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Dont forget:

There is much you can

do as a parent to assist
your children with their

Hear your child read regularly discuss

what they have read, and the meaning
of new words. Enjoy this time
Practice spelling phonetical words,
and rehearsing numbers and letter
Encourage your child to complete
their Learning Journal chat about
their ideas. Help them research.
Tell us about achievements at home
every step of your childs development
is important!
Help your child to learn new sounds,
numbers, and words which are located
in their reading bag.
Completing the home-school reading
record on a daily basis.
Talking positively about school

Your child will need his/her reading bag

every day.
P.E. kits need to be in school.

Names on all belongings including

lunchbox, P.E. kit, coat, school uniform
& all footwear.

Ensure that your childs details are up to

date, particularly any health issues.

Contact the office if your child is unable

to attend school due to sickness or a
medical appointment.

Class Teacher name:

Mr Atherton
TA: Mrs Reynolds.

Year 5
St Columbas Catholic
Primary School


English Literacy>>>

Crime and Punishment: Children will learn the

shocking history of crime and punishment through
the ages, dating from the Romans, Tudors through to
current day law and order.

Children will continue to develop their spelling, grammar and

punctuation skills whilst covering units linked to the National
Curriculum.. The focus of non-fiction will be instructions. Fiction
texts used will be stories from other cultures children will learn
how to structure their own stories with a beginning, middle and end.
Spellings will be given out on a Monday and tested on a Friday.


During the term children will be focusing on fractions

. finding fractions of amounts and linking fractions to
decimals and percentages.
Children will cover written methods of additions,
subtraction, multiplication and division, they will be
applying the knowledge to solving multi step word

Physical Education>>>
] Children will develop & enhance their skills in Hockey. They

will understand the basic skills of passing, shooting, dribbling

and more advance skills such as attacking and defending as a
team. P.E. will take place every Tuesday and Wednesday.

Theme: Children will be working towards the
Christmas Carol Service practicing a number of songs
with Mrs Lowe.


Religious Education>>>
Theme: The Commandments.
*Understand the Commandments
*Explain that they are gifts from God
*How the Commandments and followed and sometimes broken in society.
*Understand the story of Jesus birth and the meaning for mankind.

Theme: Space
Children will be exploring the Solar System and considering
what causes night and day, where the earth is in relation to
the sun and other planes. Year 5 will also take part in
investigations, monitor the phases of the moon and gather
evidence to form their own conclusions.

Theme: We Are Web Developers.
This Unit will enable the children to develop
their own web developing skills linked to our
Space unit, informing the world about the
wonderful planets.

School library>>>
Every Wednesday morning, the children will visit the
school library. Could you please ensure that your child
returns their old library book every Wednesday.
Children cannot select a new book without returning
their old one first.

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