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declutter [dee-kluht-er]
verb (used with object) verb (used without object)
! "to re#ove #ess or clutter $ro# (% &l%ce)"
'" to or(%)i*e %)d &rioriti*e (o)e+s co##it#e)ts #%teri%l &ossessio)s etc"),
Declutter -our c%le)d%r %)d s&e)d #ore ti#e with -our $%#il-"
Ever- si. #o)ths or so / declutter #- roo#" 0o #%tter how h%rd / tr- / c%))ot
see# to %void %ccu#ul%ti)( (%rb%(e" /t is e%s- $or #e to just co#e ho#e $ro#
school %)d throw stu1 dow)" /) the b%ck o$ #- #i)d / %# %lw%-s (oi)( to &ick it
u& l%ter but this seldo# h%&&e)s" 2ver ti#e / 3)d th%t #- roo# is stu1- %)d
u)co#$ort%ble %)d is i) )eed o$ % (ood s&ri)( cle%)i)("
4ust %s / te)d to collect u))ecess%r- ite#s i) #- roo# % lot o$ us te)d to do the
s%#e i) our lives whether it be u))ecess%r- $rie)d thou(hts or eve) #%teri%l
5s hu#%)s we te)d to collect $rie)ds th%t %re o$ )o be)e3t to our lives" 6e
h%#&er ourselves dow) with these &eo&le without eve) re%li*i)(" 6he) the
burde) beco#es too #uch is whe) we re%li*e" /) setti)( dow) these burde)s we
o$te) ti#es $%ll with it" 7ut we c%))ot st%- dow) (etti)( u& should be the o)l-
choice" Let those &eo&le (o!
6e h%rbour % lot o$ thou(hts th%t block &ro(ress i) our lives" 8o#eti#es it is our
thou(hts th%t kee&s us $ro# re%ll- re%ch our (o%ls but we 3)d ever-thi)( else
%)d ever-o)e else to bl%#e $or the st%()%tio)" The #i)d is % &ower$ul tool %)d i$
we thi)k )e(%tive %)d evil the) we beco#e )e(%tive %)d evil" Let those
thou(hts (o!
9%)- ti#es we w%)t w%)t w%)t! U)til we w%)t too #uch %)d (et too #uch"
9%teri%l thi)(s c%) crowd our lives %)d %lso block &ro(ress" 6e te)d to s&e)d
#o)e- o) % lot o$ thi)(s )ot bec%use we )eed the# but bec%use we see other
with the# bec%use we %re (reed- or bec%use we thi)k h%ve #%teri%l thi)(s will
#%ke us ulti#%tel- h%&&-" These %ctio)s o$te) ti#es le%ve us broke %)d be((i)(
$or wh%t we re%ll- )eed" /t is i#&ort%)t to &rioriti*e" 9%teri%l thi)(s c%) %)d will
$%de let the# (o!
/) the s%#e w%- our ho#es )eed to be de-cluttered so does our lives" :ro# ti#e
to ti#e it is i#&ort%)t to sit %)d rev%lu%te our sel$ i) ever- %s&ect" ;%ve % check
!" /s this &erso) re%ll- #- $rie)d<
'" C%) / c%ll o) this &erso) whe) / %# i) )eed<
=" Does this &erso) )eed #e i) their li$e<
>" /s this &erso) %) %sset or % li%bilit-<
?" 5) / co#$ort%ble %rou)d this &erso)
@" Does this &erso) #%ke #e u)co#$ort%bleA u)setA %)(r-<
B" 6h%t h%ve / (%i)ed $ro# this $rie)dshi&<
C" Etc"
!" ;ow would / $eel i$ so#eo)e he%rd these thou(hts<
'" 6ould these thou(hts hurt %)-o)e<
=" ;ow does these thou(hts re%ll- #%ke #e $eel<
>" 5re these thou(hts )ecess%r-<
?" 5re these thou(hts (ood or b%d<
@" Etc"
95TER/5L T;/0D8,
!" /t this ite# re%ll- i#&ort%)t<
'" 6he) l%st did / use it<
=" Do / like this ite#<
>" Do / k)ow %)-o)e who this would be)e3t #ore th%) #e<
?" Do / h%ve si#il%r ite#s<
@" /s this ite# still (ood<
B" 6h%t &ur&ose does this ite# serve<
C" /$ / (et rid o$ this ite# c%) / survive<
E" Etc"
/t is i#&ort%)t to declutter be$ore the #ess beco#es too #uch!
U)til )e.t ti#e toodles )oodles!!!!!

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