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= a, =aa/A, = i, = ee/I/ii, = u, = oo/uu/U

= e, = ae/E, = ai, = o, = oa/O, = ow/ou/au

+ vowels
= ka, = kaa/kA, = ki, = kee/kii/kI, = ku, = koo/kuu/kU

= ke, = kae/kE, = kai, = ko, = koa/kO, = kau/kou/kow

= k/g/c, = ng/nG, = s/ch, = gn/nj/Gn, = t/d, = N/nd
= th/dh, = n/nh/ndh/nth, = p/b, = m, = y/aai/oi/Oi/eo/eO, = r
= l, = v/w, = zh/z, = L, = R/tr/dr, = n/nH

= aq

Sanskrit/Grantha Characters
= j, = sh, = S/s, = h, = ksh/X, = sri/sree/shri/Mr

= Ma, = Mb, = Mc, = Md, = Me, = Mf
= Mg, = Mh, = Mi, = My, = Mz

Others - f, x, Z/z
asif = , rex = , aZaarudheen =

Note: The following is a screenshot of the table available at (thanks to the editor of This snapshot
table shows you only the "basic" key mappings. But, Azhagi provides alternative keymappings
too for very many letters and to view the same, please visit the abovementioned mazhalaigal
link and move the mouse over each colored Tamil letter.

Note: The above tables give you only a summary. For details on other as-you-type flexibilities in
the key-mappings, you SHOULD always refer to the various other 'Help' topics mentioned in this
same page. See sample words below some of which can help you understand some of the
flexibilities talked about.
Sample Words
neenga = , nandri = , katru =
viswam = , namaskaaram =
sreedhar = , manju = , gnaayam =
bandham = , kaeLvi = , koavil =
poi = , kaai = , aGnGnaanam = , mei =
nanghu = , palancaL = , payanKaL = , avanThaan =
leoni = , paeTrik = , petroal = , coapanHaegan =

= a, =aa/A, = i, = ee/I/ii, = u, = oo/uu/U

= e, = ae/E, = ai, = o, = oa/O, = ow/ou/au

+ vowels
= ka, = kaa/kA, = ki, = kee/kii/kI, = ku, = koo/kuu/kU

= ke, = kae/kE, = kai, = ko, = koa/kO, = kau/kou/kow

= k/g/c, = ng/nG, = s/ch, = gn/nj/Gn, = t/d, = N/nd
= th/dh, = n/nh/ndh/nth, = p/b, = m, = y/aai/oi/Oi/eo/eO, = r
= l, = v/w, = zh/z, = L, = R/tr/dr, = n/nH

= aq

Sanskrit/Grantha Characters
= j, = sh, = S/s, = h, = ksh/X, = sri/sree/shri/Mr

= Ma, = Mb, = Mc, = Md, = Me, = Mf
= Mg, = Mh, = Mi, = My, = Mz

Others - f, x, Z/z
asif = , rex = , aZaarudheen =

Note: The following is a screenshot of the table available at (thanks to the editor of This snapshot
table shows you only the "basic" key mappings. But, Azhagi provides alternative keymappings
too for very many letters and to view the same, please visit the abovementioned mazhalaigal
link and move the mouse over each colored Tamil letter.

Note: The above tables give you only a summary. For details on other as-you-type flexibilities in
the key-mappings, you SHOULD always refer to the various other 'Help' topics mentioned in this
same page. See sample words below some of which can help you understand some of the
flexibilities talked about.
Sample Words
neenga = , nandri = , katru =
viswam = , namaskaaram =
sreedhar = , manju = , gnaayam =
bandham = , kaeLvi = , koavil =
poi = , kaai = , aGnGnaanam = , mei =
nanghu = , palancaL = , payanKaL = , avanThaan =
leoni = , paeTrik = , petroal = , coapanHaegan =

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