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For Private Circulation only

Nov 14 (Issue 10)

A positive attitude Change your life

We have read many stories of kings and great personalities, who
in their childhood played with snakes, lions, tigers, jumped from
height, killing the Rakshasas (Devils). But what happen to the
same person when grownup. Same event doesnt happen or
dont take risk to do so. Every person is born a Power house, full
of all the five senses and devoid of any fear. But in the due
course of time and experience, he came across sweet and bitter
experiences of life, which motivate or demotivate to take risk in
life. We should always think ourselves as a power house and
blessed person, having the skills and capabilities to do any tasks
with success. The moment we get this feeling, we restore all the
energy and knowledge and willingness to do that task. Our mind
opens up and starts working towards on that task. When we
think ourselves as a power house, we are devoid of fear factor in
us. Therefore be powerful and fearless in life to be successful.
Winters are on its way, therefore for the benefit of the readers
we have included few articles on precautions and fooding in
winters. Also we have included article on Parenting and Vastu in
the study room of your kids.
We are thankful to readers motivation and appreciation though
phone calls and through mails.
Hope this issue will induce lot of
make a successful person.


in your life to

With Best Wishes.

Rajinder Singh Mann

15th Nov 14

October 14

Be Fearless
Primary requirement for success,
Peace and Happiness

04 to 08

Self Confidence
Required to face adversities in life

09 to 13

Parenting (How to be good Parents)

14 to 19

- Fruits in Winter
- Yoga (Dhanurasana)
- Precautions in Winter

20 to 26

Vastu for Study Room

27 to 28

Learning Quotes

29 to 30

Inspirational Poem

31 to 31


32 to 32


33 to 33

Topics for Next Month

34 to 34
posititude Nov 14

posititude Nov 14

Live Fearlessly
One day, Swami Vivekanad was
returning back from Ma Durga Mandir,
in Sarnath. On the way there was a
pond on one side and on the other
side was a high boundary Wall. On the
bank of pond, lives large sized
monkeys, which didnt spare the
passers-by without harming. When he was passing the point, they howled and
shrieked and clutched at his feet. Swamiji become fearful and to protect himself
from the monkey bit, he start running. More faster he run, more bolder the
monkeys become. From the opposite direction was standing a Sanyasi, shouting at
him Face the Brutes. Swamiji stopped running and turned back and looked at
the monkeys. They also stopped running behind him and fled away in the opposite
direction. Swami vivekanada extended his gratitude towards the Sanysi. From this
incident Swami Vivekanad lived fearless life and spread the same message to all his
followers and the world.
Fear is not an innate quality. It got developed as we grow-up, see and face the
situations, feel them and analysis them. It is an emotional response induced by a
perceived threat, which causes a change in the brain and organ function, as well as
in behavior. In fear, we start hiding our selves, or start running or start crying.
As in the above example, swamiji pre-assumed that monkeys are notorious and can
harm. On one side is the high wall and on the other side is pond. Therefore to
avoid facing them, he started running. The mind guided him to run. That is why he
start running to escape himself. But as soon as the Sanyasi told him to stop and
face them, he stopped and faced the notorious monkeys. They ran away. Similarly,
all of us also have prejudice about the situation, person, equipment or things.
Instead of facing, we choose to flee the situation. Fleeing is not a solution, it only
aggravate the situation and we keep on fleeing due to the prejudice fear.
Similarly, when I was in 10th standard I always run away from solving the
pythagoras theorem, till my math teacher help me learn the theorem. Since then I
taught pythagoras theorem, to many of my colleagues.
posititude Nov 14

Type of fear varies according to age.

0-2 years Loud noises, strangers, separation from parents, large objects.
3-6 years Imaginary things such as ghosts, monsters, the dark, sleeping alone,
strange noises.
7-16 years More realistic fears such as injury, illness, school performance, death,
natural disasters.
17-20 Years Adolescent Period fear related to changes in body, dating, college
performance, relationship, career, etc.,
>20 years Career, Sex, Relations, Office performance, Promotions, marriage,
society, boss, competition, children schooling and career.
Type of Fears

Fear from Animals Snake, spider, dog, cockroach, etc.,

Fear of Situation and Environment Fear of Height, Fear of Driving, Fear of
water, fear from darkness.
Fear of Injection and Blood. Many people dont allow the doctor to inject
even at older age.
Fear of Public Speaking Speaking in public is a fear for many. They cant
open-up and are introvert and cant speak in public.
Fear of Examinations.
And many other fears also exists. They may vary from person to person.

Symptoms of Fear Fear induces physical and mental symptoms, when we face
the fear.
a) Physical Symptoms Problem in respiration, sweating,
dizziness, Trembling or shaking, heart beats increases,
churning stomach.
b) Mental / Emotional Symptoms - Feeling of
overwhelming anxiety or panic, Feeling unreal,
loosing control of your self, start over-reacting.

posititude Nov 14

Handling Fear
Fears are actually a mental state. Therefore it can be taken care by thinking about
the fears, their cause, effects and solutions.

Think you are the power house Weak and negative thoughts induce fear
in us. Therefore first of all, we should have the confidence in us that we can
face all the problems in the life. No problem exist for ever. Time and
situations changes the gravity of problems which induces fear in us. We
should be prepared mentally first to face and then only physically we can get
rid of the fear.


Face the fear step-wise. We should face the problem otherwise the fear will
make us week and frighten of the problem. We will not learn to get rid of the
problem until and unless we dont face it. First Understand the problem,
then find why it is fear, introspect inside to find the antidote and start feeling
that it is easy to solve. Unless and Until, we dont study the cause of the fear,
we cant be bold to face it. Therefore dont run away from the problems,
face them and get it solved.


Learn to Relax Maximum fears are generated due to our anxiety and over
reaction to a situation. This makes us suffocated and defeated at the first
instance only. Therefore to understand any situation one should maintain
calm of his/her mind. Only calm mind can think positively and take right
decision. There are many relaxation techniques like physical relaxation,
meditation, deep breathing, which can make our mind cool and calm and we
are able to face the fear and get rid of it.


Half Glass Full If you want to get rid of fear cogently, then always be
positive and away from negativity. Avoid surrounded by negative people.
Also always be in touch of positive thought people. They will not effect your
thoughts adversely and will give you strength to face adverse situations of
life and fears. It is very easy to criticize/damage than to praise and rebuild.


Be Brave, powerful, barmy, gregarious. These positive traits will help you to
face any adverse situation with boldness and the situation will never become
a fear.
posititude Nov 14

6) Read good literature, which will regularly keep you in high esteem and
capable to handle any volatile situation.
7) Keep Biographies of Worlds great leaders with you. Whenever, you have
time, read them. These will inculcate confidence in you to fight against fear.
8) Keep your Body, Mind and soul Healthy by regularly doing yoga, Exercises
and meditation.
9) Keep motivational banners, cutouts and leaflets around your work place to
give a positive vibrations in the environment. What you see is what you think
and what you think is what you feel and what you feel is what you act.
10) Review your Fears Daily. You should right down your fears on a piece of
paper and start searching for the solution. You can read literature, discuss
with you close friends. See motives and listen light music to make the fear

posititude Nov 14

posititude Nov 14

Self Confidence
Self confidence is the difference between feeling unstoppable and feeling scared.
Self confidence is the power within to handle all situation with ease and success.
Lack of self confidence induces fear and sacredness.
Your perception of yourself has an enormous impact on how others perceive

The state of mind characterized by one's reliance on himself.
It is a feeling of self-sufficiency; such assurance as leads to
a feeling of security and self-reliance
Absence of self-confidence give birth to Low-Energy, Low- Enthusiasm,
Negativity, Low self esteem, depression, etc.,
Self confidence brings Security in us and Security brings Positive Attitude. And all
the tasks done with Positive attitude are always a success. Performance
increases in all sphere of life due to Posititude.
POSITITUDE Change the way of Life

Coming out of Insecurity

Today most of the people are suffering of insecurity
1) Insecurity in Job,
2) Insecurity in Relations,
3) Insecurity in Communication,
4) Insecurity in skills and capabilities,
How to come out of this insecurity is most important is we want to gain our self
confidence, because this insecurity is the main reason of Self confidence.

posititude Nov 14


To come out of self doubt, we should


We should access our abilities,

We should access our shortcomings,
We should access our weakness,
Correct all the shortcomings and weakness

Developing Self Confidence


You are no less than anyone in this world. Be Calm, Close your eyes, take
deep breath and tell yourself that youre the most powerful person in this
world. God has given me all the resources, which a person need to achieve
everything in life.


Never Compare yourself with others. All human beings have different
personality, strengths and weaknesses. Nothing can be compared. Once
weakness may be strength of others and ones strength is weakness of others.
Therefore never compare yourself with others, you are unique and owner of
unique and powerful personality.


Always Compete with yourself and not with others. Every day is a new day. At
the end of the day evaluate what you have achieve/gained and what you
have loose. Write-down on piece of paper and tear it off after reading it
thrice. Every day promise to yourself that today I will perform better than
my yesterday. Compete with yourself, this will stop negative from outside
surrounding in you, when you compare yourself with others and compete
with others.


Prepare a TODO list daily. Keep all

important task on priority. Get them
done first. Delegate Un-important
and urgent to your Juniors. Avoid
time wasters. This practice will
reduce the percentage of
Urgent-Important Tasks. Less the
Urgent Important task more you will be
free to think and build your
posititude Nov 14


5) Read Good Literature - By reading good books, you should develop a good
habit of concentration, focus, increasing patience, building vocabulary,
understanding the literature, developing positivity in you, updating your
knowledge. Cultivate the habit of reading good Literature.

Past is gone, Future hasnt come, balance is present. You have to have
control on the Present. Therefore fully concentrate on present time and do
whatever you can to make it beautiful, successful and memorable.


Improve Self-image - Wearing good cloths,

- Keeping good company,
- Display motivational Publication around you, which will act a fire fighting
device in the time of exigencies.


Repeating and rebuilding Confidence - Write a 30-60 second speech that

highlights your strengths and goals, whenever you need a confidence boost.


Get Feedback - Get feedback when you need it:

- Ask someone who cares about your development as well as the quality of
your performance to tell you what he/she thinks.
- Be sure to pick the right person.
This feedback will boost the confidence and give you change to correct
yourself before it is late.

10) Always Think Different and take Calculated Risks

- Playing to your strengths is a smart tactic but not if it means you hesitate
to take on new challenges.
- Many people don't know what they are capable of until they are truly
- Failure can be very useful for building confidence.
11) Keep your Mind, Body and Soul healthy, by doing regular Yoga, Exercise and
posititude Nov 14


Remember the following Dos and Donts

a) Remember always that you are unique and no one else can take your place.
b) Be honest with yourself about what you know and what you still need to
c) Practice doing the things you are unsure about. This will be great learning.
d) Embrace new opportunities to prove you can do difficult things.


Dont focus excessively on whether you or not you have the ability, think
instead about the value you can provide .
Dont hesitate to ask for external validation if you need it.
Dont worry about what others think of you, focus on yourself, not a
theoretical and judgmental audience.
Never compete with others, compete with yourself. Improve every day.

A Bird may not have confidence on the branch on which it is sitting,

But it has trust and confidence on its Wing.
This is the Self Confidence
posititude Nov 14


posititude Nov 14


Tips to be Good Parents

We are really thankful to the regular readers of Posititude magazine and giving us
their valuable feedback. We have published few articles in our previous issues.
Readers have demanded to give more write-up on parenting and career
guidance. In this issue are presenting 10 tips on how to be good parents.
How to be a Good Parent is difficult subject on which anything can be written.
After lot of reading, research and my own personal experience I am able to write
something on this topic. But yes parenting a great and tough job to do. No two
child are same, no two parents are same, no two age are same, no two times are
same. All are dynamic and to handle a dynamic you should be a dynamic person.
No one can claim to be 100% good parent. Some of the tips seems to be difficult
but not impossible. If one try to practice, it can be done with ease and be a good

Tip No. 1 Be an Example

From our child hood, we copied others and gained knowledge. All the children
follow the same path till they are capable of taking education. They watch their
parents carefully and accept what their parents practice, as it is. Their parents are
their first and natural teacher. Be an example for your children, so that children
follow the same. Therefore give them respect, love and affection, behave
positively, have empathy towards your childs emotion. They will follow you.

posititude Nov 14


Tip No. 2 Loving is must

Loving your children is not spoiling them, as
some of the myths describes. So far as you
differentiate love with material indulgence,
leniency, low expectation and overprotection, it will not spoil the child. Love
your child sincerely and meaningfully. Loving
is Hugging them, kissing them, spending
time with them, sharing the feelings, listening to their problems and guiding them
etc.,. These loving acts will trigger the release of feel-good hormones in them and
in parents. Oxytocin, Opioids and Prolactin neurochemicals inculcate in us, sense
of calm, emotional warmth and satisfaction. These hormones develop resilience in
children and bring them closer to parents. Therefore act of love is very good for
both parents and children and build a strong bonding between them.

Tip No. 3 Teach them Moral Values

Teaching the children moral values cultivates
positive attitude in them and they face all the
lifes problems with energy and strength. For this
parents has to be very positive and show
positive attitude in their behavior. Control on
negative behavior is must otherwise that will
effect the children. As described in Tip no. 1,
children are copy-cat species. What you show,
will be what you see. Teach them discipline. Setting limits and being consistent are
the keys to good discipline. Be always kind and firm when advising them to practice
and follow those rules. Focus on the reason behind the childs behavior. Never
enforce the moral values, make them understand scientifically by showing the
benefits of those and giving example of great personalities.

Tip No. 4 Be Reachable

Be always sensitive and responsive to the childs needs. Support and accept your
child as an individual. Be a warm, safe haven for your child to explore from.
Children raised by parents who are consistently responsive tend to have better
emotional development, social development and mental health outcomes.
posititude Nov 14


Tip No. 5 Be Receptive

I have heard, many parents saying that their child is very reserve and introvert
in nature and doesnt share his problems with them. But in the back of the
situation, it is parents who are responsible for that behavior. The child has not
been addressed properly sometimes.
Listen to your child attentively and with interest. Child will always share his/her
feelings and problems, if they are properly attended. Once they are not heard,
they will start hiding and keeping themselves reserve. Parents will think that
everything is ok, but one day it will be an eye opener and maximum damage
already had been done. Another factor which plays an important role in
communication is that, after hearing the child never loose your nerves. Children
are also Human and are at learning stage. To make them a good person with a
good personality, help them to learn to solve their problem. You have to just
listen to them and share your experience when you were in the same age. They
are more creative and energetic. They will solve their problems. But parents
have to listen them and encourage them to do the best.

<<< Be receptive

Dont dictate >>>>

Tip No. 6 Talk of Role Model

Many Parents boost about how they have been brought-up in hardship or they
will talk how they have earned the present level by saving penny-wise in their
life. It is none of the business of your children. As a parents, it is your duty to
brought up your child in a very congenial environment and should be full of
confidence and positive attitude. Therefore instead of talking about your
personal life, talk about the great persons of the world who have given the
world so many things. You can discuss Albert Einstin, Thomas Alva Edison, M K
Gandhi, Tagore, Ramanujam, Swami Vivekananda etc., Children will get more
motivation from them rather then your life. You should also tell them about
your role model of your life. posititude Nov 14

Tip No. 7 Maintain Healthy Relations with Spouse

This is one of the most important tip for
the parents. Always
keep a good
relationship with your spouse. Always talk
in good mood and humor. Even if you have
any difference of opinion on any issue
discuss in isolation. In front of your child
you should always be united and single
minded. Children are very intelligent.
Once they some to know the different
they will talk separately to both of you and will be out of your range soon.
Therefore be united and talk lightly and in a positive manner. Think before
speaking, Every Problem has some Solution.

Tip No. 8 NO-NO to Spanking / Slapping

Children are inexperienced and unknown to the
result of any activity. They dont do any thing for
any reason. Whatever their will wants, they do it.
Therefore listen carefully to them and discuss with
them how their activity has done harm to the family
and direct how they has harmed themselves. When
we taught them that if they dont share their
feelings with their parents, then there is probability of facing these kind of
consequences. Never slap or spank them. Understand them and make them
understand the consequences. Have trust in them. They will understand.
Punishment is the Shortcut and short time solution..

Tip No. 9 Keep Prespective

Almost all the parents impose their Goals and willingness on the children. They
want their children to be Doctor, Engineer or Advocate, even though the child
may not be interested to do that. Their approach is Survival approach rather
then Thrive approach. Council your child from time to time. Every child born
with innumerable qualities. We as a parents should understand the talents the
posititude Nov 14


Children possess. Understand and those skills

and help the children to develop the most
suited skills. Every child is a gifted child. This
has to be accepted and act accordingly. Create
a good environment in the home. Whenever
you are with the children maintain a suitable
and soothing environment. Keep them
motivating learning new things everyday,
developing their potentials and skills.

Tip No. 10 Keep Updated on Parenting

Read books on parenting, meet friends and exchange views on parenting,
attend workshops extra.

posititude Nov 14


Maintain the body,

you will maintain your life


posititude Nov 14

Fruits, which are beneficial in Winter

As winter is fast approaching and soon taking over our life and body, it is our
responsibility to be well-prepared for the seasonal change. Maybe you did not realise
but the chilly weather affects more than just your wardrobe and electricity bill. It
affects your food pattern too! Fruits and vegetables being the main source of vitamins
and energy are easy to find and eat during summer but come winter and all we want is
hot chocolate and hot-cuppa-everything. In order to make eating fruits easy in winter,
we've rounded up 9 fruits that are best recommended for winter.
1) Citrus Fruits
Stock up on these vibrant citrus fruits - oranges, lemons,
grapefruit, kumquats, limes and clementines. They are loaded
with vitamin C. Citrus intake has been linked to lowering risk
of ailments like - Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease,
diabetes, cholera, gingivitis and cataracts. They are also very
helpful in smoothening of skin.

2) Papaya
A very rich fruit, it is a great source of skin-saving
vitamin A and papain, an enzyme that aids digestion.

3) Kiwifruit
An excellent source of fibre, kiwifruit will keep you healthy
and feeling energised in winter. They are filled with antioxidants,
vitamins and potassium.

posititude Nov 14


4) Carambola
Also known as star fruit, Carambola is rich in antioxidants,
potassium, and vitamin C; and low in sugar, sodium, and acid.
5) Guava
Rich in fiber and vitamin C, a guava is known to contain
about four times the amount of vitamin C as an orange.

6) Pomegranate
Pomegranate is known to be one of the world's oldest fruits.
This ruby-coloured fruit is also very nutritious, packed with
antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that can help reduce
heart disease risk factors. Pomegranate juice is considered
helpful for anemic patients.

7) Pineapple
Pineapple is a tropical fruit loaded with vitamin C. It provides a
healthy dose of fiber and is an excellent source of manganese,
a nutrient involved in bone formation.

8) Grapes
Grapes are delicious and super healthy. Packed with high
amount of anti-oxidants and vitamins A, B1, B2 and potassium,
they are good for your skin, heart, and prevent illnesses during
winter. They make our immune system stronger!

Source The Times of India

posititude Nov 14


Dhanur Asana gives a full backward bend to
the whole of the spine and all the muscles of
the back from the neck to the lower back or
lumber region. Bhujanga , Locust and Dhanur
forms a series of exercises beneficial to the
body when practiced together. As the forward
bend flexes the spine, the bow extends it.
1.Lie on your stomach with your arms stretched on both sides. Place your right
or left cheek on the floor. Bend the knees, bringing the feet up. Bring the heels
close to the buttock area. Reach back to hold the ankles with your hands. The
knees and the ankles should be closer to one another.
2.Inhale as much air as you can. Straighten up your neck and head. Holding the
breath and keeping the arms straight, arch the entire body upwards. Lift the
head, chest and thighs off the floor. Remain in this position for 5 to 6 seconds.
3.Exhale and return to the floor smoothly. Keep holding the ankles while you
return to the first position. Put the cheek back on the floor and breath
4.Leave the ankles and let the legs gradually return to the floor. Bring the arms
and hands to the floor on both sides and relax for 6 to 8 seconds. You have
completed one round of bow posture.
Note :
In this asana, all your efforts should be to give a backward pull with the legs
and not a forward pull with the hands. Thus the knees remain on the floor and
the only portion which is lifted and pulled upwards is the area above the
abdomen, i.e. the chest and the head area.
Restrictions :
Start with two rounds on the first day and gradually to a maximum of four
rounds. In the first position in case you find it difficult to hold the ankles then
hold the toes. Do not attempt the bow while pregnant, as these asana
increases the pressure on the abdomen.
posititude Nov 14


Benefits :
Activates and strengthen all the major and minor joints of the body. Strengthens
all the abdominal muscles and organs. Develops digestive power and removes
extra weight and fat from the stomach and waist areas. Enhance the elasticity of
the spine. Chest, lungs and neck are strengthened and activated, benefiting people
suffering from asthma and other respiratory problems. For women, it corrects
menstrual and other troubles related to reproductive organs.

Source -
posititude Nov 14


Precautions in Winter
In winter day are short and nights are lengthy, we are inside rooms in winter as
compared to summer. Environment is cold during day and night both. To counter
this cold, our body needs more heat and energy. The food we take in normal
season doesnt fulfill our body requirement to combat the winter. For this we
consume lot of energy to combat cold. Therefore intake of food increases in winter.
We should know the follow facts and take extra care in winter to protect ourselves
from falling ill and gaining weight.


Winter is a time for eating warm foods and drinking

hot tea. Take warm food in winter less of fats. Take more
of protein products.


All living things naturally slowdown in the winter

months. In winter, since days are shorter and nights
are longer therefore we are more in bed during winter.
Our bodys metabolism also slows down during winter.


In winter we need more energy to combat the cold.

Therefore conserve energy and build strength, by eating
healthy food and doing Yoga and exercise to build
body strength.


During the winter season nutritious

food can be taken. Instead of taking
quantity, we should take quality
Food. Winter is said to be called
season of fruit and vegetables. Take
less of carbo and more of fibres
Vitamins and proteins.
posititude Nov 14



Other food items like groundnuts, dates, papaya, banana, apple, pomegranate
and cheeku are also beneficial.


Humans need more sleep during winter. Since in

winter days are short and nights are long therefore
our body also respond accordingly. During night
our bodys metabolism slows down. Therefore our
body demand more sleep and we should take at
least 8 hours sound sleep in a day.


Staying fit during winter youll be able to

avoid gaining weight. It has been found in research
that people normally gain weight during winter. In
winter body demand more energy therefore most
of us intake lot of energy giving food without
any control. Therefore to burn the extra energy
accumulated in form of fats in our body, burn it on
daily basis, by way doing regular exercises. By doing
exercise we also maintain our strength and
stamina of our body. Our muscular and Skelton system
are toned-up by doing exercises. Be active in summer.


In Winter, we take very less intake of water and water

containing fruits and vegetables. But our body demand
water in all season for scavenging the body waste. In
the absence of adequate water, our body scavenging systems fails and we
prone to diseases like constipation, skin diseases, kidney problem, heart
problems. Therefore take at least 8 full glass of water daily. It will be good if
you take luke warm water. Cold water will harm the system.


When going outside during very cold weather,

Wear heavy jackets, if too cold outside.
Make sure you wear a hat / woollen cap.
a scarf or knit mask to cover face and mouth
sleeves that are snug at the wrist

posititude Nov 14


posititude Nov 14


Vastu Tips for Study Room for Children

According to Vastu, direction plays an important
role in our life. Children are our future. Therefore
take all care to choose a room for your child.
Keeping the room, sleeping direction and Studying
direction in place ensure proper growth of your
child. As per Vastu Shastra, West direction is the
best direction of Childrens room. Location of the
besd should in south-west portion.
While sleeping the head of the child should be in South or east direction. The door of
the room should not be exactly opposite to the bed. No furniture should be placed at
the centre of the room.
Furniture: The Bed should be south-west corner. All furniture should be few inches
away from the walls. Best place for Almirahs and cabinets is in south or west direction.
TV and Computer: Both of these are distracter and should be avoided. But now a days
computer aided education has made it necessary to provide computer to the children.
Keep proper security on the computer. Recommended to place TV is in south-east
corner and computer is in north direction of the room.
Study Table: While studying the face of the child should be in east, north and northeast. Thus placed table boosts both memory and concentration and invites new ideas.
The books should always be kept in south-west. This will reduce mental Pressure on
the Child.
Lights: Install up-lighters at south-east corner in childrens room . This is good for
health and generates positive energy. Sharp lights and spot lights should be never
used in children room, as it creates mental strain.
Color Scheme: Green and Blue colors are ideally recommended for childrens room as
it gives freshness, peace and increases brain power.
Doors and Windows: The doors should be in the East or the North. Windows in the
East and North of the room are beneficial.
posititude Nov 14


Learning never stop in any situation, any time

and any Age
It is never late to learn.
posititude Nov 14


Live in today.tomorrow is yours

posititude Nov 14


posititude Nov 14



Medical Encyclopedia (
News Papers HT, TOI, Dainik Bhaskar

posititude Nov 14


All the articles published in Posititude are just to share
personality development tools for the readers. The articles
may be written by the author or has been extracted from
web and printing medias (books / Magazines / periodicals).
In case of exercises and Yoga articles, Posititude advice the
readers to do the exercises in the supervision of trainers or
yoga gurus. All the advices given related to food and
nutrition should be taken in consultation of medical
practitioner or dieticians. Posititude publish articles for
general awareness only and not responsible for any mishappening happened due to readers practicing any technics
without full knowledge on the subject.
posititude Nov 14


Topics in Next Issue

Positive Thoughts Effects
Leader in you
Yoga and Health
Diet Control
Vastu and your Health
And Many Other Topics

**** For Private Circulation only

posititude Nov 14


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