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Narration and Dialogue (Script):

1. My husband is finally on leave now and my baby is already 8 months old. I'm
going to bring him for our last medical check up before the baby is born.

2. So, your baby is fine. It is growing just fine but please try to control your blood
sugar level. So please take less sugar. As for your blood test that you took last
month, I think this is something that you should look at yourself. said doctor.

3. I was shocked and stumped. How could this have happened? Narration

4. H.I.V? Tell me! . Seriously I dont know . Just leave me alone.
Dialogue between Tasya and Zahrul.

5. I was not satisfied so I visited the doctor again to make sure Narration

6. He abandoned me and left me all alone. Narration

7. Doctor, I still am confused how I got H.I.V said Tasya.

Well, have you had sexual intercourse with anyone other than your husband? ask

Of course, NO! said Tasya.

In that case, did you involve in any accident lately? ask doctor.

8. Yes, I was a victim of an attempted snatch theft by two people said Tasya.

9. Oh, during the accident did you come in contact with anyone else while you had
any open wound? ask doctor.

10. Yes. It happened when I was trying to retrieve my handbag. / It happened
when I was trying to get my handbag back said Tasya.

11. Doctor, how about my baby? ask Tasya.

There is 30% chance that your baby can be saved from H.I.V with a proper
medication, but as for you. Im sorry said doctor.

12. 10 years later, I've finally succeeded in becoming a chef but my disease is
getting worse by the day. I don't think I can go on anymore and it is time for Hanis
to take my place. Narration

13. Hanis, Im tired! I dont think that I can continue with this. This is the time that
you should take over the restaurant. I hope that, you will always remember the
facts that if you have H.I.V it is not impossible to be successful in the life. said
Yes, mom. I will always be there for you said Hanis.

14. Why is this restaurant so important to you? asked reporter.
This restaurant is important to my mother and as her daughter, I want her to be
proud of me by maintaining the restaurant and its standards. Said Hanis.

15. How do you cope with both handling this restaurant and taking care of your
mother as well now that she has H.I.V asked reporter.
It is both tough and tiring at the same time but Im sure that when theres a will,
theres a way. Said Hanis.

16. Any last words you would like to share with the public? asked reporter.
Even if something goes wrong in life, it doesnt mean thats the end of it. One bad
situation wouldnt ruin a life completely. Said Hanis.

17. There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless stuff with
the people who create it and surround. You should forget the bad and focus solely
on the good. After all, life is too short for anything but happiness Narration.

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