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Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. xx, No.

xx, (2011
!ournal ho"epage:
Editing Instructions for Authors
Firstname M. Lastname
, Forename M. Surname
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Civil Engineering. 15 C aicoviciu !tr., "###2#, Cluj-
Napoca, $o%ania
First paragraph a&stract shoul' &e provi'e' of 1## to 25# (or's length )* to 15 lines+. Use Ti%es
Ne( $o%an font 12 pt. si,e italics. First a&stract te-t shoul' &e e-clusively (ritten in English
language. .eave 1 &lan/ line &lan/ at 12 pt. font setting &et(een first an' secon' a&stract sections.
!econ' a&stract te-t shoul' &e e-clusively (ritten in $o%anian language. 0f the authors cannot
provi'e a $o%anian a&stract, the e'itorial &oar' (ill provi'e the translation of the English
a&stract. 1lease assure the necessary space in this case. .eave 1 &lan/ line at 12 pt. font setting
&et(een a&stract an' the first section hea'ing.
2n re,u%at se vor %en3iona aspectele originale ale lucr4rii5 reali,4ri personale, a&or'are original4
a unei te%e, etc. $e,u%atul )nu %ai %ult 'e 25# 'e cuvinte+ tre&uie scris 6n li%&a engle,4 7i in
li%&a ro%8n4. $e,u%atul se scrie cu caractere italice )12 pt.+.
Keywords: A list of 5-10 key wors s!oul "e #ro$ie at t!e en of t!e a"stra%t
1. Submission of the paper

Aut!ors are aske to su"mit manus%ri#ts in &or an '(F format ele%troni%ally t!rou)! t!e
Manus%ri#t *#loa System +!tt#,$il0n)1. 2!e system is also
%on$eniently use to %!e%k t!e status of su"mitte #a#ers. Alternati$ely, you may also su"mit your
full manus%ri#t "y e-mail to t!e eitor at 3%osmin.%!iorean4me%on.ut%lu..ro5. S#e%ial issue #a#ers
may "e ire%tly su"mitte to t!e 6uest 0itors. 2!e %orres#onin) aut!or will "e re7uire to su"mit
a /o$erin) Letter alon) wit! t!e manus%ri#t, on "e!alf of all t!e %o-aut!ors +if any1. 2!e aut!or+s1
will %onfirm t!at t!e manus%ri#t +or any #art of it1 !as not "een #u"lis!e #re$iously or is not uner
%onsieration for #u"li%ation elsew!ere. Furt!ermore, any illustration, stru%ture or ta"le t!at !as
"een #u"lis!e elsew!ere must "e re#orte, an %o#yri)!t #ermission for re#rou%tion must "e
o"taine. First le$el !eain)s are flus!e left, "olfa%e an in #oint size 18. *se one line s#a%e
"efore t!e first le$el !eain) an 2 lines s#a%e after t!e first le$el !eain).
2. Preparation of the manuscripts
2!e manus%ri#ts s!oul "e in 0n)lis! in a %lear, ire%t an a%ti$e style, an ty#e wit! sin)le line
s#a%in) of A8 #a#er90uro#ean format +210 : 2;< mm1. Manus%ri#ts s!oul "e ty#e wit! 2imes
=ew Roman size 12 %!ara%ters in sin)le s#a%e. 'rinte area is 1<0 : 255 mm wit! t!e followin)
/orres#onin) aut!or, 2el.- Fa:.,
0-mail aress,
Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. xx, No. xx, (2011
!ournal ho"epage:
mar)ins, to# mar)in, 20 mm> "ottom mar)in, 20 mm> ri)!t an left mar)in, 20 mm. Su"mitte
#a#ers will "e #u"lis!e in four %ate)ories, $egular Technical 1aper, !hort Technical Note, $evie(
papers an iscussions. 2!e first #a)e of an arti%le s!oul %ontain, +11 a title w!i%! refle%ts t!e
%ontents of t!e #a#er, +21 all t!e name+s1 an affiliations+s1 of aut!ors+s1, +?1 name an e-mail
aress of t!e %orres#onin) aut!or, +81 an a"stra%t of 100@250 wors, +51 5-10 Aeywors, an +B1
Footnote. 2!e #a#er s!oul "e %on%lue "y #ro#er %on%lusions w!i%! refle%t t!e finin)s in t!e
#a#er. 2!ere is no restri%tion on t!e num"er of #a)es, fi)ures, ta"les or aitional files +e.). $ieo
%li#s, animation an atasets1, t!at %an "e in%lue wit! ea%! arti%le online. Aut!ors s!oul in%lue
all rele$ant su##ortin) ata wit! ea%! arti%le. A list of key wors s!oul "e #ro$ie at t!e en of
t!e a"stra%t. Aut!ors are a$ise to rea t!e etails in t!e A##eni: 1 for t!e format of t!e first
#a)e of t!e #a#er an t!e %om#anion 0itin) Cnstru%tion files
2.1 Tables and figures
2a"les an fi)ures s!oul "e %onse%uti$ely num"ere an !eae wit! s!ort titles. 2!ey s!oul "e
referre to in t!e te:t as Fi). 1, 2a"le 2, et%. Lea$e 1 lines )a# at 18 #t. font settin) "etween t!e
#re$ious se%tion an fi)ure as well as "etween fi)ure an ne:t se%tion te:t. All Fi)ures an 2a"les
must "e referre into t!e te:t. Se%on le$el !eain)s must "e flus! left, "ol, itali% an in #oint size
12. Dne line s#a%e s!oul "e use "efore t!e se%on le$el !eain) an 1 line s#a%e after t!e se%on
le$el !eain).
Fi)ure 1. Ee:a!eral finite element mes!.
2.1.1 Units and mathematical expressions
Ct is esira"le t!at units of measurements an a""re$iations s!oul follow t!e Cnternational System
+SC1. 2!e num"ers ientifyin) t!e is#laye mat!emati%al e:#ression s!oul "e #la%e in t!e
#arent!eses an referre to in t!e te:t as 07. +11, 07. +21. 2!ir le$el !eain)s are to "e flus! left
an in #oint size 12, "ol, itali%. 'lease use one line s#a%e "efore t!e t!ir le$el !eain) an 1 line
s#a%e after t!e t!ir le$el !eain).
3. eferences
2!e te:t s!oul in%lue a list of referen%es w!i%! refle%t t!e %urrent state of te%!nolo)y. Cni%ate
referen%es "y num"er+s1 in s7uare "ra%kets in line wit! t!e te:t. 2!e a%tual aut!ors %an "e referre
to, "ut t!e referen%e num"er+s1 must always "e )i$en.
Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. xx, No. xx, (2011
!ournal ho"epage:
=um"er t!e referen%es +num"ers in s7uare "ra%kets1 in t!e list in t!e orer in w!i%! t!ey a##ear in
t!e te:t 315. 'lease ensure t!at e$ery referen%e %ite in t!e te:t is also #resent in t!e referen%e list
+an $i%e $ersa1. Referen%es s!oul "e liste as t!ey a##ear in t!e te:t 32, ?5. *se 2imes =ew
Roman font 11 #t. size.
2a"le 1: Sam#le list of referen%es
Fournal, 315 Gan er 6eer F, Eanraas FAF, Lu#ton RA. 2!e art of writin) a s%ientifi%
arti%le. 9ournal of !cientific Co%%unications , !o". 1#3, ##. 51-;, 2000.
Hooks 325 Strunk Fr &, &!ite 0H. The ele%ents of style. ?r e. =ew Iork, Ma%millan>
3?5 Mettam 6R, Aams LH. Eow to #re#are an ele%troni% $ersion of your arti%le.
Cn, Fones HS, Smit! RJ, eitors. 0ntro'uction to the electronic age. =ew Iork, 0-
'u"lis!in) Cn%> ##. 2K1-?08, 1;;;.
$. e%iew process
All t!e su"mitte #a#ers will uner)o a #eer-re$iew #ro%ess, an t!ose #a#ers #ositi$ely
re%ommene "y at least two e:#ert re$iewers will "e finally a%%e#te for #u"li%ation in t!e LA%ta
2e%!ni%a =a#o%ensis, /i$il 0n)ineerin) M Ar%!ite%tureN. 'lease su"mit, wit! t!e manus%ri#t, t!e
names, aresses an e-mail aresses of 2 #otential referees. =ote t!at t!e eitor retains t!e sole
ri)!t to e%ie w!et!er or not t!e su))este re$iewers are use. Su"mission of an arti%le toLA%ta
2e%!ni%a =a#o%ensis, /i$il 0n)ineerin) M Ar%!ite%tureN im#lies t!at it #resents t!e ori)inal an
un#u"lis!e work, an not uner %onsieration for #u"li%ation elsew!ere.
&. 'onc"usions
/on%lusions s!oul state %on%isely t!e most ori)inal as#e%ts of t!e #a#er, as well as t!e aut!orOs
a%!ie$ements an ori)inal a##roa%! of t!e t!eme.
*se non-num"ere first le$el !eain)s for t!e a%knowle)ements. All a%knowle)ements )o at t!e
en of t!e #a#er.
#. eferences
315 Gan er 6eer F, Eanraas FAF, Lu#ton RA. 2!e art of writin) a s%ientifi% arti%le. 9ournal of !cientific
Co%%unications, !o". 1#3, ##. 51-;, 2000.
325 Strunk Fr &, &!ite 0H. The ele%ents of style. ?r e. =ew Iork, Ma%millan, 1;<;.
3?5 Mettam 6R, Aams LH. Eow to #re#are an ele%troni% $ersion of your arti%le. Cn, Fones HS, Smit! RJ,
eitors. 0ntro'uction to the electronic age. =ew Iork, 0-'u"lis!in) Cn%> ##. 2K1-?08, 1;;;.

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