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The Bracero Project: Graphic Organizer

Sra. Capristan, 11th/12th Grade AP Spanish

For this assignment, you will need to work independently to create a graphic organizer to
represent the information that we are learning about the Bracero Program. The purpose of this
assignment is to not only learn about the history of the Bracero Program, but also to critically
analyze the implications of this program such as how it affected the workers, how it affected and
continues to affect immigration and Mexican migrant farm workers, etc. Completing this project
will help you to make connections between your own life, and the lives of the braceros (we will
complete a reflection later on in the Unit).

World Language Standards addressed in this assignment:

WL.CL3.A Describe and explain similarities and differences among products, practices, and
perspectives of general public interest in the mainstream cultures of the United States, the
students’ own cultures, and the target cultures.

WL.CL4.A  Describe how products, practices, and perspectives change when cultures come into

WL.CN2.A Research and explain diverse perspectives and distinctive viewpoints on topics of
general public interest in the target language through authentic materials from the target cultures.

** To prepare for this assignment, you may begin by referring to the resources posted on my
class website. Please watch both videos posted on the “Home” page, as well read through the
websites and articles on the “Useful Links” page under “The Bracero Program” section. You can
also refer to the videos that I included in my example Popplet. You may search for additional
YouTube videos and refer to other articles for your research, as long as it is relevant to the topic.

** To successfully complete this assignment, you will need to use the website (I will also post a link to a YouTube tutorial to help you get started).
You will need to sign-up to use the website, but basic accounts are free. Here are step-by-step
directions for completing this assignment once you have made an account:
1) Create a main popplet in the center that will read: The Bracero Program.
2) Create six sub-popplet’s surrounding the main topic and title them: History, The Border,
Labor & Disputes, Family & Communities, In The U.S., and Legacy. Make each sub-
popplet a different color. Connect each sub-popplet to the main topic with lines.
3) For each sub-popplet, you will need to create a minimum of at least two sub-sub-
popplets. Please make them the same color as their sub-popplet, and connect them to the
sub-popplet with lines. They should include:
a) A brief description of the sub-popplet theme (minimum of 100 words), in
which you describe the theme and any significant historical events and/or
characteristics that correspond with that theme.
b) A relevant photograph.
4) Within your popplet organizer you must include at least TWO VIDEOS. You can choose
which theme you would like to include them in, but they must be relevant to whatever
you choose (For example, I chose to include videos for the HISTORY and LEGACY
themes, but you can choose whichever category you want for your organizer).
5) When your popplet is completed, copy and paste the URL to the online assignment portal
and submit it to me so I can see your finished product.

Some additional resources:

1. A history timeline of the Bracero Program:
2. The Bracero Program: When the U.S. Looked to Mexico for Labor
3. The Bracero Program

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