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200 g wheat gluten
50 g cucumber
green onion
prickly ash seeds
white vinegar
chicken essence (chicken
ground chili
Note: the amount of the
ingredients especially the
seasonings listed above can be
appropriately used according to
one's personal taste.
Home / Tours / Food / Cooking Class / Cold Dishes / Cold Wheat Gluten
Chinese name: (ling bn min jn)
Style: Shaanxi Cuisine
Characteristics: Cold Wheat Gluten is attractive and delicious
straight inside its tender core.
Wheat gluten is a protein extract from beans and animal
food, with high inorganic salts and low fat. It is produced
from wheat flour, commonly known as 'A Brilliant Flower of
Chinese Vegetable Cuisine'. Wheat gluten is served after
fried, stir-fried or first boiled or steamed, and then chilled, of
which Cold Wheat Gluten is a variant.
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Cold Wheat Gluten
A. Peel the garlic. Wash it in
water and then chop it up. Place
the pieces on a plate
B. Wash the green onion sections.
Chop it up and place the slices on
a plate.
C. Wash the cucumber, and cut it
into thin slices, and place the
slices on a plate.
D. Wash the wheat gluten, and
then steam it for 3-5 minutes,
take it out and cut that into thin
slices. Finally, put them into a
small basin.

Step 1: Add in the cucumber slices, ground chili, chopped garlic and green onion on the wheat gluten
slices in the basin.

Step 2: Place a wok over high heat and add some cooking oil. When the oil becomes sizzling hot, add
some prickly ash seeds. Stir it for about 20 seconds until the air smells fragrant. Turn off the heat, and
strain the prickly ash seeds from the oil through a colander. Pour the oil from the wok onto the vegetables.

Step 3: Add the salt, chicken essence, and white vinegar. Stir it thoroughly with chopsticks and ready to

Cold Wheat Gluten is ready.
Our Guests Attending Cooking Class
Our Guest and the Hostess in the Kitchen

Mr. Jose, Ms. Blanca and Mr. Rodrigo from Mexico
took part in our Chinese cooking class on October 5
2013 during their tour in Xian. They of course
learnt to make dumplings and try to cook Chinese
dishes, including the Cold Wheat Gluten. Our guide
worked as an interpreter because they were all
curious to know what the ingredient names are in
English. This made the experience more interactive
and some of them were interested to learn some
Chinese words about food.
Our Guests in a Chinese Family

On Sep. 17, 2012, Mr. Jere, Ms. Barbara, Mr. David
& Ms. Ms. Marilyn from USA stepped into a local
family in Xian, led by our tour guide. Rather than a
simple visit to see what a true Chinese ordinary
apartment is like, it was highlighted by a cooking
class by the warm-hearted hostess who taught
them to cook Steamed Perch, Cold Wheat Gluten &
Pan Fried Dumplings with great patience. They said
that the service provided by us was excellent and
beyond their expectations.
See details at Mr. Darrel's feedback

On Sep. 8, 2010, Mr. Timothy & Ms. Natalia from UK made a private tour to a representative family
in Xian under the arrangement by our company. After a brief introduction and an overall visit to the
apartment, they had a cooking class taught by the host, and learned to cook Braised Spare Ribs,
Twice-Cooked Pork & Cold Wheat Gluten.
Cold Lotus Root
in Vinegar Sauce
Cold Celery
and Dry Bean Curd
Cold Sesame
Enoki Mushroom
in Chili Oil
More popular cold dishes in China:
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Mr. Timothy & Ms. Natalia in a Chinese Family
1. Mar. 23, 2011 14:56
Asked by Mr.lg from USA
how many calories is in a cup of wheat gluten
Mar. 24, 2011 01:52
Answered by Ms.Lisa
Every 100g wheat gluten contain kilocalories heat.
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