Why I Am With Imran Khan

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I start it from my personal experience to explain my point of view.

I have
been using wireless connection called EVO Wingle for many months. It cost
me 2500 Rs. Per month and it gave me the bandwidth limit of 75 GB. Last
month the company reduced this limit to just 30 GB per month without prior
notice. When the device failed to connect ten days after I recharged it, I
made a contact to companys support and they told me about the change in
policy. Now I will have to pay 1000 Rs extra charges for nearly 7 GB, I will
use until new billing period starts. Till date I have paid 3000 extra and still
one weak is left for the renewal of the connection. I am a webmaster who
needs a round-the-clock internet connection to keep my websites running
which is my sole source of income.
I got electricity bill of 32500 last month because they say the meter was
faulty. I also had to pay 5000 to get the new meter urgently. These two
examples show how this government is making life miserable for the people
like me who belong to lower middle class and a thin line separates us from
descending into the lower strata of society.
If we look at the people living in the dirty pond of poverty, they are now
unable to get even basic food items because everything has gone beyond
their reach. The woman working at my house and many other houses gave
birth to her child almost a week ago but today she came to work because
she cant feed her family if she stays at her home for one or two more
weeks. Except for minority of the blessed ones, all other sections of
society are crying because they are slipping downward to lesser social
stratum. In good systems, people hop between different classes due to their
own abilities and inabilities. In our society, the rich makes it happen for us.
One change in policy shifts billions of rupees from our pockets to the already
bludgeoning purse of certain group of people and our Mulla wants us to call
it fate.

I have seen Nawaz Sharifs previous era as Prime Minister and he did the
same in the past. During his last period, the flow of resources and benefits
began to travel from lower and middle classes to the already privileged ones
which is against every norm of a welfare state. I have tried many times to
put myself into his shoes and every time I came to the conclusion that he
simply cant understand these real life issues because he never has gone
through such miseries. He is unable to feel the pain of a father who has to
give up quality education for his kids and settle for low standard education
because he cant afford it any more. This helpless father knows that now his
children will never be able to compete with the kids from elite class and this
vicious circle of those ruling over these will move to the next
With such resentment for the current ruling class, I see Imran Khan who
might not have gone through these miseries but what he says proves that he
at least understands what common people are facing. In every speech it
seems he is talking about my problems. Why shouldnt I support his demand
for Mian Sahibs resignation when I know from experience that each day he
stays in power will further add to my miseries? I know that if he remains
Prime Minister for his legitimate five-years-duration, my transition from
current status to the lower class is written on the wall. My children will have
to study in government schools which are the mockery of education. My
family will have to bear the extreme summer heat without using air
conditioner because I wont be able to pay the electricity bill. Why I should
feel any sympathy with this system, that every democrat keeps shouting
into my ears? Why should I tolerate this obnoxious scheme of things that
assures me that the next generation of the upper class will rule over the fate
of my children the same brutal way, they have done with my generation?
My kids will have to choose between leaving this beloved land to find a
better living or remain slave to the new faces of the privileged class. Why is
it that we, the lower middle and the middle class, works day and night only

to see a bulk of our income going directly into the pockets of already rich
people in an illegal way? I dont see government making any effort to keep a
check on this flow of money from lower to upper level. I never saw
government machinery making sure that some portion of the taxes, I pay,
flows backwards to make my life less miserable. On the contrary this huge
machine keeps contriving every pretext to deprive me of a bigger chunk of
my income. They dont care to provide me any level of facilities. This system
is created only to find ways to steal more and more amount from the
masses and slip it silently into the bank accounts of a selected class.
It seems current regime is trying to impose on us the environment that
Europe witnessed during the early days of industrial revolution when
unbridled greed of the rich unscrupulously exploited poor human stuff and
government showed criminal neglect towards this injustice. In a normal
welfare state, people like Imran Khan, probably, would not emerge as ideal
politicians because of their personal shortcomings. But I am ready to forgive
these small issues because he speaks about our suffering and he expresses
his understanding of current administrative machinery that is a sheer tool to
serve capricious impulses of the elite class. We are not ready to show our
respect to a parliament where people settle their personal scores at the
expense of our taxes. This is the parliament that never unanimously stood
for the rights of a common man and exerted pressure on the executive to
pay attention to the plight of the masses. But the moment they felt
threatened by the presence of a mob outside, they became united to
safeguard the system which ensures their perks and privileges remain intact.
This is Nawaz Sharif who has made Imran a leader. He is haunted by his own
creation that is now determined to destroy its creator. Mian Sahib and
others sitting in the parliament are unable to grasp that Imran is not popular
for his own sake; it is current ruling class that has made him a leader. I wish
they could understand what kind of revolt is brewing into the hearts and

minds of educated but poor people and that this resentment can take
violent route any time.

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