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Module 1 Quick Test A


Choose the best word from the box to describe these people.

childish / idealistic / hard-working / reckless / sentimental / selfish / considerate / competitive /

easy-going / careless / impatient

Rosemary is a nurse. She has been on duty in the clinic for 16 hours. Now she is going
home to study for her exams.

Although Martin is 16 years old, he still plays with toys and needs a light on when he

Jack loves doing dangerous sports like sky-diving, motor racing, and snowboarding.

Julia only thinks about herself. She doesnt care about other people.

Ben believes that everyone is good and that bad people only need help.

Mickey cant relax. He wants everything to happen now.


Keith always tries to think about other people and tries to help them.

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Anna always cries during sad films and loves romantic stories.

Mr Arnold is always happy. He never worries about anything.


Linda loves playing games. She loves winning but she hates losing.


Nicks work is very untidy and he makes a lot of silly mistakes.


Change the words in brackets to make adjectives.

They should be more careful with their writing. (care)

Her poems were very _______________. (imagine)

My old motorbike is very fast but its not very _______________. (rely)

Test the temperature of the water with your elbow. It is more _______________ than
your fingers. (sense)

I didnt understand the story. It was very _______________. (mystery)

Your plan is very beautiful but we need something more _______________. (practice)

I studied chemistry at university and then I did some _______________ research.


It is too _______________ to go to the seaside. (cloud)

Be careful with that machine. Its _______________! (danger)

I thought his latest film was _______________. (bore)


Does your fianc want to have a _______________ wedding? (tradition)


PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

Add question tags to these statements, then write the tense of the main verb.

You wont be here tomorrow, will you?


Jenny didnt compose the music, _________________________?


Sallys got a nice smile, _________________________?


Polly hasnt seen it, _________________________?


Hes wearing a blue baseball cap, _________________________?


Simon wont be there, _________________________?


They werent waiting, _________________________?


Theyd arrived, _________________________?


Theyve been painting the bathroom, _________________________?


Doreen will be playing the guitar, _________________________?


Vincent was cleaning his car, _________________________?


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Write the correct preposition after the adjectives.

I was shocked by their bad language.

They werent very enthusiastic __________ the new job.

My shirt is similar __________ yours.

Ive been very busy __________ my work.

Walid was disappointed __________ the results.

Are you interested __________ gardening?

Thanks, thats very kind __________ you.

I was very pleased __________ my new car.

Are they responsible __________ this mess?

My teachers are very proud __________ me.


What are you unhappy __________?



PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

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