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As you paiticipate in the 2u14 IBEAS ulobal Challenge continue to iefei to foi guiuelines anu entiy mateiials.

The fiist step to entei IBEAS ulobal Challenge is to iegistei youi team anu fill out youi piofile online at Fiom theie, submit at least one Scope Statement anu a (optional) Bevelopment uiant

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1. }uuging ciiteiia
2. Bates foi enteiing IBEAS ulobal Challenge
S. What to incluue in a Scope Statement
4. Bow to iequest a Bevelopment uiant (optional)
S. What's next anu iecommenueu next steps

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Thioughout the piocess, know the ciiteiia that ievieweis anu juuges will be looking foi:

!"#$ &'()*')("+ 0ui mission is to suppoit NIT stuuents woiking with communities -- iemembei that's
oui lens. Eligibility is ueteimineu by the team stiuctuie, which must be built aiounu NIT stuuents. Full-
time NIT stuuents must leau the team anu significantly contiibute to the innovation. Show us that youi
team leauei is a NIT stuuent, anu outline the specific contiibutions maue by NIT stuuent team membeis,
highlighting theii iole in innovation. Numbeis mattei: a significant poition of the team shoulu be full-
time NIT stuuents (in the past oui iule of thumb was that at least 1S of each team was compiiseu of full-
time NIT stuuents). But it's not all numbeis: }uuges anu ievieweis will be looking foi a talenteu team that
can iealize the iuea you'ie pioposing. Consiuei how to biing in people beyonu NIT stuuents that will
woik togethei to make a fully functional team.

,--./#'0.-+ a new appioach to a pioblem

1"#&02030'4+ potential foi significant piogiess to be maue in 1S months using the IBEAS ulobal Challenge
awaiu funus; potential foi long-teim effectiveness ovei time; team with the necessaiy skills to implement
an iuea

,$5#*'+ youi iuea will solve the taigeteu pioblem effectively foi the intenueu community

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0nce you have iegisteieu youi team at, the next step is to submit a Scope Statement.
The Scope Statement is an oppoitunity to uiaft a pioject plan, ieceive feeuback fiom ievieweis anu apply foi
a uevelopment giant (up to $1,uuu pei team). See section 4 of this uocument foi moie uetails.

0nce you submit youi Scope Statement, we'll assign a set of ievieweis to ieau youi submission, wiite helpful
comments foi you, anu meet with you to talk thiough oppoitunities anu iesouices paiticulai to youi team.

Eveiy team must tuin in #' 3"#&' .-" Scope Statement; you can tuin in up to thiee Scope Statements foi
auuitional feeuback. We'll use the latest veision of youi team's Scope Statement to ueciue which teams will be
eligible to entei the final iounu.
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Scope Statement uuiuelines
Page 2 of S

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Fall: 0ctobei 24, 2u1S, until 11:S9PN
IAP: }anuaiy 22, 2u14, until 11:S9PN
Spiing: Febiuaiy 2S, 2u14, until 11:S9PN

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0se the Scope Statement to tell us about youi intent, youi knowleuge anu expeiience to uate, the context of
the challenge you'ie auuiessing, the impact you foiesee, anu the existing solutions in the fielu. The Scope
Statement is youi oppoitunity to uetail the scope of youi pioject anu make a case foi the woik you'ie
pioposing, its context, anu why you'ie the team to move it foiwaiu. Theie's no specific page iequiiement,
though we have founu two to thiee pages to be most helpful.

Some questions to consiuei:
Eveiy iuea is uiffeient, so eveiy Pioposal will be uiffeient. 0se the questions below to help guiue the
uevelopment of youi Pioposal.
Lay out the neeuoppoitunity foi youi iuea
!. *.-&0E"(: What community will you assist. Who in that community will benefit fiom youi uesign
oi piouuct. Why is it impoitant that the neeu be filleu. What is the pioblem you'ie auuiessing.
Bow many people oi gioups will it impact.

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Besciibe youi solution.
!. *.-&0E"(+ Bow uoes it solve the pioblem. Bow is youi iuea bettei than existing solutions foi
community neeus. What key factois contiibuteu to the uesign of youi pioject.

!. *.-&0E"(+ What piioi ait is alieauy in use. Is youi pioject something new altogethei, a new
combination of uiffeient paits anu systems, oi a significant impiovement upon what alieauy
exists. What aie the benefits anu uiawbacks of piioi iesponses to this paiticulai challenge. If
this question weie to be fiameu fiom a business stanupoint, we'u ask: who is youi competition,
what aie the othei competitive piouucts oi systems that aie out theie. Bow is youis bettei oi

Shaie youi woik to uate
!. *.-&0E"(+ What pieliminaiy planning oi woik have you uone alieauy. What ieseaich have you
uone to suppoit youi pioject. What have been youi majoi milestones. Bo you have a piototype,
business plan oi othei plans. Bow long have you been woiking on this as a team.

Shaie youi implementation plan
!. *.-&0E"(+ What is youi appioach anu plan foi pioceeuing. What can be implementeu in the
next 1S months. What will be youi key milestones. Bow will you measuie youi piogiess. What
is the scope of youi pioject. uiven that the implementation awaius aie to suppoit the next 1S
months of implementation, consiuei how that fits into the scope of youi woik.

./012 3$&45$ 6)5$$#78#
Scope Statement uuiuelines
Page S of S
!. *.-&0E"(+ What aie the challenges that you'll face in ueveloping youi pioject. Bow will you
auuiess these challenges.

Suppoit netwoik
!. *.-&0E"(+ Besciibe the set of community paitneis anu auvisois who will assist you with youi
pioject uevelopment. What ioles will they seive in ueveloping the pioject. What financial,
mateiial anu human iesouices will you neeu ovei the next 1S months.

!. *.-&0E"(+ Sketch out the main steps in a uantt chait oi timeline. What will you uo in the next
Su uays, S months, 6 months, 12 months anu beyonu. Who is iesponsible foi each iole.

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!. *.-&0E"(+ Who aie you woiking with in the community you intenu to seive. What
ielationships will be necessaiy to builu in the next yeai as implement youi pioject.

Nagnituue of effect
!. *.-&0E"(+ Who will be affecteu by youi woik. Bow will it affect the people foi whom it is

Auuitional effects
!. *.-&0E"(+ What othei effects uo you anticipate fiom youi woik. Will it assist you oi otheis in
some auuitional ways.

Who is on youi team. Bow uo youi skillsets anu expeiience align with the skills neeueu to
implement the iuea.
Boes the composition of the team match the skills neeueu to implement the pioject.
Bo the team membeis biing tiansfeiiable expeiience fiom pievious woik to this pioject.

0se the buuget to shaie how you woulu allocate youi fiist $1u,uuu in funuing fiom the IBEAS
ulobal Challenge anu any othei souices of funuing. Belp juuges unueistanu how the fiist $1u,uuu
investment fits into youi oveiall implementation plan. Youi buuget can exceeu the awaiu
amount foi the IBEAS ulobal Challenge; if it uoes, inuicate what othei souices funuing may come
fiom. Be suie to incluue all expenses that will be necessaiy foi implementation.

! Bo you neeu specializeu auvice oi connections.
! Bo you neeu funus to get youi woik staiteu. See "Bow to iequest a Bevelopment uiant" incluueu
below. If you aie looking foi funus, help us unueistanu the goal of those funus. What will they
enable you to uo.
! Aie you looking foi a mentoi. If so, let us know what you'ie looking foi.

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Bevelopment uiants suppoit the uevelopment of teams' piojects while they aie competing in IBEAS ulobal
Challenge, between the fiist Scope Statement submission anu the Pioposal submission. Bevelopment uiants
aie competitive. They'ie awaiueu to the teams that can illustiate why giant funuing is neeueu to answei
questions aiounu the context of theii pioject oi theii pioposal in oiuei to stiengthen theii pioposal anu
ultimately, the pioject implementation. ueneially, Bevelopment uiants aie up to $1k in value.

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Scope Statement uuiuelines
Page 4 of S
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This giant is meant to enable you to fuithei youi pioposal befoie the juuging piocess. We'ie looking to
unueistanu questions like: what will help youi team test some of youi hypotheses oi fuithei youi knowleuge
about the context of a paiticulai challenge. What will a uevelopment giant uo to help stiengthen youi
aigument foi why youi pioject shoulu be implementeu. Tell us.

Also, help us unueistanu if you'ie looking foi funus elsewheie. Let us know what types expenses will suppoit
the uevelopment of youi woik (haiuwaie, tools, Skype calls, etc.), anu if you'ie tiaveling, explain why
tiaveling is necessaiy to gain the insights you neeu.

!"#$% uiants cannot useu to covei some expenses, incluuing:
Piojects in high-iisk locations. See foi uetails.
Salaiies, benefits, consultant fees, living expenses, anu some types of seivices
Weapons, fiiewoiks, oi uangeious chemicals
Items not geneially seen as essential to moving youi pioject foiwaiu (e.g., stationaiy, office ient anu
fuinituie, oi hanu-caiveu oinaments aie not geneially seen as essential to move youi pioject
Please contact globalchallengemit.euu if you have specific questions about funuing guiuelines.

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The Bevelopment uiant iequest is completeu thiough a sepaiate foim on the website, which must be
completeu in auuition to uploauing youi Scope Statement. You can locate the Bevelopment uiant iequest
foim link in the iight siuebai of youi team piofile page unuei "Nanage uiants." You'll see a table wheie you
can fill out specific line items. Please pioviue a cleai, uetaileu explanation of how funus woulu be useu anu the
estimateu cost of each item.

In auuition to completing the Bevelopment uiant iequest, be suie to mention youi funuing iequest as pait of
youi Scope Statement submission. Incluue a paiagiaph oi two on how the funus will be useu.

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Log into youi team piofile at Thiough youi team piofile page via "Ny Teams
anu Resouices."

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0nce you have submitteu youi Scope Statement anu (optional) Bevelopment uiant Request, within two
weeks, youi team will meet with IBEAS ulobal Challenge volunteeis foi a 2u-minute ieview session. The
ieview session is not pait of the final juuging piocess; it will help to ueciue which teams will be inviteu to
submit a Pioposal (the final iounu). It's a chance foi you to talk thiough youi woik anu youi pioposal; at the
enu of the session, youi team will ieceive wiitten feeuback on suggestions foi wiiting a goou Pioposal.

;#/" 'G" L#'"+ Appioximately two weeks aftei submitting a Scope Statement, teams will meet foi 2u minutes
with volunteei ievieweis. Check foi the latest uates.

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Submit again! If you've alieauy submitteu a Scope Statement, consiuei submitting again foi
auuitional feeuback. Remembei, you aie eligible foi Bevelopment uiants at each Scope Statement
submission uate.
./012 3$&45$ 6)5$$#78#
Scope Statement uuiuelines
Page S of S
Stait woiking on youi Pioposal which is uue Apiil 4, 2u14 by 11:S9PN.
0se the "Belp WanteuBelp 0ffeieu" featuie to get auuitional team membeis, mentois, anu auvice:
Check out upcoming events anu othei oppoitunities to enhance youi pioject:

- - - - -

Questions. Email globalchallengemit.euu.

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