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Transactional letter (150-180 WORS!

Always read the question carefully and underline the key words of your task. This will
help you focus on the task in hand and you should refer to this when planning your
piece of writing to make sure that you include all relevant points. You will fail this part
if you do not cover all the points the task requires.
Make sure you write a plan before you start writing. This will help you to organise your
ideas into sections and will result in your piece of writing being coherent and cohesive.
"C# WR$T$%&
"se linking words to connect your sentences and paragraphs together.
Start each paragraph with a topic sentence to clearly signal the content of the
(emember to keep the target reader in mind and aim for your letter to have a positive
effect on the reader.
An English friend+ Sam+ visited you recently and has ,ust sent you a letter and some
photographs. (ead Sam-s letter and the notes you have made on it. Then write a
suitable letter to Sam using all your notes.
./012/31 words4
Thanks for taking me to the airport. I hope your journey home wasnt too long.
I really enjoyed staying with you. Here are the photos I took. Im sure youd like extra copies. Could you tell me which photos youd like?
When I got home I realised I had left my watch ehind. Its green and gold. !ou ha"ent found it ha"e you?
I think well ha"e a great time when you come here in #eptemer. We could either spend the whole time here in the city or in the countryside on my uncles farm. Which would you like to do?
5ver 6 hours because...
&escribe the ones you want
7 have8 E)plain where.
"C# WR$T$%&
5#TE#T* All points referred to but not adequately covered.
A"(A$* Errors distract the reader and obscure communication at times.
(A#%E* !imited range of vocabulary and structures.
5(%A#7SAT75# A#& 5:ES75#* 7deas adequately organised.
A''(5'(7A$ 5; (E%7STE( A#& ;5(MAT* Appropriate
Say which and why
Send watch now or...<
$ear #am%
I am "ery hopefull for you letter. I send you this letter in order to answer in your &uestions.
'irst of all I want to tell you that the way of my house as to long o"er ( hours ecause it happened an accident. That accident cause the long traffic jam which I met. )n the other hand the weather was "ery nice with windy and without sunny.
#econdly aout the photos. I like them all ut I prefer this photo in the sea wich we were together.
*ow aout your watch. I found it in you edroom under of your ed. It proaly fallen of your hand and went under of you ed. $o you want to send your watch now or when I will come in #eptmer?
+astly% I prefer the countryside ecause of clean air without pollution. I lo"e animals and I hate the cars.
I am looking forward to hearing for you.
"C# WR$T$%&
TA(%ET (EA&E(* Message not clearly communicated because of lack of language control.
MA(K* =and 0.
Part ': 1 OPT$O% (1'0-180 WORS!
Article: &o not start and end your article in the form of a letter. Make sure you know
who your target reader will be and where your article will appear .e.g. in a student
maga>ine or newspaper4. =earing this in mind+ decide on the register of your letter
.formal or semi2formal4. &ecide on a title that will be eye catching and grab the
attention of the reader. The aim of the introduction is to grab the readers attention
and make them want to read on. $our writing should be lively and interesting$ Each
paragraph should start with a topic sentence that summarises the content of the
paragraph. $our conclusion should be a suitable ending to your article which will leave
a positive and lasting impression on the reader. $ou will be marked on your use of
descriptive and opinion language.
E)ample* A(T7!E* $ou see the following article in an international maga>ine.

%on-Transactional Letter: $ou may be asked to write a formal letter of application.

The task will include an advertisement and the instructions for the task. $ou should
read all the details carefully and underline the key points of the task. This will help you
focus on the task in hand and will help you to refer back to the task when planning and
writing to make sure all the points have been covered. "se consistent formal
language ? do not use informal language or contracted forms in a formal letter. 9rite
in a positive manner giving the reader the impression that you genuinely want the job
? therefore avoid any comments about weaknesses or lack of e)perience. "se a new
paragraph to start each topic and start/finish the letter appropriately.
(e so)eone *a)o+s *or a ,a-.
7f you could change places for 0@ hours with a famous person alive today+
who would you choose and why<
The best article will be published in our maga>ine ne)t month.
9rite your article
"C# WR$T$%&
E)ample* An English friend+ Ao+ has written to you for some advice. This is part of the letter you
have received.
Re/orts: $ou may be asked to write a report evaluating a place or facility+ or give
recommendations. The target reader may be a superior or colleague+ which will give
you the information whether you need to write in a formal or neutral style. Never
write in an informal style in a report. "se the correct format for a report ? include
headings for your introduction+ main body .with listed points4+
recommendationBevaluation and conclusion4.
isc+rsi0e co)/ositions: 7n the task you are given a statement about a given topic and
you must write a co)/osition based on arguments for, against or both sides of the
issue. $ou must make sure that your arguments and opinions are clearly defined and
divided into separate paragraphs. $ou should make notes of all your ideas .three or
four ideas should be enough4+ and then separate them into paragraphs. "se linking
words to connect your composition+ including a clear introduction and conclusion.
%arrati0e1,escri/ti0e co)/osition: $ou may be asked to write a short story for a
student maga>ine or for a competition. $ou will be given one line of the story and will
be instructed to use this line as the first or last line. $ou may also be instructed that
you are free to use the line wherever you like in the story. That is why it is etremely
7 leave school this summer and have a year free before university. 7 want to come to your country. ;irst 7-d like to spend some time travelling. Then 7-d like to find a ,ob for three months. 'lease give me some advice on travelling and working in your country.
Thanks+ Ao.
9rite your letter. &o not include any postal addresses.
$our teacher has asked you for a report on transport in your local area. Mention the main means of transport used+ and suggest how transport facilities could be improved.
9rite your re/ort
$ou have had a class discussion on being rich and famous. $our teacher has now asked you to write a composition+ giving your opinions on the following statement*
Every%ody would like to %e rich and &a'ous
9rite your co)/osition
"C# WR$T$%&
important to read the instructions very carefully and make sure you position the
given line in the correct place. $ou must not change the given sentence in any way.
$ou are being given the opportunity to use your imagination here+ although try not to
be too etreme or over complicated. $ou should plan your story line carefully and
divide ideas clearly into paragraphs. "se a good range of narrative tenses+ and+ to
make your story easy to read+ follow a chronological order. Select vocabulary carefully
in order to captivate the reader and create a picture in their mind of your story.
WR$T$%& &#%#RAL MARK$%& SC2#M#
(A% 5 ;or a =and 3 to be awarded+ the candidate-s writing fully achieves the desired effect
on the target reader. All the content points required in the task are included and e)panded
appropriately. 7deas are organised effectively+ with the use of a variety of linking devices and a
wide range of structure and vocabulary. The language is well developed+ and any errors that do
occur are minimal and perhaps due to ambitious attempts at more comple) language. (egister
and format which is consistently appropriate to the purpose of the task and the audience is
(A% 3 ;or a =and @ to be awarded+ the candidate-s writing achieves the desired effect on the
target reader. All the content points required in the task are included. 7deas are clearly
organised+ with the use of suitable linking devices and a good range of structure and
vocabulary. %enerally+ the language is accurate+ and any errors that do occur are mainly due to
attempts at more comple) language. (egister and format which is+ on the whole+ appropriate
to the purpose of the task and the audience is used.
(A% 4 ;or a =and 6 to be awarded+ the candidate-s writing+ on the whole+ achieves the
desired effect on the target reader. All the content points required in the task are included.
7deas are organised adequately+ with the use of simple linking devices and an adequate range
of structure and vocabulary. A number of errors may be present+ but they do not impede
communication. A reasonable+ if not always successful+ attempt is made at register and format
which is appropriate to the purpose of the task and the audience.
(A% ' ;or a =and 0 to be awarded+ the candidate-s writing does not clearly communicate the
message to the target reader. Some content points required in the task are inadequately
covered or omitted+ andBor there is some irrelevant material. 7deas are inadequately
organised+ linking devices are rarely used+ and the range of structure and vocabulary is limited.
Errors distract the reader and may obscure communication at times. Attempts at appropriate
register and format are unsuccessful or inconsistent.
$our teacher has asked you to write a story for the school English language maga>ine.The story must 5e6in with the following words*
It was dangerous( %ut I knew I had to do it$
9rite your stor-.
"C# WR$T$%&
(A% 1 ;or a =and / to be awarded+ the candidate-s writing has a very negative effect on the
target reader. There is notable omission of content points andBor considerable irrelevance+
possibly due to misinterpretation of the task. There is a lack of organisation or linking devices+
and there is little evidence of language control. The range of structure and vocabulary is
narrow+ and frequent errors obscure communication. There is little or no awareness of
appropriate register and format.
(A% 0 ;or a =and >ero to be awarded+ there is either too little language for assessment or
the candidate-s writing is totally irrelevant or totally illegible
A(T7!E* $ou see the following article in an international maga>ine.
9rite your article.
Sample answer*
(e so)eone *a)o+s *or a ,a-.
7f you could change places for 0@ hours with a famous person alive today+
who would you choose and why<
The best article will be published in our maga>ine ne)t month.
,- #).-)*- '/.)0# ')1 / $/!
*owadays eing famous is something difficult ut successful. /lthough% ha"e you e"er though aout eing famous for just one day?
*ow you are gi"en the chance. If I had to choose etween the most famous people in the world I would proaly choose Celine $ion. The reason why I prefer her is that she is &uite rich% succesful and happy with her husand.
'urthermore% I elie"e that no matter how rich she is% she is also magnificent and eautiful which is also "ery important. That always gi"e to a woman the chance to e spectacular and wanted y e"eryone.
In addition she has succeeded in comining orh carriere and motherhood which is &uite good and important today.
In conclusion I would like to mention that eing gi"en the opportunity to make family% e rich% and succesful is what a young woman may want.
"C# WR$T$%&
5#TE#T* Appropriate coverage of question
A"(A$* (easonably accurate. Spelling mistakes do not interfere
(A#%E* Some good vocabulary but some words used wrongly 2 although( spectacular
5(%A#7SAT75# A#& 5:ES75#* %ood organisation and cohesion. %ood use of linking words
between paragraphs
A''(5'(7A$ 5; (E%7STE( A#& ;5(MAT* Appropriate
TA(%ET (EA&E(* 9ould be informed
MA(K* =and 6.
$our teacher has asked you for a report on transport in your local area. Mention the main means of transport used+ and suggest how transport facilities could be improved.
9rite your re/ort
'rom2 Costar 3apadopoulos
To2 .rs. 4ackson
#uject2 Transport in our area
/s asked% I am writing a report aout the transport in our local area% /thens. The report is eing handled after a careful examination and deep searching and talking with the citi5ens of our city.
The main means of transport is the us and the tue. Thousands of people use these two means of transport to commute e"ery day. /nother popular means of transport is the troley. Taxi% is a "ery popularmeans of transport too% although it is much more expensi"e thanthe pulic means of transportmentioned ao"e.
In general% people are not satisfied with the current transport facilities used% although a huge progress has een made in the last decade.
In my opinion% people are &uite right. ,us stops are often open to rain and some uses are too old to e used. *ew uses are re&uired in order to make commuting more con"enient. /nother thing that must e impro"ed% is the timetale of all pulic transport.
"C# WR$T$%&
5#TE#T* %ood realisation of task
A"(A$* %enerally accurate.
(A#%E* Some %ood range of structure and vocabulary
5(%A#7SAT75# A#& 5:ES75#* %ood organisation and cohesion.
A''(5'(7A$ 5; (E%7STE( A#& ;5(MAT* Appropriate
TA(%ET (EA&E(* 'ositive effect on reader
MA(K* =and @.
&7S"(S7CE 5M'5S7T75#
$ou have had a class discussion on being rich and famous. $our teacher has now asked you to write a composition+ giving your opinions on the following statement*
Every%ody would like to %e rich and &a'ous
9rite your co)/osition
"C# WR$T$%&
5#TE#T* ;ull realisation of task. Topic well prepared
A"(A$* Mostly minor errors+ particularly at the beginning. %enerally fluent. !ast two
paragraphs faultless+ good use of gerunds.
(A#%E* 9ide range of structure and vocabulary within the task set.
5(%A#7SAT75# A#& 5:ES75#* 9ell organised.
A''(5'(7A$ 5; (E%7STE( A#& ;5(MAT* onsistently appropriate
TA(%ET (EA&E(* 9ould be fully informed
-"eryody keep saying that eing rich and famous is the est thing could happen to them.
I dont think so. There are pro and cons on eing rich.
I think eing rich and famous means not ha"ing a pri"ate life% ecause e"erywhere you go you are follow y a photographer. !ou always ha"e to ha"e a odyguard for your own safety% and that means ne"er eing alone.
!ou always ha"e to e careful of who you are meeting% of what you are wearing.
!oure allow to e yourself only in your own house.
)n the other hand% you dont ha"e to worry aout not ha"ing any money at the end of the month or dont know how to pay the ills.
I think the est thing is to ha"e a nice jo that you like and earn enough money to allow you to ha"e a nice house with a garden% and some free time to spend with your family and friends.
The most important thing in life is eing happy and I dont think money makes you happy.
"C# WR$T$%&
MA(K* =and 3.
&7S"(S7CE 5M'5S7T75#
$our teacher has asked you to write a story for the school English language maga>ine.The story must 5e6in with the following words*
It was dangerous( %ut I knew I had to do it$
9rite your stor-.
It was dangerous% ut I knew I had to do it. It was a new challenge and not only for me ut for e"eryone there.
*oody thought I was capale of doing it.
I wasnt sure what to do% and the pressure of e"eryone watching me was dri"ing me mad.
'inally% I managed to mo"e my right foot closer to the edge. I could listen the crowd shouting 6to go7. That was my only chance. )nly a few seconds% otherwise my time would e o"er.
I didnt e"en think of looking down. I was already paralysed% and that wouldnt help me at all.
Then% y some 6strange power7 my left foot was mo"ing and I wanted to stop it% ut it was too difficult.
The clock was running tic tac. /nd suddenly e"erything stopped. I felt an enormous peace. #omehow I managed to jump out of the airplane and I was flying8
Those minutes up in the air% feeling the wind in my face% were fantastic. /nd then Iwas terified when I couldnt open the parachute8 'ortunately I wasnt alone.
"C# WR$T$%&
5#TE#T* %ood+ interesting and dramatic storyline clearly linked to the prompt sentence.
A"(A$* Minimal errors.
(A#%E* Cery good use of narrative with a wide range of structure and vocabulary.
5(%A#7SAT75# A#& 5:ES75#* 9ell organised.
A''(5'(7A$ 5; (E%7STE( A#& ;5(MAT* Appropriate use of narrative technique for
TA(%ET (EA&E(* 9ould en,oy the story.
MA(K* =and 3.
"C# WR$T$%&

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