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The Marcum Family/Ministry News

November 2014
Dear Friends & Family,
The holiday season has officially begun at the Marcum house! Weve been building fires in the
fireplace, making soups, baking goodies and yes, weve got a puzzle out and the Christmas music
already playing. This is our favorite time of the year, and were especially thankful for family &
friends like you! Were looking forward to all the Marcum children coming to K.C. for a visit in a
couple weeks and a special Thanksgiving Dinner together. We pray that all of you are able to spend
special time with your family as well. Happy Thanksgiving to you! - Love, The Marcums

Leading Young Leaders

Joshua, Donovan, (us), Tom, Josh, Logan,

Kelly, Sharon, Sarah, Alicia (Ashley & Chase not pic)

We want to tell you more about a great group of young people the Lord has
allowed us to be small group leaders for. Pictured here are 9 of the 11 students
in our IHOPU Friendship Group. As we shared in our September newsletter,
we also have two externs in our group who are currently away Lesley, who is
in Fredericksburg, MD, and Josh (& wife, Sarah) in Tauranga, New Zealand.
Our first group meeting was the first Wednesday in September, and weve been
meeting every Wednesday since. We are already beginning to grow closer as
we worship together and share about how God is working in us.

Melissa and I enjoy not only the weekly group meetings, but were also loving the one-on-one connects we do with the
students throughout the week. We are having coffee and sharing with one or two students each week Melissa with the
gals, and Jim with the guys. Were asking the Lord to use us as mom & pop to them to be a listening ear, understanding
heart, and encouraging voice in their lives. The group times together have really been amazing, as we have been having
each one share his/her testimony with the group including, 1)their family background, 2)how they came to the Lord,
3)how they were led to IHOPU, 4)what their future goals & aspirations are. Each week before the student whose turn it is
shares, we first worship for awhile, and then we ask the Lord to begin to show all of us how He feels about this person and
what some of His thoughts are towards them (Psalm 139:17; 1 Corinthians 2:10-16). Then we share with the person the
impressions, thoughts, Scriptures, and words we receive. It is always SO encouraging! After they share their testimony, we
pray over them. I (Jim) have also been leading some discussion times around the Word. Recently we took all of them down
to the lake by our house and after a time of worship everyone found a quiet spot and meditated on Scriptures about the face
of God. (Ex. 33:11; Num. 14:14; Deut. 34:10-12; 2 Chron. 7:14; Ps. 17:15; 27:8; 67:1; 105:4; 2 Cor. 3:18; 4:6). We came
back to the house and had a time of sharing about what the Lord had shown us.
We have two students in our group who are Korean, one who is Chinese, one who is from England, another who is from
Canada, and another whose grandparents emigrated to the U.S. from Portugal. Two of our students are married (so is the
student who is on externship in New Zealand). They are all 3rd or 4th year students, and are in the House of Prayer
Leadership track, so are receiving a lot of leadership training. Two of our students are out ministering this weekend one
is in Ft. Worth, TX speaking at a childrens conference, and another is in Minnesota ministering at a local church. These are
awesome young leaders, and the Lord is raising them up to do mighty exploits in His kingdom! What a joy for Melissa and
I to be part of helping prepare and equip them to be all God has called and fashioned them to be.

Some of
taking a
outing at
the lake
near our
A couple pictures from Fall Bonfire with all (40-50) students in HOP Leadership Track

Outreach at University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC)

My good friend, Tony McNutt, and I helped lead an outreach in October at UMKC,
the largest university in Kansas City. There are over 16,000 students and many are
internationals. We partnered with IHOPKCs college ministry Luke 18 as well as
several other campus ministries at UMKC. We set up a tent at the Quad, which is
a central outdoor area on campus where most of the students cross through as they
go from building to building for their classes. The tent was manned with prayer
teams 24/7 for three days, and often there was live worship going on as well.
Tony and I spent two mornings on campus at the tent. The first morning we set up a table out in front of the tent and put out
some cookies (we were going to have coffee but that didnt work out oh well!). We were able to talk with many students
and pray with them. A Christian pastor from India even came by who is doing outreaches on the campus and we were able
to pray with him and encourage him. The second morning, we led a 2-hour prayer & worship set in the tent. As we met and
talked with the students over the 2 mornings we were there, we invited them to come to some Bible studies and Christian
fellowships that are taking place on campus each week throughout the week. The tent was a good place to get students
connected with what the Lord is doing on the campus. It was also great to see the various campus ministries coming
together in unity just to pray together and lift up Jesus at UMKC!

Wait No More
God is a Father to the fatherless! He sets the lonely in families! We were blessed to be a part of the church coming together to
see God work among His people. On November 1st, over 170 churches were represented at the Wait No More adoption
campaign in Kansas City, hosted by Focus on the Family. The plea was for 500 people to attend and 75 families to begin the
process of adoption from foster care. Our personal prayer was for 15 of those families to be from our local congregation,
Forerunner Christian Fellowship, and IHOPKC. I am excited to report that we had 570 people attend and 85 families begin the
process, 16 of those from our fellowship! There were also 9 additional families that indicated their desire to help in some way,
through finances and/or personal wrap-around care. Orphan Justice Center was there with a booth as one of the 16 agencies &
ministries on-site to answer any questions. We were able to share with many families about the Childrens Prayer Sets that we
do twice weekly where children help lead the worship and lead the room in prayer! Also, about the training that we are offering
to families each semester to help them know how to love and lead these children out of brokenness and trauma. We also
invited them to be a part of our Prayer for the Fatherless set in the Global Prayer Room every Friday from 10-noon. You can be
a part of that, too! Just login to and join the live web stream as Jon and Kinsey Thurlow lead us in worship and
prayer that God would turn the hearts of fathers and mothers so that children would have to wait no more for a forever family!

The OJC team meeting before the event


Almost 600 people in attendance!

So blessed to be a part of this!

It was great to have some special friends from Noel & Joplin, MO come for the Wait No More event Melissa McWilliams, along
with her daughters, Jessica and Chelsie (Bresee) & Chelsies husband Cory and their son, Dylan. Love yall, thanks for coming!
We are so looking forward to next month and ONE THING 2014 on December 28-31! We expect around
15,000 young people from across the nation & around the world to be here in K.C. exalting Jesus
together for 4 days. Pray for us, as all of us here at IHOPKC are busily preparing. Pray especially for
the speakers and the worship teams. And come join us if you can, its an event like no other! Until
next time, keep in touch & may you have a blessed & Happy Thanksgiving. Were praying for you!

Because He is worthy of it all,

Jim & Melissa Marcum & family

Jim & Melissa Marcum

P.O. Box 1099, Grandview, MO 64030
Phone/text: 816-287-3525 / 816-287-2228
International House of Prayer Kansas City, MO

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