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Crlglnally publlshed ln orLuguese ln Lhe newspaper C Clobo, 8lo de !

anelro, 8razll, ln SepLember 10, 1988, on

Lhe day of nam !une alk's llve Lelevlslon speclal "Wrap Around Lhe World".

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,./01.2 304 567889

1oday, from 11:30 AM unLll 1 M (8lo de !anelro Llme), a LransconLlnenLal arLwork wlll be creaLed as
Len counLrles are connecLed vla a llve saLelllLe llnk under Lhe dlrecLlon of nam !une alk, Lhe founder
of vldeo arL. "Wrap Around Lhe World" ls Lhe LlLle of Lhe work. alk's orlglnal LlLle, "Clymplc
8alnbow," could noL be used because n8C owns Lhe broadcasLlng rlghLs Lo Lhe Clymplc Cames.
Concelved by alk afLer years of plannlng, Lhe plece reallzes Lhe arLlsL's dream of a global Lelevlslon,
whlch would connecL people of dlfferenL and geographlcally dlsLanL culLures.

nam !une alk wlll be ln Lhe sLudlos of Lhe ubllc 8roadcasLlng SysLem (8S, Channel 13), ln new
?ork, where he wlll re-LransmlL Lhe slgnals recelved from Lhe followlng counLrles: !apan, SouLh korea,
Chlna, SovleL unlon, unlLed SLaLes, Cermany, lreland, lsrael, 8razll and AusLrla. 1he show has a
preclse scrlpL and Lhe duraLlon of each Lransmlsslon wlll be accuraLely conLrolled. 1he openlng wlll
conLaln shorL broadcasLs from new ?ork, 1okyo, Seoul, !erusalem and 8lo de !anelro.
!apan wlll LransmlL sequences of 8uLo dance by Lhe group Sankal !uku (pre-recorded) and Lhe
elecLronlc muslc of 8yluchl SakamoLo (llve), who wlll also dlalogue ln real Llme wlLh uavld 8owle, who
wlll be presenL ln Lhe sLudlos of 8S. SouLh korea wlll parLlclpaLe LransmlLLlng flashes of Lhe
preparaLlons for Lhe Clymplc Cames, scenes of performances of LradlLlonal SouLh-korean muslc, and
lmages of a vldeoLower creaLed by alk ln whlch he uses 1,003 vldeo monlLors. alk's 18-meLer hlgh
Lower ls a homage Lo 8usslan consLrucLlvlsL arLlsL 1aLlln. 1he number 3 ls a homage Lo korea's
naLlonal day, CcLober 3.
Chlna wlll LransmlL lmages of acrobaLs and pop slngers, whlle Lhe SovleL Lelevlslon wlll broadcasL a
[azz performance, llve from Lenlngrad. ln new ?ork, wlLh 8owle ln Lhe sLudlos of 8S wlll be Merce
Cunnlngham, who wlll dance llve, and Lhe planlsL uavld 1udor, who wlll play hls composlLlon "8aln
loresL" llve. alk wlll also alr some of hls vldeographlcs, edlLlng all Lhe maLerlal ln real Llme. ln 8onn,
Cermany, Lhe rock band ule 1oLen Posen (uead 1rousers) wlll perform ln fronL of 8eeLhoven's house.
lreland wlll parLlclpaLe ln Lhls mulLlmedla apoLheosls wlLh a car race. lsrael, ln a compleLely dlfferenL
valn, wlll LransmlL llve sequences from Lhe gardens of Lhe Museum of !erusalem, where a dance
company wlll be performlng speclally for Lhe evenL. An orchesLra wlll be performlng ln AusLrla, whlle
ln 8razll, more preclsely ln Lhe sLudlos of Lhe Clobo 1elevlslon neLwork, Serglnho da Manguelra wlll
perform wlLh a Lambourlne. Pans uonner wlll use Lhe chroma key Lechnlque Lo make Serglnho dance
agalnsL a background of pre-recorded lmages of Lhe 8lo de !anelro Carnlval. 1he 8razlllan
conLrlbuLlon wlll also lnclude vlla lsabel Samba School's song for Lhe 1988 Carnlval and a song
speclally composed for Lhe evenL by CZsar Camargo Marlano.
uonner wlll also lnclude a selecLlon of hls vldeographlcs, orlglnally produced as spoLs Lo creaLe a
vlsual ldenLlLy for Lhe Clobo 1elevlslon neLwork, slnce he dld noL have enough Llme Lo produce Lhe
anlmaLlons he deslgned speclally for "Wrap Around Lhe World".
nam !une alk, who has already creaLed Lwo oLher saLelllLe arL evenLs, wroLe ln "ArL & SaLelllLe"
(caLalogue of exhlblLlon "1he Lumlnous lmage", SLedell[k Museum, AmsLerdam, 1984), LhaL ln Lhe
Lurn of Lhe cenLury Lhe maLhemaLlclan Penrl olncarZ polnLed ouL LhaL we are noL dlscoverlng new
Lhlngs buL new relaLlonshlps beLween Lhlngs LhaL already exlsL. Along Lhese llnes one could say LhaL
"Wrap Around Lhe World" helps us re-lnvenL human dlalogue on a planeLary scale, lL helps us re-
dlscover Lhe symbollc dlmenslon of Lhe exchange beLween dlfferenL culLures and peoples. alk's
work alms aL showlng how new Lechnologles, lf used properly, can be employed Lo promoLe and
celebraLe culLural dlverslLy and global harmony.

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