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MCR 3U Unit Quadratics Day 3 Finding the Optimal Value by Completing the Square

When you have an equation in standard form, or , you can complete the square to put the equation into vertex
form, . Follow the steps below for success.
If a equals 1
S1: Bracket the first two terms
S2: Divide the coefficient of x
by 2 and square the result
S3: Add and subtract the result
from S2 inside the brackets.
S4: Take the fourth term to the
outside of the brackets and
simplify if necessary
S5: Factor the perfect square
State the optimal value--maximum (if
the parabola opens down) or minimum
value (if the parabola opens up) and
state the value of x at the optimal value
If a does not equal 1.
S1: Bracket the first two terms
S2: Factor a out of the brackets
S3: Divide the coefficient of x
by 2 and square the result
S4: Add and subtract the result
from S3 inside the brackets.
S5: Multiply the fourth term by
a and write the results after the
brackets; simplify if necessary
S6: Factor the perfect the
perfect square in the brackets.
State the optimal value--maximum (if
the parabola opens down) or minimum
value (if the parabola opens up) and
state the value of x at the optimal value
Strange Scenarios
Scenario 1 : Unattractive numbers
e.g. Or
Youre not always going to have pretty numbers to work with. You may have decimals, fractions, or numbers
that dont divide nicely. In any eventjust do the EXACT SAME THING. Dont get intimidated by messy
When completing the square:
! When you factor out a from the first two terms, if the division does not result in a whole number,
leave it as a fraction (reduce if possible).
! If you divide a whole number by 2 and the division will not result in a whole number, leave it as a
To divide a fraction by 2', multiply by To square a fraction, square the numerator
and denominator.
Scenario 2: a = -1 (the coefficient of x is -1)
In this case, REMEMBER because there is a number attached to the x that is not +1, its a tricky trinomial so
you have to use the method where . You would factor out the -1 just like you would factor out any
other number, and continue as usual.
Completing the Square: Round Table Race
Working in groups of 4, you will complete the square and state the optimal value and when it occurs for 3 quadratic equations. Each member will do
one step ( I should see 4 types of handwriting!) and then hand the paper off to the next person at the table. Each person should check the work of
the person before them before moving on to do their part.
question (easy) ________________________ question (medium) ______________________ question (hard) _________________________

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