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Gary Williams
April 9, 2014
COMM 4853

Dr. Robert Scott

Southeastern University

Representation in the Media

One of my all time favorite Disney movies is Lion King. This movie simply comes from a male
standpoint. The movie focuses on Simba, who has happens to be born in to royalty. His Father
Mufasa, is the king of their pride land. Well Mufasass brother Scar, is very jealous since he didnt
inherit the throne therefore killing Mufasa and blaming his death on Simba. Simba then runs away
from his home since hes been faulty accused. He then faces his past and faces Scar so that he can take
back the throne, which belonged to him, founding out that Scar was all behind Mufasas death. Simba
did defeat Scar then claimed the throne, which was rightfully his. This movie shows absolute male
dominance because its all about them being in charge; just like in real life the man is suppose to be the
priest of the household. Then there is competition in order to see who claim the prize.
Even though this movie obviously presents male dominance, it still shows that males and females are a
team. Both genders still need each other, because both genders have different roles that they must
participate in. However, this does not mean the male is more valuable or more powerful than the
female. Women have just as much power as men. The only thing is that there different roles that take
place between both genders.
The film is very true when it comes to an actual lion pride. The male lion is in charge and leads the
female lionesses. He must look after them and protect them, but the females bring the food. Other male
lions will compete with one another to either take over a pride or maintain their position. Now that
doesnt necessarily happen when it comes to humans. In some cases it does. The man protects the
family and looks after them and the female does the cooking and the nurturing.
Two of my friends said that Lion King is somewhat similar when it comes to male and female traits.
Wives are the provider of the family while husbands are the protecting of the family. They both said
that its team work, neither of the works is more powerful than the other.

C.P. #1


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