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Comida Para Todo es el lugar

perfecto para trabajar de voluntario
y dar dinero. Est abierto siete das
de la semana. Ellos usan todo el
dinero para servir la gente sin
hogar. Los voluntarios son muy
trabajdores y simpticos. La
comida es muy rica y saludable.
Ellos nunca dicen que No a nadie.
Su objectivo es to difundir a las
nuevas comunidades.


Comida Para Todo est buscando para voluntarios.
Puede trabajar de voluntario de las once en la maana
a las siete en la noche. Voluntarios deben trabajadores
y deben quiero aydar. Es til hablar espaol, pero es no
necessario. Comida Para Todo tambin est buscando
para donationes. Trabajen de voluntario y donen.

Delete text box or place a tagline or quote here to call out

something from your text. Delete text box or place a tagline
or quote here to call out something from your text.


When youre writing a flyer, write it so that
someone who has never heard of your
Delete text and place photo here.

company can understand what youre offering

as quickly as possible. Stay away from using
jargon, acronyms, or complicated terms.
If youre not sure what to write, make a list of
what we do and then a list of why our
products or services are the best. Use that

Provide additional information or caption your

information to create your flyer.

photo here. Provide additional information or

caption your photo here. Provide additional
information or caption your photo here.

When youre writing a flyer, write it so that

someone who has never heard of your
company can understand what youre offering
as quickly as possible. Stay away from using

Provide additional information or caption your

photo here. Provide additional information or
caption your photo here. Provide additional
information or caption your photo here.

jargon, acronyms, or complicated terms.

If youre not sure what to write, make a list of
what we do and then a list of why our
products or services are the best. Use that
information to create your flyer. Continue flyer

Provide additional information or caption your

photo here. Provide additional information or
caption your photo here.

text here. Continue flyer text here. Continue

flyer text here. Continue flyer text here.
Continue flyer text here. Continue flyer text
here. If youre not sure what to write, make a
list of what we do and then a list of why our
products or services are the best. Use that
information to create your flyer. Continue flyer
text here. Continue flyer text here. Continue

Enter Contact Information Here | 555 Street Address, City, State 55555 | phone 555.555.5555 | fax 555.555.5555

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