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Good luck!

1. Danny has just moved to a new town. Read his letter to his old class and complete with sentences
Dear Everybody,
1. _____. It was very kind of you to send it. Ive put it on my bedroom wall! How are you all? I hope
youre OK! We havent been here very long and I still miss you.
2. _____ .Its got a big garden. Im getting some new furniture for my bedroom soon. Ive already put
some posters on the wall and it looks Ok.
3. _____. It isnt very big but theres a good swimming pool and a great park. Theres a cinema, too.
4. _____.
I havent started my new school yet, but Ive already met somebody in my class! Shes called Lucy and
she lives next door to us. 5. _____ . Shes very nice and Im going to meet some of her friends.
Dont forget to write!
P.S. What happened on Sports Day? I want to know everything! Please write and tell me all about it.
a) Dad and I saw a film there last night.
b) I was standing in the garden when she shouted hello over the fence!
c) Our new house is nice.
d) Thanks for the good luck card.
e) Yesterday I looked around the town.

2. Read. Then answer the questions.

Once there were two friends called Sigurd and Regin, and they lived in the land of dragons. One of the
dragons was called Fafnir. He lived in a cave near the sea, and he had some gold in this cave. Sigurd and
Regin decided to kill the dragon. They wanted the gold. Sigurd and Regin dug the hole in the ground
outside the dragons cave. Then Sigurd hid in the hole and waited. Regin climbed a tree and watched.
After some time, he fell asleep. At last the dragon came out of the cave. Sigurd quickly jumped up and
surprised the dragon. He fought the dragon bravely and after many hours the dragon fell. Sigurd

touched the dragons face. It was magic. Suddenly Sigurd understood the language of birds. Two birds
were watching Sigurd and they were talking. Regin is planning to take all the gold, they said. So
Sigurd took the gold, got on his horse, and rode far away while Regin was still sleeping.
1.What did Sigurd and Regin want?
2. Who killed the dragon?
3. Who were the birds watching?
4. What did the Sigurd understand?
5. Who was planning to take all the gold?
6. What did Sugurd take?
3. Read the text about CARNAC . Circle the correct answer.
The standing stones of Carnac
One of the biggest and most interesting ancient places of Europe is in France. The standing stones of
Carnac are not as famous as Stonehenge but there are many more of them. Carnac is a small seaside
town in Brittany, France, and is famous for its stones. The stones probably come from about 3000 BC
and there are thousands of them. They are put in rows, like roads, and you cant see one end from the
other - they go on for kilometres. There are also a lot of small caves, which are covered by stones. No
one knows how many stones were put here because people used them for building , and farmers
removed them because they did not want visitors to walk all over their fields. The stones were closed
to visitors in 1990 because the tourists were not being careful with the stones. You can now visit them
again, but only a few visitors are allowed at one time. No one knows how exactly why these stones
were put in Carnac. Some people think the lines of stones were a way of watching the Moon and its
changes over the months, and most people believe that the small caves are tombs.
1. The monument at Carnac is
a) bigger than any others in Europe.
b) bigger than many others in Europe.

c) bigger than many others in the world.

2. The stones at Carnac are .. the stones at Stonehenge.
a) less famous than
b) more famous than
c) as famous as
3. The small town of Carnac is
a) in the centre of France.
b) in the country.
c) on the coast.
4. The small caves in Carnac are
a) natural.
b) made by people.
c) made by animals.
5. The farmers removed some of the stones to
a) protect them from people.
b) protect their fields from animals.
c) protect their fields from people.
6. The stones were closed to people for some years but now.
a) small groups can visit them.
b) only tourists can visit them.
c) you can visit them If you ask for permission.

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