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Affordable and low cost ivf treatment programs


Sunflower Women's Hospital for Infertility, Maternity, Gynaec Endoscopy, Gynaec & obstetric Sonography and
Menopause has been established in the year 2004 in Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India. We are pioneers in Infertility and
IVF treatments. We have been awarded "BEST OF THE BEST IVF CENTER" in India in an independent survey by
Times India Group 2012-13. We are doing 60 to 90 Cycles of IVF per month with highest success rates in Gujarat.
Sunflower Women's Hospital is a hospital that understands and meets all the health needs of a woman and fosters
the understanding of how advanced health care can improve the lives of women and their families.
One of the most well-known, renowned hospitals which is well-accepted internationally for Infertility and IVF
treatment. We are treating patients from all parts of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Delhi, UP,
Karnataka, West Bengal, and Punjab and from all parts of India. Couples are coming in from different parts of the
world, mainly UK, USA, Australia, Gulf Countries and Africa for all types of Infertility treatments to SUNFLOWER
We at SFWH aim to provide total gynaec care under one roof.
From adolescence to menopause with the most advanced technology at an affordable cost, we wish to
deliver clinical excellence in all the services provided by us.
We remain focused on how to achieve maximum patient satisfaction and to become the first choice for every
An institute par excellence, to be trusted by all patients and visitors.
We at SFWH have a full team of gynecologists, sonologists, pathologists and endocrine lab, embryologists,
pediatricians & neonatologists, anaesthetists under the experts guidance of two renowned IVF specialists Dr
R.G Patel and Dr Raman.

Woman is the centre, the nucleus of the family around whom the whole family revolves. Her health is of extreme
importance. Infertility is a global problem and is gradually rising now (15-20%) and we at SFWH are ready to treat
all types of Infertility problems at the most affordable cost and in the shortest possible time.

1. A real obstruction for a few couples who need to consider IVF or in vitro treatment is the cost.
The following are a few plan B you can attempt that would help you with respect to reasonable IVF
and ease IVF treatment.
treatment trials or research that gets IVF allows and financing. Surf the Internet or exploration your

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Nov. 14

Affordable and low cost ivf treatment programs

zone to know whether there are free IVF research trials or economical IVF treatment you fit the bill
for. Inquire about the barrenness focus to check whether it is respectable or not. You might likewise
look at the ripeness facility yourself to verify the gear and rooms are clean and the staff and
specialists are benevolent. IVF trials will be reasonable and on the off chance that you are fortunate
enough, you may get it free of charge.
3. Search for an Infertility Center That offers
an IVF cycle that is imparted is
likewise a decent choice. In this method, two ladies will experience the beginning phase of the
methodology all the while. One lady will give various her eggs to a lady who can't use her eggs. The
eggs will be used as an exchange for a marked down expense concurred by the fruitlessness focus.
Thusly, you can get an ease IVF by setting aside to 50 percent on your IVF expenses.
4. Search for an Infertility Center That offers
two or more ladies will give a giver's egg. They will all help in the IVF treatment cost. This strategy
will permit the ladies to exploit moderate IVF treatment in light of the fact that they will part the
expense of the IVF treatment between themselves.
5. Search for an Infertility Center that has Shared Risk Program or are fund an imparted danger
program or discount is a prepayment plan in which you would acquire a full or halfway discount if a
maternity (or a live conception, now and again) doesn't happen out of your in vitro treatment. This
is likewise considered as a moderate IVF treatment. You will give a level expense specifically for a
specific number of in vitro preparation cycles. You will get a 70 to 100 percent repayment in the
event that you don't get pregnant after your IVF cycles. On the other hand, there are a few
limitations relying upon the arrangements of the ripeness facility as far as administrations and age
6. Attempt Mini in
the hormone regimen and medication that occur. There are fewer medications used for ovary
reenactment. Less however Grade a quality eggs are made with small scale IVF. Much the same as in
ordinary IVF, whatever remains of the methodology of smaller than expected IVF is unaltered i.e.
the lady is seen amid the course of egg recovery and medication regimen procedure and fetus
exchange and incipient organism preparation all occur.

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