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Please return completed form (preferably by email) to:

#NEP Re$ional Office for sia and t%e Pacific (#NEP&ROP)
(loor" )loc* " #N )uildin$
Ra+damnern ,enue" )an$*o* -.'..
Tel: /001'1'22-23-
(a4: /001'1'2.52'6
Email: uneproap7un8or$
1. Please read the instructions carefully
2. Answer each question clearly and completely.
3. Incomplete Applications will not be considered.
1. Family Name First Name ther Names !aiden

2. "ate of #irth 3. Place of #irth $. Nationality of #irth %. Present

&. 'ender (. !arital )tatus
*. Present Address +. Permanent Address

1,.Present -elephone Number 11. Fa. Number 12. /0!ail Address

13.-o what e.tent are you familiar with the acti1ities of the 2nited Nations

1$.Proposed Internship Period
From 3date4 month4 year5 -o 3date4 month4 year5
1%.6hat is your area of interest7 6hat would you li8e to wor8 in7 Please indicate by
clic8in9 in order of preference the main area3s5 you would li8e to wor8 in
Preferred ssi$nment rea at #NEP&ROP
:orporate Plannin9 and
/n1ironmental /conomics
/n1ironmental ;aw
<uman <ealth = 6elfare
"ry land="esertification
/n1ironmental Policy
Fund >aisin9
Public Information
Information and "ata
'ender Issues
Information -echnolo9y
Please 9i1e a brief description of which current pro?ect at 2N/P=>AP you would
li8e to wor8 with4 what e.actly you will do in that pro?ect and how you will contribute
to that pro?ect 3ma.imum %,, words5. For information on 2N/P=>AP@s current
pro?ects4 1isit httpA==www.roap.unep.or9
1&. <a1e you pre1iously submitted an application for internship with the 2N7
B/) N
If B/)4 state "ate=>eference of response recei1ed
1(. CN6;/"'/ F ;AN'2A'/)
6hat is your mother ton9ue7
-</> ;AN'2A'/
;an9ua9e >ead 6rite )pea8 2nderstand
First ;an9ua9e
)econd ;an9ua9e
-hird ;an9ua9e
Fourth ;an9ua9e
1*. /"2:A-IN. 'i1e full details 0 N.#. Please 9i1e e.act name of institution and
titles of de9rees in ori9inal lan9ua9e.
IN"I:A-/ B2> :2>>/N- P>'>A!!/ IN -</ )<A"/" #D #/;6
Name4 Place and
From -o
"e9rees and Academic
"istinctions :E
!ain :ourse of )tudy

1+. Indicate a ;ist of completed :ourse 6or8.
2,. ;ist any si9nificant publication you ha1e written
21. "o you ha1e :omputer )8ills7 Bes No
;ist )oftware with which you are proficient
22. /!P;B!/N- >/:>")
;ist in re1erse order employment you ha1e had. P;/A)/ A--A:< AN 2P"A-/"
FromA !onth=Bear -oA !onth=Bear
Name and Address of
-ype of #usiness
"escription of your
23. ;ist of persons to contact in case of emer9ency
Full Name Full Address -elephone Numbers
2$. "o you hold a <ealth=Accident Insurance Policy7 Bes No
If yes4 indicate the Name of the company and the Policy Number
Name of :ompany
Policy Number
If no4 please note that you will be e.pected to bear any costs arisin9 from accidents
and or illnesses incurred if accepted for an internship.
)tate any other rele1ant fact.
2%. >/F/>/N:/)A ;ist three persons4 not related to you4 who are familiar with your
character and qualifications.
(ull Name (ull ddress )usiness or Occupation
2&. <a1e you any ob?ections to our ma8in9 inquiries about you7 Bes No
2(. <a1e you e1er been arrested4 indicted4 or summoned into a court as a defendant in
a criminal proceedin94 or con1icted4 fined4 or imprisoned for the 1iolation of any law
3e.cludin9 minor traffic 1iolations57
Bes No
If FyesF4 9i1e full particulars of each case.
2*. I certify that the statements made by me in answer to the fore9oin9 questions are
true4 complete4 and correct to the best of my 8nowled9e and belief. I understand that
any misinterpretation or material omission made on this application form4 or other
document requested by the r9aniGation renders an intern with the 2nited Nations
liable for termination or dismissal.
"ateA )i9natureA
You may omit the following section on nominating/sponsoring institution, if it is not applicable to you
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHas a candidate to participate in the internship
NA!/ F APP;I:AN-3P;/A)/ P>IN-5
pro9ramme conducted by 2N/P=>AP4 #an98o84 under the conditions set out belowA
Proposed duration and timin9 of the
Intended purpose of candidate@s proposed participation in theA
N): !#ST )E ST!PE9 >ITH O((I<I; SE;.
NA!/ F 2NIE/>)I-B > NA!/ F :/>-IFBIN'
IN)-I-2-IN 3P;/A)/ P>IN-5 FFI:/>3P;/A)/ P>IN-5
A"">/)) F 2NIE/>)I-B > IN)-I-2-IN "A-/
Interns%ip a$reement for t%e #nited Nations En,ironment Pro$ramme?s
Re$ional Office for sia and t%e Pacific" )an$*o*" T%ailand
1. I accept the internship4 which has been awarded to me by the 2nited Nations and
understand the followin9A
3a5 -he 2nited Nations will not pay me for my internshipI all the e.penses connected
with it will be borne by me or my sponsorin9 'o1ernment or institutionI
3b5 -he 2nited Nations accepts no responsibility for costs arisin9 from accidents
and=or illness incurred durin9 my internshipI
3c5 I am not eli9ible to apply for4 or be appointed to4 positions at the professional le1el
and abo1e carryin9 international recruitment status durin9 the period of my
internship or for the si. months immediately followin9 the e.piration date thereofI
3d5 I am personally responsible for obtainin9 necessary 1isas and arran9in9 my tra1el
to and from the duty station where the internship will be performedI
2. I underta8e the followin9 obli9ations with respect to the 2nited Nations internship
3a5 -o obser1e all applicable rules4 re9ulations4 instructions4 procedures and directi1es
of the r9aniGationI
3b5 -o refrain from any conduct that would ad1ersely reflect on the 2nited Nations or
on the recei1in9 department=office and will not en9a9e in any acti1ity which is
incompatible with the aims and ob?ecti1es of the 2nited NationsI
3c5 -o respect the impartiality and independence required of the 2nited Nations and
of the recei1in9 department=office and shall not see8 or accept instructions
re9ardin9 the ser1ices performed from any 'o1ernment or from any authority
e.ternal to the r9aniGationI
3d5 -o 8eep confidential any and all unpublished information made 8nown to me by
the acceptin9 office or department durin9 the course of my internship that I 8now
or ou9ht to ha1e 8nown has not been made public4 and e.cept with the e.plicit
authoriGation of the 2nited Nations not to publish any reports or papers on the
basis of information obtained durin9 the pro9ramme4 both durin9 and after the
completion of my internshipI
3e5 -o pro1ide the recei1in9 department=office with a copy of all materials prepared
durin9 my internshipI
3f5 -o e.tend all property ri9hts4 includin9 but not limited to patents4 copyri9hts and
trademar8s4 with re9ard to material which bears a direct relation to4 or is made in
consequence of4 the ser1ices pro1ided to the or9aniGation by meI
395 -o assist the or9aniGation in securin9 such property ri9hts and transferrin9 them to
the or9aniGation in compliance with the requirements of the applicable lawI
3h5 -o pro1ide immediate written notice in case of illness or other una1oidable
circumstances which mi9ht pre1ent me from fulfillin9 my obli9ationsI
3i5 -o arran9e for my own transport to and from the fficeI
3?5 -o return my identification pass to the )ecurity )ection=fficer0in0char9e of the
internship pro9ramme at the duty stationI
385 -o prepare a short report on my assi9nment at the end of my internship and to
submit it to 2N/P=>API
3l5 -o report for an inter1iew before the e.piry date of my internship.
I hereby confirm that I a9ree with the terms and conditions of my internship as stated
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@8 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
(date) (si$nature)
N#A =ou may be reAuested to supply documentary e,idence B%ic% supports t%e
statements you %a,e made abo,e8 9o not" %oBe,er" send any documents or
e,idence until you %a,e been as*ed to do so by t%e or$aniCation and" in any
e,ent" do not submit t%e ori$inal te4t of references or testimonials unless t%ey
%a,e been obtained for t%e sole use of t%e or$aniCation8 pplications Bill not" as
a $eneral rule" be ,alid or be retained by t%e #NEP&ROP for more t%an si4
mont%s from t%e date of receipt8

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