recommend doing them. Since I dont I do pulling type exercises
with the heaviest weights I have around my house.



Again, we all know these. Just do twenty-one. Great!
Depending on how I am feeling I might just do twenty-one regular
crunches or I might do twenty-one v-ups. I sometimes do three
sets of twenty-one and do variations for lower and upper abs as
well as obliques. Have fun!

Deep Breathing Exercise

These are the last part of the plus section of the T5T+. I often do
them right after my pulling exercises and before my crunches, so
that when I finish the crunches I am already lying on my back for
restorative yoga postures and savasana. I dont recommend doing
them any earlier in the set, they would be too much of a break, but
you can do them after the crunches if you like.

Deep breathing exercises are amazing. These take just a minute or
two, but should not be ignored because they will give amazing
benefits to you on every level of your being, not just a slimmer
waistline, which it will also give you; a slim waistline is important
too. There is a long history of the entire health systems being
developed solely around breathing, both Eastern and Western, and
I think that the two given here have the most pronounced physical
effect of any others (although I recommend a study of pranayama,
qigong and physical culture to all who are interested). In the words
of world champion wrestler and physical culture expert Martin
Farmer Burns, Deep breathing alone has made many a weak
man strong and many a sick man well.

These breathing exercises will strengthen your core muscles and
your internal organs, burn fat in your belly, and develop muscles
that automatically suck your gut in. It is not unusual for people
to notice you looking slimmer after just a couple days of doing
these breathing exercises alone!

Deep Exhales

I dont know what else to call these. They are related to what is
sometimes called the complete yogic breath. They easily can be
integrated with and come from the Western vitalistic tradition of
physical culture that was popular at the end of the 19
beginning of the 20

They are very easy and mostly just need a little experimentation to
get the focus right. The basic idea is very simple. Standing upright
with your hand as fists at your side just exhale forcefully (I make a
ssssss sound when I do it) for a slow count of five. Contracting
your abs to force all of the air out of your lungs. Repeat twenty-one
times. I find that I get a much stronger effect if my focus is simply
on expelling the air from my lungs than specifically trying to
tighten my abs/

If you are doing this correctly and it will probably take a little
practice. You should feel it in the same muscles you feel when you
laugh so hard it hurts. Those are the muscles were after, so
probably watching a funny movie or going to a comedy club
should be on your exercise list too!

You can practice these throughout the day as well. You can also
make them a rhythmic exercise by breathing in for a slow count of
four, holding for a count of four, breathing out and doing the
exercise for a count of four and holding the breath out, lower
abdomen tensed, for a count of four. This is wonderful.

On last variation is to do the exercise above, but without letting the
air out. This is a much more intense variation, which I seldom if
ever do myself, but I offer to it to those who would like to try. It is
a good idea when trying this exercise to contract the anus and
perineum (which is a great exercise itself!) and you should also
expect to have a rush of blood to your head and maybe get a little
dizzy in the beginning. Make sure to give yourself a minute of
recovery time between breaths for this variation as well.

Vacuum breathing

This is a version of Uddiyana Bhanda from yoga, not the
contraction of your stomach while doing a flow, which is an
external Bhanda. However, the forming of a vacuum that sucks
your stomach in, which is an internal Bhanda. Not only does this
exercise tone the muscles we worked on before, but it also
massages the internal organs, purifying them and helping them
work more effectively and efficiently. On a subtle level Uddiyana
Bhanda also directs the Kundalini and sexual energy up the spine
to the head where it can revitalize the brain and potentially open
you up to new levels of awareness. The full effect of this is
generally realized within the context of deep yogic training, but
amazing effects can happen anywhere, be open to the experience.

It should be noted that a variation of this breathing exercise is
actually put forth in the original eye of revelation book as the
sixth rite. As the sixth rite it was done in the context of celibacy.
Whenever a sexual urge occurred (and it should happen more
frequently with people of any age if they are getting effective at the
first five rites) the individual is encouraged to do the sixth rite,
bringing the sexual energy up the spine and into the head. The idea
is to use the vital essence contained in the sexual urge, the purest
energy we have meant to create new life, and redirect it into the
individuals own body to renew it physically and spiritually. As the
sixth rite this exercise is a traditional method, but is not taught in a
context that is likely to make it effective. However, any who wants
to become celibate and give a try, please let me know how it works
for you.

Standing up, lean over with your hands on your knees and exhale
completely. Now go stand up a bit and go through the motions of
breathing in with your chest and lungs but dont let the air in. This
will cause a vacuum that will suck in your whole stomach and
belly area. Once you release this, catch your breath a little and then
repeat. This is very easy to learn with a quick demonstration, but a
little tricky to describe in just words.

You can either do twenty-one full reps like this, which would be
ideal but a little time consuming, or do sets. With just a little
practice you will be able to form the vacuum multiple times on
each breath. Experiment with different numbers and see what
works for you. I sometimes do two sets of ten holding the last as
long as I can and one final long one. Lately, Ive been doing the
same thing but four sets of five and final long one.

What I Do Now Part Two

When I planned on revising this book I had big plans for writing a
much more extensive exercise section, but on re-reading the
section I think most things have been very well covered.

Not too long after writing the first version of this book I developed
an interest in Ashtanga Yoga, an active form of Hatha yoga
popularised by Sri Pattabhi Jois that is related to the Baptiste Yoga
mentioned above.

For a while I was doing one to one and a half hours a day of
Ashtanga yoga, followed by 15-20 minutes of Pranayama. During
this time I simply stopped doing T5T+, because I felt that all of my
needs where being met.

On the birth of my son, my available time for yoga became less
and I began doing shortened yoga sessions each day and eventually
incorporated T5T+ back into my yoga. This time in the beginning
of the session in place of the traditional sun salutations. I thenend
each session with a fifteen minute Pranayams (yoga breathing)
seesion that incorporates the breathing exercises already mentioned
above and several more.

A live teacher is absolutely recommended, but for those interested
in learning more about Ashtanga yoga, I recommend the book
Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual by David Swenson.

If you are interested in learning Pranayama I very highly
recommend Pranayama for Self-Healing by Dr Vasant Lad.

Part Three:
Veganism and Raw


This is the last section on the life changes that I have made and that
have worked and continue to work to improve my life drastically
everyday. The switch to a vegan diet and especially a raw vegan
diet is the largest and most global change that I recommend in this
book. I dont expect most people who read this to become vegans,
although it would certainly be to their benefit,and I dont plan on
writing a detailed and comprehensive essay on the benefits of a
vegan diet. Although I may do that in the future. Rather my goal is
to offer a few key benefits, dispel a few key myths, and offer a few
suggestions to giving it a try. I will give you everything you need
to get started, its actually very easy if you do it, and you can do
more research on your own (or ask me and Ill show you some
resources) if you want to go more in depth.

Veganism, in my opinion, has three major reasons to make the
change. All three are important and any one of them is, in my
opinion, a very good reason to at least give it a serious try.
Veganism is incredibly beneficial to your personal health and to
the environment and has major ethical reasons going for it. As with
the sections of the book as a whole I have grouped those reasons in
the order that I think most people will find them compelling.
Eating a healthy vegan diet for any one of those reasons is
wonderful and will, automatically, give the benefits of the other

Lets talk about:

Personal Health

I think this is the main thing most people are interested in and this
is a book on losing weight and getting healthy after all. There is a
small caveat here though, its actually painfully obvious, but I
might as well mention it directly in the beginning. It is possible to
eat an incredibly unhealthy vegan food diet; potato chips and oreo
cookies are, after all, vegan. Also, a lot of officially vegan food is
actually incredibly over processed replacements for the standard
American food we used to; it can be very tasty and I enjoy it now
and again, but that is not the basis of a healthy diet. For a healthy
diet here we are talking about a vegetable and fruit based diet, with
a certain amount of beans, nuts, rice and the like, ideally raw or
minimally processed. This is pretty intuitive. An apple is raw,
unprocessed, vegan, and delicious. A vegetable burrito (obviously
without cheese and using vegetarian beans and rice, etc.) is also
vegan and delicious. Every part of it, is clearly identifiable and
only a step or two away from being in its natural state. An Oreo
cookie, on the other hand, is vegan and tastes pretty good, but is
not healthy, the ingredients are unidentifiable (even if you read
them on the package!) and should generally be avoided!

Okay, so the above caveat is taken care of, lets talk about a
healthy vegan diet. There are actually two prongs to why a vegan
diet is beneficial to your personal health, the positive and the
negative. The positive reasons being the benefits of a plant based
diet. The negative reasons are the detriment of a Standard
American Diet (SAD) on your body.

The Benefits of a Plant Based Diet

There are so many benefits, its difficult to know where to begin.
Since most people who look at this will be interested because of
my weight loss maybe I should start by mentioning that a plant
based diet is shown to burn more fat and to continue burning more
fat for several hours longer after meals than an animal based meal.

Another important weight loss benefit to a plant based diet and
especially a raw or mostly raw diet is the vast amount of foods you
can eat and still lose weight. Raw fruits and vegetables are nutrient
rich, low calorie foods (exactly the combination eaten by
Okinawans, the longest living people on Earth, but thats the next
benefit!). That means you can eat tons of them, get all the great
benefits, and not gain weight. Instead of one 1 cube of cheese,
you could have a banana or two medium navel oranges or five
apricots. I think its clear, which will be ultimately most satisfying
in the long run.

Your body is designed to register the approximate amount of
calories that you have eaten based on the amount your stomach is
stretched by what you eat and the quality and richness of the food.
With fruits, vegetables, and whole grains you are satisfied with
pretty much exactly what you need. However, with oily, greasy or
over processed foods the calorie content is so much higher than
food found in nature that your body does not think it has eaten
enough, and you will not tend to feel satisfied unless you over eat.

Vegans and vegetarians live longer, on average, than most meant
eaters. They live about nine years longer for men and seven years
for women. Keeping in mind this is all vegetarians, including those
that live on potato chips and Oreo cookies and never exercise. We
are focusing on a healthy, plant based diet with the benefits of
intermittent fasting and regular exercise and activity.

In addition to length of life a vegan diet contributes greatly to
quality of life. You body is being fed exactly the type of fuel it
needs to operate cleanly and effectively. You will have more
energy, cleaner energy, and feel wonderful.

You will also significantly cut down your risk of heart disease and
cancer. This has been studied in several population, most notably
Chinese and Japanese, that have moved in a short time from a
primarily plant based diet to the SAD (Standard American Diet)
being spread around the world. When this happened instances of
cancer and heart disease, which were almost completely absent
before, went up to the same average as in America. There is a book
called The China Study by T. Colin Campbell that discusses this in

One last benefit, one that I mentioned in passing above, is that our
bodies are actually designed to be primarily plant based. What that
you say? Omnivores you say? No, not really. If your only
comparisons are between carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores
then obviously human beings would be closest to omnivores, but
there is a whole other category that we fit much closer too;
frugivore. A frugivore is primarily a fruit eater, who also eats
vegetables, nuts and beans and possibly the odd insect here and
there. Many of the traits that humans have that make us seem to be
omnivores, such as partially developed canines, actually make a lot
more sense in terms of us being frugivores. Here is a chart that I
find absolutely fascinating:

The Problems of the SAD

The Standard American Diet (SAD) has a huge number of
problems for your health and the environment. A lot has been said
in the above section, just reverse the benefits of a vegan diet, and a
lot more can be said than I will cover here, but here are a few

The Standard American Diet consists of large amounts of meat,
eggs, and dairy products. These have been shown to contribute
greatly to heart disease, many types of cancer and arthritis,
osteoporosis (YES! Dairy contributes to osteoporosis, Ill talk
about that more in the myths section.), and more.

Lets look at heart disease and clogged arteries. Cholesterol is
found in all animals, including humans, and is necessary. However
eating animals and animal products adds cholesterol into our
bodies that is not processed or eliminated. This cholesterol ends up
clogging our arteries and can lead to our hearts not being able to
pump blood. The cure for this is to surgically cut open the chest,
exposing the heart, and then cut out an artery from your leg and
sew it onto your heart so that the blocked blood can travel around
the clogged artery and your heart will continue you to work (until
you clog it up again and need another bypass surgery). This is a
standard procedure and many people who find a plant based vegan
diet to be too extreme of change in their lives will need it.

Speaking of blood issues, Viagra is big business nowadays. There
are commercials everywhere for it. Why is that relevant? Because
Erectile Dysfunction is a major warning sign of heart disease and
of clogged arteries. Our blood goes everywhere and if it is not
working in one area then it is probably not working anywhere else
either. Instead of taking more pills and putting more chemicals into
our bodies, we need to put less animal products, and more fruits
and vegetables.

Cancer has been the subject of exhaustive study in labs and, most
notably, in China (see The Cancer Study). It has been pretty
conclusively shown that animal protein (not plant protein) is a very
effective on-off switch for cancer. The more animal protein
coming in the more likely cancer is to develop. There have been
several studies of Japanese, Okinawan, rural Chinese and Filipinos
who live on a traditional, almost exclusively plant based diet, and
had little or no cases of heart disease, diabetes or cancer. When
individuals and populations moved to America or to cities and
focused their diet on the SAD, the numbers evened out to the
Standard American figure, as well as obesity and a whole host of
other health problems.

The SAD is the source of almost all diseases of affluence,
diseases that we experience in first world countries that are not
experienced at all or only very rarely in other parts of the world.
Thats bad enough considering how used to our diets we are and
how strongly we associate with them, but its even worse when we
consider that the foods we are used to eating are, literally,
addictive drugs.

Our bodies are designed to look for stimulus in foods such as,
sweetness and fats because foods that have those qualities are most
likely to have a lot of the nutrients that we need. We like mangos
because their taste and texture tell they are healthy. What the food
industry has learned to do is to isolate all the tastes and textures
that are attractive to us, getting rid of all those pesky nutrients that
get in the way, and magnifying them to degrees which are never
found in nature. The result is something that over-stimulates our
senses and gives a pleasure reaction that we crave.

To make it worse these over-processed foods are high in calories.
That means that if you eat a reasonable amount of calories it will
not be recognized by you stomach as being enough and you will
need to overeat just to feel like you have had enough.

Myths and Misconceptions about a Vegan
Diet and Health

A vegan diet that focuses on fruits and vegetables and especially
raw fruits and vegetables is incredibly healthy. It will provide all
the nutrients that your body needs, promote weight loss, increases
energy, reduces the risk of many common diseases such as,
cancers, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis,
impotence and more; but, there are a lot of myths and
misconceptions about a vegan diet. Ill mention a few of the most
popular here.

Myth #1: You Wont Get Enough Protein

This is the first thing a lot of people say and think and it is simply
wrong. It stems from early developments in the field of nutrition as
well as the field of bodybuilding.

There are two main problems with this argument: the first one
being that protein is not nearly as important as a lot of people think
it is. It is a catchword that is good for marketing products. Thats
not to say that you dont need protein in your diet; you do. Protein
deficiency is a real problem and if you live in a third-world country
that is experiencing a famine then it is something that could be of
real concern for you. However, the fact is that if you live in
America you are not going to get protein deficient most especially
if you follow a plant based vegan diet.

For years protein has meant animal protein with the thought of
plant protein not even being considered. Animal protein, as
aforementioned, contributes greatly to the risk of cancer whereas
plant protein does not. Furthermore, plants have more than enough
protein for a human body.

As long as you are getting enough calories through mostly fruits,
vegetables, and whole grains you will have all the protein you
need. If you are still concerned and feel like you need massive
amounts of protein in you diet (which has its own health risks that
you can research), it is still easy to get more than enough by adding
tofu, tempeh, nuts and beans to you diet.

Myth #2: Vegans Dont Get Vitamin B12

There are several essentials that people will say that you cant get
from a vegan diet, basically theyre wrong about all of them, but
we will use vitamin B12 as a convenient example.

Vitamin B12 is thought to only come from animal products and
that vegans will become B12 deficient, which is not true. B12
deficiency does exist, but has nothing to do with a vegan diet and
is more likely to be caused from a digestive disorder that blocks
the absorption of B12. B12 in the body doesnt actually come from
animal products, but is formed from co-enzymes that are already in
your body in bacteria.

Conveniently, if you are still unsure about this issue, many
products like soy milk are made fortified with vitamin B12 and it is
extremely easy to add these to your diet.

Myth #3: But I Need Milk and Cheese for
My Calcium and Strong bones!

I bet you thought that right? You want those strong bones dont
you? What better way to get it than milk? Well to answer that
question immediately a vegan diet focusing on vegetables, fruits,
whole grains, and nuts.

But why not use milk too all that good yummy calcium can only
help right? Wrong. First of all there are major ethical and
environmental reasons not to drink milk. Also, milk is gross. There
are huge amounts of puss in every glass of milk. Really. Puss.
Thats in addition to all the health risks associated with animal
protein mentioned above. You want to drink that!?

But what if I do, I still want those strong bones right? Okay, heres
the thing; animal products in general, and the Casein in milk tends
to turn your blood acidic, which actually takes Calcium out of your
bones! Thats right; read that again, milk causes Calcium to be
taken out of you bones! Aaaahh!

There is a chart shown in the amazing documentary Forks over
Knives that shows that the countries that have the highest intake
of dairy also have the highest numbers of hip fractures, on the
main indicators of osteoporosis.

On the next page there is another lovely internet meme to get you

Myth #4: Vegans are Weak

No really, a lot of people think that. Well, it is true that if you
compare most vegans to a professional athlete, for example, they
would seem incredibly weak; of course, the same is true for most
meat eaters. Compared to the average sedentary meat eater a
healthy vegan (as opposed to a potato chip vegan) is likely to be
in good shape.

Still, just to be clear, there is no inherent problem with going vegan
and being super fit. There are professional bodybuilders, exercise
and fitness coaches and even mixed martial artists who are
exclusively vegan. Not only do these professionals not have a
problem being vegan and being in great shape, many of them feel
that it actually helps them have more energy and recover faster.

Still dont believe me? Carl Lewis (multi-Olympic gold medalist)
turned completely vegan in 1990. Mike Tyson also went
completely vegan. Are you going to tell Iron Mike that hes a
weakling? Go ahead, tell him, let me know what he has to say. The
list of martial artists, yogis, triatheletes, marathon runners, body
builders, health experts and more who are strong and in amazing
shape is just to long to list right here. Not only do these people not
think that their diet in any way impedes their success in their
chosen fields, many believe that it gives them an edge.

Dont worry, a vegan diet will not make you weak; but it might
give you the foundation to be stronger than you ever have been.

Environmental Factors

This book is about health and fitness and losing weight. I am
convinced through my own and others success that intermittent
fasting, bodyweight exercise, and a vegan diet is just about the best
way to become healthy and that is the focus Ill keep. Still there are
very major and very serious environmental and ethical concerns
regarding a vegan diet that do need to be addressed. I will keep
these next two sections very short, but I do hope that they spark an
interest and lead to more research on your own.

From an environmental perspective the planet simply cannot
maintain the Standard American Diet. If everyone on this planet
were to eat a SAD, we would need five earths just to feed
everyone. We dont have that much space. Livestock needs room
to graze and live (to the extent that they are allowed too) as well as
food of their own. This all takes space that we dont have. Yes we
can cut down more acres of the rainforest to accommodate our
addiction to big macs, but does that really seem wise?

What about pollution? What would say the number one contributor
of green house gasses is on the planet? Would you guess that was
the transportation industry? Youd be wrong, its the meat
industry; the methane produced from the meat industry is killing
the planet and all the meat needs to shipped all over the planet for
people to eat, contributing even more to the problem. It actually
takes ten times the amount of fossil fuels for each calorie of animal
food produced than it does for each calorie of plant food.

Heres an interesting quote on the topic of Environmental
Vegetarinism from the United Nations Environmental
Programmes (UNEP), 2010 report from Intenrational Panel of
Sustainable Resource Managment:

A 2010 report from United Nations Environment Program's
(UNEP) International Panel of Sustainable Resource
Management, states that a global shift towards a vegan diet
is critical for mitigating global issues of hunger, fuel
poverty and the worst impacts of climate change. The panel

"Impacts from agriculture are expected to increase
substantially due to population growth and increasing
consumption of animal products. Unlike fossil fuels, it is
difficult to look for alternatives: people have to eat. A
substantial reduction of impacts would only be possible
with a substantial worldwide diet change, away from
animal products."


This section in the book had a few interesting reactions, despite the
fact that I kept it brief and specifically said you might want to skip
it. Just to be clear, the point of this section is simply to explain how
things are. If understanding how animals are treated during food
production bothers you, you may want to to take that into account
as when you decide what you choose to eat.

Like the environmental section I wont take very much space on
this topic. Not because I dont believe in it a great deal, but
because of the focus of the book and because in my experience this
is the section most likely to get defensive reactions from people.
All that I will present in this section, just like the last, are a few
basic facts on how the meat industry treats animals. While I do
judge these practices as immoral and unethical I dont judge
individuals who chose to eat meat or dairy products. You can, of
course, just skip this section. You can also read it and decide for
yourself if the practices I mention warrant your consideration in
trying out a vegan diet.

Think about the people! Yes I think the main ethical considerations
for a vegan diet revolve around the animals, but what about
feeding all the hungry people in the world? There is a lot involved
in this beyond simply having enough food (politics and such) but
having enough food is a necessary first step. I only just saw an
argument in favor of establishing eugenics programs to lower the
population. In my opinion, this argument did not take into account
the environmental effects of the meat industry or the fact that the
cattle alone we raise for food eat more than twice the amount of
food to feed the entire population of the world. So even if youre
not concerned with the well-being of non-human animals; think
about the humans.

But lets think about the animals too for a moment. If I havent lost
you already Im sure a couple of pages, or less, of reading wont be
too much of a strain. A lot of people think that they know how
animals are treated in the production of meat and dairy. Most of
them are wrong. For years I only ate free-range meat based on
some video footage I saw of standard farming practices and Ive
only learned relatively recently just how little I knew.

In regards to meat production it is fairly widely known that
animals are treated cruelly and inhumanely. In fact the right to treat
farm animals inhumanely is protected by the law. But what about
the laws we have to protect pets from animal cruelty? It turns out
that farms are protected and allowed to treat their animals any way
they like as long as it is a standard practice.

It is, for example, a standard practice to dump pigs (whos
intelligence and awareness is comparable, if not higher, than dogs)
live into vats of boiling water until they die. The pigs scream and
try to swim out of the vats, terrified, tortured and confused. It is
standard practice for chickens to be crowded into unbelievably
small spaces (this applies to both free range and non-free range)
and to be living with broken legs and wings, have their feather and
skin rubbed off and to be living in their own filth. It is standard
practice for cows to castrated with no anesthesia, to be shot
through the head with a bolt, often more than once, until they are
dead, or to be hung upside down watching all the other cows have
their necks slit and being bled out before being slaughtered

There is more and worse practices. These practices apply just as
much to small organic farms, which mostly adopt the practices
of big farms to stay competitive, as it does to large factory farms.
In addition to being cruel and inhumane these practices raise a lot
of health concerns as well.

Common practices extend to egg and dairy production as well, not
just meat. In producing eggs, for example, male chicks are not
needed; so they are thrown live into a plastic bag and discarded
with the trash. Female chicks will have their beaks ripped off so
that they dont hurt themselves and each other in the inhuman
conditions they will be forced to live in.

Milk and dairy is particularly disturbing. Many people would not
eat veal and do not support the veal industry consciously, but
support it by default by drink milk and eating butter and cheese. In
order to produce milk, a cow needs to be pregnant or just have had
a baby. So, once a calf is born it is taken away from the mother,
who is immediately artificially re-impregnated so that the milk can
still be harvested. The calf may now be sold as veal or simply
thrown alive into a plastic bag and left to die by a dumpster. The
mother is then continually milked, in a painful way that causes
bleeding and sores on her udders. Again, this is disgusting and
inhumane and it is a serious concern for health as well.

More Information of a Vegan Diet

There are a lot of amazing resources to learn more about the health
benefits of vegan diet. Im recommending two movies, which are
easily available online that are wonderfully insightful, educational,
and will point you in the right direction if you choose to learn

Get Vegucated

This is one of the first videos I watched on the subject of a
vegan diet and I highly recommend it. It is light hearted, easy to
watch, and follows three people trying out a vegan diet and
learning more about veganism. This video does a good job
showing the three-pronged benefits of veganism.

Forks Over Knives

This is an amazing movie on the health benefits of a whole-
foods plant-based (essentially vegan) diet. Its fun and
entertaining and does an amazing job in showing the science
behind what you eat. It also has a short but very informative
section on the politics behind the scenes of what is being
promoted as healthy in America.

The Whole System
In two short pages

Okay, all that writing, but its actually very simple. I hope you
read the book or if you didnt, I hope you go back and read it.
There is a lot of very interesting knowledge involved and I try
to address the issues that you may have that would hold you
back from giving this system the honest try it deserves. But, if
you want a quick reference or if you dont need any convincing
and are ready to just do it, heres a quick break down:

Intermittent Fasting: Twice a week fast for twenty-four hours.
Pick a time, I like eight p.m. but any time is okay and stop
eating at that time one day and dont eat until that time again the
next day. Now break your fast with a normal size meal
containing approximately one-third of your daily calories.
During your fast you should drink lots of water and as much
unsweetened coffee and tea as you like. For weight loss
purposes (although not health) you can also have diet soda and
sugar free gum, just not calories coming in.

Additionally, for your average day, pick a six-hour window. I
like two p.m. eight p.m., but any window is okay and eat
during that window only. The rest of the day is your 18 hour
daily fast; again: no calories coming in but as much water and
unsweetened coffee and tea as you like.

Bodyweight Exercise: Actually any exercise is fine, but
bodyweight exercises have major health and fitness benefits and
they are free and can be done in your kitchen in fifteen minutes.
Pick a form of exercise that you like and will do regularly.

Exercise daily in a fasted state (that is, before you eat). The
T5T+ is highly recommended as a daily exercise program either
on its own or supplementing another form of exercise that you

Vegan Diet: Eat a whole-foods, plant based diet. Eat lots of raw
fruits and vegetable, salads are great, and get the rest of your
calories from healthy cooked dishes of fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, beans and nuts.

The Extra (optional) Step: Taking calories into account may
be useful for you, it is for me, but the more you are able to focus
on fruits and vegetables in your diet and listen to your own body
the less this will be necessary. Also, the emphasis on drinking
enough water and liquids is crucial. You should be drinking
half your weight in ounces of water each day (so if you are
200 lbs. That would 100 ounces of water a day). Many times if
you feel hungry and need to eat more, what you really need is a
glass of water and you will feel great.

Thats it!!!!
Its easy, its fun, its effective and its satisfying. If you give it
a chance it will change your life!



Courtney Kolb has been actively involved in metaphysics and
fields of psychic research since he was 12 years old. He has
studied with psychic readers, root workers, shamans, magicians,
spiritualists, mystics and healers from around the world and
continues to actively seek out knowledge that will help improve his
life and the lives of others.

Courtney helps individuals who interested and open to metaphysics
and psychic phenomenon to feel empowered and excited in their
lives through private readings, hypnosis, workshops and stage

For more information please visit:

Appendix: Eye Of Revelation

I am including a full copy of the original printing of the eye of
revelation as an appendix to this book. As I mentioned in the text,
the history of the book is debatable (although there are those that
will staunchly defend it), but it is a great read.

I had originally intended to include another book, Toxemia
Explained as well. It has some fascinating concepts and is also
worth checking out, however there is enough questionable material
in it that I thought it better to leave it out. It is easily available on-
line for anyone inerested.

































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