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National Foundation for Communal Harmony

Communal Harmony Campaign Week & Flag Day

The National Foundation for Communal Harmony (NFCH) observes Communal
Harmony Campaign and Fund Raising Week every year from 1
to !"
November and
the last #orking day of this #eek is observed as the Flag $ay%
NFCH #as set up in 1! #ith the main ob&e'tive of providing assistan'e to the
'hildren rendered orphan or destitute during various 'ommunal disturban'es% The sole
purpose of setting up the Foundation #as e(plained in the budget spee'h made by the
then Finan'e )inister $r% )anmohan *ingh (at present the Hon+ble ,rime )inister) in
the ,arliament during 1!% He said that -if interest of these 'hildren is not prote'ted.
they #ill gro# up into disgruntled and disorgani/ed adulthood% He further said0
They become an easy prey to the propaganda of anti-social elements
and the obscurantist fundamentalist forces of reaction. To protect the
interest of such children, look after their welfare and in particular their
education, the Government proposes to set up a National Foundation
for ommunal !armony as an autonomous non-government
1nvited 'hildren parti'ipated on Flag $ay !223
The Foundation re'eived a 'orpus of Rs% 11 'rore #ith the dire'tion to use only the
interest earned on the said amount and the balan'e re4uirement of funds to be raised
through donations. to meet the e(penses% 1n vie# of this. it #as de'ided in 1! to
organi/e 'ommunal harmony 'ampaign #eek in #hi'h an appeal is also made for
raising funds for the purpose%
The 'ommunal harmony 'ampaign #eek has t#o fold ob&e'tives0
(i) to raise donations for the physi'al 5 psy'hologi'al support of the orphan or the
destitute 'hildren affe'ted by violen'e6 and
(ii) to promote brotherly and friendly relations among the people. maintain pea'e 5
'ommunal harmony and national integration%
Celebration of Communal Harmony Campaign in different parts of the 'ountry
The Foundation distributes publi'ity material to all the *tates 7 8Ts. )inistries 7
$epartments. 'entral publi' se'tor undertakings. para9military organisations.
universities. sele'ted edu'ational institutions and embassies 5 missions abroad. et'% to
observe the Communal Harmony Campaign%
$uring the Communal Harmony Campaign #eek. fe# 'hild vi'tims of violen'e from
different *tates. assisted by the Foundation are invited to $elhi to share their
e(perien'es #hi'h promote 'ommunal harmony 5 national integration% These 'hildren
also pin up flags on the person of the dignitaries su'h as the ,resident. the :i'e9
,resident. the ,rime )inister and the Home )inister% These 'hildren are also taken for
lo'al site seeing in $elhi and nearby histori'al pla'es%
NFCH looks forward for cooperation and participation by every person
and section of the society during the Communal Harmony Campaign
and Flag Day for the noble cause.
Suggested steps to be taken for observing the Communal Harmony Campaign,
the Fund Raising Week and the Flag Day
(i) ;rgani/ing intensive 'ampaign and #ide publi'ity for sensiti/ing people for fostering
'ommunal harmony and national integration through 'ultural programmes. debates.
seminars. #orkshops. essay7painting 'ompetitions et'%6
(ii) *ending funds 'olle'ted to0
he Se!retary, National Foundation for Communal Harmony
Floor, #C# Wing, $ok Nayak %havan, &han 'arket
Ne( Delhi )**+++,
through a demand draft or by 'he4ue%
he bank drafts - !he.ue should be sent only through registered post and never by
a private !ourier/
(iii) $onation 'an also be made by dire't <ank transfer from any#here. utili/ing the
follo#ing information0
Name of <ank Central %ank of 0ndia
=ddress of the <ank &han 'arket, Ne( Delhi)**+++,
Telephone 5 Fa( +**)123*4"3* & +**)1231232*
Name of =7' holder National Foundation for Communal Harmony
=''ount Number *+352,"+54
N>FT71F*C7RT?* C%0N+14+,*+
Name of <ank State %ank of 0ndia
=ddress of the <ank Nirman %havan, 'aulana 67ad Road, Ne( Delhi)**++**
Telephone 5 Fa( +**)1,+3*1"*, 1,+3,58, & +**)1,+3*53+
Name of =7' holder National Foundation for Communal Harmony
=''ount Number *+53"524+28
N>FT71F*C7RT?* S%0N++++54,
6ll donations to NFCH are voluntary and are eligible for *++9 dedu!tion under
se!tion 4+: ;1< =iii;e<> of the 0n!ome)ta? 6!t, *"3*/
(iv) NFCH is also registered under the FCR6, *"83 and is eligible to re!eive
!ontributions from foreign donors/ $onation from abroad7foreign donors under FCR=
may be sent to this a''ount
Name of *o'iety National Foundation for Communal Harmony
Name of <ank %ank of 0ndia
=ddress of the <ank &han 'arket, Ne( Delhi)**+++,
Telephone 5 Fa( 19119!@A1A3@@. 19119!@A121BA
Name of =7' holder National Foundation for Communal Harmony
=''ount Number A22C12122222121
Re'on'iliation Number A22C
S(ift Code %&0D0N%%&H'

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